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A scoff was Alys' only reaction to Argent's suggestion, since both Summer and Nessa had shut it down before she could. She had no intention of walking in dressed as she was, much less to be escorted by Lucien to the depths of Goswick's prison. Being here was hellish enough.
With a solid plan in place, the group began to walk through the woods, the trees eventually growing sparse, towards the entrance of the guardhouse. Alys lingered behind the group, eyes peeled for anyone that might lend her a new wardrobe. She'd prefer a guard over anything - those dresses left little room to hide weapons or move as freely as she could with pants. But she supposed something was better than nothing.
With a solid plan in place, the group began to walk through the woods, the trees eventually growing sparse, towards the entrance of the guardhouse. Alys lingered behind the group, eyes peeled for anyone that might lend her a new wardrobe. She'd prefer a guard over anything - those dresses left little room to hide weapons or move as freely as she could with pants. But she supposed something was better than nothing.