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It'd been a good while sense any drama came to pass, until heroes were stirred into climactic moments. Had been some time sense villains of prodigious notoriety stepped from shadows to show aims of Conquest. Conflict was eternal but it had been quieter until tonight...
Between Eden and Styx
Millenium City bled into Duskburg. The ideal upper city next to the epitome of slums. Milenium was known for it's heroes, it's bravery, it's grandeur. Duskburg was known for its crime, its ferocity, its survivor spirit. Between these two was a gym that arguably captured the heart of these two cities. Hellcat Gym was the home of a retired vigilante a blood splatter covered boxer who'd taken bribes, broken deals but also contested thugs and broken bones of corrupt cops. He was a violent man once but now was more known as simply a father. Then there was the hero, a dragon slaying titan a woman who was never shaken from her resolve. That woman was also a devil, a horned monstrosity who seemed a danger to the world.
The gym had grown over the years the Hellcat and Oni-girl could afford to upgrade if they splurged but couldn't afford hiring contractors. So they figured they would do it themselves, but the towns came together to help. Girlfriends, friends that were like sisters, regular friends. Rivals, gym goers, survivors, those saved by the devil. It wasn't like everyone came to help, a lot assisted though. Hellcat Gym hasn't been ever the best gym, it wasn't owned by the best vigilante, and the woman who wanted to fight the most was never really contested. It was possible though that there was nowhere else with as much heart. But would that be where a story ended...
Dawn of Armageddon
The night was serene, the stormy nature of Duskburg was taking the night off. It was mid summer and so while the days were hot the nights were a perfectly cool temperature. A father and his daughter had spent the night doing a marathon of a movie series. Yokai Yakuza all seven original films and the the terrible anime prequel film was the goal. Granted three and five were also notoriously bad. They loved the series though, and with everything going on in their lives they tried to make room for moments like this. Just them, way to much pizza, and campy martial arts movies. It was a treat, one that they couldn't realistically afford by the way. Turns out six dollars sixty cents was not a good price for their business.keeping the bills paid didn't care about gimmicks. It was a tradition though that they would never shake. It was reckless to treat themselves maybe, but then maybe that was why one called it a treat.
They enjoyed the night and passed out somewhere middle of Yokai Yakuza Five Ninjas Revenge. It was somewhere in the closing act of Yokai Yakuza Zero Prelude of Punishment that Carmen snuck to her room. A twenty seven year old nearly eight foot tall devil who weighed so much the floor struggled to hold the hyper muscular hellion. Carmen was as stealthy as well Carmen. She was just the antithesis of Stealth. Her dad rolled his eyes and pretended like he wasn't stirred. It was the eye roll one could only learn from their kid. One few in the world the Hellcat let see. And this was the last moment they would be themselves.
The night passes on and forces worm their way into the home.
A father sneaks into a room over a slumbering giant. He tightens his hand into a spear point. Long ago a gang had removed his finger nails. This lead to the claw implants the Hellcat had been known for. The boxer had been able to stab into car engines with those claws and he thrust this blade like hand toward the the throat of Carmen. His eyes had rolled into the back of his head possessed. His act woke someone else not all there black long nails ensnared the jugular of Hellcat. An Oni waking up as the possession leaves a father.
It sparked a laugh. "You could have called." The vigilante spoke, so use to punishment he didn't waver. The grip tightened. "All these years and I still miss this." A husband said, he remembered those loud nights they had been few but meant the world to him. "We, we won't hold this against you love." A father said, he didn't want this for his daughter, he knew though if the love of his life came back though how things would go. He knew he was powerless in a situation like this. He accepted it, and had to just hope others could save his daughter.
Glass and brick litter the street debris scatter like leaves on the wind the force had been monstrous. To join the wreckage was patterns of red. Posters of fighters and action films were caught up in the breeze. None of it as poignant however as the photo of a father and daughter. A Champion Boxer next to a tiny horned girl, well time compared to what the child grew into being. Reaching out to the photo was a hand, the rest was beyond identification. A headless twisted heap of carrion. It no longer even seemed human just meat. It left a trail though of vermillion a streak of gore leading to the woman who landed in the street.
