RP Sandbox Visit: Oni-Girl Problems!

The Summons​

Up to this moment the Sprites and Pixies had managed to avoid casualties. Using teamwork they had managed to wipe out groups of Imps wherever they could be found. Only taking light injuries from the few mistakes made during their ambushes. Now things were different as they closed in on the zoo a squad was wiped out instantly by a Hellhawk.

The impressive array of hellbeasts was more powerful than them. So instead of taking them on directly, they decided to retreat to buy themselves some time to get into better positions. The Beast of Gevaduan joined them while it was a powerful creature it couldn’t take on so many hellbeasts at once. Reinforcements were needed and a Pixie was dispatched to tell the Scourge to summon something greater to help the fight.


I watched the fight and followed what I could. It only got worse as each blow struck seemed to be from gods. Until Carmen somehow started a tornado with her weapon sent spinning into the city. By the time I looked back, Alex was gone and I could do nothing about that tornado now. But I could do something about Carmen as she fell. I needed to move preferably further away from whatever I just helped summon with Lazarus.

Two bodies the spiritual and the physical. Of course, they were also plummeting into the ground but I could see the progress. How much more pushing would be needed? I could see the danger if the mother wasn’t banished at the same time as she left the body—a completely different list of possible solutions to that problem. That was why it must be avoided if nothing else worked.

“Truly you are the mother from Hell. When someone speaks about prophecy they never consider that what they saw was only potential never a person's act to defy and resist. Carmen would never have chosen that life. The life she chose was to help her community. Truly a mother like you could only ever live through her daughter. ” I stabbed the blade of my staff into the ground. I smirked, “what’s funny is that you used your options. I haven’t decided to use mine yet.”

The ley lines were the purest source of magic in the universe. Crossing the globe. Planet to planet. Solar system to solar system. There was no telling how many people had discovered that Earth was the center of a revival. The events in Providence had “polluted” the lines with an unknown older magic. The secret of the source had to be hidden not the fact that it had happened. I hoped I wouldn’t have to use the Pillars.

I channeled magic and the Earth cracked open. A small crack was more than enough as light blue energy surged out. BUT I WANTED MORE POWER. “Pheonix,” I wanted her to see as another gem winked out. I wanted her to know where the power came from as heat radiated from my body. I wouldn’t make the same mistake this time as I channeled the power to a more specific purpose casting haste. It would run out eventually but it would last longer this way.

“Well let's get this started,” my hand moved as a blur only trailed by what seemed to be flame as I used the magic from the ley line to enhance the spell tentacle grab. Four tentacles were summoned from the ground each grabbing for a limb and if they did hold Carmen in place. I pushed off the ground and flew with an incredible speed towards Carmen my blade aimed for her chest.

If I were to succeed Carmen wouldn’t die but she would get a brand new scar as I used the staff's ability Geass. I had only ever seen it done once by the previous Champion of Winter. The ability only ever left a distinctive scar and frost that would melt. What mattered was its effect Geass. An ability to command the victim to do as you wish to fulfill the user's aims. Today I would use it to force an exorcism.

If I succeeded the blade would glow as it entered her chest. The temperature would plummet as frost appeared around the blade embedded in the chest. “You need to understand this world. This reality doesn’t belong to you. Hell, it doesn’t even belong to us.” A laugh sounded through the crater. Feminine. Piercing. Cold.

I knew whose voice that was. No, she wasn’t here. That would break the rules. Lady Mab ruler of Chillwind. High Lady but not yet ruler of the Court of Winter. Someone who supposed they owned reality but didn’t feel like getting their hands dirty.

“You know what I want to give Carmen her body back. But let’s start this with your true name. Be truthful,” I said. Geass compelled an answer and compelled subservience it would hurt a lot less if you obeyed. It wasn’t just my will compelling subservience but that of my Patron.

