RP Pirates of the Hard Nox 2

"I don't know." He muttered. Caleb O'Cain, the deadly shot. Sky was familiar with him from wanted posters and acquaintances in common, whores mostly. Was the man he saw Alys dancing with hiding a pair of orange wings under that cape? If so, it gave Sky less to worry about.

"I don't need your promises, I'll kill him myself." Sky said through gritted teeth, standing from the bench and immediately finding a pillar to hold on to, his frustration at Ciaran's passiveness disguised as frustration at a weak body. Hopefully he'd keep falling for it and take matters into his own hands.


For Caleb it was the Nox, the constant, even when everything else was changing. It was aboard the Nox that he touched his first diamond, learned how to shoot, met her. Amongst all the bad things.

The silence was comfortable, and also a sign they weren't being chased yet. When Alys broke it Caleb spun around to get back to the balcony, where he spread his previously folded cape. He took her hand and sat on the floor, leaving enough room for her to lay by his side and then used his hat as a pillow and offered his arm to be Alys'.

"Keep talking."
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Newly slitted pupils dilated again, this time remaining relaxed as Leo’s hand halted and returned to his side. The hunger was still there, driving into his spine, but something of a touch of clarity came through it. Perhaps it was the nausea that came with the idea of sating eggs and potatoes, or perhaps something of what had stayed the hands that had murdered Sylvael’s family had survived Leo’s transformation. Whatever the case, his gaze on Pris softened.

”Yes, that sounds nice.” A potato sounded horrible, no matter how well Pris could cook them. No, he wanted her to leave, to scamper away after the spud so that he could make his escape. Not from the ship, of course. He knew there were plenty of people in the city they had docked in, could see from the ship’s rails the sprawling and dismal buildings that would hardly have missed a citizen or two. That was exactly why he couldn’t go there; he could barely trust himself with the little girl he had claimed as a friend.

There was another option, one that came with nearly as much risk as feeding in the city. Lucien was able to keep himself aboard the ship, had sailed for weeks without devouring a single person. Leo had cleaned his floors enough, had even recently fought against the Navigator in his own quarters. He knew the secret to his temperance, and if he could just get this tiny temptation to the kitchens he could slip away to take a piece of that control for himself.

”Would you cook it for me as well?” The more time he could buy himself the better.
Without objection, Alys laid beside him, resting her head on his outstretched arm. The view seemed wider, more encompassing; but in reality, had anything really changed - apart from the level of intimacy? It was one thing to sit beside someone, another to lay.

Shifting her mask to rest against her forehead, Alys began to speak, telling a couple short stories tied to the stars above. Stories of her childhood; some admittedly childish, others blatently more serious with interwoven lessons and warnings. The coleoptera major, for example, a cautionary tale about a human child who desperately wanted to fly, like the fae. Desperate, willing to do anything, step over anyone, and when they forced an opportunity, were finally granted wings. The wings, and body of a tiny beetle. Ishaan, in particular, resonated with that story.

Every once in a while, she'd glance over to make sure he hadn't fallen asleep, and each time, he was either looking at the stars or at her. When her mouth grew dry from talking, she stopped and looked to him, finding that same look he'd had in the mirror. Wordlessly, she propped herself up on her elbow and leaned forward, kissing him gently.

She didn't know how long it went on, but when a particularly cold gust of wind washed over them through the narrow spaces of the balcony wall, cooling her flushed skin, Alys began to shiver. She pulled back, goosebumps appearing across her exposed skin. "We should go," she whispered. Slightly out of breath and somewhat constricted by her dress, she waited until he was standing over her to outstretch her arms toward him. "You're going to have to help me up."
Caleb knew the names of a few constellations, but that was it. It wasn't what she was saying but the passion when she spoke that compelled him to pay attention to every word, remember the name of every star. He could tell Alys was expecting him to fall asleep on her by the glances she'd spare him from time to time, but sleeping was the last thing on his mind. She noticed that obviously, and rewarded him with kisses that were very well reciprocated until the point she said it was enough. Caleb would have complained, if he hadn't felt her shiver from the cold night air.