Clutched in a colossal hand a hint of spine and neck meat hanging from it the head of a father. His wife was his killer, done by the hands of his daughter. The Hellcat had danced with the fires of hell but had always been a kitten trying to conquer a mountain. He was a violent man, a good husband, a killer, a loving father and destined to die bloody for these things. Hell chose his wife for more, and their passion defied orders. For a mother's disobedience she would possess her daughter for her next mission. For a father raising a daughter over a force of hell he would die by his daughter's hand. For being born of a rebellious man and a rebellious agent of hell a daughter watched helplessly and silent to the world.
Amongst the drips of blood was another bit of rain. A mercy perhaps that they were allowed to flow on this stormless night.
Kanabo in her other hand. A club made of dragon bone. It swings backwards toward a wall. She knew that building.
It'd been over twenty years a quarter of a century. She remembered it perfectly though, promoted from the usual soul draining denizen of her mother's side. Instead she was a champion of the burning planes like her father encouraged to bring more into the world. She looked for candidates and found most weak. She could pick any gender of partner, Hell would find its ways. What she wanted though was someone special a warrior. And the first one she found fought like a lion. He was paid to lose in the ring she had seen the deal play out. Some pride of his wasn't feeling it that night however. He nearly beat a man to death in the ring instead. They would have attempted the same in the alley that night. She helped him fight, and not long after a devil and lion laid in that ring, they were blood coated but not bloody. It was an act of love. Something the devil didn't know she could feel.
Kanabo crashes through walls and pillars as if they were as durable as tissue.
The head with black nails digging into it watched the strike in his final moments. He knew that place. He grew up more in that gym then his home. It was his father's. It was his grandfather's. He thought his desire to be a vigilante would lead him to have nobody in life. That his family legacy would one day be handed over to some gang member or super human criminal. Until one night he found a lover in that ring. He would get married there. When his daughter was born he grieved his gone wife there. A shot of whiskey in one hand and baby cradled in the other. He knew this would happen, and he knew what he wanted this gym to be for his little girl.
Throughout Duskburg and Millenium was the boom of thunder. No clouds above and yet a storm had come. Smoke blossomed into the air lit well by the city lights. It reached upwardnas if the smoke wished to kiss the tops of sky scrapers.
Behind trapped eyes Carmen saw it. Her weapon her hands, used to bring down that building she knew as home...
A helicopter swings by over head. The world would see it.
"This is George Newsly with the Millenia Network, channel 6 News. I can't believe I'm saying this but the Oni-girl has it looks like leveled her home and killed her father. She taught my baby girl Kung fu last summer I think she's being controlled...sorry." His hand had gone to his ear piece, no doubt being told to be unbiased in reporting. "She's heading east, highway if close its recommended if you can get clear. And we ask anyone who can help do so. I'm not sure if there's a Carmen to save and I'm not sure the devil can be stopped."
Perhaps the strongest woman in the world, if not strongest person was now turned against it. If one was tied to the powers sacred or damned they might feel the sense of pain from the Oni. If someone was psychic they might hear the screams of the mind. A loud excitable woman bordering on grief striking her feral. Anyone could see it though Oni-girl a woman who's every muscle seemed sculpted and trained to perfection was turning on the city. Just under eight feet tall by now with nearly foot long horns crowning her head. Skin red as blood, it was an unmistakable sight. A casual set of pajama pants and a sports bra was the look of having gone to bead not thd uniform for Armageddon. Carmen never needed a costume though to identify her. At this point she was a continent shaker perhaps more turned loose. Fashion wasnt the focus before for her and now the focus was rather the chaos her situation posed. Who could save Carmen from this possession. And even if that was possible was the risk worth it with the apocalyptic ruin she threatened to bring just by being turned into a apocalyptic force?
The reporter broadcasting was trembling. The towering monster was teaching his son karate just last weekend. Now it looked like in moments the Oni would rip apart the traffic of Milleniums bustling night life.