Formally acquired on February 22nd, 2022 by MIRA's Site Development and Maintenance Division (SDMD), the Governors Island Monument Building-- referred to colloquially as the Governors Building-- is the principle headquarters of the MIRA North-Atlantic Branch within New York City, New York. Approximately 50 acres of the 172-acre island are in use by MIRA; the remainder of the land is dedicated to the preexisting fortifications upon the island before its acquisition under MIRA, along with the 50-acre parkland section on the southern portion.
Governors Island was chosen by MIRA as the North-Atlantic HQ following the destruction of the former headquarters at the Manhattan Municipal Building and adjacent buildings along the Manhattan Campus of the agency; in particular, the island's isolation from the major metropolitan areas despite its close proximity was a deciding factor in its acquisition, along with the ability to incorporate local monuments and build facilities entirely ab initio. The Governors Island ferry has seen expansion in recent years due to the need to accomodate MIRA personnel; additionally, a private taxi service and closely-guarded tunnel access to underground parking has been expanded from the Hugh L. Carey tunnel underneath the island.
The site currently houses over 500 personnel, with capacity for up to 1,000 occupants. Operations are forecasted to expand by 50% into 2030; the southern portion of the complex is currently under renovation to accomodate this growth.
Governors Island was chosen by MIRA as the North-Atlantic HQ following the destruction of the former headquarters at the Manhattan Municipal Building and adjacent buildings along the Manhattan Campus of the agency; in particular, the island's isolation from the major metropolitan areas despite its close proximity was a deciding factor in its acquisition, along with the ability to incorporate local monuments and build facilities entirely ab initio. The Governors Island ferry has seen expansion in recent years due to the need to accomodate MIRA personnel; additionally, a private taxi service and closely-guarded tunnel access to underground parking has been expanded from the Hugh L. Carey tunnel underneath the island.
The site currently houses over 500 personnel, with capacity for up to 1,000 occupants. Operations are forecasted to expand by 50% into 2030; the southern portion of the complex is currently under renovation to accomodate this growth.
Much like A-0001-L "LAVERNE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING", the Governors Island Monument Building possesses a civilian-access museum and historical exhibits related to the forts upon the island and their tactical relevance throughout the 18th and 19th century; additionally, exhibits dedicated to the current and past Jurors of the New York City Premiere Team are present upon ground level. The Governors Island Monument Building is free to visitors; however, civilian ferries are paid, compensating for the lack of a ticketing system for the site.
An informational exhibit regarding Juror Cyclic's abilities and technology. Cyclic is a TECHSPEC Cloak-Facing Agent (CFA) with abilities related to resonant frequencies, ultrasonic technology, and sound-energy generators. Exhibit details include the maximum decibel readings within a controlled testing chamber, types of waveforms that are emitted from Cyclic's suit, and applications of the technology into highly-advanced noise-cancelling systems under research at DARPA. Direct blueprints and compromising information, such as disclosing potential weaknesses or "counters", have not been listed.
Small informational panels disclose common-knowledge information about Cyclic's life-- where he had grown up, his favorite genres of music, and his work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Public information has been redacted to ensure the Juror's identity remains private.
Small informational panels disclose common-knowledge information about Cyclic's life-- where he had grown up, his favorite genres of music, and his work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Public information has been redacted to ensure the Juror's identity remains private.
An informational exhibit regarding Juror Luminary's abilities and technology. Luminary is a SHOCKSPEC CFA with abilities related to light generation and manipulation from solar-energy deposits within his body. Exhibit details include informational panels about Luminary's photosynthetic and bioluminescent properties, the lumen generation from his body, and a brightness comparison to various stars in the sky. "Let's Spot Luminary", a children's book in the style of Where's Waldo, is available at the Stone Foundation Gift Shoppe.
An informational exhibit regarding Juror Quickset's abilities and technology. Quickset is a DEFSPEC CFA with abilities related to specific tech designed by the Juror-- particularly, the invention of a rapid-set high density substance with a cure time of approximately 1.8 seconds. The cure time and structural makeup is accomplished through the addition of Quickset's blood and sebum to the recipe; given the biological nature of the abilities, the Juror is classified as a DEFSPEC, not a TECHSPEC, despite gear upon the forearms and body to expedite and accomplish the process of Quickset's factor-set role.
An examination of research into Quickset's barriers and novel "living cement" are present on various informational panels along the exhibit. Infographics bring particular attention to the self-repairing properties of the material, along with its ability to withstand small arms fire and dissipate large amounts of force without shattering.
An examination of research into Quickset's barriers and novel "living cement" are present on various informational panels along the exhibit. Infographics bring particular attention to the self-repairing properties of the material, along with its ability to withstand small arms fire and dissipate large amounts of force without shattering.
General informational exhibits related to other Jurors, along with agents that are not present upon the Premiere Team of NYC. Rotating informative sub-exhibits are changed on a monthly basis, with some staying longer in the event that a particular attracting performs well with visitor engagement.
A gift shop containing pieces of debris and other building materials destroyed by factor-latent criminals and Jurors in the midst of an incident response. Rubble that is no longer deemed recyclable is donated to local craft boutiques and workshops to support small businesses, and creations are bought by MIRA to sell as parting gifts to museum guests. All proceeds are given to the Stone Foundation, established by MIRA Director Leonard Stone at the onset of the agency's inception. The foundation primarily deals with remediation efforts for property destroyed in metahuman incidents, with an emphasis on aid being granted to low-income communities.
Tuning forks and resonant metal instruments have been made from materials displaced and shattered by Cyclic; Quickset's living concrete has been fashioned into painted sculptures from local artists in Harlem and Brooklyn. Metals and glass scorched by Luminary's photon output have been crafted into low-cost jewelry and amulets in the style of the Juror's aesthetic and armor.
Tuning forks and resonant metal instruments have been made from materials displaced and shattered by Cyclic; Quickset's living concrete has been fashioned into painted sculptures from local artists in Harlem and Brooklyn. Metals and glass scorched by Luminary's photon output have been crafted into low-cost jewelry and amulets in the style of the Juror's aesthetic and armor.
The easternmost portion of the Governors Island Building. Here, donated works line the halls with historical context given on informational plaques and pamphlets. Each work relates to metahuman culture and the timeline of MIRA's inception and growth; a 12-foot statue of Diomedes sits within this gallery, along with various other statues dedicated to fallen MIRA-affiliated Jurors.
MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-0. The second level of the Governors Island Building houses the majority of MIRA's clerical workers, profilers, and administrative professionals. Styling of the administrative levels is modeled after modern corporate offices. Badge access is required on each stairwell and elevator to the Administrative Level. Trespassing is strictly forbidden and carries a minimum fine of 4,000 USD.
Closed tours of the level are given to eligible parties and prospective interns.

