RP [Sha] Doki-Doki Channel!

“Oh that’s not fair, she ordered for three.” The doctor called from her seat, her words punctuated by the snap of her breaking her chopsticks. Managing a wince, Maki leaned forward to look at the two different rolls as Eiki and Shirase bickered. She could definitely feel her stomach grumbling just looking at it, she’d spend the last few days nursing a pack of cup noodles after the ramen shop had destroyed most of her groceries.

She snapped back to the present as Shirase held the two rolls out. Why did this decision feel like it had the weight of the world behind it all of the sudden?

“Oh, if you wouldn’t mind I’m partial to crab. thanks.” Maki said with a grumble from her stomach. She cleared her throat as she looked over to Eiki, a faint flush of her cheeks. “If you’re that hungry princess we can split the roll.”

"Fine! I'll just have a little!" Eiki's face flushed red with frustration. Why were they so determined to destroy Eiki's habit before it even began? She was close to finishing her 'cutting' routine to transition to bulking. Well, just a small amount couldn't hurt much. "I'll have a little!" Eiki squinted. Swiping the warm tender sheets that nuzzled her legs off leaping out of the bed.

"Avocado is my preference." A moment was taken to do some light dynamic stretching. Twists and bends to limber up the ol limbs and ligaments. Once satisfied she walked over to the other side of the room.

"And I'd rather not split for free." Eiki chuckled getting a hand on a miniature table. Walking it over where the sushi distribution was taking place placing it beside Shirase. Shirase couldn't help but roll her eyes. The doctor always has to intervene. What's done is done though. Which really sucked. Shirase sighed sliding out an extra pair of chopsticks from a pocket. Always prepared just in case someone(which is a very common thing around these parts) asked. After graciously handing her blonde friend the remaining wooden utensils the containers were placed gently on the table and opened.

The aroma of fresh fish whisking over after escape of its confine.

"Ladies first right?" Eiki snickered her hand diving in to grab a single avocado roll.
“Just one? Going to lose that figure of yours if you don’t eat princess.” Maki said, taking a pair of offered chopsticks and breaking them apart with a pleasant wooden snap. It felt a bit nostalgic, like meeting up with friends after lessons to grab a bite at McRonalds. Granted she hadn’t ever really felt like she had been hit by a truck after those times but fresh fish can heal all wounds. As she fully sat up in her bed she rolled her shoulders, the stiffness leaving her torso with a series of pops. She did the same with her neck before she brought her hands together and bowed her head.

“Thanks for the meal.” She said, before looking back up. “Hope you don’t mind if I go second.” She added, skifully snatching up one of the crab rolls which quickly vanished into her mouth. She sighed as she chewed.

“Ah, I haven’t had good sushi in a while, thanks for sharing.” Maki said, her lips curling into a quick smile.

“Well, looks like you two made a quick recovery.” The doctor said, a hand held across her mouth as she swallowed a mouthful of food. “Eat up, I want everyone to have good weight for the yearly checkups.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked from Maki to Eiki before returning to her food.

"My figure is my business!"

Pointing a spear tipped finger nail at Maki, a cobra like glare plastered itself whilst shoving a roll down her mouth.

"Besides like doc said, I need to have a good weight for checkups. I'd prefer not to squander that hard work." Slinking a hand into the container, with the taste of sweet green fresh on her tongue.

"Some sushi isn't going to throw a thousand pounds onto you...you'd need five or six years of fast food mukbangs for that." Shirase chimed, grabbing both flavors after both friends, ensnaring them within her oral cage.

"We all don't have your metabolism doofus. Especially how that same metabolism transfers to your abilities. I'm envious, reallyfatty." Deviously chuckling, Eiki's finger tenderly jabbed Shirase's tummy.

