Closed RP Ruff Rover

This RP is currently closed.
Connor nodded along with what Todd was saying, but he ha dno idea what he was talking about. He tried to remember the last time he had ever listened to music, sometimes he would hear stuff from the radios in cars, or hikers playing things on speakers (he always made a point to scare those ones away). It had always been noise, and unwelcome. Though there were older memories though, the sisters singing hymns, Sister Sophia specifically would sometimes produce a guitar or a violin, and have the children dance around to songs older than time. Those were good days.

Connor felt good that Todd was able to be open, and speak to him casually, made him feel welcome, it was comforting. For some reason, him calling Sam, Sammy, made him smile a little bit.

"Never listened to much music myself... only knew a few tunes from back home... guess it reminded me too much of people, who I was trying to avoid for the longest time."
Todd nodded as Connor explained his disconnect with music. An idea crossed his mind, and he found himself smiling a little.

“Well, if you’re interested in people again, I could recommend a place where you could find some of your own music. If you like this I think they had some copies left in stock, and I can ask Sammy if there’s anything she listens to she thinks you’d like. Or you could ask her, since you two have been hanging out.”

There wasn’t any accusation in the last part, which actually surprised Todd. Was he just too tired for that? Possibly. Maybe it was the fact that he’d been so willing to act to protect her. She wouldn’t need it – no, she wouldn’t need it. But she’d need good people when it came to that, people to fall back on. Connor had just proven he was good people, and he’d promised to be there for Sam. That was enough, for now.
Connor did take notice of how casual Todd seemed to feel about him being close to Sam... Sammy? No, just Sam. That was good, any doubt about Connor crossing some kind of line by spending time with his mate was gone.

"I'd like that... I think, what's the place?"
“VULTURE Records. It’s up in the Strip district. All those old warehouses that’re stores now? The owner, Kosuke, he’s cool. We did karaoke one time. I’ll– give him a heads up.”

Because it felt fair to warn the very human proprietor about… Connor. All of Connor. Especially the big guy’s apparent currency illiteracy. The last thing he wanted was to be the cause of an accidental shoplifting scenario.

While they talked, Todd followed Connor’s directions. They were leaving town. The buildings became more sparse, then started to fade out altogether. That was a good sign, given the destination was a cabin in the woods. Todd let his passenger pepper their conversation with the right turns and branches, then decided to bring up something that was kind of bothering him about all of this.

“Connor… last I checked, you weren’t planning to stick around. What changed your mind? Was it Sammy?” A pause, and then he couldn’t help the slightly wry smile as he looked sidelong at his passenger. “Or Lapis?”
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It took a moment for Connor to register what Todd had said, the shock of it sending his senses spiralling for a moment. Before his entire face bloomed almost as red as his hair and he looked at Todd in a mixture of sheer terror and embarrassment. Oh God, Oh God, he knows Lapis, how does he know Lapis, why does he know Lapis, why am I afraid that he knows Lapis? He's not a threat, is he a threat? Because Lapis is my ma- no that can't be it, Todd has Sam, he wouldn't touch Lapis. Why am I scared? Todd is like my bro - oh no, I care what he thinks, I'm afraid of what he'll say. What the hell, fuck, shit, why did I leave Montana.

"Uhhhhhhhhh... well, you see, I, uh, you, she, I uh, we uh..." Connor stammered. He suddenly felt the need to dive out of the car. "Yeah, I uh, they, both, yes.... that's why I'm staying... how do-" Connor cut off the question he dreaded asking, how Todd knew Lapis, and how he knew Connor and Lapis were... involved. Though Connor suspected Todd could smell her on him, and that thought was... good? He didn't know why, but the idea that Lapis had marked him with her scent which meant she certainly smelt of him was... yes that was good.
The comment got the right reaction out of Connor. Todd grinned impishly, like a teenager who’d just embarrassed a friend. The big man couldn’t deny it, any more than Todd could deny lov– could deny Sam was his.

“There’s only one girl in Pittsburgh who smells like cheap perfume and ozone,” he laughed, rather than dwelling on that again. “Who she is and what you two were doing was all over you before you showered. And it's still on your clothes.”

The fear was odd, but then again, Connor definitely wasn’t the type to be easily embarrassed. He was probably overcompensating for that in the hormones department. Todd laughed again, this time with a subtle message: look, I’m not worried or threatened.

“Listen, man, it’s cool. I’m not interested in her at all. Our relationship is – roughly professional, since I didn’t really–” he paused for a second, then chewed on the inside of his cheek like he was making a decision. It didn’t take long. “Has she talked to you at all about Slate, or a guy named Obsidian?”
Connor was, surprisingly, reassured by this. He had been already bracing to resist the instinctual reaction of challenging Todd's claims, yet it didn't come. He was still embarrassed, but not threatened or shocked. It was shocking just how much the beast inside had already accepted Todd and trusted him.

"I met Obsidian," Connor said casually, thinking nothing of it. "He's... well, like us, sort of.... wait how do you know them?"
Todd drummed his fingers on the steering wheel a few times before answering. He wanted to phrase this carefully, just in case Connor had accepted what Todd refused. It felt unlikely, but… so did Lapis and Connor.

“Obsidian had a job offer for me. I turned it down, but we’ve kept in touch. He introduced me to Lapis and the others. They’re… an odd bunch. An angry bunch. But they’re coming from a good place, I think.”

He trailed off, turning down the last dirt road to the cabin. The Malibu complained, unused tot he rough terrain, but she'd be fine. Without thinking, he rubbed the dashboard with his free hand. It didn’t soothe the car, obviously. It was just a habit.
"He offered much the same to me, not sure why he was so interested... wanted me to... protect folk, other metas, vulnerable people, clearly he doesn't know me very well..." Connor scoffed. "I did... accept, on a limited basis, to help out here for there, didn't seem like a bad cause, but Obsidian... he doesn't smell trustworthy to me, something off about him, but, well, his offer did give me an excuse to see her again..." Connor trailed off, but then blushed again, realizing what he'd just said.
“Trustworthy might be generous,” Todd agreed, pulling the Malibu up to the cabin. He smirked. “But I think he got a pretty good read on you. You did just come within a few seconds of killing me to protect Sam.”

He put the car in park, but didn’t move to get out just yet. He turned to face Connor fully for the first time since the drive started.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed about Lapis. I think you might be really good for her, if you two make it work.”