“Let’s hurry this along. Give us your name demon. Always a shame when I have to deal with this myself,” she already sounded quite bored. Probably never would have been a great time having to deal with ants.
Alex's attack had been deliberate, calculated to conserve her waning energy reserves while also denying the Beast access to one of her own most powerful abilities. But while she'd succeeded- at least partially -in doing so, she'd also put herself in range to receive Carmen's devastating counterstrike. And even with half her body paralyzed, Oni-Girl was still one of the strongest beings on the planet.

Dragonfang tore through the Solar Sentinel's gut, splitting her in half once again, though this time along a different axis. The nigh-unbreakable blade continued on its path through the skies, but in the moment, Alex was barely able to register that fact before Carmen's next attack came. A kick that could have collapsed a skyscraper all on its own left a gaping hole in what was left of Alex's upper body, energy leaking out of the wound and dissipating into the air, millions of joules per second. Perhaps she might have been able to tank the blow, if she'd reacted a little faster, but the speed with which the previosu attacks had come was leaving her disoriented, and ill-prepared to deal with the next one.

In a flash of ingenuity- and clear disregard for the physical well-being of her daughter's body -the Beast used her own limp, paralyzed arm as a weapon, attempting to separate Daystar's head from her shoulders. Such a blow wouldn't have killed her, but it would have left her discorporated, and reforming a new body would have left her energy reserves unacceptably low. So- summoning power she could scarcely afford to spend -Alex raised her arm to block the blow, forcing her body to become hyperdense. If she'd still had a skeleton, Oni-Girl's blow would have shattered every bone in her arm. Instead, she managed to parry the final strike, leaving her body just barely intact as Carmen began to plummet back down to Earth.

There was no time to rest, recuperate, or even pull her body back together. Behind Alex, Dragonfang was still arcing through the heavens, a miniature twister spun up around it, and ready to strike Millennium Center. Letting her dismembered lower body dissolve into light, Alex turned in the direction of the weapon-turned-projectile, and summoned every last ounce of energy available to her, pouring it into pure speed. Her echoes, the few that remained, vanished simultaneously as she recalled their energy to fuel her desperate sprint through the sky.

Even with her legs gone, and a gaping hole in her torso, Daystar refused to quit. The sound barrier shattered twice over as she raced to outrun the whirling blade, raining glass down upon the streets below- but everybody sane was already indoors, or fleeing to one of Millennium City's many disaster bunkers. There would be no time for her to catch the blade, or even absorb its kinetic energy- that required finesse she could no longer summon. Instead, Alex interposed herself between Dragonfang and the building it was on course to demolish- and let the weapon pierce her again.

This time, however, when Dragonfang struck her, she was immaterial- her physical density reduced to almost zero. But before the blade could travel through her, she increased her density to maximum- effectively trapping the sword within her own body. To the terrified onlookers inside the building she'd saved, Alex looked like a corpse. A hole in her chest that was bleeding plasma, as were the stumps of her legs, and now a sword was lodged inside of her skull. But despite the blade, Daystar gave them a crooked smile as she turned and raced back towards the battlefield.

As the Solar Sentinel approached, the warlock Bran Sunderson cracked open the Earth, drawing out the primordial power of the ley lines. He was supercharging his own magic- but in doing so, he'd saved Alex as well. While her powers might have come from the Sun, Daystar was more than capable of absorbing the raw magical energy of the Earth as well. With every moment as she got closer to the ley line, and the massive volume of energy it was releasing, the more she could absorb. It did more than just recharge her- she was overcharged, filled with more energy than she'd ever been able to channel before.

Alex's wounds began to close, and in the process, her body began to glow furiously, like a miniature Sun unto itself. Merely looking directly upon her would become a challenge, lest one's eyes be seared out of their skull. She wrapped a hand around Dragonfang's hilt, and yanked it out of her skull, a flare of energy arcing out of the wound before it sealed itself.

