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Alabama Swamps
“Alone at the edge of the universe humming a tune…”Summer slept heavily in Alabama. The humidity pressed the darkness close, interrupted only by dreams of pale green light that flashed their non-messages into the air around them. And yet for her weight, summer did not sleep quietly. Where life could not be seen, it could be heard everywhere: cicadas, crickets, frogs, owls, mammals, and splashes of much larger, quieter things rolled around the overgrown yard of the little cabin.
It had not been lived in for decades, its previous owner much to enraptured in his work to ever visit the place of his birth, his life, his first little death – death of self, not of body. A body long and thin and gnarled like the branches of the old tree across thick vegetation from the old cabin. Like the girl that lay across its branches.
It was not an apple tree, and never had been, and never would be. It was instead an oak, and always had been, its branches thick with Spanish moss and small living things, and apples, although it was not an apple tree. The apples were hers, had come with her, would go with her. The banjo her nimble fingers found was hers now, too, a gift from someone who was gone.
The Song was a gift, too, and the closed mis-matched eyes and the straw hair that curled around her shoulder in a thick braid. She wore torn blue-jeans and an unstained white peasant’s blouse with tattered sleeves. Her feet were bare against the damp wood, but she didn’t mind it. The cool felt nice against her skin.
“A siren sounds like the goddess who promises endless apologies of paradise, and only She can make it right, so things are different to-night.”
And they were. Nineteen was such a strange age to be – stranger still was five. Which mattered, she wondered, the time or the body that passed through it? Or was it neither, but the black godsoul that writhed under it all? She rarely had space to consider such things – but sometimes she needed a night that slept deeply, far from Duskburg and her little church. Here outside a house that he’d never want her to See. But he was gone, and she had made her peace with the absence, and instead chose to bless the hollowed ground with hallowed presence.
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