The Glass Spire

- Swell:alliswell

The silver gleam
of the polished edge —
fills the space behind
the eye — and divides
the space between —
two joints
- Swell:allisnotwell
She laughed; he laughed;
they laughed; neighbors laughed;
dogs laughed; condemned laughed;
table laughed; static laughed;

I chuckled.

Sinew stretches and
stitches us all together— and —
is it true I and you and me can
never — she stands
at the door
eyes like iron
in failing light and
We can never —
nerves are snitches; why —
her choice in the pallid
a silhouette in the door —
this is not not this is not
this is not a cry for [help]
- ;compromise

Dullness is its own
to curl and await for
the ache of sore vertebrae
to be smothered
until the pins and needles
of a bloodless arm
open eyes
- ::feel

Coarseness is its own
the scrape against pallid
wipe the sweat from - your brow
draws blood to - the skin
iamscared helpmehelpmehelpme

Her finger — pressed to my
and I found rest.
- Precipice
one foot above - the juncture
there - with the sweep
of wind
- a challenge to -
weary muscles - fair
do we place faith in
air -
or -
step back - feel
the rush of blood
through veins -
knowing wolves -
are there?
- Forest for Trees
Forgiveness is - another’s
crime, and that makes it -
ours too - yes me and
you - for where else does
forgiveness lie?

I one told a man - a valiant lie,
and to the beggar gifted
a silver - dime and I
am no more morally gray
than the next.

No - no
we live in a word where -
capital grows like leaves -
And act as if - all are not
Entitled - to such things.
- Warmth

Wasted by —
the fireside where—
amber liquid glitters
and decanters perch lazily
on the edge

waiting for
the gentle nudge
to crunch a moment’s

Hard it is to believe
a liar’s lark - with dust’d
age could so easily be made -
to reside between -
acceptance there
‘Can we hold one accountable -
for his age?’ - or rejection
fair - ‘She speaks ill - of course - for fame’

as if both
aren’t the same
venom’d decay
- Teetering

Have you - a dash of
courage burning in
your throat - looked over the
Edge. It’s in your toes - you know? - the press of your heels -
you feel?

How dare we - say
it will all be
while Erosion scratches away.
- Summer Kiss

What could he —
have felt — summer’s kiss
upon his back and wind
within his — hair
did he not know —
the melt — or was
it worth — another
Wingbeat before-

(amongst it all —
ocean froth and
call of gulls —
was the rise worth)
— the fall?
-On Feathered Wings

All that is - there is to
and could it be
- that he (quite merrily)
could think -
That I and He and You and Me
would pay the fee
as if we could believe that it would
- set us free.

The ropes slice - into
softened flesh
and the blade -
the whispered -

you know -
it starts in the
and - seeps into the

what Settles there, I
did not Invite.

for once in the Bones it steals
into the Mind, and taunts me thus;

sleep (that is) to close the eyes
will refresh the deficit -

two - ships rocking
in the swell - if they
pass’d now - but never
would it be a fault
of the starless sky?

- or -

the draw of - light- shown
from - silent

Notches - carved into
trees -
follow the path - follow the path
- when winter’s breath
sting’s the eyes - hold
the scarlet cloth close -
to breast
and should - you hear - the

- in the basket -
a Knife.

Notches - carved into
trees -
follow the path - follow the path
- when winter’s breath
sting’s the eyes - hold
the scarlet cloth close -
to breast
and should - you hear - the

- in the basket -
a Knife.

Woe - upon a pale horse -
behind him lay - despair
his actions made -
must we forgive - him
should he look - behind -
and regret then -
the mess laid -
as the pale horse
rides - on
searching for
a rider
to speed -
ruin and decay.
Soft - through the juniper
disturb not - the resting crow -
for his lonesome Cry will crackle
evening air -

the sentry - just beyond the copse -
eyes heavy -
and his rifle -
cut here - the anchor line and cast
us mooring - free
let - salt wet our eyes -
- sting our hearts.

let us then - a different land -
set foot, or beneath the swell lay -
destination - a place that finds one -
once stars no more
our way.