When she descended upon the battlefield again, Daystar did so in full glory. A shimmering heat haze surrounded her, as the secret fire she'd absorbed from the ley line burned bright. Sunderson had summoned tentacles to restrain the Beast as he began to perform his exorcism- but the Solar Sentinel could tell that wasn't going to be enough to hold her.

In a flash of light, Alex summoned more echoes- hundreds more. This time, they were far from the insubstantial ghosts she'd called into being, but rather perfect copies of her own body, each burning just as bright as her- for they, too, were absorbing the power from the ley line as it spilled out into the ether. Unless the line was sealed somehow, Alex and her echoes would have effectively unlimited energy reserves for the rest of this fight.

The only way to tell which was the 'real' Daystar was by spotting the sword that she still held. Bran had pierced Carmen with his blade, but Alex suspected that her own weapon would be a more potent mystical tool. Less than an hour ago, she'd been a mystical novice- but in the time she'd taken to fly back to the battlefield, she'd downloaded a wealth of information from the Empyrean's database- specifically, the secrets of the Eldest Weaponeer, whose reincarnated human form had been none other than Nicolas Pendragon himself.

Though he'd spent most of his life as a strict rationalist, Terminus had, upon awakening to his true nature, begun to explore the world of the arcane- and, in characteristic fashion, he'd left behind detailed notes on his research. The Eldest magic was of an older, more primordial nature than what Sunderson wielded, but perhaps that was precisely what they needed in order to banish this demon.

Forming a sphere around the bound Oni-Girl, the legion of echoes each summoned a single band of light, which would wrap around a different part of Carmen's body, until she was practically covered from head to toe. This was a ritual that ordinarily took hundreds of individual magic users to cast- but Alex's abilities allowed her to play all of those roles at once. The Burning Brands of Ba'altor did more than just bind someone in place. They would grow tighter, and burn hotter, the more Carmen struggled to escape them.

All of that was only the first part of Daystar's plan, however. Thinking at the speed of light, she'd studied the abilities of every metahuman in the Society's files, until she'd come across one with a relevant ability. Ryoko, one of the team's former leaders, had possessed the power of soulfire. A flame that burned spirit, rather than flesh. Alex summoned that very flame now, wreathing Dragonflame in a purple blaze. Her echoes were all speaking in unison, chanting a ritual in the ancient Eldest tongue- enchanting the weapon for the task that lay ahead.

Standing behind Carmen, Alex raised the blade high, and brought it down, as if to cut Oni-Girl in half. But the weapon would pass through her flesh, leaving her physically unharmed- while seeking to carve her very soul in two. Daystar was seeking to separate Carmen's soul from that of her mother's, and excise the demonic corruption which had possessed her. It was an improvised technique, using an ability she'd never attempted to use before, which meant there was a real risk of damage to Carmen's soul- but she was a tough girl. She could take it.


The Exorcism of Carmen Nevidmal
The music would creep in, booming along the scene. Around the line of Don't hesitate, you're hangin' on for your life things would really begin.

"No wizard I teased them." The devil responded to the bit of monologs hurled her way. She cared not for speeches. Her answer then was a simple clarification. They were in a crater that seemed befitting of a nuke but it's radius was a fraction of that. Perhaps they didn't see it, the damage it could have been. Was subdued by choice.

The wizard trusted a staff her way equipped with some form of blade. It pierced a layer of skin a lone. It barely so much as bled. Bound as the Oni was she wasn't going to defend herself from the move. That didn't change her durability though, she was able to endure cataclysmic blows like a champion boxer took punches from the untrained. While the blade did little it wasn't about it going deep into the chest of Carmen but contact enough to perform a ritual. "Lilithia Beelzebub Nevidmal." Hard to know if she was born of such devils or if it was just a name given to her. The last name was that of the only man she had ever loved. Who's very head she had ripped off. While Bran began to work Daystar came to assist the endeavor.