"Well yeah, I have sort've the opposite; I can get too skinny way too fast!" Hastily standing up, the electric athlete lifted up her shirt. Exposing her abdomen to the room. Her usual muscle definition, a little less prominent than usual. "I've gotta eat double the average to keep myself from looking like a freakin stickbug! Maki? Doc? You both remember that summer I had a tapeworm right?!" Head on a swivel, her gaze darted to them both swiftly. Face reddening with shallow tears swelling in tear ducts.
“Don’t come crying to me when you lose all your curves.” Maki said, plucking up another crab roll and tossing it into her mouth. “If you don’t want any, more for me.” She added with a luxurious sigh at the taste of sweet crab. Eiki’s loss was definitely her gain, Maki knew what her fridge looked like right now, so she was going to enjoy some sushi while she could. Her gaze switched to Shirase as she joined in, a grin splitting her lips.

“Yeah, and who warned you not to eat from that convenience store on the west side?” Maki said, reaching out and poking Shirase’s stomach.

“My was that only last year? Feels like just yesterday I was telling you to eat more.” The doctor said with a sigh as she placed down her cup of miso soup and tossed a napkin over to Shirase. “Must be nice to have such a fast metabolism.”

"I wouldn't call it nice per se...especially on days where I forget to eat." Shirase shook head. "Well I was so hungry and just needed something! I was gonna pass out ,honest!" Her head darted between Maki and Doc. Face a blistering red all over.

"Anyway Mrs.eats-a-lot, you gonna finish that?" Eiki raised an eye brow. Slowly moving her chopsticks pass Shirase. Her blue eyes darting constantly to the container of roll whilst maintaining a grin. Then to Shirase. Then to the rolls. Then to Shirase. Then to-

" Of course!" Shirase waved away the eager chopsticks."What happened to watching your figure?"

They shared a chuckle right before Eiki sifu style grabbed another out of the container.

This was a nice feeling. Some camaraderie with a a group of people. This feeling had been absent for some time now a nice break from the monotony of the D.D.C. experience...however once they exited the infirmary reality would rear its head. In the end it's all about the business.

But for now, enjoy this moment.
The glare of the blazing summer sun caused Maki to shade her eyes as she exited the metro station. After resting up in the infirmary and having a meal with some friends she was feeling better, but her muscles still protested and her head still pounded. Did Eiki have to punch so hard for the ranking exam? What an actual pain in her neck. Still, that was over now so she could take some time to relax. What was the point of being a person who could burn half a city block if you couldn’t take some time off after getting into a punching match to make a bunch of faceless judges happy? Today however was one of the better sort of days for taking some time for herself, because it was on Shirase to decide what they’ll be doing, this was her suggestion after all.

“Alright, so whats the plan? Just hitting the town until it gets dark? Can always crash back at my place and not worry about having to catch the last train.” Maki said, rolling her shoulder.

Summer heat....the raging blaze lingered heavy with the intention of wrath from the suns overbearing rays. This was the kind of weather that would boil eggs on concrete and make metal sweat. This had to be one of God's legendary tests for the world....

Or the weak! This was the best weather! Expose your skin, get a nice even tan! Summer was the time to get out and get active! Shirase was the epitome of summer vibes(according to herself). The smell of humid air, the cherry hymn of ice cream trucks skipping down your street and waterparks! To not love wave pools is a cardinal sin and all sinners must be punished by being left out to dry! Or smite down with a guerilla squad equipped with super soakers...which ever comes first.

"Well I heard from the "grape vine" that somewhere, there happens to be a super rare, expensive by traditional methods stuffed animal."

Phone whipped out of her back pocket like the trusty revolver in a Spaghettis Western. A few quick slides, and types later the screen was revealed to an email.


Exclusive offer on this extremely rare, recalled, Matsu-DA Toys Inc line! Only for a limited time!

Only at Mojas Arcade!"

"So what if we, used our awesome skills and crazy devilish looks to I dunno....win that bear? It's been quite some time since we conquered a challenge, together?" Shirase wrapped her arm around Maki's shoulder."Wad'ya say pard?" Raising her brow she glanced at Maki. Then at the screen. Then back at Maki. Then the screen again. Then Maki. The screen. Maki. Screen.

"And maybe after, sure, I can crash at your place and we can order a pizza on me."
Her sports clothes traded out for a light sundress Maki was prepared to take on the blistering heat of the day. Or, about as ready as anyone could be given how hot it was out, and she was a girl who knew a thing or two about heat. Still, it was the time of year you could get away with showing a little extra skin so she might as well enjoy wearing something cute while she could, it wasn't like she’d be going down to the beach this year to cool off. Maybe if she saved up she could go halfsies on a trip to the springs this year.

