Recent content by Ava Hunt

  1. Ava Hunt

    Open RP [POST-EVENT] The Day the World Stood Still

    Oh. Great. One of those guys. Ava's opinion of the cuffed man was lowering by the second. Going by Basilica's testimony, he was a bit of a thrill-seeker-type of vigilante. She thought to add "egotistical" to the descriptors. Such things were common, but these types were some of the worst Ava...
  2. Ava Hunt

    Open RP [EVENT] Head of the Snake

    Being yanked out of the water as she was caused Ava to wonder if this was what fish felt like when they were hooked and reeled. The thought was quickly tossed aside as her muscles groaned heavily as the unconscious female hero's weight taken from the prosecutor. The masked vigilante who had...
  3. Ava Hunt

    Open RP [POST-EVENT] The Day the World Stood Still

    Allegheny General Hospital Emergency Trauma Center To say that the evening and following morning had been rather eventful was like calling the Atlantic Ocean just a bit of water. Already overworked, the staff had resorted to calling in all of their personnel on standby to deal with the fallout...
  4. Ava Hunt

    Open RP [EVENT] Head of the Snake

    This was a bad fucking idea. Ava felt various parts of her suit rip as she pulled herself to the surface. The tiny threads that held her clothes together just weren't designed to handle the amount of force and moisture they'd suddenly been inundated with. At least she wasn't wearing shoes...
  5. Ava Hunt

    Open RP [EVENT] Head of the Snake

    Well...shit. Her amazing shoe-assault had done little, if anything, and had only really served to get the heavily-armed criminal's attention. Luckily for her, the prosecutor's knight in burned shitty armor decided to show up in the nick of time. Jonesy entered a brief standoff with the man...
  6. Ava Hunt

    Approved Ava Hunt, Assistant District Attorney

    -Reserved Bit for Development-
  7. Ava Hunt

    Approved Ava Hunt, Assistant District Attorney

    【STYLE】 @import url(''); @import url(''); .HUNTERVar{/* */--fonttitle: Fjalla One, sans-serif; --fontmain: Almarai, sans-serif; --backgroundcolor: #080003...