Closed tours of the level are given to eligible parties and prospective interns.
MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-0. The singular basement level of the Governors Island Building houses archival warehouses for minimum-security records, archival documents, and museum pieces not yet implemented into the gallery. Public-access documentation available on metahumans may be granted to civilians through advanced reservation. Private viewing rooms are supplied at the rear of the floor. Accessible by elevator and stairwell; no direct exterior exits. Historical records also present.

In contrast to the Governors Island Monument Building's purpose as a museum, heritage site, and touriest attraction, the Bluebird Facility houses much of the practical operations for incident response and factor research. Unlike the refurbished LaVerne and Sparrow Building, the Bluebird is a largely-subterranean facility constructed fully by MIRA, lending it a modernized and polished appearance from the interior and exterior.
All of MIRA's activities within the Bluebird Facility are of strict confidence and require an IMAS Clearance Rating of BLU-9 or higher for direct access and acknowledgement. Personnel are placed under a strict 1-month scrutiny period to determine eligibility and security risk before being allowed on-site, and visitors are to be accompanied by a verified escort at all times. With over 80% of the site located underground, all subterranean floors have been reinforced with a high-strength bunker lattice commonly present within fallout shelters; in order to combat direct threats from high-stake metahumans, foundational flooring and walling has been further reinforced with energy-resistant lead lining and earthquake-resistant supports.
Additional safeguards have been placed inside the Bluebird Facility to protect against theoretical extraplanar threats or blitz attacks by destructive metahumans. Rapid-Displacement Pressure and Volume (RDPV) sensors line every floor and are linked to a comprehensive alarm system, with the ability to seal off corridors also present. Sprinkler systems hooked to irritant aerosol tanks also allow the ability to prevent or impede access to certain areas of the facility, allowing for adaptive defense should the site be beached from the inside. Standard fire protection and safety systems are also in place. Pressurized fire-foam is employed to extinguish incendiary metahumans, should they ever be present and active on-site in a manner that directly harms personnel or security.

