MIRA Div Masterlist


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"Rocket's Red Glare."



"Deputy Ross."



"Miss Liberty."


"Owen McCormack."

"Sub-Director Harold Print, of the MPAD."

"Director Leonard Stone."

"Dragon's opponent."

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Purchased in the Spring of 2020 by the Department of Defense for immediate renovations, the Brock LaVerne Administrative Building-- commonly referred to as the "LaVerne Building", or simply "LaVerne"-- is the nerve center of operations for not just MIRA Mid-Atlantic, but the entire Metahuman Incident Response Agency. While the entirety of the MIRA Campus was once a mill complex, about 15,000 of the 20,000 square foot property was demolished and rebuilt from the ground up along the Potomac River. Construction ultimately ended a year later in the Spring of 2008, with the building formally cleared for occupancy on 01Jul08-- just over a week before the Jurors' first address at the Washington Monument. Renovation and construction efforts continue as of 20Oct08.

The tactical and psychological relevancy of ideological centers for "superheroes"-- see "BASES AND SIGIL LOCALES" under Code 3, Act 1 of the MIRA Classification Guidelines-- has resulted in the need for a transparent and visible beacon of activity for Jurors and affiliate superheroes. While initial efforts for remediation of popular landmarks have since resulted in a stalemate from concerned parties, the possibility of constructing a new center for these affairs presented itself as an option and was subsequently embarked upon by the Department of Defense. The LaVerne Administrative Building presents itself not just as the MIRA Headquarters of Operations, but the symbolic center of heroism for those who believe in the ideals the organization represents. As a result, the building's exterior and interior utilize neoclassical architectural styles to produce a similar appearance to current United States monuments. Test groups taken on tours of the facility before its opening have noted its grand scale, large antechambers, and choice of material invoke feelings of awe[1] and grandiosity. Given the motif of heroism often being cited as "bigger than oneself", in a casual sense, these psychological effects are desirable.
Open to the general public as a monument and general museum, the ground floor of the LaVerne Administrative Building is a means of preserving the history of superheroism and the societal perception of metahumans. The level itself is broken into multiple exhibits, each with a different "theme" and display in mind. General admission to the western museum section is 5 dollars, while the eastern gallery portion of the floor is free to visitors.

While transparency in ability and persona to the general populace is of the utmost concern, the disclosure of sensitive information and weaknesses regarding each of the Jurors is strictly forbidden under MIRA guidelines as per Code 3, Act 2 of MIRA Classification Guidelines (see section “SOVEREINGTY OF IDENTITY”). As a result, some museum graphics and informational diagrams are deliberately vague or misleading, should a criminal or enemy of the United States attempt to utilize this public-access facility to further an Anti-American agenda and formulate tactics against each Special Agent. Embellishment of abilities or reductionist conclusions have been systematically planted throughout each exhibit with the intent of formulating “half-truths”.[2]

An informational exhibit regarding Juror Scramjet's abilities and biology. This exhibit in particular is at the start of the museum tour, and symbolically placed first as a means of referencing Scramjet's role on the Jurors: the first on-scene as a Shock Specialist.

Interactive displays with barometric systems allow onlookers to observe the g-forces and pressure differentials at work while Scramjet utilizes his metahuman ability. Speedometers display how fast the Juror may run at a given moment, along with visual comparisons to real-life locomotives and aircraft vehicles. A replica of Scramjet's suit (NON-FUNCTIONAL VARIANT) is also housed in a display case at the forefront of the hall.

Additionally, indentations and carvings in the shape of bootprints are present through the length of the exhibit hall. These display the distance Scramjet travels in a single pace, as dictated by vinyl graphics beside each print. Activatable vacuum chambers also provide a practical demonstration of how the Special Agent's abilities work in dispelling and concentrating air, along with infographics and tubing displays to demonstrate the unique fluid dynamics of Scramjet's cardiovascular system.

A tracking platform is set up for visitors to run at a top speed in a set duration at the corner of the exhibit. A monthly leaderboard is pruned, with the top speed holder[3] displayed at the treadmill. An offer to meet with Scramjet for an autograph is also given.[4]

An informational exhibit regarding Juror Grymskull's abilities and biology. This hall in particular portrays a variety of interactive videos and technological displays, symbolic of the Special Agent's role in the Jurors as the Technical Specialist of the team.

