RP Between Sand and Stars

"I've been here about two days. It's been very boring," Liatra answered, as if she was taking the boredom slightly personally. Then again, after two days, maybe there was a reason for that. "He's been here... probably a few hours. It's a bit hard to tell. He hasn't been awake very long. Why are you asking me?"

It wasn't that Liatra actually minded being asked - having someone to talk to was certainly better than the alternative - it just seemed like it would make more sense for Klaire to be asking someone she trusted rather than someone she'd just met. At least, Liatra assumed Klaire trusted Ishaan. He seemed to trust her, after all. She'd figured that went both ways, but maybe it didn't and there was drama.

At least that would make the trip more interesting.
2 days. Was it before or after they sank the Dragonfly? Klaire couldn’t ask that without confirming Arobynn's suspicions about their involvement with the military, and even though Ishaan said she’d help them escape, Klaire wouldn’t be so quick to trust a pirate.

“Ishaan.” She turned, holding the bars again. “They found the pin that I gave you, I-” The memories of that feverish night were still a blur in her brain, mixed with all that had happened to since then. “I told them the truth, that it belonged to my father. I told them we have nothing to do with the ship they sank in a sandstorm."
There were so many coincidences working against them, pointing towards the truth. One slip and their story would crumble.

Ishaan glanced towards Liatra's hanging figure, gaging her reaction. He hadn't told her about the emptiness in his pocket, about the military pin that they'd taken from him. If only he'd had a chance to show his wings, to cement his story.

"I'm just glad you're okay," he found himself saying, looking back at Klaire. "I thought... I thought you were gone. Surviving our crash, wandering the desert for a week, and then that snake bite." Ishaan shook his head. "They might be taking us to Armadilla."
The reunion was kind of cute, in a way. Liatra had probably played out a million scenarios like that in her head of what things would be like when she found her brother. Snakebites had never been a plot point before, but maybe she'd start incorporating them sometimes from now on.

Actually that was kind of depressing. Maybe she'd stick to the fantasies where everything was fine and he was happy to see her and no one was dying or in a cage. Liatra folded her hands behind her head, still upside-down, wondering if she was supposed to be a part of this conversation or if she was supposed to be an audience, or if she was just supposed to pretend she wasn't there at all.

None of the options were particularly good, especially given the limited space they all had to work with.

"Have you been to Armadilla before?"
"Why would we...-" ... have been to Armadilla, the pirate capital? He wanted to ask, though quickly settled on, "No, we don't have a death wish." Even though his story had involved them skirting around the desert edge for the sake of adventure. "I'm assuming you have? Been to Armadilla, I mean."

“I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t taken care of me.” Klaire whispered, hoping by some miracle that Ishaan would be the only one to hear and that no one would see the pink in her cheeks. "Thank you."

Armadilla. Klaire hid her underlying excitement over the possibility of getting to the notorious city, even under those circumstances. It was obvious Ishaan didn’t feel the same, and she understood why. Her grip tightened around the bars, while her expression remained intentionaly aloof.
"Yeah," Liatra answered Ishaan's question. Deciding there needed to be more to it than that, she gave him an upside-down shrug and a wink. "For a while there, I had a death wish." Not entirely true, but not entirely false, either. She'd wanted to find her brother, no matter what it took. She still did, it was just that she'd managed to get it through her head at some point that getting herself killed wasn't actually going to accomplish that, no matter how much it felt like forward momentum.

Klaire was whispering at him on an entirely different topic, and Liatra might have rolled her eyes and contemplated whether gagging could be passed off as just the natural ambiance of the cells. She decided against it, though, and instead just added, pertly: "When we get there, you two are getting a room. One that I'm not in."