All of MIRA's activities within the Bluebird Facility are of strict confidence and require an IMAS Clearance Rating of BLU-9 or higher for direct access and acknowledgement. Personnel are placed under a strict 1-month scrutiny period to determine eligibility and security risk before being allowed on-site, and visitors are to be accompanied by a verified escort at all times. With over 80% of the site located underground, all subterranean floors have been reinforced with a high-strength bunker lattice commonly present within fallout shelters; in order to combat direct threats from high-stake metahumans, foundational flooring and walling has been further reinforced with energy-resistant lead lining and earthquake-resistant supports.
Additional safeguards have been placed inside the Bluebird Facility to protect against theoretical extraplanar threats or blitz attacks by destructive metahumans. Rapid-Displacement Pressure and Volume (RDPV) sensors line every floor and are linked to a comprehensive alarm system, with the ability to seal off corridors also present. Sprinkler systems hooked to irritant aerosol tanks also allow the ability to prevent or impede access to certain areas of the facility, allowing for adaptive defense should the site be beached from the inside. Standard fire protection and safety systems are also in place. Pressurized fire-foam is employed to extinguish incendiary metahumans, should they ever be present and active on-site in a manner that directly harms personnel or security.

MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-1. The lobby of the Bluebird Facility was designed to perpetuate a professional and sleek aesthetic, which carries throughout the entirety of the facility. Low-security engineers are present in workshops along this floor. Of particular note is the N.E.S.T. Training Wing at the southernmost portion of the building, with soundproofing and shock-resistant reinforcements placed along the walls to afford Jurors the highest amount of confidentiality and focus possible.
Onboarding operations for Junior Profilers and Junior Analysts take place within the easternmost portion of the lobby, which houses a small administrative office area distinct from the Governors Island Monument Building. Elevators to the Color Levels are located upon this floor.
Onboarding operations for Junior Profilers and Junior Analysts take place within the easternmost portion of the lobby, which houses a small administrative office area distinct from the Governors Island Monument Building. Elevators to the Color Levels are located upon this floor.

MINIMUM CLEARANCE: VARIABLE. The subterranean floors of the Bluebird Facility, dubbed the Color Levels, serve as the primary analytics and informatics center for MIRA's advanced threat response systems. Workers of a Junior through Master level are housed here, with each subsequent floor growing smaller and smaller in general surface area underground.
There are five Color Levels total. Each floor corresponds to a particular threat level (see "THREAT-STAKE LEVELS" under Code 1, Act 1 of MIRA Classification Guidelines): BLU, GRN, YLW, ORG, and RED, each with escalating confidentiality and clearance requirements. The first of these levels is B1, or LVL-BLU.
Each level contains its own ecosystem of workers, rooms, and operations, with interaction beyond the scope of each floor deliberately kept to a bare minimum as to reduce the risk of data breaches. BLU interacts with BLU, YLW interacts with YLW, and so on. Occasionally, resources from a higher clearance level may be de-escalated to lower clearances; the reverse is strictly prohibited, as such work would be beyond the typical clearance level for that resource. There are five departments total within each floor: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. Each floor has a general manager for these departments which report to the Senior Manager at the RED level. These LVL-RED managers, in turn, report directly to Director Stone. All Jurors are to be allowed full access to the resources of the Bluebird Facility at the discretion of the Site Director, and they are also to be granted a rolling RED-6 clearance level for usage of the on-site IMAS Systems.
There are five Color Levels total. Each floor corresponds to a particular threat level (see "THREAT-STAKE LEVELS" under Code 1, Act 1 of MIRA Classification Guidelines): BLU, GRN, YLW, ORG, and RED, each with escalating confidentiality and clearance requirements. The first of these levels is B1, or LVL-BLU.
Each level contains its own ecosystem of workers, rooms, and operations, with interaction beyond the scope of each floor deliberately kept to a bare minimum as to reduce the risk of data breaches. BLU interacts with BLU, YLW interacts with YLW, and so on. Occasionally, resources from a higher clearance level may be de-escalated to lower clearances; the reverse is strictly prohibited, as such work would be beyond the typical clearance level for that resource. There are five departments total within each floor: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. Each floor has a general manager for these departments which report to the Senior Manager at the RED level. These LVL-RED managers, in turn, report directly to Director Stone. All Jurors are to be allowed full access to the resources of the Bluebird Facility at the discretion of the Site Director, and they are also to be granted a rolling RED-6 clearance level for usage of the on-site IMAS Systems.

