RP [Serenity] Doki-Doki Channel!


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A cool wind rolled through the streets, cutting through the haze of heat which clung close to the concrete, humid and thick. The city was slower here, the passing faces only sometimes stopping for a picture, though usually they hurried on moving to the parts of the city which hit their stride only after the sky bled black and the sun lingered on only in the sticky hot air that never quite cooled before the next morning arrived.

Shinju’s jewelry jingled as she walked, checking building numbers as she ducked down the odd narrow alleyways of the old city. The address for the cafe (bar? She hadn’t really gotten a clear idea on which it was online) was on a slip of paper she had tucked between her knuckles as she walked. Hard to say if her new partner would be there already or not, some people liked to arrive just on time, some very early, and some, like Shinju herself, were running about ten minutes late.

The cafe sat under a pair of reddish-yellow streetlights, a neon ‘Open’ sign buzzing faintly. It was down a set of stairs, sunken windows peeking out where the wall of the building met the street. Shinju made her way down at a reasonable hurry, the door below ringing as she pulled it open and took a step inside. She took a look around, a long bar ran along the back wall while small tables sat under the small windows, where a few couples sat sipping drinks. Shinju sorted through the scattered faces, trying to pick out one that looked like the DDC issued ID photo that had been on Moonlight’s file.
A faint buzz, a dim light radiating from a dying device. Those were the only things that disturbed the faux tranquility that blanketed the room in the early morning; a room devoided of light, quiet save for the occasional gasp from a heap on the floor. The gentle chattler of plastic and hardwood was answered by a gentle shift of fabric, a hand emerging from the folds of the blankets.

After a small series of blindly patting the floor, the phone was dragged over to the caccoon unceremoniously, and for a few moments there was stillness. A weight settled on queasy limbs, the silence rang loudly, filled with non-existant words; fears and anxiety not entirely her own, each one drowning out the next. What if it was the manager, about some sort of mandatory event? What if it was her parents? What if it was a stranger, or a stalker, and they found out who Moonlight was, and messaged her out of disappointed? Or what if it was just a game notification, or a video notification? Some sort of notification that reminded her that other than Moonlight, she didn't matter.

The hand that rested on the phone slowly retracted into the safety of the blankets. What if it's important? What if it's nothing? She couldn't bring herself to look when everything was so loud in the deafening silence. It isn't hard, just turn on the screen, enter the pin, and check the notification bar. It's not hard.

And yet, hours pass before a will finds it's way into clumsy hands, having gone to reposition on the floor which resulted in rolling onto the hard object. Fishing the forgotten device out from beneath the cloth, Arisa stared at the object in silence. After struggling and failing to remember why the object was where it was, she tested the power button to no result. Dead. It needs charged.

Up. She needed to get up so she could put the phone on the charger. But her room felt so far away, and the floor was right there. Even with an insentive, she had no will or energy to proceed with the self-given task at hand. She should get up and charge it. It's not hard. Just stand up, walk to the room, sit on the bed, and follow along the headboard for the tied cord. It isn't hard, and yet the bundle remained where it was.

A few more hours pass before she gradually gravitates towards her room, placing her phone on the charger as she curls up on the bed. Time didn't mean anything within a place where no sunlight shone, windows heavily blocked by curtains and duct tape; a feable attempt to keep her sanity in tact. She made songs at home, after all, and declined as many in-person events as she was allowed, and then some when it was too much.

Once her phone was charged enough, she turned it on to review the lyrics she had written prior to falling asleep on the living room floor. Before she could open her notes app, however, she noticed the passing red dot attached to the Messager icon. After a long staring contest, and unable to find out the contents of the text past "Arisa, ..." from her manager, she caved and opened the chat log.


Your partner, the one that was assigned to you that you keep avoiding? She has requested to meet with you at 20:00. This meet-up is considered mandatory, so there will be consequences for a no-show."

Panic started to swell in her chest painfully, settling like a pit that attached her to the bed. 'Mandatory' and 'Consequences' sparked an uproar that drowned out her own thoughts, and glancing at the time made everything worse. 20:23. Late. She was late for something she had to do, or there would be reprocussions. If she went, would her partner be angry? Would they yell? What if she already left? What if she was still waiting?

With each worry, the pit grew heavier and heavier, as if becoming restrained to the mattress below with no strength to fight back. The address following the message was two right turns away from her self-made containment. A 3 minute walk, with no reason to be late other than... for what reason? Laziness, that must be it. Tired and lazy. The same reason she avoided gatherings and live events. They were reasons that made sense to others, ones that everyone experiences from time to time. Things that were easy to fathom.