After helping Alys stand, he dusted off his cape and clipped it back to his outfit. He stood in front of Ays and put his hands on her waist, spreading his wings behind him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" Caleb asked, already knowing what the answer would be. He surprised her with a final kiss and took a step back to lean over the balustrade, to make sure there was no one - especially no guards looking in their direction when they eventually jumped down, flying close to the walls but away from the windows to land behind a large bush.
Narrowly escaping being cussed out, Caleb flew over the edge, temporarily leaving Alys alone on the balcony. She lingered for a moment, leaning over the edge and then turning back to the bedroom, hiding the grin that appeared on her lips.


She flew down shortly after, her slippered feet landing on the well-maintained gravel path, behind the bush Caleb had chosen. Hooking their arms together, the pair walked back towards the large glass doors, where the party continued. Although quieted, music and laughter carried through the night air, hooking her attention. Keeping it away from the two figures she’d seen from the balcony.

As they neared, Alys glanced towards her date, tugging him along playfully. “So what’ll it be? One more celebratory dance for a successful night?”
They just chew you up and leave you with the consequences.” Winter said, with a shallow frown. Perhaps there wasn’t much the old sailor had been looking for when he had approached them, other than wanting a chat. Though, was there much more to be gained from the conversation beyond a few fleeting moments of companionship? Doubtful Aamir would care much for this man’s story, beyond maybe the cargo of his chosen ship, though only the Five knew if he cared much about that either.

I hope the skies find you well on your travels.” Winter said with a dip of her head. “Perhaps you’ll find a more agreeable port for yourself somewhere along the way.


Mm, I’m just tired I think, ‘s been a long few weeks.” Nessa said, sluggishly. She raised her arms up over her head as she stretched, attempting to chase away the languor that lingered with her. How odd that feeling of weakness was in her joints, a feeling like an old bad dream where you could never run quite fast enough. Maybe she had fallen ill? Could her health even fail her as she was? Nessa dropped her arms, her gaze falling to her ring.

I… ate something earlier today, I think.” Nessa said, her voice a little softer. That was… a lie really, wasn’t it? She knew what he was asking, but blood wasn’t— ah. It felt wrong to tell him about the ring, squirmed in the pit of her stomach in the same way it had felt as a child when she had done something she knew better than to do. “I haven’t had much of an appetite these past few days.” She said, with a yawn.
Out of the corner of his eye Caleb saw a woman stumbling and holding onto a pilar. If her wings weren't so familiar he wouldn't have paid too much attention to it, like Alys luckily wasn't.

"You go first, I'll get us more drinks. What do you want?" While he was talking Caleb took a turn, so her back would be turned to her doppelganger. Alys might have said yes to this date to make her former lover jealous, but Caleb wouldn't let the changeling ruin it for him.
"I will certainly ask around," Aamir said, bowing to his partner as the song ended. "And I very much look forward to whatever it is I find out. I do like mysteries. Thank you for the dance. And the conversation."

He would keep an eye on her, if he could, but it was always difficult at events like this one. People were all too easily lost in the crowd. Fortunately, it didn't take long to find his people, or at least one of them. Winter was precisely where he'd left her, seemingly winding down her conversation with the stranger she'd met as well.

"Winter! Anything of interest? Have you seen Sky? I'd like to know where he's gone before the bloodbath starts, for once." He didn't apologize for leaving her behind - she could take care of herself, after all. Indeed, she could take care of most of them. She could certainly take him four times out of five, which he didn't mind in the slightest. Delusions of being the best at absolutely everything weren't his style. No, he had a sister for that. Fortunately, she wasn't here. Otherwise he'd have been obligated to talk to her, and then the bloodbath wouldn't have been Sky's fault after all.
A third glass wouldn’t hurt, not when she’d hardly finished the first two. One had been left behind in the hallway of mirrors, the other… on top of the staircase, where the Lady of the house had laid her claim, watching her partygoers with pride.

