Story Collector
Their mind is slow to clear, but there’s a hand on Lark’s arm that they recognize. Pressure, holding them back as much as reassuring them. Rough hands, raised scars. Their own hand lifts to touch the side of their head, pressing it over the shorn hair as though to staunch some invisible wound. Their face is terribly blank. It has to be. They can't let Lily see the grief that clutches them in sharp claws, not until they've escaped from it. The headache from trying to hold time still for too long is only half the reason for the sound that leaves their throat, short and sharper than they intend, half a laugh and half a hiss. “Ha.”
So that’s how it happened, they muse, trying to push down the dark twisting mass that has taken residence in their chest. The cracks in their sanity run deeper than anyone can know, but they paste the momentary lapse with duct tape and a practiced smile. It's been weeks, since they were surprised by this. It's just different, being the Lark that it happens to. They lower their hand and put it out of their mind, as much as they can when it's been there all day. “It’s alright. That was my bad.”
Their younger self hasn’t said a word, just staring at them with unblinking eyes and clinging to their arm like a piece of driftwood in a flood. They look horrified. That won’t do, not here. Taking a breath, Lark reaches over to brush a stray braid behind their ear, leaning in close to whisper something. As though waiting for that signal, the other Lark unlatches themself and disappears in a flash of light.
“I hope you don’t mind if I take over.” They remember to say, once they’re already alone with Lily and the diminishing crowd on the boat. All of the pirates have gathered along the side, jeering at the fleeing intruders.
They offer Lily their hand, having seemingly forgotten the shallow cut on their arm. The minute tremors that run through them are new, but their smile is ancient. “Shall we find someplace a little quieter, Lily Pond?”
Her name leaves their lips like the gift that it is, and they don’t allow the bittersweet melancholy in their mind to taint it. This day is for her. It always has been. And this is always how it went.
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