20:32. Time continued forward as Arisa stayed rooted in place, paralyzed by the yelling that wasn't there. She wanted to disappear, to hide in her own space, so maybe she can cover her ears to block out some of the sound that filled her head, but she couldn't afford to do that, could she? She had to go, where people could stare and judge, and if they found out she was under DDC.

DDC. Right. The same way she acquired these additions also helped quiet them when in effect. Maybe if she went as Moonlight, she would be fine. She wouldn't have to worry about disappointing everyone because of how she is as herself - a hikkomori. And if there were any Grimm, she could take care of it, and it wouldn't be this loud.

With a slow inhale, she closed her eyes and tried to force past the noise that filled her head, conjuring up an image of long, platinum hair and grey eyes standing before her. Arisa reached out her hands as the image grasped them in return, leaning down and letting their foreheads touch. With a slow exhale, the two pushed against each other, and merged with a gentle flash of light.

A tainted version of the image took Arisa's place, the platinum blonde fading to black while the edges of the sky blue dress shifted to a dirtied blue. Two rings of light floated around her wrists as a swirl of light laid suspended from the side of her head.

A sigh of relief escaped Moonlight as the previous noise grew distant, granting some relief from the anxiety and panic it caused as a byproduct. Heading to the closet, she shifted some items around before grabbing a sizable cloak and throwing it over to try and make the light rings less noticable. It was what the cloak was for, after all, as she patrolled.

Looking at the time on her phone once more showed 20:39, resulting in another sigh as she placed the phone back on the charger, heading out to the establishment nearby. Following down the familiar stairs, dodging a leaving couple, she ducked into the building entrance as quietly as the little bell above her head allowed. She glanced around the cafe in silence, unsure if the person she was meeting would still be here or if they left long ago.
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t took two scans of the room, and one awkward conversation with the girl working the bar to arrive at the conclusion that she had… arrived first. It certainly wasn’t the first time this had happened, or the second, or the third, but still, she had arrived late, so perhaps Moonlight had also gotten caught up? Right, it was best to try to stay optimistic about these sorts of things, wasn’t it?

Maybe that’s why Shinju found herself at a corner table next to a window, or perhaps it was just she knew that she could bill her coffee to the company and wasn’t one to say no to a free pick me up. Maybe she’d even push her luck for a fried snack, surely the DDC could spare a few thousand yen. What were these partner meet and greets anyway but an elaborate way to make the company buy you dinner. If she was going for it, maybe she should get Aoi something to go as well.

If anyone asked she could say she bought it for her partner or something.

Shinju turned to catch the eye of the girl behind the bar when she had her own attention caught by the sound of the door opening. A woman bundled up poked her way through the door as a couple left. Shinju caught her eye as the woman peeked around the room, and she lifted a hand to give the woman a wave.

Over here, Miss!” Shinju called, with a cheerful smile.
With the aided call out, Moonlight's attention drifted over to the raised hand. Noticing that it wasn't to the staff, but to her, she ducked her head slightly in acknowledgement before making her way over to the corner table.

Grey eyes scanned the womans face momentarly before dropping them towards the table. For someone who waited almost an hour for her, she didn't look angry or upset, much to Moonlight's surprise. Another voice whispered that the stranger was probably able to hide such an expression. Once standing on the other side of the table, she bowed deeply in apology before sitting down, hands keeping her cloak tightly closed from inside the cloth.

"I'm sorry for being so late. I had lost track of time, though that's hardly any excuse." Moonlight apologized, giving a smile of her own. It didn't match Shinju's in energy; more of a stiff, small smile that you would give out of politeness. Though they were regarded as partners on paper, in reality they were no more than strangers due to Arisa's constant no-show and avoidance tendancies.
It’s no trouble at all, I was late too if you’d believe it.” Shinju said with a wink and an easy laugh. If there was any animosity, it wasn’t in her smile, and with a jingle of metal and a wave of her hand, Shinju motioned for Moonlight to take a seat across the table. “Got caught up cooking food for the next two days I lost track of time a little, happens all the time really. Though, now that I’m here I’m thinking about ordering a few meals and putting it on the company’s tab. So, mums the word on you being a teensie bit late, and you keep my food schemes a secret and we’ll be even.[/b]l She said, tapping her index finger to her lips.

