Story Collector
Personnel File: Agent Venus Votticelli-Smith

Name: Venus Votticelli-Smith
Anomalous Designation: N/A
Rank: R-Class-B intern
Locations: L-14
Age: 17 y/o., D.O.B. listed as 5/25/2006
Hair Color: auburn
Eye Color: brown
Height: 1.77 m
Weight: 65.8 kg
Hobbies: chemistry, painting, sewing, cooking
Foundation History
Venus was brought to the Foundation's attention following her discovery of Class Household Object ACF-384, "Puzzle Box" on 6/6/2023. Agent C. Votticelli [RANK R-CLASS-C. est. 2011] [adoptive mother of Agent V. Votticelli-Smith, Venus] had been authorized to bring ACF-384 into her personal laboratory for research purposes as ACF-384 was designated completely harmless and possibly nonfunctional within the L-14 facility.When discovered by Venus, ACF-384 began to exhibit its anomalous properties, leading to deeper questioning. Following recommendations from Agent Isaac Cotta, Venus was escorted to Facility L-14. Agent C. Votticelli insisted upon Venus' recruitment rather than the use of amnestics. Placement and Aptitude tests were conducted [REFER TO: Addendums A & B], and Venus was officially inducted into the Foundation on 6/8/2023.
Background Check
Born to [REDACTED AT SUBJECT'S REQUEST] in 2006.Recovered by CPS and sent to Ms. Harlfas's Home For Girls in 2016.
Adopted by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith & Mrs. Corina Votticelli [AGENT C. VOTTICELLI] in 2021.
No criminal record.
No delinquent record.
All A's in all school records.
Chemistry club member, 2019-2022.
[ADDENDUM A: Placement Test]
[ADDENDUM B: Aptitude Test]
Anomalous Designation: ACF-384 - "Puzzle Box"
Class: Household
Description: A small (4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5in) wooden box. Puzzles on all six surfaces which, when completed, allow one to slide away that surface. No matter how many sides are removed, the box retains its dimensions. Removed panels disappear once no longer under human observation. Replacing lost panels does not effect the box's dimensions, though the puzzles on replaced sides are not the same as when they were removed. ACF-384 seems to have limitless puzzle-generating capacity, as research has yet to yield any repeats.
Addendum A:
As of 5/04/2023, all of the puzzles are the same, and do not change with removal and replacement. Agent C. Votticelli was able to remove all of the panels and completely "solve" ACF-384. There was nothing inside. ACF-384 was then reassembled. Has it lost its anomalous properties?
Addendum B:
As of 6/01/2023, ACF-384 has been approved for removal from L-14, following concerns that interference from other artifacts has overwritten its properties. Agent C. Votticelli's request to study it in her home laboratory was approved.We hope she fixes it, the puzzles were a delight.
Class: Household
Description: A small (4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5in) wooden box. Puzzles on all six surfaces which, when completed, allow one to slide away that surface. No matter how many sides are removed, the box retains its dimensions. Removed panels disappear once no longer under human observation. Replacing lost panels does not effect the box's dimensions, though the puzzles on replaced sides are not the same as when they were removed. ACF-384 seems to have limitless puzzle-generating capacity, as research has yet to yield any repeats.
Addendum A:
As of 5/04/2023, all of the puzzles are the same, and do not change with removal and replacement. Agent C. Votticelli was able to remove all of the panels and completely "solve" ACF-384. There was nothing inside. ACF-384 was then reassembled. Has it lost its anomalous properties?
Addendum B:
As of 6/01/2023, ACF-384 has been approved for removal from L-14, following concerns that interference from other artifacts has overwritten its properties. Agent C. Votticelli's request to study it in her home laboratory was approved.
[End of file.]
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