“Elven wine - if she has it. If not, surprise me.”

Alys smiled mischievously and adjusted the mask back over her eyes. “Don’t take too long, I might get bored and have even more bad ideas.” As if threatening and robbing the Lady of the house wasn’t enough. Sliding her grasp away from his, she left his side and entered the ballroom.

There was something quite exciting about wearing the hostess’ stolen jewellery inside her very home. Donning it as if it were her own. It suited her - at least she thought so - and despite the presence of her previously graceful movements, Alys felt like she walked with a little more regality.

Sticking to the outside of the ballroom, she slinked between pairs and groups of guests, eating and drinking their fill. For a moment, she scanned the ballroom, finding no one new of interest, and choosing to settle her attention on the massive pieces of artwork that lined the walls. Depictions of fae nobility, flaunting their wealth and beauty.
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"Yeah!" The girl's voice was cheerful, happy in the way of someone who'd found something that they could do to help and was going to do it. "I'll get it started right away. And you can come by the kitchen in, um, twenty minutes? Or any time! But it'll be done in about twenty minutes, I think. But it could be earlier. Or later. You never really know, with potatoes."

She thought he'd probably stay back and clean up, though, even if he didn't want help. That would be like him, after all. He was always cleaning. The mess was probably bothering him already. Pris wouldn't have minded helping, if she needed to - it wasn't like she hadn't seen a whole lot of dead bodies before. Still, potatoes were easier. And less messy.

"I'll see you really soon! And Miss Emer says you have to wash your hands before you eat. I don't know why but she says so, so you should probably do it. She knows lots of stuff. Bye, Mr. Leo!"

The skeletal hand on her shoulder waved, though Leo would definitely have the sense that it was suspicious even if the child wasn't. Maybe it was something along the lines of We'll both keep pretending, for her sake.

Or maybe that was assigning too much personality to what was essentially a hacked off body part. Pris' footsteps could be heard scampering off down the corridor, in a rush to get back to the kitchen.

Of course, he could easily catch her, if he really wanted to.
They watched Amir leave, a certain amount of curiosity present in their mind. He'd certainly been more interesting than they'd expected, not to mention he seemed more keen on a second meeting than they had thought he would. They were both certainly strangers, and yet already plans were being made for him to find them. They'd have to speak with Caleb about this, and get his thoughts on it.

Or, they would need to before they left. Not tonight, considering he'd just reentered the party apparently, with none other than the quartermaster at his side. She was wearing an entirely different outfit, one that complimented her much more than the simpler one from earlier did. A frown came to Eliza's face, and they took a glass from a passing servant, silently sipping as they watched the pair.

Caleb excused himself, and the quartermaster took herself to the side of the room, looking over some painting unknown to them, as if it was of some great interest to her.

Well, they were owed a dance.

They crossed the ballroom, finishing the glass as they drew near, handing it off just before stepping up beside Alys, taller than her by the barest amount, roughly half a foot taller than usual, comparable to Lucien. They set an easy smile on their face as they looked on the same work she was inspecting, and with a smug tone, asked, "A bit kitsch, isn't it?"
Ciaran quickly found his feet and moved to catch Alys, "no no, you need to rest. I'll find him for you, bring him here." He tried to guide her back to sit. "Peacock mask, I'll find him." Without saying another word, he left her side and reentered the ballroom to find the assailant.
Good, tripping over his own foot was getting tiring. Sky waited for Ciaran to get out of view to stand up and head in the same direction. Of course he'd have to first find a place where there were no eyes on him for him to change into someone else, after he decided who that someone was gonna be.

"You look pretty in that dress..." The voice behind his back was unfamiliar, but when he turned, Sky knew who it belonged to. It wasn't a face he'd ever seen before, but he recognized the hat.

