RP Pirates of the Hard Nox 2

Argent’s eyes flicked back to Alys as she stood beside Summer and made her way from the table. He wagered she was already a few mugs deep, but the steadiness of her step was matched by the steadiness of her gaze as she pointedly met his own. The curve of his lips broadened, another exposure of a true smile granted to the fairy before she broke her stare.

He let his smile slip away as Emryk gave his own speech. It was surprisingly supportive of the Captain, though Argent considered it might have been a ploy to his own ends. The power of a quartermaster was provided by a captain, so it stood to reason he would use that power to back the one who granted it to him. After a speech like that Argent was tempted to offer a hearty cheer.

Instead he took the opportunity the Nox’s second had provided him, slipping into her vacated seat with his attention still apparently focused on the Captain and his men. He signaled the man near the barrel as Alys had before and, speaking into the provided cup, cast his line.

”Seems we chose a tumultuous time to join this crew, wouldn’t you say Miss Summer?”
The argument was getting heated, and Summer was here for it. Some of the information seemed to be new to Nessa, who took it quite personally for reasons related to what she was. She didn’t know who Naveen was, but it was odd to hear he escaped knowing the Hard Nox didn’t keep prisoners - Or it didn’t when Sinead was in charge, but things were going to change according to the new captain.

As Alys stood up, Summer drank another sip of her ale, wishing the blonde had stayed so they could talk longer. In her place sat Argent, who looked a lot more in the mood to chat.

“It’s the best time. Eyes are everywhere, but at us.” She said quietly, with a knowing look. The newcomer spotted the same man that had brought her and Alys the ale, using the same gesture the fairy had to request a cup for her company.
“My advice to you, Mr. Argent, is to just sit and watch. You don’t want to get caught in the crossfire.”
Argent nodded with another sip, observing the hobbled elf from his peripheral vision. ”Certainly wouldn’t want that. A bullet through one of my more idiotic crewmates was more than enough warning.” Another sip, measured and steady. Gently the mug was set on the table and Argent turned in his seat to face Summer.

”You seem to have boundless good luck, seeing that you not only happened into The Last Meal during our meeting, needed to leave the city, and this ship is in the throes of chaos. What’s your secret?”
Nessa’s gaze fell fully on Caleb, and it held tight as he spoke. Her expression didn’t soften, her fangs remained bared, but she held her tongue and listened. The words did little to sooth her demeanor, though she did pick again at the ring through her trousers pocket at mention of her not drinking. Was that really something… was that really a choice? The ring shifted in her pocket, and the skin of her thigh prickled.

The Goddess offers us all a choice, Caleb. Leo had one, same as you.” Nessa said, a bitter edge to the words. She turned her attention to Emryk as he came in to back up Caleb. She drew in a breath, then let it out between her teeth.

Fine, if that’s the plan then. But you are going to fill me in about what the hell happened later, Caleb.” She said. Neveen was mixed up in this too was he? Of course he was, what problem on this goddess forsaken ship in the last month didn’t lead back to King? If Caleb wanted to play at starting again, then she was going to pry the story out of him.
With every passing statement, accusation, and proclamation, Juniper wished less and less to be here, in this room, at this meeting. They'd vastly preferred being on deck, finally messing with the staff, finally learning something new. Instead, they were trapped here. Caleb seemed to have it out for everyone, on some level. They glowered as he looked to them. Of course he would get rid of them now, after they mentioned it. He'd been the one to originally promise to get rid of them. How were they to believe him this time?

Emryk, as most times, was even keeled. It was hard to listen to him, as well, but some amount of respect remained. In the end, they simply settled further into their seat, casting their eyes downwards. No more killing. If only they could promise they wouldn't. They'd done it on accident before, and they feared they would again, especially given how things had been trending as of late.
Caleb stared back at Emryk, but there was no focus in his eyes. Despite his awful state, he was as diplomatic as ever and the captain nodded at his suggestions - or demands.

The ideas weren’t bad, just… Have not been considered before. It wasn’t how the Hard Nox did things, but that was the point, wasn’t it?

The words seemed to have had a positive effect on most people, including Nessa.

“I’ll tell you everything you wanna know.” Caleb told the vampire, before raising his voice again. “Does anyone have anything else they want to say?”