MIRA's ability to accurately interpret and respond to threats is largely dependent upon the analytics teams within the Bluebird Facility. While each floor retains its specific logistical team for usage at that specific threat level, the LVL-BLU offices are the largest of all sub-bureaus on-site; many Junior Analysts and Junior Profilers make their start on the B1 level and work their way upwards in clearance.
General offices contain the LOGISTICS, INVESTIGATIONS, and COMMUNICATIONS departments. The INVESTIGATIONS Unit houses multiple huddle rooms for interview purposes, while the COMMUNICATIONS Unit is primarily responsible for outgoing transmissions monitoring and securing available routes of data dissemination. LOGISTICS Units house the site's server rooms and analytical AI systems, with each level housing its own data on a closed "loop". Data may be de-classified from its respective "loop" and circulated to lower clearance levels as necessary.
The most notable idiosyncrasy that MIRA possesses is its method of record retention. While levels B1 and B2 primarily deal with digital means of communication and datakeeping, levels B3 through B5 employ increasingly anachronistic technology to the point of reverting most technological methods to their analog and mechanical counterparts. This includes, but is not limited to: a strict paper-record basis for all matters at B3 and beyond; mandated typewriters for office personnel at B3 and beyond; mechanical computational equipment for engineers and analysts, if needed; isolated and antiquated servers for necessary software and digital logs; wire telephone systems; telegraph systems in place along B3, B4, and B5 for purpose of coded communication via telegram; short-wave radio systems for wireless communication, if needed; a sealed messenger tube network for correspondence and record transportation. The usage of antiquated technological systems is primarily to safeguard against hackers, cyberspace manipulators, technopathic metahumans, and information breaches originating from beyond the territory of the Bluebird Facility.
General offices contain the LOGISTICS, INVESTIGATIONS, and COMMUNICATIONS departments. The INVESTIGATIONS Unit houses multiple huddle rooms for interview purposes, while the COMMUNICATIONS Unit is primarily responsible for outgoing transmissions monitoring and securing available routes of data dissemination. LOGISTICS Units house the site's server rooms and analytical AI systems, with each level housing its own data on a closed "loop". Data may be de-classified from its respective "loop" and circulated to lower clearance levels as necessary.
The most notable idiosyncrasy that MIRA possesses is its method of record retention. While levels B1 and B2 primarily deal with digital means of communication and datakeeping, levels B3 through B5 employ increasingly anachronistic technology to the point of reverting most technological methods to their analog and mechanical counterparts. This includes, but is not limited to: a strict paper-record basis for all matters at B3 and beyond; mandated typewriters for office personnel at B3 and beyond; mechanical computational equipment for engineers and analysts, if needed; isolated and antiquated servers for necessary software and digital logs; wire telephone systems; telegraph systems in place along B3, B4, and B5 for purpose of coded communication via telegram; short-wave radio systems for wireless communication, if needed; a sealed messenger tube network for correspondence and record transportation. The usage of antiquated technological systems is primarily to safeguard against hackers, cyberspace manipulators, technopathic metahumans, and information breaches originating from beyond the territory of the Bluebird Facility.

The Bluebird Facility's multiple Incident Rooms serve as the communications hub between field agents and analysts during an active incident. Rooms are divided into the levels they represent; for logistical and low-risk on-site incidents, the BLU-Incident room is used. For incidents involving indirectly allied or GREEN designate superheroes, the GRN-Incident room is used. YELLOW designate incidents are directed to YLW, ORANGE to ORG, and the highest-risk incidents are directed to the RED-Incident room, which employs analysts and communications officers with the highest seniority. MIRA Director Leonard Stone, or an appointed Site Director, is required to be in attendance at all RED-Threat incident response meetings. Correspondence inside and out of each room during an active incident is prohibited outside of mandatory informational exchanges, and all communication is strictly monitored to guard against the security of transmissions and technology.
In the field, agents are supplied with modified technology to ease the transition and barrier from antiquated to modern systems. SecureView is the most used client of all onboard MIRA software, and is used as the primary means of digital document access, communication, and data retention while out in the field. All digital records are transferred to paper records when the agent returns on-site, with the former being completely wiped to ensure maximum confidentiality.
Members of each sub-bureau corresponding to the room's level are required at each incident response conference, which includes but is not limited to: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. RED designate incidents require workers from LVL-RED, YELLOW from LVL-YLW, and so on. Personnel from floors of higher clearance may attend conferences of a lower threat designate, but the reverse is strictly forbidden. All conferences (and interviews, for that matter, at any floor in the Bluebird Facility) are monitored and logged. Conferences of YELLOW designate and higher are to be logged on 35mm film and stored in fire-proofed archival storage rooms (see BXC- ARCHIVES).
In the field, agents are supplied with modified technology to ease the transition and barrier from antiquated to modern systems. SecureView is the most used client of all onboard MIRA software, and is used as the primary means of digital document access, communication, and data retention while out in the field. All digital records are transferred to paper records when the agent returns on-site, with the former being completely wiped to ensure maximum confidentiality.
Members of each sub-bureau corresponding to the room's level are required at each incident response conference, which includes but is not limited to: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. RED designate incidents require workers from LVL-RED, YELLOW from LVL-YLW, and so on. Personnel from floors of higher clearance may attend conferences of a lower threat designate, but the reverse is strictly forbidden. All conferences (and interviews, for that matter, at any floor in the Bluebird Facility) are monitored and logged. Conferences of YELLOW designate and higher are to be logged on 35mm film and stored in fire-proofed archival storage rooms (see BXC- ARCHIVES).

