Closed RP Folklore

This RP is currently closed.

“I want to be there to help him. I love him so much, Connor. I just worry he won’t want me there once he knows I know. I’m worried he won’t accept that I can love him while knowing about him being a wendigo, and not end up like his father. I’m worried he’ll run away.”

She looked up at him, once again reminded of Joshua, but this time it was in the comfort he offered her, in his advice and his brotherliness. He was comfort and calm and collected and all gentleness despite his size and intimidating stature. He was like a big, fluffy dog that just wanted to lay in your lap when you were sad. She smiled a little at the comparison before sighing. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she continued.

“What do I do if he does run, Connor? I don’t think I can let him go, especially not like that. It would kill me to let him go like that.”

Sam nodded and tipped her face into his shoulder with a stifled sigh. This was probably the best advice that Connor could give her. After all, if he had been running all his life, he would know better than anyone. Sam couldn’t imagine what that must be like. For Todd to have run across the entire country, just to be safe. She couldn’t imagine having to live like that. Her life had been warm and full of love and she’d never wanted for anything she couldn’t have. Meanwhile both these men had to fight tooth and nail and run from their demons.

Sam was going to make sure they had a home here. She was going to keep both of them safe. They were never going to have to run ever again. Not if Sam had a say in anything. She wrapped her arms around Connor’s and she squeezed tight. Would he eventually want to run away too? She didn’t want to lose Connor.

“Neither of you is ever going to have to run again. I’ll keep you both safe. I won’t let anything happen to you. And maybe, maybe then you’ll both never want to leave. You’ll both stay. Please stay, Connor.”