Dioramas explaining the basic functions of the Juror's weaponry are placed throughout the exhibit. In particular, there is a replica of Grymskull's suit (NON-FUNCTIONAL VARIANT) and the energy weaponry he employs while on-site for incidents. The physics behind each piece of weaponry are demonstrated in other interactive equipment displays, though proprietary blueprints and specific functions are not shown to the general public. Additionally, biological informatics are placed at the northern corner of the exhibit to provide an overview of Grymskull's advanced healing factor and enhanced strength.

A viewing theater for documentaries on the cellular chemistry behind metahuman "healing factors" is open throughout the day and plays a showing every 30 minutes. Monthly design contests are held through partnering with local and national outreach programs, with the top 3 designs being displayed for the duration of the following month at the end of the exhibit. 1st place winners receive engineering and design expertise from Grymskull himself in a formal letter. Should the Juror not be available for written comment, an intern will be delegated the responsibility after brief consultation with Johnson.

An informational exhibit regarding Juror Basilica's abilities and biology. This exhibit employs a variety of audio-visual aids as a result of the largely sonic nature of the Special Agent's factor-set.

Listening booths are placed near the beginning of the exhibit to acquaint the listener with the concept of harmonic frequency and resonance. Additionally, CAD programs displaying digital modeling of Basilica's unique vocal chords allows museum guests to observe the Juror's metahuman physiology. Guests may also listen to vocal samples of Basilica-- edited as to not damage audio equipment or the listener's hearing-- at varying frequencies and tonal outputs. Additionally, a stage show at the center of the exhibit displays the extent of Basilica's harmonic frequency ability and shatters multiple glass objects under an enclosed dome. An attendant runs the show every hour.

An exhibit explaining the lift and aerodynamic physics of Basilica's suit is also present. Guests may interact with a display near the end of the hall and attempt to find the harmonic frequency of different objects. Additionally, small plaques comparing audio amplifier output to the Juror's own biological capabilities show the disparity of power, as well as reinforce Basilica's strength when responding to incidents.

This portion of the floor houses general superhero trivia, historical examples of superhumans in cultural histories, and artifacts pertaining to anthropological "metahumans" that were speculated to exist up to 10,000 years ago. The exhibits increase in date as the guest travels the building, eventually arriving at the modern day and circling back to the front of the Scramjet exhibit. Other government metahuman projects are showcased through varying exhibits, and superhero culture as a whole is examined and discussed. A conference hall is given to weekly speakers on these subjects, with panels of heroes and other experts on metahuman anthropology and biology in frequent attendance. PMPD-centric scientific exhibits are also in rotation.

The concept of what it means to be a metahuman is a topic of frequent discussion throughout each of the exhibits, with a purposeful focus upon the changing perception of PMPD-present humans throughout recorded history. Careful analysis is given to certain historical and anthropological events and recordings, such as pre-PMPD events like the Salem Witch Trials, or modern tragedies like the July Holocaust. The accuracy of absolutism in religion and godhood is examined in choice exhibits.

A gift shop containing pieces of debris and other building materials destroyed by supervillains. Refuse that is no longer deemed recyclable is donated to local craft boutiques and workshops, and creations are bought by MIRA to sell as parting gifts to museum guests. All proceeds are given to the Stone Foundation, established by MIRA Director Leonard Stone at the onset of the agency's inception. The foundation primarily deals with remediation efforts for property destroyed in metahuman incidents, with an emphasis on aid being granted to low-income communities. Baltimore in particular has primarily benefited from the Stone Foundation, and efforts are currently being made to incorporate other cities along the Eastern Seaboard.

Glass shards manipulated and warped by Basilica, repurposed debris displaced by Scramjet, and uniquely scorched metal by Rocket's Red Glare that have been fashioned into sculptures are but a few of the commodities present in the shop. Additionally, all proceeds from the general admission price are given to the Stone Foundation.
The easternmost portion of the LaVerne Building. Here, donated works line the halls with historical context given on informational plaques and pamphlets. Each work relates to metahuman culture and the timeline of MIRA's inception and growth; a 12-foot statue of Diomedes sits within this gallery, along with various other statues dedicated to fallen MIRA-affiliated Jurors.
MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-0. The second level of the LaVerne building houses the majority of MIRA's clerical workers, profilers, and administrative professionals. Much like the floor below it, the architecture and styling of F2 is reminiscent of Capitol interiors. Badge access is required on each stairwell and elevator to the Administrative Level. Trespassing is strictly forbidden and carries a minimum fine of 4,000 USD.

Closed tours of the level are given to eligible parties and prospective interns.

MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-0. The singular basement level of the LaVerne building houses archival warehouses for minimum-security records, archival documents, and museum pieces not yet implemented into the gallery. Public-access documentation available on metahumans may be granted to civilians through advanced reservation. Private viewing rooms are supplied at the rear of the floor. Accessible by elevator and stairwell; no direct exterior exits. Historical records also present.

While the LaVerne Administrative Building largely serves as a symbolic center of cultural operations for MIRA Mid-Atlantic and the agency as a whole, the Sparrow Building houses much of the practical operations for incident response and factor research. Having largely been preserved from its previous state as a textile mill before purchase by the DoD, its industrial architecture stands in stark contrast to the newly-renovated LaVerne building in both style and substance.

All of MIRA's activities within the Sparrow Building are of strict confidence and require an IMAS Clearance Rating of BLU-9 or higher for direct access and acknowledgement. Personnel are placed under a strict 1-month scrutiny period to determine eligibility and security risk before being allowed on-site, and visitors are to be accompanied by a verified escort at all times. With over 80% of the site located underground, all subterranean floors have been reinforced with a high-strength bunker lattice commonly present within fallout shelters; in order to combat direct threats from high-stake metahumans, foundational flooring and walling has been further reinforced with energy-resistant lead lining and earthquake-resistant supports.

Additional safeguards have been placed inside the Sparrow Building to protect against extraplanar threats. Rapid-Displacement Pressure and Volume (RDPV) sensors line every floor and are linked to a comprehensive alarm system, with the ability to seal off corridors also present. Sprinkler systems hooked to irritant aerosol tanks also allow the ability to prevent or impede access to certain areas of the facility, allowing for adaptive defense should the site be beached from the inside. Standard fire protection and safety systems are also in place. Pressurized fire-foam is employed to extinguish incendiary metahumans, should they ever be present and active on-site in a manner that directly harms personnel or security.
MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-1. The Atrium of the Sparrow Building was previously the spacious production floor before being hollowed out and evacuated of its manufacturing equipment for use by MIRA. Low-security engineers are present in workshops along this floor. Of particular note is the reinforced and windowless training area at the southernmost portion of the building, with soundproofing and shock-resistant reinforcements placed along the walls to afford Jurors the highest amount of confidentiality and focus possible.

Onboarding operations for Junior Profilers and Junior Analysts take place within the easternmost portion of the Atrium, which houses a small administrative office area distinct from the LaVerne Building.

MINIMUM CLEARANCE: VARIABLE. The subterranean floors of the Sparrow Building, dubbed the Color Levels, serve as the primary analytics and informatics center for MIRA's advanced threat response systems. Workers of a Junior through Master level are housed here, with each subsequent floor growing smaller and smaller in general surface area underground.

There are five Color Levels total. Each floor corresponds to a particular threat level (see "THREAT-STAKE LEVELS" under Code 1, Act 1 of MIRA Classification Guidelines): BLU, GRN, YLW, ORG, and RED, each with escalating confidentiality and clearance requirements. The first of these levels is B1, or LVL-BLU.

Each level contains its own ecosystem of workers, rooms, and operations, with interaction beyond the scope of each floor deliberately kept to a bare minimum as to reduce the risk of data breaches. BLU interacts with BLU, YLW interacts with YLW, and so on. Occasionally, resources from a higher clearance level may be de-escalated to lower clearances; the reverse is strictly prohibited, as such work would be beyond the typical clearance level for that resource. There are five departments total within each floor: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. Each floor has a general manager for these departments which report to the Senior Manager at the RED level. These LVL-RED managers, in turn, report directly to Director Stone. All Jurors are to be allowed full access to the resources of the Sparrow Building at the discretion of the Director, and they are also to be granted a rolling RED-9 clearance level for usage of the on-site IMAS Systems.

MIRA's ability to accurately interpret and respond to threats is largely dependent upon the analytics teams within the Sparrow Building. While each floor retains its specific logistical team for usage at that specific threat level, the LVL-BLU offices are the largest of all sub-bureaus on-site; many Junior Analysts and Junior Profilers make their start on the B1 level and work their way upwards in clearance.

General offices contain the LOGISTICS, INVESTIGATIONS, and COMMUNICATIONS departments. The INVESTIGATIONS Unit houses multiple huddle rooms for interview purposes, while the COMMUNICATIONS Unit is primarily responsible for outgoing transmissions monitoring and securing available routes of data dissemination. LOGISTICS Units house the site's server rooms and analytical AI systems, with each level housing its own data on a closed "loop". Data may be de-classified from its respective "loop" and circulated to lower clearance levels as necessary.