As housing any confidential records off-site would run the risk of catastrophic data breaches, all of MIRA's files and available consultation data regarding metahuman targets, Threat-Stake assessments, and ongoing operations are housed within archival departments corresponding to each Color Level. Paper records are kept in sealed and encoded dockets, and strict access logs are maintained to prevent misuse and violations of data integrity. Contemporaneous measures are taken to date, enter, and retire records with efficiency and accuracy. Viewing rooms for the contents of each ARCHIVES Unit are housed directly within the floor's departmental block. Access to ORG-0 records and above require a licensed specialist to be present at all times during viewing.

With the Bluebird Facility's status as a secure government site, ensuring sufficient deterrence and protection against enemies of the state, rogue metahumans, and other unforeseen threats is an essential priority. On-site security personnel boast the finest standards of weaponry, training, armor, and tactics available, with Jurors on standby to provide ancillary support if needed. Any attack on a MIRA Site is to be considered a RED-X Incident-- immediate response needed. This includes the withdrawal and redirection of Special Agents away from any lesser priority events.
Also of note is the shared ownership of dispatch duties with COMMUNICATIONS Units across the site. Calls to available hotlines are traced, triangulated, monitored and verified with the shared resources of either department to brief Special Agents en-route to confirmed incidents.
Also of note is the shared ownership of dispatch duties with COMMUNICATIONS Units across the site. Calls to available hotlines are traced, triangulated, monitored and verified with the shared resources of either department to brief Special Agents en-route to confirmed incidents.
The primary means of transport for the Jurors is via MIRA VTOL, and the Hangar subsection of LVL-YLW houses air transport for the Special Agents should the need arise. Submarine transport is also available. Each vehicle departs via mantrap at the far end of the hangar, opening up into onto a helipad and small airfield on the southern end of Governors Island. Mantrap defenses include a collapsible seal and 10-foot thickened and reinforced exterior blast doors. MIRA-verified transports are all equipped with pressurized and waterproofed cabins.

Representing the efforts of a 50,000,000 dollar project into generative threat response simulation, the N.E.S.T. (NERVE Event Simulation Training) Wing of the Bluebird Facility is a comprehensive training program for use by Jurors and Field Analysts alike.
The training wing sports multiple firing ranges for small-arms, a closed course for vehicle handling and collision testing, safety testing for MIRA-researched ballistics and armor, and multiple testing rooms for PMPD-presenting subjects to utilize their abilities and test limits, weaknesses, and strengths of their factors. Testing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art holographic projection technology, along with recent developmental technology in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR). A total of three rooms are equipped with VR/AR technology and offer one-size-fits-all haptic feedback jumpsuits to wear by trainees; this offers real-time touch-awareness of simulated events in VR/AR.
Mandatory factor-limit testing for Threat-Stake Assessments is to be conducted within the N.E.S.T. facilities.

The training wing sports multiple firing ranges for small-arms, a closed course for vehicle handling and collision testing, safety testing for MIRA-researched ballistics and armor, and multiple testing rooms for PMPD-presenting subjects to utilize their abilities and test limits, weaknesses, and strengths of their factors. Testing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art holographic projection technology, along with recent developmental technology in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR). A total of three rooms are equipped with VR/AR technology and offer one-size-fits-all haptic feedback jumpsuits to wear by trainees; this offers real-time touch-awareness of simulated events in VR/AR.
Mandatory factor-limit testing for Threat-Stake Assessments is to be conducted within the N.E.S.T. facilities.
The Bluebird Facility's server room houses a technological backup of relevant records and on-site generative data for the N.E.S.T. Wing. All relevant facility records are maintained within their respective color level's archives wing, given the potential shortcomings of server-based recordkeeping.


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