“Oh? That sounds like an interesting story.” Summer chuckled, crossing her ankles beneath the table. Her attention shifted away from Argent briefly to listen to what else was being said, and returned only after the matter of punishment seemed to have been settled.

“I am a lucky girl, and I have many secrets. Maybe I’ll tell you one day, if you play your cards right.” She winked, and thanked the man who arrived with more ale. She drank what remained of her cup and switched it for the one that was being offered.
"What about you, weren’t you with the other ship? What brought you here?”
"Bonding, from what I've heard. Trying to mend the dysfunction in this family."

Mal shrugged to Juniper, shifting a little to the side so they'd have more room to stand. From there, they stood and watched, listening intently to what was being said, despite their outward look of apathy.

"If I may," They interjected, "I'm not too pleased with the state of the ship as it currently stands- owing to the hole."

They frowned.

"I suggest, next time anyone has any dispute they wish to settle, that they do so off the ship."
Settling her back against the wall, a couple feet away from the group, Alys listened carefully, poised to interject - in one way or another - if the conversation continued in the current trajectory. She had her doubts in the loyalty of their crew and officers; doubts slightly relieved by Emryk's interference. Her next exhale was slow and deep, and once her lungs were empty, she turned her sharp gaze upon the faces watching and listening to the Quartermaster, gaging their reactions. The changes were monumental, the rules likely to be tested. Fortunately, that wasn't her job.

And as luck would have it, she had experience discretely getting rid of people, if a situation called for bending the rules.

"A fair request," she called out in response to Mal's interjection. "Punishment for purposeful damage to the ship will also be addressed by Emryk." How ironic that the gaping hole in Lucien's room and most recent demonstration of maiming had been carried out by their dear Quartermaster. Perhaps he was immune to their new rules, or perhaps they started now? Either way, she wished he'd succeeded.

"Any other questions?" Alys paused, looking around the room. "Good. Everyone is dismissed - except for this group here," she said, gesturing to those closest to her. As the rest of the crew began to file out, she looked to Argent and Summer, who looked awfully comfortable. Finally, the corners of her lips tilted upwards as she took at Argent's face. "You too. Enjoy that fresh air."

Once they were alone, the door to the mess closed behind them, Alys turned to Nessa and then the rest of the group. "Has anyone heard of an object that suppresses vampirism?" The question was mainly directed to Lucien and Emryk, the two older members of the group. But perhaps someone else would surprise them.

"I'll be putting my own shares towards the reconstruction of the damages. And will be putting in the labor, if you'll have me," He stated, giving a nod towards Mal. "You have my word that it will not happen again. And if my word is not enough, it is my hope that my actions will be." Nothing left to say upon that matter. The shame of his spat with Lucien was doing its best to burn through the alcohol, but there was an ocean to set fire to before it'd reach his conscience. He did not regret trying to kill the vampire, but he regretted how he went about it. Perhaps, in time, he would regret the act itself.

When the time came for the rest to leave, Emryk watched the group filter out with negligent interest. He took his place by the wall, settling himself against it as to keep the rest of the world from spinning; the alcohol was beginning to strike in earnest, now, and he pinched a hand to the bridge of his nose, nodding.

"I did not know what vampirism was until I arrived at this ship," He stated, sighing. "There were folktales on the Isles of cannibalistic creatures, but nothing... nothing like that. And--" He kept himself from slurring, pausing for a moment, "-- cures were relegated to... crystals. Diamonds were sought for their... cleansing properties, as was quartz. But that's... that's all I know." He shrugged, still keeping his eyes closed. "Why?"

“Aye. Luck for you, misfortune for me.” The cup found its way into Argent’s hand again, and he took a long, healthy swallow. As Alys called for the crew to disperse he set the cup down with a hollow thunk, opening his mouth to offer Summer further reply before he felt the second’s eyes on him. When he looked up he did not offer her a smile as before, but a sigh and a slight shrug of his shoulders.

”I suppose we will continue this outside.” He offered a hand to Summer as he stood, and made his way to the door with one final, forlorn glance toward the forgotten cask he had barely gotten to enjoy. As the doors swung closed behind them he turned that glance to Alys, with a mischievous wink.

