Applicant Contractor’s Form

Full Legal Name: Vincent Elijah Valdez
Preferred Names: V
Date of Birth [DD/MM/YYYY]: 14/07/1973
Basic Physical Description:
Standard athletic male. Dark hair, complexion, and skin. Light color eyes. Casual wardrobe consists of an all-black aesthetic. Shirts or sweaters with varying sleeves, usually mid-length or three quarter along with trousers. Wardrobe will never or rarely change unless necessary. As a custodian or sanitation worker for the Foundation, the standard Foundation uniform will be worn for those specific roles.
- Body Type: Athletic Mesomorph
- Eye Color(s): Hazel | Red[1]
- Hair Color | Style: Black | Wavy 2B
- Height: 185 cm (6'1")
- Weight: 86.2 kg (190 lbs)
- Race: Black
- Ethnicity: Hispanic
- Blood Type: O-
- Laterality: Ambidextrous
[1]Irises can become red under certain conditions (low-light, injury, frustration, adrenaline, fight-or-flight, and so on). Sometimes the transformation will occur with black schlera instead of standard white, if under significant mental and/or physical duress.
Position Applying For [Mark One]
Agent[Class B] Researcher[Class B] (Cataloger[Class B])
If Agent, state preference: (Security) / Field
If Researcher, state preference: (Laboratory) / Field
If Cataloger, state preference: (Specimen) / Archival
Note: application to a position does not guarantee that you will acquire this position. Should Dr. Redd, Secretary Phillips, or Agent Cotta find your talents best suited for a different position you may be placed there.
Position Implemented: _________________________ [Office Use Only]*
Are you able to perform the essential functions of the position with or without accommodations?
(Yes) No
If accommodations are needed, please describe:
If acceptable, either a provided paycheck to buy groceries or, at bare minimum, chocolate would be appreciated. Thank you.
Are you legally eligible for employment in your country of residence? [Note: Eligibility will not preclude you from this position.]
Yes (No)
If not, please explain:
Legal eligibility may become an issue if I live for a little longer than most. The fact I do not age like others is becoming more and more noticeable not only among Foundation staff but the general population and organizational systems.
Are you willing and able to ostracize your friends and family?
Yes (No)
If not, please explain:
Yes, but there needs to be good reason. That will most likely be a non-issue.
Are you anomalous?**
(Yes) No
If yes, for how long:
(Since birth) / ___ years [following an event]
If yes, please describe below. If no, please leave blank.
I am a vampire or maybe a dhampir. Someone will have to correct me on the terminology once they figure out what I am. I have all or most of the strengths at least and none of the weaknesses as well as a few other "supernatural" abilities, but I know I am not human. My biology and physiology is not human either, despite my human appearance and coming from entirely human parents with zero anomalous ties or interactions. I can also consume energy and nutrients from sources that are not blood. I can eat normal food but I can also consume lifeforce, electricity, and a few other supplies of power—biological-based or not. It makes no difference to me, for the most part, but I do prefer chocolate over other substances. I am also a bottomless pit of sorts and can consume far beyond my body weight or what is necessary for me to survive. However, this does not mean I am constantly hungry or famished, seeking to consume. I simply am able to consume beyond what is required without restriction. I might even be able to eat a soul or two, and, from what I have heard, those tend to be a bit hefty. I am not sure. I never tested nor do I want to test if I could consume something like that.
All I do know is that this not normal and that I am neither dead nor alive. I am unnatural to the natural order of things or even the unnatural or anomalous order of things. But I mean no one any harm. I am otherwise an average individual if my history is anything to go by and checks out.
Do you possess unusual non-anomalous abilities?**
(Yes) No
If yes, for how long:
(Since birth) / ___ years [following an event]
If yes, please describe below. If no, please leave blank.
Outside of my anomalous abilities, I do know I can interact with magic to an extent, especially that with a more insidious or dubious connotation. While I am not a practitioner, I do know a few basics due to my anomalous nature and ability to attract unnatural individuals, creatures, and objects to myself. I know these basics to keep myself as nondescript as possible as well as avoid any trouble with those who are far more practiced that intend to disrupt my lifestyle or do me harm.
**For an ability to be considered anomalous, they must be inexplicable by the most recent modern understanding of science or the altered sciences, e.g. magic.
If necessary for the job, I am willing and able to:
(Yes) No
Work overtime?
(Yes) No
Follow orders blindly?
Yes (No)
Perform illegal or morally questionable activities?
Yes (No)
Die or risk a fate worse than death?
Yes (No)
If you answered “no” to one or more of these questions, please explain:
If there is good reason, the task will be carried out. Otherwise, find someone else. I have a solid head on my shoulders, and I rather not be dragged into situations outside of my job's purview. I am not a weapon or a tool or a thing to be put in a box. I am someone trying to make his way through life and get better benefits and pay in the process.
Employment History
Have you worked for the Foundation in the past?
(Yes) No
In the future?
(Yes) No
If yes, please explain the circumstances:
I have been working here as a sanitation worker. My job was to assist in disposing of anomalous objects as well as sift through dump sites (or improper/prohibited dump sites) and locate any anomalous objects or remains of deceased/neutralized anomalies. I was also to log my findings and file reports regarding neutralized objects and how they were disposed as well as note any potential irregularities. If a neutralized object became anomalous or active again, I was to report and handle the situation accordingly to the code of conduct or, where the code fell short, use my own judgment and expertise or rely on the judgment and expertise of those more experienced. Due to the occasional dangerous nature of the job, I have learned and adapted new skills to handle myself in such situations.
Outside of those tasks, I do the normal day-to-day sanitation as well. I clean and sanitize several different parts of the building and ensure to sanitize areas of any anomalous traces as well. Locating anomalous traces or potential sites of anomalous activity that needs to be sanitized is a big part if anomalous activity occurs outside of designated areas. It is also my job to ensure all sanitation devices or systems are working properly and remain in proper condition.
On my off-time, I do interact with the gardens and animals here in accordance with my clearance and safety guidelines. I have grown a few flowers and vegetables, and the service and non-service animals are no longer afraid of me and seems to have taken a bit of liking to me.
As for the 'in the future', I am optimistic I will continue my tenure here. I work to be a good employee and get all my tasks done in a timely and well-done manner.
If yes to the above, were you administered amnestics?
(Yes) No Unsure
If yes, what grade?
Class-A (Class-B) (Class-C) Class-D Class-E Other
How did you hear about the Anomaly Containment Foundation?
Advertisement (Please cite where and when): New York City on 12/11/2016
Already Internal (Please list ACF-numeric): N/A
Friend/Family (Please state full name): N/A
Flyer (Please state nearest address): 1 Dock 72 Wy, Brooklyn, NY 11205
Recruitment Associate (Please Name): Ali Snipes
Previous Employer (Please list company name and city of operation, and name of last supervisor): Silver Brick Management | New York City | Tori Rivera - Director of Facilities
Position Title: Sanitation Technician
Duties/Skills: Performs a variety of manual and skilled physical labor in carrying out sanitation and community cleanup duties such as litter control and illegal dumpsite cleanup.
Start Date: 19/08/1998
End Date: 23/01/2004
Reason for Leaving: Foundation offered better opportunities, benefits, and pay. The work was more stimulating and fulfilling too. The gardens and animals are nice too.
Other qualifications (list by date or alphabetically preferred):
- Advanced Memory
- Analytical Skills
- Combat & Weapon Proficient
- Expert Vehicular Driver
- First Aid
- Gardening
- Mechanic
- Multilingual
Final Comments [Office Use Only]*