Oh, we should probably introduce ourselves shouldn’t we? I’m Miyamoto, Shinju, or Re:Viver if you’d prefer. It will be a pleasure to get to know you.” She finished cheerfully with an offer of her hand across the table.
Moonlight gave a small nod as she listened, offering a soft laugh when her company laughed as she carefully placing herself into the seat across from her partner. Food prep, something now foreign to the recluse, truly sounded like a lot of work. She glanced down at the menu momentairly, giving a light hum at the plan and proposition presented before raising her gaze to the offer of introduction.

After a bit of a pause, Moonlight reluctantly took hold of her hand with no strength behind its grasp, revealing that the cloak had a hole that her thumb was slotted through to keep the band of light around her wrist concealed. "Saiya, Arisa, or Moonlight. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope we get along." Moonlight responded, almost mimicing the introduction before letting her hand retreat back to her lap.

"As for the offer," Moonlight started, lifting her hand back up to gently push the second menu towards Shinju, "if they ask, I had been absorbed with work. So order more of whatever you like, under the guise that I forgot to eat today." Moonlight offered, maintaining the small smile on her lips. She didn't know how long Shinju had been waiting for, but if it was any consolation then Moonlight had no quelms on the matter.
That’s great news, my sister will love it.” Shinju said, with a conspiratorial wink. Moonlight was much more soft spoken than she had expected, though all she had really known about the other woman was that she had been playing hooky the last few scheduled meetings. “Well that aside, it’s good to finally meet you, Arisa.

Shinju flipped open the second menu, though her gaze remained on Moonlight. Her hand had felt awfully thin. “Oh, please do order something for yourself as well, it’s the company’s tab after all and there’s no reason to leave one of these hungry.” If they company wanted them to fight monsters, then that seemed like the least they could do anyway. “And, while we wait for the waitress, how about we share a little? I can go first if you don’t mind.” As Shinju spoke, she slid a ring off her pinkie, and held it up so it would catch some light.

A bit morbid, me, but I can collect dead Grimm into little bits and bobs like this.” She turned the ring in her fingers, the gemstone glittering an inconsistent gold. “This thing’s only 500 yen if you’d believe it, a gift from a friend of mine in my academy days. Didn’t even mean to shove a Grimm in it, but it’s all I had at the time.” She placed the ring down on the table between them.

How about you? Anything you’d like to share is fine, just want to break the ice a little.
Another nod was met with Shinju's words, one that agreed with the sentiment of meeting. Whether it was honest or out of politeness, not even Moonlight could tell. Though, the next sentence resulted in a slight tilt of the head, as if contemplating the words spoken.

Food wasn't a thing Arisa thought of anymore. She couldn't remember the last time she ate, or the last thing she ate. Probably a cup of ramen, if she had to guess. Though, even now with the offer of food, she had no desire to eat. Mulling over the thought momentairly, she noted that she simply wasn't hungry. But it would be strange to not order something, a quiet thought whispered. "Then," Moonlight hummed, glancing down at the menu between them, "I think I'll take an order of fries." She concluded, dragging her eyes to meet Shinju's before her gaze caught the ring.

Hearing Shinju's offer to share a bit about themselves made everything too loud, as if becoming hyperaware of the noises she had been trying to surpress. It didn't take long to push them aside, favoring listening to Shinju's words - as if hanging on each one like a lifeline. Morbid, Shinju had said. If she had been a little smarter, or things a little quieter, maybe she could of put two and two together; but for now, she simply nodded, taking the words at face value.

Something to break the ice, as Shinju had put it. It wasn't a hard task, it didn't have to be complex, but Moonlight was silent. Her gaze slowly dropped to the table as her hands clutched onto the sleeves of her cloak. Something to break the ice. It isn't hard. Anything is fine, the bar of expectations is already so low, and yet the small, polite smile dropped to a thin line for a moment.

"Grimm... it doesn't hurt, when they attack." Moonlight managed to finally drag out, forcing the small smile back in place. It felt stiff, but she tried to relax. "Sorry, I'm not used to talking about myself, so I was at a loss for what to say." She added, trying to excuse her reaction one way or another. She wanted to seem normal, she wanted to be normal - or some semblance of it. Even with the few Grimm she had absorbed while working solo and patrolling, she wasn't quite used to them yet.

