"I'll have a, uh. Milkshake."
She leaned over the counter, sliding a few crumpled notes across the peeling laminate. In Edain's defense, this was only her third. She was fairly certain she could afford it, as well; her new form, with all the things it no longer required, had ended up saving her quite a bit of money. Plus, her request for a research grant had actually been accepted, through the grace of some insectoid God, so she finally had something she could call a job again. Her life... seemed to be veering back towards the tracks again. As much as it scared her, and for the first time in decades, Edain was optimistic.
Right, right, she had to actually order what she wanted- they had a pretty big menu, and she didn't fancy letting this... strange stranger pick her order for her. Not that there was anything wrong with being strange! She just didn't want anything wrong with her order.
"Sorry, uh- I'll have a large, um, cotton candy milkshake with the strawberry syrup. And the raspberry syrup, if you'll let me have both. And, uh, some skittles- make that two servings of skittles. Please."
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