Ava Hunt
New member
Allegheny General Hospital
Emergency Trauma Center
To say that the evening and following morning had been rather eventful was like calling the Atlantic Ocean just a bit of water. Already overworked, the staff had resorted to calling in all of their personnel on standby to deal with the fallout from the Convention massacre. So many people had gone without sleep from the day before, and the woman sitting in Room 8 was no different though she didn't work here. The reason she was here was the man heavily cuffed to the hospital bed on the other side of the room. Two police officers flanked the door outside and one actually stood inside near the bed just in case.
In all honesty, Ava Hunt didn't need to be here. She wasn't a cop, but a state prosecutor. Her role wasn't evidence gathering or interrogation, or at least usually it wasn't. This particular case had already blurred the lines heavily. Plus, she was already at the hospital anyway from her own adventures during last night's fiasco. The memories still fresh as she looked over at the seemingly unconscious man on the bed. His shoulder was heavily bandaged and he had an IV of saline pumping into his left arm while a monitor was hooked up to monitor his vitals. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary other than the large metal cuffs shackling his arms and feet to the bed itself. The brief provided by that officially sanctioned hero, Basilica, had told the police enough to know that the man possessed the power of teleportation. How it worked, though, was anyone's guess.
"You know they want me on this cocktail for a week and a half?," Ava complained openly to the officer in the room, "I'm not going to have anything left in my guts after that."
"I feel for you, ma'am," the officer responded. Young. African-American. Athletic and tall. Name tag says J. Watkins. Jerome Watkins. Former Running Back at Penn State. Good, but not good enough to go pro. Sad, but common. Very polite to her. Raised by his grandmother. Better not be some "Respect your elders"-shit. Don't feel that old yet.
"I don't suppose you'd take 'em for me, eh?"
"That would defeat the purpose, ma'am," the younger man answered with a smile, "Plus didn't they tell you? This is part of that payoff for being a hero."
"Ugh god, don't remind me. Everything else in me still hurts too much from that bit of stupidity."
"I heard about what you did, ma'am. That was...well, I apologize for the language, but that was bad ass."
"Yeah, well keep that shit to yourself. My official involvement in it has officially been reduced to 'at the scene', remember? It doesn't look good for the Feds when the headlines read that their sanctioned hero had to get herself rescued by some boring prosecutor in a suit."
"Yes, ma'am."
"And cut out the ma'am-shit, officer. I'm not that fucking old yet."
A lie. Well, what was one more atop the mountain.
Allegheny General Hospital, 2023