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The air was getting colder, and Lily could see her breath as she rounded the corner on the last block, jogging up to her apartment building. Despite the low temperature, she was covered in a sheen of sweat, breathing hard and ragged. After Lark had visited her in the summer, she’d started working out harder, pushing herself to be in the best condition she could be in, just in case they came by for another pirate adventure. They never did though, had it really been just this summer? It both felt eons ago and just the other day that Lark had appeared out of nowhere, asking her if she could go anywhere in time, where she would go. It was even longer ago that she’d run through these very streets, not these ones but still, carrying a much younger version of their friend on her back. Were they even her friend? Were they something less? Something more?
Lily pushed the feelings down and out, focusing on chewing up the sidewalk beneath her feet. Thoughts of Lark and her feelings were pushed down as her vision focused simply on finishing her run. She slowed to a walk as she reached the front of her building, pausing to take a few deep breaths before heading back upstairs, grabbing her mail on the way up. She recognized a couple bills poking through, some junk mail as well. Nothing good then, it could wait. She filled a glass with water and drained it, tossing the letters on her coffee table before heading in for a shower.
An hour or so later, after some stretches, the shower, and getting sidetracked with some planning texts, the former Lotus flopped down onto her couch, reading the newest message in a group chat about weekend plans. Lily had been added to it a while ago and never really engaged, simply watching the notifications roll by. She let the phone drop onto her chest, staring at the ceiling. She’d been finding cat stickers all over her apartment, and she suspected a certain time traveler had something to do with it. She had removed some of them, but this one stayed, a little cat in a ninja costume brandishing a throwing star at her.
Oh right, the mail.
Lily sat up, lazily flicking through the envelopes, tossing bills into one pile and junk into another. She stopped when she reached the last one, neither junk nor bill. It was addressed to her, in familiar handwriting in green ink. She opened the envelope, careful not to rip it, as if it would rip her connection to Lark. She pulled out the enclosed letter, and began reading.
Lily pushed the feelings down and out, focusing on chewing up the sidewalk beneath her feet. Thoughts of Lark and her feelings were pushed down as her vision focused simply on finishing her run. She slowed to a walk as she reached the front of her building, pausing to take a few deep breaths before heading back upstairs, grabbing her mail on the way up. She recognized a couple bills poking through, some junk mail as well. Nothing good then, it could wait. She filled a glass with water and drained it, tossing the letters on her coffee table before heading in for a shower.
An hour or so later, after some stretches, the shower, and getting sidetracked with some planning texts, the former Lotus flopped down onto her couch, reading the newest message in a group chat about weekend plans. Lily had been added to it a while ago and never really engaged, simply watching the notifications roll by. She let the phone drop onto her chest, staring at the ceiling. She’d been finding cat stickers all over her apartment, and she suspected a certain time traveler had something to do with it. She had removed some of them, but this one stayed, a little cat in a ninja costume brandishing a throwing star at her.
Oh right, the mail.
Lily sat up, lazily flicking through the envelopes, tossing bills into one pile and junk into another. She stopped when she reached the last one, neither junk nor bill. It was addressed to her, in familiar handwriting in green ink. She opened the envelope, careful not to rip it, as if it would rip her connection to Lark. She pulled out the enclosed letter, and began reading.
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