“Oh, is there now?” Maki asked, raising an eyebrow. She rested her hands on her hips, leaning in to check Shirase’s phone as the woman brought up her email. She was looking to win a big stuffed animal from an arcade by the looks of it. How hard could that be? Maki leaned against her as Shirase put an arm across her shoulder, a grin quickly crossing her lips. “Conquer a challenge huh? You sure you aren’t just looking for me to make doe eyes at some underpaid kid so you can get another bear?”

“sure, I’m down. I don’t know when the last time I was in an arcade was, but it’s got to beat the heat,” she laughed, “maybe we can grab some ice cream as well.”

"Well its a plus, if you do decide to convince em with those lookers of yours."

"Ice cream, pizza and staying up pass our bed times? It's like being a kid again!" Shirase chuckled. Thumb acting with its own resolve, Shirase started scrolling on her screen. A few clicks here. A few there. The Maps app, pulled up with the address of a particular establishment came up. An establishment of frozen delectable dairy treats. Depending on who you were, your priorities and how you could get across town....it wasn't too far.

"Heard there was this Ice Cream place some where on the way. If we hurry up we should be able to catch em before they close!"

She had resisted the urge to dart off, the natural urge. But an idea popped into existence instead.

"Race ya."

There it was, that iconic grin. Whenever it showed itself it either meant trouble or entertainment of some sort. A grin so confident and so powerful in its ability that it exuded a radiant aura that rivaled the very heavens. And we can't forget the 'subtle' yet just as effective thumbs up that follows. A small bolt of lightning danced from her thumb with an intense gaze at Maki. "Or did that spar with Eiki turn your legs into noodles?"

Shirase was only wearing some brown sandals, a crop top and high rise shorts. Surely Maki's sundress couldn't stop her.
“My sister really wants that bear, mister,” Maki said, her voice low and soft as she leaned in towards Shirase, fluttering her long lashes at the other woman. She ran the tip of her finger across her collar, making the fabric of the dress shiver. She moved her lips slowly with each word, letting them linger as she pretended to pull a string of tickets out from under her dress’ collar. “It’s only a few tickets short, but I’d owe you one if you make an exception, just for me.” She held still a moment before snorting and waving her hand dismissively in the air between them to dispel her over-acting.

“Leave it to you to want to race to get ice cream,” Maki said with a grin. She tapped the toe of her shoe against the ground, they weren’t her favorite running shoes but she wouldn’t twist an ankle using them. The dress wasn’t super supportive, but the skirt probably wouldn’t get in the way at the very least. And, hell, if they were going to act like they were still back at the academy with a sleepover, might as well have some fun with it.

“Mm, sure, but what do I get when I win?” Maki said with a wink.

"Bragging rights and a favor. After all, I've always been a speed demon." She said smugly, sticking out her tongue.

"Guess ice cream is on the loser, as well!" Shirase lined herself, parallel to her friend as a small roar of thunder and a bolt raced from her body. She copied Maki's toe taps rolling both ankles and stretching her quads. The good ol days. During academy days, Shirase was the fastest in her class. However being out on the field, speed isn't everything sadly. Perhaps leaning more into her roots could help getting some more work and ranking up. Posing up like an Olympic track star waiting for the gun to fire off.

"Ready when you are, pard."
“Oh a favor? I can get behind that.” Maki said, her lips splitting into a smile. She had a point really, she always was the faster one, but that would just make the ice cream all the sweeter when she managed to get a leg up over Shirase. She tipped her weight forward, stretching her quads out as she looked down the street. Just like when they were back in school she’d either just have to outlast the speed demon, or get her caught up in some place where she couldn’t actually use her speed.

Both were easier said than done. Still, ice cream was on the line so she’d have to give it her all.

Maki drew her skirt up to her thighs and tied the cloth off. With that done Maki also joined Shirase in taking a more professional running stance.

