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In the woods of North America, in particular Montana, you may hear a rumour or two. Of cabins broken into with food and belongings taken, of deer being found killed, butchered perfectly in the middle of the woods picked clean nearly to the bone, of cattle gone missing. Most strange of all of a spree of thefts from bookstores across the Midwest.
Every single one of these rumours will have a name attached to it, perhaps an alias, perhaps a nickname. A police report there, a complaint here. Folk will tell of a strange mountain man who comes to town, spends all his time soaking in drink, sometimes in the company of women who he spends a night with only to leave just as quickly. Driving an old car with a couple hunting dogs at his heels.
There are a few names for this strange man who wanders the woods and hills, but the most popular is The Wolfhound
Connor McCoyle is how he will introduce himself to most folk. He stands at five feet ten inches and is a noticeably built man, though it’s not always clear under his hunting jacket. He has long shaggy strawberry blond hair and piercing green eyes which have been noticed to reflect light and shine in the darkness much like the animal company he keeps. Most folk would judge him to be anywhere from his late twenties to mid thirties though no one seems to agree how young or old he exactly is.
If you ask Connor, he’ll tell you he’s a fairly good hunter, with a lot of experience. However his humility cannot mask the curious nature of his abilities. Connor has been known to be very swift, agile, and strong more so than the average human. Those who notice this in him often dismiss it as good exercise and a healthy lifestyle though it should be noted that no health plan will let you outrun deer and wolves and go face to face with grizzly bears.
Besides this Connor seems to have a greater degree and range of senses. His eyesight is as perfect as can be, even beyond so. He has been noted to seeing things clearly up to five miles away. Additionally he has been noted to detect smells up to twelve miles away as well as very reliably identify smells, including the unique scents of both animals and people.
These senses all coalesce together; it would seem into a sixth sense that Connor sometimes can take advantage of. It is not something he can consciously do or activate, but at times when stalking prey, or even when he is in danger, particularly if he is at all familiar with what he is hunting or being threatened by. Connor has been known to be privy to details or to immediate incoming dangers before they present themselves. That is his heightened senses often manifest in a sort of premonition-like sensory response. These moments are not consistent and often take long moments of calm concentration; thought they have been known to occasionally present at times of extreme stress and peril.
Folk who meet Connor have noted that at times has given off an aura of calm, they often feel safe and at ease around him. Many, at first, would chalk this up to Connor merely being a calm and reasonably personable man. Yet upon a closer look one might notice that those who find themselves at ease around him really ought not to be; outside of Connor being a large and wild looking man he goes nowhere unarmed yet no one ever seems to mind. Now, those who are already convinced he was a threat, or even already fighting him have no confusion of how much a threat Connor is. But for those unsure how to feel about him, for one reason or another they are convinced to pay him no mind.
Besides all this Connor demonstrates particular skill with his sword, a 41 and half inch blade which he sometimes will call “Mo Bhrón.” He’s been known at times to show up to or fall in with local enthusiast practitioners of swordsmanship, historical european martial arts, or similar groups. Where he very often clears the floor with every single challenger and sometimes wins competitions if he feels so inclined. When folk manage to notice the sword they often ask what he plans to kill with it, he often answers “prey.”
Besides this Coonnor is noted for a skill at boxing. He tendency to get drunk and bad habit of being able to attract the odd woman tends to create more than a few conflicts. Connor is no stranger to bar fights, and although he often takes hits they don’t seem to phase him that much where his opponents often are left with bokeh bones and missing teeth and the police left wondering what sort of man lays out six other men by himself.
No one knows where Connor is from, if you ask him he’ll shrug and say “east of here” but never say where exactly. Most folk tend to notice an accent of sorts, but can’t quite place it. Some have suggested it is a mix of many accents picked up over the years.
It is also unclear when Connor was born, he’ll never tell you. Activities in the Midwest that are confirmed or theorized to be committed by Connor have been clearly documented for at least the last twenty years. However some mentions, records, notes, letters, both first and second account sources have shown incidents and acitivties exactly matching Connor’s modus operandi since as early as the 1840’s. Many folk will claim the Wolfhound has been around for seven generations.
Connor, when you can find him, is a quiet individual. Not aloof, nor unsocial, but he often chooses his words carefully. The most you will hear him speak is at a bar somewhere seven whiskeys in where he may choose to regale to others the story of a hunt or a fight he once got in, before inevitably starting another fight or impressing a woman enough to find somewhere other than the woods to sleep.
He lives almost entirely off of the land, foraging and hunting almost all of his food. Although he is a prolific and well known thief and raider. When he has the hunger for it he has been known to sneak into farms to slay their cattle, or to steal desserts and treats from homes. Most commonly though is his habit of stealing from bookstores, Connor professes a love for the written word, for poetry and prose alike, what he does not love is paying fairly.
Though Connor doesn’t take much pleasure in his thievery. If asked he will avoid the subject, if pressed he will say that to take is his nature. He feels a desire to claim all that is within his ability to take and within his strength to keep. Yet he does not embrace this nature, and often feels guilt for it. For this reason it is only in the confessional booth that the true scope of what Connor takes is known. What is known is he always pays fairly for drink, as he would put it “just plain bad luck and bad manners to steal whiskey.”
Besides this Connor does have a desire to roam, explore, and be challenged. He often pursues dangerous hunts merely for the thrill of it; often not eating all the meat and selling the rest along with the pelts. He does enjoy company, whether it be drinking buddies, the odd fellow hunter, nor the Aboriginal nations he sometimes does business with.
When he does catch what he is hunting Connor is known to eat the animal raw, though he still goes through the trouble of properly skinning and butchering the animal he will not allow any meat he eats to touch fire. He appears to suffer no ill effects from this. It is also noted that Connior eats primarily meat though doesn’t shun vegetables and fruit.
He seeks solitude because he feels at home with nature, and at peace when on the hunt. If he truly wants anything, it is only to be free forever.
Mo Bhrón - A large hand and a half sword forged from quality tempered steel . There’s nothing in particular remarkable about the sword in of itself. Only that Connor can wield it with ease.
Bowie Knife - More of a tool than a weapon that Connor uses to butcher his kills.
Mateba Unica - A rather rare autorevolver model that Connor pinched off of a gun collector. It fire’s .44 magnum rounds from the bottom of a 6 cylinder barrel. Connor is very adapt with its usage and maintenance though no more than one might expect. Though preferring more physical means of fighting Connor has been noted to say he carries around a gun because he is quote “not a fucking idiot.”
Mac and Brian - Mac and Brian are two Irish Wolfhounds who seem to follow him almost everywhere. They are fiercely loyal and obey commands exactly. Though it has been noted that the two dogs tend to disappear only to appear later; often at times when they are not welcome or needed. They never seem to need as much care or attention as most other dogs would nor have they ever seen a veterinarian.
2006 Range Rover - Connor has had this car since 2007, when asked about it he has said “its a car”