To Whomever Has Been Chosen,
Hello, and welcome candidate! You have been selected as one of the few among the many who have applied for this position to undergo a temporary internship so that we may see you in a working environment. You will assist our current executives and their teams in their daily tasks, and while doing so, come to have a better understanding of our company and what we do.
We understand that none of our current candidates recall submitting applications or attending interviews. This is perfectly normal, and part of the hiring process! For the duration of this letter, we will explain to you what will be expected of you, and what you should have with you on your first day at the job.
As previously stated, you will assist our executives and their teams throughout your internship here. You will all be divided up equally among our four heads of departments. If you are assigned Mrs. Emily Brownstone, you will report to Design. If you are asked to report to Mr. Doryn Brine, you will promptly make your way to Sales. If Ms. Rain Lejion requests you, you will report to Finances. And finally, if you are told to see Mr. Leon Malach, you will find your way to the Technology studio. You will assist your department head in any way they request, from assisting on currently active projects to retrieving coffee and items from the warehouse.
You will be required to bring a few things with you. The completed form, attached to this letter, as well as your photo ID and the first memory you have of your mother or father. If you have no memories of your parents, you may substitute this with your first happy memory. You must bring your own phone, which we programmed all-important numbers into on your last visit. You may wear any clothes of your choosing, though we highly recommend loose-fitting and easily maneuverable articles. Steel-toed boots or SWAT boots are recommended, should you work with Mr. Malach. Things we recommend regardless of department, but do not require: a UV-rated face shield, electrocution-proof gloves, a raincoat, galoshes, and a knife of at least 5” but not to exceed 8”.
Please keep in mind that we will only be asking four of you to stay on and join the company. Put your best foot forward, and let's make some magic. We are happy to have you here at Silythus Tower, Inc.
Madam Anastasia Mikhailov, CEO
Mrs. Emily Brownstone, Design and Interfacing
Mr. Doryn Brine, Sales and Strategy
Ms. Rain Lejion, Finances and Asset Protection
Mr. Leon Malach, Technology and Development
Hi everyone! Welcome to Silythus Tower, Inc! Where you can help make a world a better place. Below, you will find the requirements for sheets. Feel free to include as much, or as little, as you would like otherwise.
Department Preference:
Skills, Professional:
Skills, Unprofessional:
Licenses and Degrees: