RP Pirates of the Hard Nox 2

The twitch of a wing, a glance to the alleyway. There were several signs that the woman was wary though Argent didn’t let that diminish his faint smile. He had grown up with pirates, after all, and the Nox’s second seemed to be a pirate through and through.

”A certain bastard in particular, though perhaps that is only one sided?” Argent shook his head slowly. ”I can see his side of it, sure…” His arms crossed and his expression turned thoughtful. ”Not much there if I’m being honest. I mean he can’t even meet a beautiful woman’s eyes.” As if to add pressure to his point his pale gaze settled on Alys’ firmly.

”Hard to believe your Captain chose him to run the ship after her.” Argent felt like he was repeating himself, though he wasn’t sure if it was the wine and the ale to blame. ”We’ve only just met and I would say you’re a better fit for her mantle.” A roguish grin, almost full and far more expression than most had seen cross his face, preceded his next remark that was offered in a teasing tone.

”And I’m not just saying that because I would be interested in seeing you wear that particular dress.”
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A few minutes passed, and Julian brought out a fresh plate; on it were strips of seared venison, cooked a thorough medium. Assorted greens adorned the meat, and there was a side of some deeply salted sauce for a protein-rich flavor. He set the plate upon the table, smiling down at the woman with a weary, carefully-manufactured geniality.

"The plate is hot. Enjoy. Should it not be to your liking, I'll be candid and tell you I've got worse things to worry about." He stated warmly, stepping away back to the table at the center of the room-- removing the dishes that had once been dirtied by the now-absent folk Caleb and Aamir had been dining with. His brow was furrowed.

"When I tell customers I have many hands in the kitchen, I don't mean workers." The warmth in his tone remained, but it was akin to a scalding brand hovering before flesh. "I mean that I take a little something from people who dine and dash. Remember that, O'Cain. Now-- more wine? Or can I interest you folk in some dessert?"

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Winter returned her cane to her shoulder once it became clear that their guest was that quiet one from the Nox. From the sound of things they were in the middle of making their light kidnapping attempt seem a rather subdued affair, but a shame things seemed to be ending not that they’ve finally begun to get things properly sorted. She turned her head as the proprietor of this once fine establishment approached and offered up his own little threat, and closed it with a treat. Winter smiled, after all it was the Nox that needed to run, not them.

That does sound lovely, what desserts do you have?
Juniper let the slightest of smirks grace their face. "There'll be a search if they can get to us before we leave," they said, thinking back on more than one quick escape after a particularly rambunctious stay in any given town. Then the frown returned, as they recalled that Caleb and Alys had both left the ship. They wouldn't be leaving quickly. And there were posters of most of their faces all over the city. Sure, they could slip away, but not everyone had the abilities they did. "... but maybe you're right."

The changeling glanced at the construct. Bone and wire, metal and flesh. It made them squeamish, frankly, but conversation and company was sorely needed, all the better that it wouldn't be charged with whatever had been going on lately. "Do you need help? I don't know... well, anything of necromancy, but, well-" hm. They wouldn't learn quickly. And fire wouldn't help, certainly. They thought just long enough for it to become too awkward to pick back up, and left the question hanging.
Swimming probably wouldn’t help him very much, but before he could comment on that, Nessa barged through the door with more enthusiasm than he’d seen her show in days. Perhaps enthusiasm wasn’t the right word for it, he realized, after she told them why she was there.

“For fuck’s sake, why can’t we ever leave by our own accord?” The captain complained, standing up quickly, too quickly for the amount of alcohol he had ingested. He didn’t let that or Julian’s threat stop him from rushing to the front door.

“There’s gold on the ship, and a hammock for you and your cat. Make up your mind quickly, we don’t have much time.” Caleb said, pushing the door open and breaking the remaining hinges in the process.

“ALYS!” He shouted, jumping up and flapping his wings for a better view of the streets. It hadn’t been that long since they left, they couldn’t have gone far.


She didn’t have high expectations for that place after the service and the overall precarity of the stablishment, but surprisingly, the arrival of chef with his venison made her mouth water.

It tasted as good as it looked, and for a couple bites, she was distracted from the conversation she had paid a bit too much attention to. She didn’t lift her head until a girl she vaguely recognized walked in, letting the captain Caleb know they had to leave. Now.

She wiped the corners of her lips with a cloth napkin and hurriedly reached for her crutch, pulling herself up from her seat. The bottom of the wood pinched some of the fabric of her long trousers and a pitchy yelp left her lips as she fell to the floor.

“FUCK!” She cried, brows creasing in pain.
Had he just...?

Upon returning to the ship, she was getting good and drunk. She'd had enough of Leimor.

For now, Alys was far too sober for this - combined with her pre-existing, seemingly eternal irritation, it was too difficult to resist. She sighed heavily, as if disappointed, then glanced up at him momentarily. He'd made sure to hold her gaze the whole time, blue on blue, the opposite of what he claimed to have observed from Caleb.

Fingers curling into a fist, she swung at his face, aiming for one of those eyes. Perhaps he'd moved and she'd gotten his jaw instead, she didn't know - it happened too quickly. Her hand throbbed and she hissed quietly, slowly extending her fingers and taking a half step towards the entrance of the alley. "You're lucky they seem to have come to an agreement," she mumbled.

Turning the corner, Alys had enough time to take a couple more steps before she heard her name. A dozen steps later, followed by a corner, and she turned back onto the street, gaze immediately landing on the fairy floating above the entrance of the restaurant. She marched towards him, and when she got close enough, she spoke. "What?"
Juniper let the slightest of smirks grace their face. "There'll be a search if they can get to us before we leave," they said, thinking back on more than one quick escape after a particularly rambunctious stay in any given town. Then the frown returned, as they recalled that Caleb and Alys had both left the ship. They wouldn't be leaving quickly. And there were posters of most of their faces all over the city. Sure, they could slip away, but not everyone had the abilities they did. "... but maybe you're right."

"I'm shocked you lot have any safe harbours left," Hester muttered.

The changeling glanced at the construct. Bone and wire, metal and flesh. It made them squeamish, frankly, but conversation and company was sorely needed, all the better that it wouldn't be charged with whatever had been going on lately. "Do you need help? I don't know... well, anything of necromancy, but, well-" hm. They wouldn't learn quickly. And fire wouldn't help, certainly. They thought just long enough for it to become too awkward to pick back up, and left the question hanging.

"No." She shook her head. Splayed her hands. Glanced up at the roof, then back down at her hands. "No. Yes. Sure. Just grab anything that looks bony and throw it in a sack. Afterward, we can make this a teachable moment. If you like. Assuming nothing else breaks."
Anyone but Sky would have expected the second’s reaction. Argent had done exactly as she had asked, by his best estimation, though he had honestly expected her to be a little harder to phase. Still, Argent counted it as a win as her fist arced through the air toward him.

It clearly wasn’t her first punch, and though she seemed dainty Argent certainly felt it as he tilted his head with just enough time to take its force to his cheek. Already reddened, one side of his face deepened even more as Alys cradled her hand.

His grin faded only as she rounded the corner, like a mask falling away. With his hands shoved deep into his pockets Argent waited a few moments before following, the sound of O’Cain’s voice calling out before he had time to come into sight of the restaurant. The Nox was likely on its way out, if Argent had any guess. It fit their record, after all, and he was honestly surprised that they had stuck around for the meeting after the disaster the ball had become.

Once he came to the street proper, in sight of Caleb’s hovering form and the door between Argent and another drink, the white haired elf slowed to a lazy stroll. Aamir would likely have information for him, and would want a report of his own. Or he would simply joke about Argent being bullet free and thank him for earning the crew another round. It was always hard to tell with him.
Snide remark aside, Hester was right. At the rate they were going in recent months, they wouldn't have anywhere to go sooner rather than later. What would they do then? Juniper could leave, but, against all odds, there were still people aboard that they cared for, people they wanted to see safe and happy. They couldn't leave yet.

Their heart dropped a bit at first, following the response to their offer of help, but all hope hadn't been lost. The instructions weren't exactly clear, but they were enough to start on, at least- or, they hoped. They nodded, then began gathering up the odd bits of bone and metal that the necromancer had clearly spent quite a bit of time and effort to create. The sheer quantity of work was impressive, and they wondered just how exactly she had enough time to do all of this.

"How did you have time to make all of these? What do they do?"
"Settle the account, will you?" Aamir thought that Argent had probably covered it in advance well enough, but he gave the order to Winter anyway, in case there were any incidentals that needed to be taken care of. You didn't leave places owing them money - well, not places like this, anyway. Places where the food was decent were hard enough to come by. Now, if you were robbing a place, that was something else entirely, but this wasn't really the sort of place you went for a robbery. Besides, Aamir didn't raid in Leimor. His mother would have killed him.

He followed O'Cain to the doorway, for no other reason than because he wanted to know the drama, whatever it was. Aamir wasn't going to pretend otherwise, either. Alys returned alone, looking murderous, which Aamir would have expected with Sky. Not with Argent. Maybe she'd shot him after all?