A soul splitter looked to combine with an exorcism. There was no spiritual armor for the pair of devils intwined in one body. The wizard didn't seem to be reciting scripture but he had a direct source to the magic of the world. The sword in use was a reflection of godly beings. The blade of Drsgonfang collides into the back of Lilithia. It bites into the shoulder and then splits in two. Cracked before from the brief collision with Mettle now brought down on someone who's durability far surpassed the dragon now, the tooth of the beast split. It didn't matter though how intact the weapon was upon hit but the energies used to empower it. Briefly the trio was in an interesting bind. A half sword I'm a giants back, a staff thrust into her chest. There was a fight going on inside the devil to stay, only briefly though. Hell told her the plan.

She was bound by dozens if not hundreds of arcane binds. The deceptive tactics of a titan of energy and of the arcane. She couldnt move all of herself so she focused on one move alone. Raise the foot and bring it down. Not a legion of clones not multitudes of actions at once. Just all her might in bringing her foot up and then down. What followed was a thousand megatons of force pulling at those binds. A speed that was like a vessel trying to breach planetary orbit. All to come down in a furious detonation. Much of the energy would bleed off from pulling herself free but the yield of her stop looked to mirror the Tsar Bomb.

A force beyond Hiroshima looked to end the heroes around her. Her right food that did this would be shredded to the bone. Torn and shredded by the attempt. If ones eyes stayed on her they would see the blinding flash of heavenly light. Lilithia was pulled from Carmen. Success or failure of the stomp the Oni-girl was saved...

Which was not to say it was over...

Hells Sacrifice

With the fall of the Oni hell looked to exploit the flood of arcane energy around. A rift opened for the current summonings of Hell to rush the scene. A bloody sacrifice was soon to descend on the heroes if still living. The powers of the infernal planes had spread by now to turn animals and insects that died into the growing hoard of Hell and now the corruption powers looked to dump all of this upon the heroes.

Zombie like terrors looked to bite and pull bodies apart. Birds of bloody wings and twisted beaks swooped in belching up flames that burned of an unnatural heat. Rats overgrown and bodies mangled and broken rushed in vomitting pestilence. Bugs grew to the size of cats looking to slash and stab with stingers, each a point dripping with a supernatural venom. From the zoo had come a penguin now coated in icy spikes it reached out looking to freeze the enemies in place. Its ice cold enough to make steel become brittle. The monsters were numerous vast in sizes and power. To citizens it'd have been a death sentence, here they likely were nothing more then a sacrifice. While all of them might soon Parrish though they came in the hundreds if not thousands.

This was a part of the plan. The hoard was here to die because every death of theres would shed demon blood. The vile ichor falling towards the layline of the earth. Enough demons to make a river of blood, which with any luck would mean the corruption of the earths magical barrier. The hoard needed to die, and each death risked better corruption. They would look to distract the heroes for something. As well as simply to corruption the very essence of magic that flowed through the earth. They had opened a portal to the arcane and the ruinous powers would look to transform that into something fiendish.Hell also knew though much of the physical attacks may not matter to one of the enemies. That was where the imps came in.

Bran had seen them before. Living in electronics and gasping jaws letting metal music escape. These came with the portal opening, and each one rushed towards the angel of light. Hundreds if not thousands of electric beings looked to pounce on the living star. The demons here weren't the best for possession but when one absorbed energy so all encompassing as Daystar those roles changed. What became a reckless tackle would become rather a flood of possession attempts. To overtake the body of light with the lightning of hell itself. She was a being of energy so all encompassing I'm the ability to absorb energy of any kind. Her greatest strength looked to be exploited in a hellish possession.

Reborn Reckoning

A small winged thing amongst the chaos flew to be above the city. Its form was twisted from its original source as if the wings were trying to shed meat and feathers to grow two more pairs. It twitched in flight as it reached its peak in arc. Well above the city line it started to reach the clouds. Its pace had quickened, a raven once it was something else now designated with a mission of the infernal planes. Both bird and demon taking hold knew what was coming as it reached the destination. The clouds crack with the rumble of thunder, agonized squeaks lost to the noise. Both thunder and squawk likely adrift in the cacophony of violence below.

