This...might have not been a great idea...I think that's...yep. Yep, I should be in real pain right now. Fraggin' weird.
Her body seemed to vibrate consistently as though
Koushhk was humming with every cell of her body. Pain receptors were firing off constantly, but no one seemed to answer their calls upstairs. Death Sticks were a hell of a drug.
Her eyes seemed to refocus as a familiar sight opened up before her: the
Rancor Pit. In another life, the woman had been a regular along with her mentor. Old man ordered literally the same thing every time. At the time, it had infuriated her. Now, such things failed to register a feeling through her spice-ridden mind. Well, at least she knew the food wasn't absolute garbage, and there was a faint twinge in her gut that she supposed was likely hunger. Memory being what it was, it was safer for the fighter to just eat something and vomit it up later than skip too many meals. Especially with these new implants.
Koushhk immediately regretted that decision as soon as she entered the restaurant.
This is a fucking persistent one.
A corpse sat at
their old table and was visibly speaking with others. Only then did she remember the hallucination's announcement at the Chancellor's office earlier. If this was the Will of the Force, the Force could go fuck itself with Revan's lightsaber. Even worse, the rest of her body betrayed her whilst her conscious thoughts raged at this shittery.
Koushhk was already at the table when her mind caught up with her seemingly-sentient-flesh.
Grabbing a stool from the bar, the prizefighter made her own special spot at the table. ONLY THEN did she realize the others were there...and actively talking to the corpse. Great, the goddamn mind-ghost had clearly attached itself to an actual person. She'd heard of such things before, of course. Horror stories of loved ones killing each other in a drug-fueled craze because they'd seen each other as mortal enemies. Mothers slaughtering their children because they were space-devils. Uncommon, to be sure, but it happened.
Well, time to make the best of a bad situation. Story of her kriffin' life. Nodding to the two women and the armored man (as she couldn't quite engage with the dead man yet), the fighter motioned for the serving droid.
Koushhk... Here...
" her vocabulator declared as she typed, "
Good... for fight. Good... for slice... too.
Oh, that's probably pain. Yep. Yep it was. Apparently the new implants didn't like her sitting on some shitty durasteel stool. Her ass and lower back especially vibrated to uncomfortable levels. Removing her helmet to reveal her heavily bandage-wrapped face, only her eyes, partially-blackened blond hair, and a small mouth slit were really visible as she lit a spice-laden cigarette in her mouth. Death Sticks were extremely illegal in the Republic, but spice was less so.
Others inside the establishment had begun staring at her, but that was probably because the Ubese fighter had removed their helmet in front of them...right?
The droid's arrival was answered with "
Week... ly... special... please... Corellian... ale... spice... d...
Some might find it unnerving for the fighter to continue using their helmet's vocabulator as it sat on the table before her, but that was their problem.