The most notable idiosyncrasy that MIRA possesses is its method of record retention. While levels B1 and B2 primarily deal with digital means of communication and datakeeping, levels B3 through B5 employ increasingly anachronistic technology to the point of reverting most technological methods to their analog and mechanical counterparts. This includes, but is not limited to: a strict paper-record basis for all matters at B3 and beyond; mandated typewriters for office personnel at B3 and beyond; mechanical computational equipment for engineers and analysts, if needed; isolated and antiquated servers for necessary software and digital logs; wire telephone systems; telegraph systems in place along B3, B4, and B5 for purpose of coded communication via telegram; short-wave radio systems for wireless communication, if needed; a sealed messenger tube network for correspondence and record transportation. The usage of antiquated technological systems is primarily to safeguard against hackers, cyberspace manipulators, technopathic metahumans, and information breaches originating from beyond the territory of the Sparrow Building.

The Sparrow Building's multiple Incident Rooms serve as the communications hub between field agents and analysts during an active incident. Rooms are divided into the levels they represent; for logistical and low-risk on-site incidents, the BLU-Incident room is used. For incidents involving indirectly allied or GREEN designate superheroes, the GRN-Incident room is used. YELLOW designate incidents are directed to YLW, ORANGE to ORG, and the highest-risk incidents are directed to the RED-Incident room, which employs analysts and communications officers with the highest seniority. MIRA Director Leonard Stone is required to be in attendance at all RED-Threat incident response meetings. Correspondence inside and out of each room during an active incident is prohibited outside of mandatory informational exchanges, and all communication is strictly monitored to guard against the security of transmissions and technology.

In the field, agents are supplied with modified technology to ease the transition and barrier from antiquated to modern systems. SecureView is the most used client of all onboard MIRA software, and is used as the primary means of digital document access, communication, and data retention while out in the field. All digital records are transferred to paper records when the agent returns on-site, with the former being completely wiped to ensure maximum confidentiality.

Members of each sub-bureau corresponding to the room's level are required at each incident response conference, which includes but is not limited to: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. RED designate incidents require workers from LVL-RED, YELLOW from LVL-YLW, and so on. Personnel from floors of higher clearance may attend conferences of a lower threat designate, but the reverse is strictly forbidden. All conferences (and interviews, for that matter, at any floor in the Sparrow Building) are monitored and logged. Conferences of YELLOW designate and higher are to be logged on 35mm film and stored in fire-proofed archival storage rooms (see BXC- ARCHIVES).

As housing any confidential records off-site would run the risk of catastrophic data breaches, all of MIRA's files and available consultation data regarding metahuman targets, Threat-Stake assessments, and ongoing operations are housed within archival departments corresponding to each Color Level. Paper records are kept in sealed and encoded dockets, and strict access logs are maintained to prevent misuse and violations of data integrity. Contemporaneous measures are taken to date, enter, and retire records with efficiency and accuracy. Viewing rooms for the contents of each ARCHIVES Unit are housed directly within the floor's departmental block. Access to ORG-0 records and above require a licensed specialist to be present at all times during viewing.

With the Sparrow Building's status as a secure government site, ensuring sufficient deterrence and protection against enemies of the state, rogue metahumans, and other unforeseen threats is an essential priority. On-site security personnel boast the finest standards of weaponry, training, armor, and tactics available, with Jurors on standby to provide ancillary support if needed. Any attack on a MIRA Site is to be considered a RED-X Incident-- immediate response needed. This includes the withdrawal and redirection of Special Agents away from any lesser priority events.

Also of note is the shared ownership of dispatch duties with COMMUNICATIONS Units across the site. Calls to available hotlines are traced, triangulated, monitored and verified with the shared resources of either department to brief Special Agents en-route to confirmed incidents.

The primary means of transport for the Jurors is via MIRA VTOL, and the Hangar subsection of LVL-YLW houses air transport for the Special Agents should the need arise. Submarine transport is also available. Each vehicle departs via airlock at the far end of the hangar, opening up into the bottom of the Potomac River and draining with every use. Airlock defenses include a collapsible seal and 10-foot thickened and reinforced exterior blast doors. MIRA-verified transports are all equipped with pressurized and waterproofed cabins.