"Caleb O'Cain." He said, with a half smile. There was no need to pretend, he knew what the real Alys was wearing and they were together not that long ago. The dark skinned man smiled, and Sky noticed the black patch where his right eye should be. "You're shorter in person."

" ...She looks better in blue though."

The two stared at each other in silence. Caleb wasn't sure if Sky would run, but he knew if he took his eyes off him for a second, he'd find a way to get away.

"Are you going to ask me to dance or what?" Sky asked, resting a hand on his hip. Out of his peripheral vision he paid attention to Caleb's hands knowing that if he blinked too slowly he could miss him reaching for a gun. Sky tensed up when the fairy moved his hands, and relaxed when he crossed his arms.

"What do you want with Alys?"
Wealth and beauty, and utter ridiculousness. It was rather fitting for Lady Gobhaim to purchase and display such artwork; dancing felines, upright and dressed in the finest garments, with delicate wings sprouting from behind, depicting fae origin.


Well, she wasn’t fucking sure what that meant, but based on this newcomers tone and the subject matter before them, it sounded about right.

Alys glanced at the figure standing beside her, then back to the painting, tilting her head slightly to the side. “Mm, it’s not quite my taste, but I’ll dare to admit it demands attention. Caught ours.”
"Can't say it's quite mine, either. I will admit, it's certainly eye catching." It was glaringly obvious it wasn't worth what had been paid for it, but that wasn't the lady of the house's concern, certainly. The entire manor was decorated in this way, some spot more obvious than others, and it was painfully clear that she had spent money simply to spend it, to show she could, to show she had that kind of money.

She let all of them in to show them what she had. Eliza took a second look at the quartermaster from behind their mask, carefully sectioning away anything too personal they felt at the moment. The rings were new, and so was the necklace. Thinking on it, that necklace was... well, nothing short of beautiful, gold stars decorating her skin like the night sky. It seemed so personal, particular to Alys-

Another thought to tuck away. "It wasn't the painting that caught my eye, I should mention." They offered a hand. "Would you care to dance?"
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The Alys doppelganger smiled, and it suddenly wasn't her smile anymore. She grew in size, her wings shrinked until it disappeared and her hair got darker and shorter, stopping at his shoulder. His, because it was no longer a woman standing in front of Caleb, but a butch man in a dress.

"That's our business." Sky answered, mirroring Caleb's crossed arms and deliberately growing a foot taller than his counterpart.

"It's my business when you mess with my crew." Sky laughed.

"Your crew? You're telling me you are the new Whore of the Horizon?" Caleb held back the urge to pull his gun from behind his back and shoot the motherfucker but as tempting as that was, there were too many guards in the premises for him to get away with it.

"I am the captain of the Hard Nox, and you better check your mouth, last I heard changelings weren't bulletproof." He stepped closer, lifting his chin. "Stay away from her."

"Make me."
For the first time in a while, perhaps since she’d arrived, Alys remembered why she’d asked Caleb to accompany her that night. It spoke to the consuming time they’d spent together; that, and the irrefutable knowledge that he was who he appeared to be. But this new woman, clad in beautifully androgynous attire, who briefly admired the necklace that laid against her upper chest, who gave compliments and was confidant enough to ask her to dance, well, maybe her face wasn’t true. Maybe, beneath it all, it belonged to someone Alys didn’t want to see, let alone dance with.

Granted, Sky certainly wasn’t smart enough to know the meaning of the word kitsch…

Alys smiled; a close-lipped, smug little thing, in response to the request. The paranoia was there, but not yet in control. Perhaps a stranger wanted to dance with the fae - she could hardly blame her for that. And if it was Sky, Alys wouldn’t grant him anything more than this dance.

Although the stranger was taller than her, Alys made sure to meet her dark gaze. There was a glint of intensity behind it, disguised as curiosity or interest, though truly a silent challenge for Sky - if it was him. That she was onto him.