“I catch you using magic, I’ll melt your shoes to the sidewalk.” Maki said, a warm wind prickling the skin of her exposed legs. She pulled in a breath through her nose.

“Well, then we better get going then.” Maki said, as she suddenly pushed her body forward, taking long strides to reach a nearby fruit stand. Between that and her own body she could keep her friend behind her, for a few extra steps at least.

Maki took off like the wind. There was a still pause as she let her friend take some distance.

"Gotta. Go. Fast." Shirase silently mouthed to herself. Taking a single breath inwards, taking off was just muscle memory.

Powerful quads pushed forward, releasing a burst of speed like a pouncing Jaguar. Shirase was after all an athlete. Maki had the lead but not the victory--not yet! Even in sandals, the nimble precise footwork of a seasoned Football player couldn't be contained. Small bolts trailed behind, such was nature of the magic she possessed. Oh well. She hopped to a nearby rail down a flight of steps for style points. Sliding down the hand rail like a blue spiky mascot character it only added to speed. With this new momentum being taken advantage of Shirase leapt off the rail back onto solid earth nearly losing balance "gracefully".

That would have been embarrassing...

She was tailing Maki to the fruit stand, just a few more steps and they'd be side by side.

She could feel Shirase gaining ground behind her, if she didn’t play this right then it wouldn’t be long before the other woman would take the lead and Maki didn’t like her chances of being able to get back in the front if she let that happen. So, first things first, the first part of her plan. Maki shifted her weight as she approached the fruit stand, she ran more towards the middle of the sidewalk swinging her arms just a little wider than she had been, anything she could do to keep Shirase behind her for just a few steps longer. As she passed the fruit stand, Maki shifted to the right, placing herself in the gap between the fruit stand and a light pole before she hopped further to her left to where a newspaper box would be blocking Shirase’s way around.

“Watch out on your right” She called as the pair closed in on a group of pedestrians. The people moved to make a space, with a confused commotion at the sight of the two girls running their way, and Maki quite smartly slid into the space that the group offered. As long as she could just keep this up then she wouldn’t have to pay for the ice cream, and she was willing to use any dirty trick she had to to keep that from happening.

Her skirt swished around her legs as she ran, the already loose knot she had made slowly unraveling, and she tugged one of the straps of her sundress back up onto her shoulder as she narrowly avoided a collision with a man who had been slow to step out of the way.

The crowd of people was a boon and disadvantage. Weaving around people took precious time and energy.


Maki just managed to maintain her small lead.

However its not always about who can run the fastest.

Shirase needed an edge, and coming up there were gonna be more people that could easily allow Maki to keep blocking her. Coming up was scaffolding, it'd be funneling people in and making it impossible to pass. Construction, on one of the many buildings was about to turn into her favor. Upon nearing, the carried momentum contributed to a nice leap onto the second level, just above the ground. An empty short but straight side path nonetheless. Her marathon pace became a fully engaged predator sprint down scaffoldings sturdy path. But alas all good things must come to an end, a short and sweet privilege. Utilizing the burst of momentum she vaulted off the scaffolding like an Olympic long jumper. Committed to take the lead!

To ensure no civilian casualty. Her butt cartoonly landed on one of the many overhangs from the establishments around. Back to solid Earth the race had continued, and whether that shortcut was worth it or not, remained to be seen.
You have got to be kidding me.” Maki said, looking up as the awning overhead suddenly bowed from weight. She darted past a gaggle of schoolkids as she clucked her tongue. She should have figured that Shirase would find her own way around the obstacles, the girl didn’t like to lose especially when there was money on the line. Still, it wasn’t like she was just going to roll over even if things were getting down to the wire. She could see the store at the end of the road and she wasn’t going to let Shirase snatch victory from the jaws of defeat without a fight. Gritting her teeth Maki pressed herself forward, sliding between a pair of girls as she slid out from under the awning.

Was it a bird overhead? A plane? No, it was just Shirase falling back to the ground. Maki drew a breath in sharp as she darted forward trying to do her best to keep ahead of Shirase while she was still in the air. She wasn’t going to lose here if she could help it. There was a heavy ’thump’ as Shirase returned to the earth just behind her, so close Maki could swear she could feel the air swish. No looking back, no getting distracted, just go straight forward. With a sharp exhalation Maki charged forward.