Once they reached the deck Argent made his way to the railing, hands folded over the bannister with his back to Summer as he considered the open sky. “When our hands have been fully dealt,” he said, continuing their conversation as if they hadn’t been interrupted. ”You will have to play your cards right to get my story as well.” Argent turned to face her again, a smirk playing across his expression. ”In the meantime I could certainly use some luck in my corner.”
“Thanks for the drink.” Summer told Alys with a smile, as she took Argent’s hand to rise from her seat. She swallowed the pain, that was far from being the worst she’s ever endured and walked out of the mess hall with Argent, a cup of ale in hand and her crutch left behind, leaning against the table.

She was good at faking it, after years of practice. Good at pretending that she knew a lot less about Argent than she actually did.

“Maybe we can help each other. Outsiders should stick together.” She said, leaning over the banister to look at the clouds. On the other end of it, to her right, two other people talked, probably about the reason why the wisewoman had left the room in a hurry. Apparently it had to do with the late captain, who seemed to have been equally as loved as she had been hated. She wished she’d had the chance to meet her in life, seemed like quite a character.

“Are you here to play games, Argent?” She asked, without looking away from the sky.


Alys handled Mal’s issue quite well, and Caleb felt lucky to have her, as well as Emryk on his corner. As his confidence grew, he felt like his concerns earlier had been an overreaction, which meant having a drink or two would probably be a safe choice. While the others left he made a quick trip to the nearest barrel and came back with a cup full of ale, furrowing his brows when the topic of suppressing vampirism was brought up by the fae.

It was a matter of putting two and two together. Diamonds, mystical objects like Juniper’s staff that they wouldn’t shut up about, and the surprise at seeing Nessa cry over biting into an apple back at the Ice Lands. She hadn't asked for blood since.

“Is that why you’re not drinking blood?” He asked Nessa. If there was such an item that in fact suppressed vampirism, they should probably find a way to make more of
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Nessa twitched as Alys ordered most of the crew out of the room before changing the topic, which very much made Nessa want to sprint out after them. Aly’s wouldn’t like that, so instead Nessa scrunched back against the wall as if a little bit of shadow and her own cloak would stop this entire conversation from happening. It didn’t, of course, but it did make her feel like a little girl about to be scolded by an adult.

Crystals for cure for diseases struck her ear as… odd, or not odd so much as it was… she pressed her thumb to the band before looking down at her hand. Blood vessels ran beneath paper skin that lacked luster. Nessa took a breath in, and shook the thought away. She looked up at Caleb and sighed.

Yeah. Something like that, I guess.” Nessa said, sliding a hand into her pocket and removing the ring. The red gemstone glittered a greedy red, like blood fat and happy on oxygen. She resented the color for that. She took a step towards the group, resting the ring in the center of her palm. “It was in the mansion at the ice lands.
Emer laughed.

"I am fine. Simply - sorting my heart out, at the moment."

The girl seemed on edge. Short of fully trembling, eyes keen to avoid the open sky across the railing. She didn't seem to like heights - or maybe, not even the sky itself. She knew a boy, once, that was terrified of the sea, afraid to swim in it for the boundless depths. He would shy away from the coast, only going there to meet his father whenever he came back from a voyage. The sky was little different from the sea. It made her wonder how poor Pris even ended up in such a predicament - both were terrible places for someone with such fears to wander.

Moving forward, Emer rest a hand on her back, guiding her towards the door of the clinic.

"Come. I can make us some tea." She glanced at Pris. She was young - likely looked even younger than she likely was. Small, wide-eyed, simple in how she spoke and lived. And yet, behind it all, there was a worldliness to her. She'd learned to embrace the empty and live along the wind, something even the grown and wise could struggle with, and it was a skill to be valued.

"Pris, dear - what did you think of Miss Sinead?" Then, after a pause. "And Mister Caleb, as well?"

The sudden laugh might not have changed his expression, but its tone was exceptionally light from the elf’s throat. He pushed off from the railing, circling around to Summer’s right side to lean back once more.

”We’ve only just met and already you’re asking after my commitment?” It sounded humorous, and if one didn’t meet Argent’s gaze it would have been reasonable to assume he was merely poking fun. The way his eyes narrowed, the way he studied Summer’s face for a second with his mouth stretched into a hard line, was anything but hilarious. His gaze left her face in another breath of silence, ears pricked to the sound of the wind rushing around the ship, and whatever else it may have carried.

