Despite her description about the Captain being completely unhelpful - making him wonder if Klaire had survived long enough to be introduced - Ishaan couldn't help but feel like Liatra was trying to help. It was foolish of him, he knew that, and yet he grasped onto that perception.
As she continued to speak, the fae began to shake his head - a pointless action within the darkness. "I promise you, I'm not military." He remained silent for a moment before continuing. "I was born with a defect in my wings. I have very little control over them and have never been able to fly. I'd show you but..." Even Twig hadn't laid eyes on them yet, with them being hidden by his outermost protective layer of fabric. "Do you think they'd let someone like me spend one day in the academy?"
He'd learned to live with his defect, learned to ignore the occasional stare or comment, learned to be content with himself. But perhaps there was finally an advantage to the dull, grey appendages attached to his back.
Not wanting to dwell, he continued. "Back home, I'm an astral cartographer. I'm sure I know someone who knows someone. Help us escape and I'll help you find your brother."
"Oh? You really should be more careful with precious family heirlooms." Arobynn placed the pin gently down onto the outer edge of the side table, beside the glass of water. Accessible and available for the taking - to anyone but her.
He looked down to the edge of the bed, to where the cat sat, vigilant. "This is Iskra. Iskra - come." The small shadow might've hesitated but slowly crept up the side of the bed, past the limbs that had been safely secured, paws following the slight gesture Arobynn had made. Settling on top of Klaire's torso. "They're beautiful creatures. Clean, independent... obedient." Finally, a hint of emotion crossed his face; a slight upward quirk of his lip. "My little spark." His gloved hand rose, fingers just slightly moving, as though he were opening an invisible doorknob.
It took a couple seconds for Iskra to stiffen, her tiny weight distributing itself beneath her four paws. Her chest began to expand then collapse, expand then collapse, each movement becoming more frantic with every passing second. Then her mouth opened, jaw slowly unhinging as she silently gasped to replace the air that had been stolen from her lungs. Beautiful amber eyes widened, panicked. Seconds passed and the muscles in her neck contracted, causing a sudden twist to her body. Claws began to dig into the surface beneath, into the thin fabric that had protected their guest from the elements. Perhaps beyond. Desperation grew, but respite wasn't granted, not yet.