But no, he walked up a moment later, rounding the corner, a mark already reddening on his cheek. Again, that would have been expected for Sky - or, honestly, himself at times - but Argent earned a raised eyebrow for the indignity. He'd been a bit out of character in the restaurant, as well, though, hadn't he? Not his usual quiet, judgmental self. Well, judgmental anyway, but not quiet.

Aamir let him approach, close enough that they could talk quietly. He only shouted other people's business across the docks, after all. "Argent. I don't know what's with you lately, but I need an honest answer. Can you pull yourself together and keep yourself together if you go with them? The way you've been acting lately, I might as well send Sky."
Despite the bet he had laid down, Aamir seemed surprised to see Argent’s walloped face, arched eyebrow neither congratulatory nor admonishing. His words, on the other hand, spoke of disappointment. Argent would have thought Aamir would be glad to see such chaos coming from him, but it was clear he expected such things from specific sources.

”Honestly, Captain. Are you sure this is the best course for us? If the captain and his second are any indication…” Argent let his words trail off as he eyed the fairies in question. ”I’m afraid you’re tapping a powder keg, Aamir.” He ran a hand over his face, as if exhausted from the short meeting. ”Aye, I’ll keep my head low if that is what you order”

Argent turned his attention back to his Captain fully. ”You know it would help if I knew exactly what we needed from the Aos Gaotha. Give me something to work with; something to do for the next three weeks.” He wasn’t entirely sure he wanted it, though he had his own thoughts toward the same end. Only just having met the Nox, and only two of its number, Argent wasn’t entirely sure he would survive until they got to Armadilla.
Nessa half hopped in place as the woman sitting alone took a sudden tumble. She clucked her tongue as she took a step over, offering a hand for the prone person to take.

Here” Nessa said, looking back over her shoulder as Alys poked her head back into the restaurant. “Lucien and Emryk decided to play fisticuffs on the docks. We have to get going.


The goal is King, Argent, we’ll be tapping a little more than just a powder keg by the end of it.” Winter said, her amused tone returning. By the sound of things, things were wrapping up, which was a shame she had rather been in the mood for a bite of something sweet. Well, no matter, there’d be time again for a nice dessert. She turned her head toward the proprietor, and smiled.

My associate left a pair of coins for you on the counter over there, and I trust it is enough for the meal, yes?” The clink of them had sounded like gold, hard to think that hadn’t been more than enough for the meal. “A shame about the store, but your cooking had been delicious.” She slid to feet and waited to be sure the debt had been properly paid. An order was an order.
She breathed in, her expression softening at the grit of her teeth. The fall had been accidental but it created an opportunity, so she eagerly took Nessa’s hand.

“Get going? Where to?” She asked, while getting up on her left feet with the girl’s help.
“I need to get off this island. Can I tag along? I'll work for it!”


He spotted her, seemingly unharmed, to his relief. Nessa repeated the reason why they should leave before Caleb landed by Alys’ side and touched her back, leading the way back to the ship.

“Is anyone else missing?” He asked Nessa, without looking back. His priority was to get his crew on that ship and set flight, if Argent and Julian made it there, he’d consider it a bonus.
"Fuck," Alys responded unhappily, sparing Nessa and the fallen women a glance, only to feel the firm touch of a hand. Based on the vampire's wording, their fight had not ended with a casualty - else she would've said it outright. Normally, that'd be something to celebrate.

Unfortunately, Alys felt quite the opposite. They had to leave now, and likely deal with the aftermath. Airborne, with no place to hide. And perhaps even more upsetting, the fairy hadn't gotten the chance to finish all her errands. How disappointing.

On the bright side, as the fallen woman had stated, Alys also needed to get off this island. "Well, come on then," she called out, nodding slightly towards Nessa and the woman, finally allowing herself to be led forward.
Argent’s answer didn’t come from Aamir, though he hardly expected him to give a straight answer anyway. At Winter’s reply he only frowned, and though he was sure she heard him anyway he muttered quietly-

”Roundabout way to do it.”

Despite the complaint he sighed heavily and rubbed his palm against his cheek. Turning to the fallen woman, though she was being assisted already by the young Nox girl, he held out a hand as well.

”Well, we better hurry. Might be faster if I carry you.”
Ah, what?” Nessa said as took the woman’s hand and helped her up. That was about how long it took for the woman’s request to click in her mind. She wanted to hitch a ride with the Nox, and was offering to work. Well, she couldn’t really blame anyone for wanting out of this gray city, and Alys gave the go ahead so Nessa really didn’t need to worry about the rest. The one with the white hair who had come in with Alys offered to carry the lady, but he was sporting a brand new shiner, and it didn’t take much to do the math on that.

