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Interesting, how once they got an answer they didn’t want, Lark began to lag. Fate swore she could almost see them attempting to stop time, to slip into the space between seconds only to find the cracks patched up without warning.
It was also interesting how their facade of careful consideration cracked a little. They simply grabbed a card at random, without even pretending to put any thought into it. Not that it would’ve mattered, really. Even Fate didn’t know which card was which until it was pulled. One of her contacts had once droned on to her about its existence being a quantum paradox or something, but she’d tuned him out once he’d started trying to use Science to explain her cards to her.
They tossed the card onto the table with derision, no closer to their presumed goal than they were at the start. It seemed Lark was getting tired of their game. Unfortunately for them, Fate wasn’t done playing. She reached out to touch the card, her fingers pressing against the letters, and pulled. The card seemed to elongate, the helpless figure plummeting farther and farther as the Cups continued to empty themselves before Lark’s eyes. Fate matched their gaze, something just as hard but glittering with malice.
The words fell from Fate’s lips and thudded against the table. The falling figure crashed against the bottom of the card before it flicked back to normal, as if it had never changed, as if the very notion was ridiculous.
As she spoke, the card began to make its way to the other side of the desk, ever so slowly. Lark probably noticed, what with their eyes seeking out any little hidden trick or sleight. The card shifted until it was opposite the previous one, its face burning into the fake wood as the rest of the deck began to shift and move, lazily spinning in the air above the desk that separated them as a sly grin snuck across Fate’s face.
It was also interesting how their facade of careful consideration cracked a little. They simply grabbed a card at random, without even pretending to put any thought into it. Not that it would’ve mattered, really. Even Fate didn’t know which card was which until it was pulled. One of her contacts had once droned on to her about its existence being a quantum paradox or something, but she’d tuned him out once he’d started trying to use Science to explain her cards to her.
They tossed the card onto the table with derision, no closer to their presumed goal than they were at the start. It seemed Lark was getting tired of their game. Unfortunately for them, Fate wasn’t done playing. She reached out to touch the card, her fingers pressing against the letters, and pulled. The card seemed to elongate, the helpless figure plummeting farther and farther as the Cups continued to empty themselves before Lark’s eyes. Fate matched their gaze, something just as hard but glittering with malice.
“You can’t.”
The words fell from Fate’s lips and thudded against the table. The falling figure crashed against the bottom of the card before it flicked back to normal, as if it had never changed, as if the very notion was ridiculous.
“No returns, refunds, exchanges, or take-backs.”
Fate giggled a little at her own joke before adopting a mask of seriousness. “I couldn’t reverse it even if I wanted to. Once the cards have been drawn, they must be used. And once they’ve been used, they can’t be undone. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle.”
As she spoke, the card began to make its way to the other side of the desk, ever so slowly. Lark probably noticed, what with their eyes seeking out any little hidden trick or sleight. The card shifted until it was opposite the previous one, its face burning into the fake wood as the rest of the deck began to shift and move, lazily spinning in the air above the desk that separated them as a sly grin snuck across Fate’s face.
“Besides, Lark.”
She began, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. “If you somehow did manage to reverse it, to time travel and see your other selves again,”
Fate’s voice dropped, as if she was sharing a secret.“Wouldn’t you have done so already?”
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