”I will tell you what.” The steel in his expression softened, and he looked back to Summer with a steady gaze. ”I will give you my answer when you give me your own. Why are you here? And don’t give me some line about getting out of Leimor. The Cutter would have taken you just as easily as dozen other ships in the harbor. You wanted on the Nox. Tell me why and I will do the same.”
Alys took a seat on the closest bench, her mid-back, just below the crux of her wings, resting against the rounded edge of the table. Her fingertips brushed against the chains that kept the bench firmly rooted in place, listening to those that remained. Watching as Nessa retrieved the ring from her pocket, as she shared the details.

It was incredible; that she'd stumbled upon such an object in the Ice Lands. Without realizing it, her gaze wandered, landing on the other new object that had been brought back from Sol's city. The staff rested comfortably beside Juniper, and when Alys looked at her friend, she felt worry. Worry and confusion, because she hadn't forgotten about what had transpired the night before.

Looking away, back towards Nessa, she spoke. "I'm worried that the stone is doing more than just that." Everyone could see the transparency in the young vampire's skin, the darkness around her eyes, the slow(er) movements. "Have you felt any better? Since taking it off?"
Summer stared back at Argent, with her best poker face. It hid amusement, and for a moment, she considered telling him the truth.

Not yet.

“I’ll let you come up with your own theories. If you guess it right, I’ll tell you.” She said, pushing away from the banister to make her way towards the stairs. “It’s been quite a day, I’m gonna settle in. See you around!” She waved, turning her back and making her way to the women's quarters.

Yet another oddity of the Ice Lands. Emryk examined the ring with muted interest, stepping forward and staring down with a furrowed brow. He'd never seen anything like it; the Al'Ashtavahk people were jewelers and metalworkers in some spheres, given the abundance of gemstones and natural deposits in the region, but the applications were largely spiritual; he wasn't sure what sort of ruby was set within the band for it to glow such a brilliant crimson, but the sight was... unnerving.

"May I see it?" Emryk inquired softly, holding out a scaled palm; inspection persisted for a few moments as he turned it over in his hand, eyes narrowing. It would not fit upon his own fingers, thick as they were; instead, he merely gave it back, a pensive look upon his face.

"What do you wish to do with it?" The question was directed to Nessa, and Nessa alone. "Answer truthfully."

That’s… it’s just that…” Nessa’s voice caught as she turned the ring over in the palm of her hand, plucking it with her nail as if she half expected it to try to bite. It was just a ring, however, so it did little more than wait in her hand. Nessa looked up, her eyes wide as she looked around the room. Her gaze turned to the door of the mess, and her shoulders relaxed some. The door wasn’t blocked.

I… don’t know.” She said, truthfully, as she looked up at Emryk. “It’s all just— I’m scared to go back.” Nessa winced at the words and her gaze drifted away towards a spot on the wall that didn’t feel like it was staring at her.
"Oh - okay." Pris didn't really want to pull Miss Emer away from... from... well, whatever it was she was doing out here, but also, she didn't really want to be out here. And Miss Emer's tea was better than anyone else's, she had noticed. She decided to let herself be guided towards the clinic. The hand on her shoulder was nice - usually that was where Lady Fingers was, doing... well, kind of the same thing. It was familiar, anyway.

The question wasn't really one she'd expected right now, but she supposed she'd been expecting it eventually. "I guess... I didn't really know the old captain very well. But she pretended she didn't know I was a stowaway, so that's all right." It hadn't been like Pris was really part of the crew, but the ship wasn't that big, and a ship's captain was usually aware of everything on it. In Mr. King's case, uncannily so. "And... she took care of Mr. Lucien, I think. And not a lot of people do that." Pris shrugged. People seemed not to like Mr. Lucien, but she did, and she thought maybe he had needed someone to take care of him, and maybe that was why he was being weird lately. Maybe he was sad.

"Mr. O'Cain seems fine though," she added. "I mean... he's not a bad person, I don't think. But I'm not sure he knows what he's doing - but that's okay. I don't know what I'm doing, either. I think he'll figure it out. Miss Alys seems helpful. Miss Emer, why can't she be captain?"
Scared to go back, yet it seemed to be the only way forward. Unless Nessa was willing to continue letting the ring waste her away.

A silence clung between them, Alys peering between Emryk, the vampire, and the brilliant red ring. There was no easy way to say what needed to be said. "What's the way forward look like then?" A rhetorical question, one that was meant to illustrate the other, darker side of the coin.

Clearing her throat, she continued. "You said it was clear before, didn't you?"