Expo Two Times is the Charm



Rhodonite stood outside the door, looking at it. She was still, unmoving, as she stared at the handles to Obsidian’s office. Inside, she could hear the distinct murmurs of Obsidian and Sulphur, likely discussing business with Stonewall. Either that, or the recent acquisition of the Jackal’s neighboring gangs, the Bishops and Los Niners. Obsidian’s expansion through the lower gangs had been going successfully in the last few weeks. An unexpected turn from what they had initially planned, but with their contact Carmen handling the organized crime, it left the floor open for them to expand through everything else.

After a moment, Rhody finally braved reaching out and touching the door handle. And before she could even turn it, Obsidian’s voice rang out, clear and almost humorous. “Rhody. Are you finally going to come into the office, then?”

She paused, then pushed the door open, slipping in between them before turning and closing it just as quietly behind her. She stayed like that for a moment, hand on the door, facing it, before she turned to look at Obsidian. The two tall men were seated across from each other, papers spread across the desk. Sulphur’s face held that hint of a smile that told you he was content, and Obsidian’s was relaxed into an open, easy smile. His red curls flopped a bit into his face, and he raked them back with his right hand, the one not bound in a sling.

“Obsidian. Can we talk?” He blinked at her, his face turning partially serious as he nodded his head at her. The woman stepped further into the room and kept her hands behind her back, where they were clasped so tightly they were shaking. It was all she could do to keep her temper under control. She had spent all that time outside the door preparing to look him in the eyes, preparing for this conversation. But now, those golden eyes looking back at her– the same eyes as his sister who had been there the night before– made fire burn in her stomach.

There was a slight hesitation between the nod and Obsidian clearing his throat and asking, “Rhody, is something wrong? You’re upset.”

He didn’t ask it like it was a question, but rather said it as a statement of fact. She knew, that to him, her energy must be spiraling, or popping, or whatever the hell anger looked like. She took a deep breath and let it out just as deeply. Obsidian’s already intent stare became serious as he sat up straight. Both he and Sulphur watched her with intense eyes as she finally looked up and met his eyes. Almost immediately, tears started to run down her face.

“How long have you known that Todd ate Malachite?”

A heavy silence followed her statement. Obsidian’s eyes flicked to Sulphur, and the two of them had a silent conversation, one she’d never been able to learn how to have. Not like they did. So she waited until they both looked back at her, her eyes still willfully ignoring her silent commands to stop. When they did, she stepped forward, her hands coming around in front of her as fists.

“You both knew! You both knew, and you didn’t tell any of us! How could you do something like this to us? How could you let him in and just expect us to learn to love and trust him without telling us what he’s done? Obsidian, you lied to us!”

“You’re right. I fucked up. I did everything with this wrong. I know that now, Rhody. You don’t have to–”

“Yes, I do, Obsidian. Malachite saved my life. He saved my faith. When we lost him, you know that I kept it together for everyone else. I am always the one who keeps it together. I need to know the why, the how, I need to know it all. I spared his life last night. I had the chance to kill him and your sister, and I didn’t.”

“My sister? You saw Samantha?” His eyes widened slightly, shock making him go rigid.

“That’s not the point, Ethan! The point is you lied to me and I need to know how I am supposed to trust you after something like this!” Her voice cracked as she covered her face with her hands, a cry finally tearing free of her throat.

For a moment, there was silence, and nothing. Then, a pair of leather clad hands were holding her shoulders, and she looked up to see Obsidian leaning over her, gently holding her. He was stiff as he pulled her into his chest. “You can cry if you need to, Maria. It’s alright. I miss Jasper too. I loved him. I know I fucked up on this, but I need Todd. I need him, Maria. Please. Just keep this between us for now, okay? We’re the only ones who know, and I’m trying to figure out the best way to tell everyone.”

The knot in her throat prevented her from responding. Instead, she let her body relax into his, and she started to cry. She cried how she should have when Jasper had died. With her hands tightly bundled into fists, she pressed herself into Obsidian’s arms, which tightened around her shoulders into a real hug. There had been no real reason why she couldn’t have broken down in front of everyone before this. No reason other than her own need to be the strong one for everyone else. No reason other than trying to be the rock that Malachite– Jasper– had once been.

Obsidian had broken down. Obsidian had cried with everyone else when Malachite had died. He had been the first to tear up, the first to openly cry, the first to swear he’d kill whoever had done this. And to make him go back on that promise? Rhody already knew Todd was special, but maybe it was more than she had initially thought. Maybe there was more to this than she had assumed.

When her eyes finally seemed to dry up, and her breathing was back under control, she pulled back and Obsidian met her eyes. “Please, Maria. Don’t say anything to the others yet.”

She looked away, her face hardening slightly before softening back out. She nodded slowly. “I’ve trusted you ever since you and Malachite saved me. I’ll continue to trust you. But you have to promise me– it’ll be soon. You’ll tell them soon.”

Obsidian sighed out, and the tension left his body as he nodded, a small smile coming across his face. “I can promise that. I’ll tell them soon. I don’t want to keep this a secret.”

Rhody nodded back and let her body fully relax, then pulled back. She patted his shoulder a few times, then moved around him to sit in the empty chair next to Sulphur, who was watching her with all the concern a little brother could. His eyes were asking quietly if she was alright with him, and hers softened to respond that they were okay. He silently and slowly breathed out and turned his attention back onto Obsidian, who sat down at his spot once more.

“Alright. Tell me everything.”