TIME: 08:00
ASSETS: STL/RH-IX-S: Hocus Locusts
ACF - 4722
ACF - 1949
ACF - 1003
1- Armored Personnel Carrier
TARGET: Instance of ACF-1003-A located 145 kilometers outside of Site L-14
ASSETS: STL/RH-IX-S: Hocus Locusts
ACF - 4722
ACF - 1949
ACF - 1003
1- Armored Personnel Carrier
TARGET: Instance of ACF-1003-A located 145 kilometers outside of Site L-14
ACF-1003 stood very still and stayed very quiet as she was outfitted with the various trackers and other objects the Foundation required she be attached to when she left her Containment Unit. They consisted of the following: one ankle tracking bracelet, one heart monitor, one shock collar-set low-, a set of painted goggle so she could wear them comfortably and not see where she was being taken, and the detached leg of a toy she had recently been given-for comfort.- All in all, ACF-1003 was wondering if she should have given her promise of helping to remove the artifact connected to her.
But Cody had asked so nicely…
So ACF-1003 waited patiently and quietly as she was brought up the elevators and stairs, blinded by the goggles, through the winding and maze like corridors of the facility to the surface. For the first time in five years, ACF-1003 could smell the outside air again. It was hard not to smile, but she kept a stoic face. This was a work call, after all, and not something to be undertaken for pleasure. She vaguely heard a security officer speak,
“Alright, she’s all yours. The collar is to keep her awake if you feel her heart rate drops too low. Whatever you do, don’t let her fall asleep near you.”
Then, gently, she was pushed forward. It was time for the fun to begin.
———Audio Log: Pre-mission Debrief———
“Not much is known about A-C-F one thousand three dash A, only that the massive effigy we found upon recovery of A-C-F own thousand three was, definitively, dead. It’s dismantlement was relatively easy, however the sheer number of civilians that were constructing it and worshipping it gave hesitance to the Foundation in simply destroying it. However, after extensive study, we are unable to understand exactly what it was designed to do through experimentation.
“Interviews with A-C-F one thousand three dash B instances have lead the Foundation to believe the sculpture was not only supposed to be alive, but that upon its divine resurrection all of them would be ‘saved’ by The Goddess. Due to an increasing number of these sculptures being found in the residences of members of GoI “Absolution,” the Foundation has increased pressure on civilian governments to remove and destroy all instances of A-C-F one thousand three dash A. It is incredibly important to note that all instances previously discovered have been nothing more than inanimate sculptures of bones and rot.
“Until today.
“A living instance of A-C-F one thousand three dash A, henceforth referred to as A-C-F one thousand three dash D, has been found. The Foundation is loath to include A-C-F one thousand three in the destruction of this artifact, but time is of the essence. A-C-F one thousand three dash D has registered a hazardous field around itself extremely similar to the anomalous properties of A-C-F one thousand three herself.
“The field nearly instantly annihilates any living creature that enters within a, currently, twelve point three meter radius around the anomaly. We say ‘currently’ as the field is growing approximately point two meters per hour. Additionally, the artifact seems to be growing in size with each passing hour. Priority one is to find a way to contain the growth of A-C-F one thousand three dash D so that it can be contained and studied. Should this prove impossible or impractical, utilize any means necessary to destroy it.”
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