The bird spasms then bloats, skies had cleared from earlier clashes with the Oni. Now however through the arcane powers and will of hell clouds came back and reformed. The bird soon was denied form, it'd being shreded from the growing and bulging of a transformation. With sickly sounds of cracking and twisting it began to give way to an entirely different shape. Rain begins to fall another boom of thunder and the bird detonated. What was once rain became blood, a impossible shower of crimson would descend from the skies. It was only human blood more symbolic in meaning then having any power. The horror of it though an omen of what was to come. As the rain of blood began the remains of the bird would fall as from hell someone came forth. The chaos abound, the magic, the exorcism to spare her daughter it had a positive and negative actions.

They saved Carmen Nevidmal, the strain had her in a coma for the moment but she was alive.

They looked to separate the devil though not kill her. They looked to end the fight here in the city rather then drive the Oni away or take it elsewhere. And so Lilithia Beelzebub Nevidmal was reborn. The slaughter of devils in abundance, the flood of arcane power from open waylines, the blasphemous miracles of hell it let Lilith step forth into the world once more. A seven foot tall bat winged beauty of crimson skin looked down at the city with sinister intent clouding the mind.

A tilt until upside down head pointing to the earth. Bring a foot up then kick downwards. The action was a simple one yet with it escape velocity, something like Mach Thirty two in speeds or twenty five k in miles per hour was resched. That was the speed she exploded into with effortless motion. Two more swift motions to make the speed leap in quantity nearly quadrupled in speed by time she risked impact with the earth. Her flight towards the earth came with a roll, rotation of the body at such speeds to generate a force of nature around her comet trail. Like a meteor spearing towards the sun the devil sought to impact the center of Millenium. A good distance from where the fighting had been.

The trail of ionized air behind her was soon more like a tornado of fire given the rate at which she span. Buildings would melt and be ripped apart. Debris not caught in the vortex launched away each a bullet in speed looking to destroy anything hit. The g forces of the cyclone crushed iron and crumpled cars. Any poor victim swept up it was like being in the seat of a rocket to the moon with no ship to shield them. The devastating inferno around her and way particles became electricity and plasma a hopeful deterrent of the energy manipulation of Daystar. So much flood of power it'd take effort to stop its destruction. A barrier of ruin that should make halting Lilith to taxing to manage in time.

They had what a half minute between demon hoard to fight and her arrival. And the race of the hells commet was in all probability a distance cleared in seconds. Five or so at most between summoning and impact. Her approach was devastation all to cover the actual action of impact. A breath all the time one might have before inferno became collision.

And said impact? The blast radius looked to eclipse Millenium. It's devastation reaching into Duskburg and country side. Quite possibly a detonation that if hit meant shaking the state as a whole. The collateral damage desired to be all encompassing. Hell wanted the twin cities reduced to cinders. In a blast to surpass a hydrogen bomb hell wanted to bring an a apocalypse. Trees outside the city limits would be reduced to splinters. Hills and country side flattened if not joining the crater. The magnitude of force behind the shockwave unfathomable the force of the impact unquantifiable. Carmen enjoyed a fight, Lilith wanted absolute devastation. Carmen's power was used to contain her monstrous might, Lilith wanted to show the world Armageddon. Brought back into the world and commanded by Hell to bring those fiery depths to the waking world. No conniving or plans, no tricks just a absolute force of nature designed to be an end to humanity.

IIf allowed to land Millenium and Duskburg would be a crater, the hole formed the kind visible from orbit. The cracks spreading from the crater more like canyons in form. Carmen wanted to have fun, she was so often holding back. The moments of really showing herself rare and kept away from things like city limits. From early on though she had the potential to hit like a nuke and was now magnitudes stronger. That same power was in Lilithia which sought now to reduce all to ashes in the wind.