"You mentioned a sister, right? What is she like?" Moonlight asked, trying to drag focus away from herself and onto a new icebreaker. To try and look completely interested, she placed her elbows on the edge of the table and cradled her head between her hands, making sure that the cloak hid the bands of light from prying eyes. To an outsider, it was probably strange, if not concerning, to see a hooded figure in a corner of the venue talking to someone.
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It was a bit hard to tell if this was going well or exceedingly poorly. Moonlight was talking at least, but she really had the air of someone who very much would rather not be having this conversation. Which, she had skipped a handful of previous meetings so maybe she shouldn’t really be shocked that Arisa seemed like she would rather like to leave. Still, Shinju gave her a smile as it certainly seemed like her new partner was making an effort and who would she be to discount that?

Aoi is her name, she’s top of her class at the academy, a real clever kid you know?” Shinju said, her eyes lighting up at Arisa’s prompting. Clearly she was quite ready to talk about her sister. “She’s a witch too I should say, her powers really put mine to shame, ha. Keep telling her she should join a club while she’s still in school though, but I think she just likes to have her nose in a book.” Shinju chuckled and held up her hands apologetically.

Ah, excuse me.” She said, “I should stop before I chat your ear off, Aoi always says I talk too much, but I think she just gets embarrassed too easily.
Moonlight gave a nod here and there to Shinju's adoration for her sister, unable to relate but not wanting to be rude. To the sudden apology, she shook her head with a light smile. "No need to apologize. I don't have any siblings, so it's nice to hear that you have a good relationship with her." She replied, pausing for a moment before releasing a small breath.

"As for talking, I've never been much of one, so thank you for filling the silence on my behalf. Please, talk as much as you see fit." Moonlight added, lifting her head off her hands to return them to her lap, her mind doing laps. To her, the meeting was going poorly on her account. She felt too stiff, no matter how much she tried to relax, didn't talk enough, now that talking had been pointed out, and no matter how much she tried to hold eye contact, she'd get overwhelmed and break it to look at something else, mostly at Shinju's accessories.

She knew she had lost the natural flow of socialization, but she didn't realize how bad she was until now, as her main form of correspondence was through typing where she could review what she's written as many times as needed. The only plus side is the foresight to go as Moonlight, since it gave her some clarity and more control of her nerves. "Does Aoi enjoy going to the Academy?" She tacked on, as if trying to resume the previous conversation and not totally trying to avoid talking.
Honestly? I never know with that girl, she certainly likes reading and learning things, but I don’t know if she really likes school, y’know?” Shinju’s bracelets jingled as she lifted her hand to wave it in the air. She added in an unbothered sort of chuckle. “Can’t say I really enjoyed it that much, it was nice seeing my friends but the teachers really loved to nag me about every little infraction.

Your food will be out in a few moments,” The waitress said, returning to the table with a pair of drinks in hand.

Thanks, and one of them will be to go—” Shinju said, pausing at the sound of tires squealing followed by a heavy thud. Shinju turned, squinting as she tried to look down the street. “Did someone just get into an accident?” She asked, looking back to Arisa.
Moonlight nodded her head as she listened, eyes following the movements of Shinju's bracelets, memorizing the shapes of each bit of jewelry in favor of replying. Maybe it was from the lack of being able to relate that she failed to think of a proper response, she vaugly wondered. But when she thought like that, she disagreed with the notion, falling back on the belief that it was from her inability to properly socialize. She just needed to relearn how to talk to people without... what, falling into her delusions? What if they weren't delusions. What if it was the truth that she talked herself out of believing?

It was only when the waitress had come over to inform them that their food would be out soon that her movements changed from nodding to the dip of the head in thanks, incircling the drink before her with her hands gingerly. She didn't know if it was because of the additional person in proximity or urged from her prior train of thought, that her nerves peaked as she tried to ground herself with the cool drink within her grasp. Needless overthinking, she tried to tell herself, consitrating on the drink within the cup, the cold sensation biting at her fingers.

Given only enough time to slide the drink towards herself, she looked up at Shinju, as first confused as she tried to process what had been said, taking in her body language. Moonlight tried to peer out the window after her, figuring something had happened outside, but couldn't quite make out more than a few shadows between the flickering overhead light and the soft edge-glow of neon signs above what it could of been.

"Doesn't hurt to check it out." 'Whatever it is,' was bitten back as Moonlight stood up, abandoning the drink before her in favor of wrapping the cloak tightly around her frame. The word 'Accident' had finally registered from the sentence, albeit belated, as she got ahold of herself. She hated the lack of control, where everything got too much at once, but she tried to live with it at this point. Maybe once she got used to it, she could figure out a way to handle it.