Really? Two crews seem better than one.” The elf with the lavender hair said, though Nessa wasn’t fully certain why, but that wasn’t her problem. The elf sighed, and turned her head back to Alys. “A shame to have to part so suddenly, perhaps tea under fairer weather next time. Or rum. Your choice.

Sorry, but we need to be quick.” Nessa said, not waiting for the woman to answer. The vampire slid a hand under the woman’s leg and scooped it out from under her as she caught her back in her other arm. A faint hiss of exertion escaped her lips, but she lifted her charge and turned her amber gaze to the man with the white hair. “Grab her crutches for me, will you?” She said, before hurrying to the door.
The bell at Leimor’s docks rang before they got to the ship, but the guards hadn’t arrived quite yet. Caleb would prefer not to face law enforcement if he could avoid it, so after getting to the helm and making sure both Alys and Nessa were on deck, he hoisted the ship up quite abruptly, while shouting out orders for the riggers. Once they were far enough from the city he looked around the open deck and counted the people who were there, before turning to Alys.

“Check the clinic and below deck, make sure we have everyone.” He asked, turning his attention back to the cloudy sky to make sure they weren’t being followed. If someone had been left behind, depending on who that someone was, they wouldn’t be hearing from them in a while.


Between the young man and the teen elf-vampire, she prefered to be carried by the girl.

“Thank you.” She said, “I’m Summer, nice to meet you.”

Summer was taller than Nessa and probably heavier, but the girl didn’t seem to have an issue with carrying her. It was easier, faster and less painful to just let her to all the work, so the woman allowed herself to rest in the girl’s arms, too used to running away from a crime scene to be worried about the possibility of getting caught.

Emryk wordlessly took the herbs into his mouth, chewing softly for a moment as his brow furrowed.

"Spare me, Emer. I've little patience for this." He stared at Lucien's body. "If he wakes up, I have half a mind to think he'll want to finish what we'd started."

A beat of silence. His snout twinged, and he looked to Emer.

"Did you know that he killed Leo?" He asked, pointedly. His tone almost made it feel like an accusation. "Is that who you care for? And did you know the Captain simply stood by and let it happen?"

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The walk back to the ship was hasty, driven by the unknown status of the ship and the wellbeing of their fellow officers. Alys wasn't pleased to hear they were welcoming Argent on board; his comments had left a sour taste in her mouth, though she'd been subjected to those types of words many times before, and many more times to come. Rather, it was the distrust she had for him and those he'd accompanied at the Last Meal. Still, if that was the decision, she'd find a way to use it to her advantage.

Thankfully, the Nox wasn't in flames, nor had the city guard seized it yet. She lingered by the railing, back turned towards Caleb as he began to shout commands. Her hands shot out to help Nessa and the woman climb over, just before the ship began to rise any higher.

The former looked even worse than last night, or she supposed, early this morning. Eyes narrowed, Alys glanced down at the young vampire. "I hope you thought about it," she said quietly. "Because we'll be talking about it again today." And this time, it wouldn't just be her and Alys.

Caleb intervened before either of them could say anything else, requesting a head count. Giving him a slight nod, she called out to a nearby crewmate, a slightly more competent one, and disappeared below deck with him, her voice carrying as she delegated a portion of the ship for him to clear. Down she went, peaking her head into room after room, and quickly realizing that the kitchen was missing someone in particular. Remembering where she'd last seen her, Alys descended deeper.
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Nessa.” The young vampire said as she brought up the rear for their run back to the ship. Well, maybe more spirited jog for her part, but she had a woman to carry and the fairies had wings. Also helped to keep the white haired one ahead of her, though maybe it wouldn’t have been too much of a shame if he had gotten himself lost. Alys didn’t seem too happy with him, which was more than enough for Nessa. “Hold on tight.” She added.

It wasn’t a long run back, but it also didn’t take long for her arms to ache against the added weight, not that it was that hard to ignore. It was annoying which was a bigger sin in her opinion. She reached the ship as it began to rise, a sigh of exasperation escaping her lips as she caught the rope ladder, and worked her way up. It was faster going, she could trust the newcomer to make her way up and Alys was there to help with the final few feet. She gave the back of Caleb a sour look, but it didn’t last long, it wasn’t like Sinead hadn’t ever begun liftoff while she was still climbing up the side before.

Nessa did flinch as Alys promised another conversation in her future, and all she managed was a small ”right” before the fairy left.

Well, welcome aboard the Nox.” Nessa said, offering a shoulder for Summer to lean on. At least until they got that crutch back from the other newcomer.