Taking the woman’s well-manicured hand, the fae responded, saying, “And here I thought I’d be subjected to another second of that painting. My hero.”

As they turned towards the dance floor, Alys couldn’t help but to sweep her gaze down the closest side of the room, looking for a man with a large feathered hat. She had warned him to hurry back with those drinks.
Something in her eye made Eliza hesitate, only for a moment. Alys was the discerning sort, and they were almost certain they'd drank enough to become a walking firebomb if they so much as snapped their fingers, so maybe they'd said something to clue her in.

The smirk returned a half moment later, and they laughed silently at theirself. No, she hadn't noticed. She was on edge, because of the other one. The one they'd caught sneaking aboard, disguised as Ciaran. They'd forgotten his name, but they'd remember in the morning- it wasn't high on their list of concerns right now. No, right now, they were focused on the dance, the one they were owed, the one they were promised.

As the pair made it to the floor, Eliza turned to face the fae, and just as the music began again, they placed a hand gently on her waist, and took the lead, taking the first few steps with a grace they had somewhat lacked with Amir.

The feeling of closeness was something they hadn't quite realized they'd been wanting lately. It was... nice. They did, however, notice her searching eyes. "Is something the matter? I didn't meant to set you on edge."
When a spare hand found her waist, Alys placed her own on the strangers shoulder, this time concealing the slight twinge of pain effortlessly. The tiny motion within her shoulder was nothing compared to the action of climbing out a window, or being tugged up to her feet. Besides, she had more important things to focus on than an annoying prick of pain.

An almost timid smile creeped onto her lips as the stranger apologized for her own misgivings. Her gaze softened and she allowed herself to look away for a moment.

Would Sky speak those words to her?

“Am I on edge? I may have overindulged in the wine, but isn’t that expected in a place like this?” An easy lie, and a test. Given their closer proximity, Alys could tell the stranger had sampled at least one or two drinks. And she knew better than anyone; drunkenness impaired judgement.
They just chew you up and leave you with the consequences.” Winter said, with a shallow frown. Perhaps there wasn’t much the old sailor had been looking for when he had approached them, other than wanting a chat. Though, was there much more to be gained from the conversation beyond a few fleeting moments of companionship? Doubtful Aamir would care much for this man’s story, beyond maybe the cargo of his chosen ship, though only the Five knew if he cared much about that either.

I hope the skies find you well on your travels.” Winter said with a dip of her head. “Perhaps you’ll find a more agreeable port for yourself somewhere along the way.


Mm, I’m just tired I think, ‘s been a long few weeks.” Nessa said, sluggishly. She raised her arms up over her head as she stretched, attempting to chase away the languor that lingered with her. How odd that feeling of weakness was in her joints, a feeling like an old bad dream where you could never run quite fast enough. Maybe she had fallen ill? Could her health even fail her as she was? Nessa dropped her arms, her gaze falling to her ring.

I… ate something earlier today, I think.” Nessa said, her voice a little softer. That was… a lie really, wasn’t it? She knew what he was asking, but blood wasn’t— ah. It felt wrong to tell him about the ring, squirmed in the pit of her stomach in the same way it had felt as a child when she had done something she knew better than to do. “I haven’t had much of an appetite these past few days.” She said, with a yawn.
Alexander nodded slightly. "Thank you for your kind words. I'm sure something is out there. I am remiss though because I only speak of myself. Are you enjoying the party, or do you attend these so regularly that it's become somewhat mundane?" He always assumed everyone at parties like this one attended all the time. That was what the rich and nobility did wasn't it? Throw big parties all the time? He certainly would with that sort of money. Maybe it was good he didn't have that sort of money.

He smiled, eyes drifting briefly to the party around them, happy to see everyone having fun, or at least seeming to have fun. There were other rooms though and he doubted this one held every single party going in attendance.