"Hey choom!"

She swiped the lead from Maki's clutches by a hair's length passing right beside her opponent. Her feet picked up the pace trying to maintain it as much as she could. Maki was fast, Shirase could not afford to forget. Literally. With each step though the gap began to close...there was no need to look back. She could feel it. Maki's determination to win, was just as inspiring. Sweat beads rolled down her body and her heart was beating like a war drum. It was hard but she had to keep her magic under wraps, as per the rules established.

"Looks like I'm gonna wiiiiiiiiin!"

Just over yonder. The winning point. She could see and taste it....now to feel the satisfaction under her feet as Maki pays for it all! With a giant grin Shirase pressed on harder and harder. She could feel Maki centimeters away. But at this speed, at this point? Victory was assured.

Or so she thought.

In the blink of an eye her world came crashing down....literally. The stress of running, and cool acrobatic maneuvers she stopped paying attention to the very ground. Like some sort of sick comedy by God himself... a conveniently placed banana peel found its way underfoot. Her heel sent off to its own business as she tried to maintain her own balance. But the frictionless trap was too great of a threat! Sending her off into a split impairing her movement for just long enough to-
If Shirase won, Maki knew what exactly she was going to order and she was not going to pay for it. Still, the burning desire in her chest to not pay for a very expensive selection of frozen treats did very little to help as Shirase reclaimed the lead as they closed in on the store. Maki set her teeth as she spurred herself forward with whatever she could manage, the looming of cup noodles in her future granting her an extra burst of speed she didn’t know she had in her. She was out of tricks to play, and even if it was only a centimeter at a time then she would catch back up!

Maki focused entirely on Shirase’s back as she drove her legs forward, the distance left to the store momentarily forgotten. Maki said a silent prayer to any god or kami that might be listening for any miracle to take place (perhaps green onions would be on discount this week that would make the cup ramen feel a bit like real food) and just when it seemed like victory was just out of reach —

Shirase tripped over something, Maki saw some yellow blob vanishing out of the corner of her eye as she simply lept over her fallen friend. The knot she had used to tie her skirt up unraveled as she landed, but Maki pushed forward undaunted by the fabric swishing around her legs. She reached out her hand snagging the door handle as a feeling of triumph swelled in her breast. She looked back at Shirase, her lips split in a wide grin as she held up two fingers in a V.

Oh, you are about to pay” Maki said with a devious laugh, moving her hand to slide a fallen shoulder strap back into place. “Come on, the ice cream will help you feel better.” she added with a wink as she pushed the door open. A sigh escaped her lips as the cold air of the shop washed across her damp skin followed by the sweet smell of ice cream.


It all went down with the slow motion of a high budget Zack Snyder film. Her pride. Her titles. Her wallet. She watched as Maki took the victory, stole from her literal fingertips. Maki may have won this day, but future races wouldnt be so easy....this silent vow was taken as she rose from the ground like a zombie; entering the building after her friend.

The refreshing air conditioned aroma of multiple sweet flavors and dairy goodies splashed Shirase in the face. Unsurprisingly reinvigorating the iconic sunshine aura she boasts. Her eyes relit, scanning the many-many options. Nearly erasing the crushing defeat suffered a few seconds prior.

"You're right. The Ice Cream is already making me feel better."

The shop was always a regular stop on a cheat day. At this point Shirase visited bi-weekly, on the same day, around the same time.....with today being the dread fueled exception. Her eyes glided over the different workers at each station with her lips curling into a slight pout. Someone was missing. There was this one girl, which was part of the reason she went so regularly. A sporty girl was tall, with glowing tan skin and thick dark locs...and can't forget about those gorgeous hazel eyes. Often they would find each other at the opposite sides of a field or court. From there a strong friendly rivalry was developed.
Alas today must've been a day she wasn't scheduled. Oh well. There's always tomorrow.

"So, whatcha feelin? Cookies n Cream remains untouchable!" Shirase nudged her friends elbow lightly.