The office of MIRA Director of Operations Leonard Stone is housed within the LVL-RED floor of the Sparrow Building. Available via appointment. A projector wall is housed behind the desk, should the need for film review arise. Quarterly evaluations of Site Managers and Jurors occur within the Office of the Director.

Following the failure of the ██████████ ██████ "OPERATION HOMEBOUND" on December ██th, ████, a ██████████ ███████ ████████ ███ ████ ██ ███████ ██████ at █████████ within present-day Bosnia-Herzegovina. The need for an adaptive intelligence trained to respond to threats with extreme precision was paramount at this time, and a Black-Site project was initially greenlit by the CIA in November of 1993 in order to develop a highly-advanced threat recognition and response system for use by United States intelligence agencies. Much of this program entered an inactive state by the turn of the century, with efforts reignited to develop the technology by early 2002. By 2006, the project once again entered an inert state-- until late 2020, when United States intelligence came into possession of a RED-█ neurologically enhanced metahuman by the name of ██████ ███████. At this time, ███████ was largely comatose after having suffered multiple focal onset aware seizures, resulting in hallucinatory episodes and inexplicable full-body paralysis. Brain activity was substantial despite the vegetative state, and it was at this time that both the body and focus of the 1993 Project-- dubbed "NERVE" in classified documents as a working title-- were transferred to DARPA, and then to MIRA, given the scope of the project as related to PMPD.

While Jurors are partially aware of this project, the true scope of the project is known only to Project NERVE participants and Director Stone himself. The "RED ROOM", accessible only through transportation services housed within Stone's private office and a direct high-security gate on the Amway, is the staging area for all related activities. Mr. ███████ is believed to hold an immense capacity for information due to the neurological structure present within his brain, and while the abundance of seizures before his comatose state is of great concern to project participants, it is Director Stone's belief that the consciousness and mind of ███████-- deemed "THE APPARATUS" in NERVE documentation-- will prove an instrumental asset to threat prediction and response (see "PRECOGNITIVE METAHUMANS" under Code 5, Act 4 of MIRA Classification Guidelines). While the prevalence and mere existence of clairvoyant factors is a subject of intense debate, the output of THE APPARATUS and its speculated ability to outpace even the most advanced artificial algorithmic intelligences-- and human minds, for that matter-- make it a promising advancement. It is Director Stone's belief that THE APPARATUS will serve as the foundation for Project NERVE.

██████ ███████ has not displayed the ability to form decisions or respond to stimulus, meaning his express consent is not yet needed within the scope of NERVE.

[1] Of a 1,000-participant pilot study, over 72% of participants recalled a profound emotional response to available display artwork and the architectural styling of the LaVerne building. Further efforts are being explored to heighten and prolong this psychological effect.
[2] Of a 1,000-participant pilot study, only 3.3% with a .01% MoE were able to correctly discern erroneous factoids within the presented exhibits. Such misinformation was later deemed "too obvious" by consultant analysts, with a majority of the discovered mistruths belonging specifically to Special Agent Sidar Kask and Special Agent Anthony Johnson.
[3] The leaderboard is routinely pruned. No repeat winners.
[4] Somebody please inform Juror Scramjet to stop giving autographs out for free. It dampens the current reward for his exhibit. - CA
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Formally acquired on February 22nd, 2022 by MIRA's Site Development and Maintenance Division (SDMD), the Governors Island Monument Building-- referred to colloquially as the Governors Building-- is the principle headquarters of the MIRA North-Atlantic Branch within New York City, New York. Approximately 50 acres of the 172-acre island are in use by MIRA; the remainder of the land is dedicated to the preexisting fortifications upon the island before its acquisition under MIRA, along with the 50-acre parkland section on the southern portion.

Governors Island was chosen by MIRA as the North-Atlantic HQ following the destruction of the former headquarters at the Manhattan Municipal Building and adjacent buildings along the Manhattan Campus of the agency; in particular, the island's isolation from the major metropolitan areas despite its close proximity was a deciding factor in its acquisition, along with the ability to incorporate local monuments and build facilities entirely ab initio. The Governors Island ferry has seen expansion in recent years due to the need to accomodate MIRA personnel; additionally, a private taxi service and closely-guarded tunnel access to underground parking has been expanded from the Hugh L. Carey tunnel underneath the island.

The site currently houses over 500 personnel, with capacity for up to 1,000 occupants. Operations are forecasted to expand by 50% into 2030; the southern portion of the complex is currently under renovation to accomodate this growth.

Much like A-0001-L "LAVERNE ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING", the Governors Island Monument Building possesses a civilian-access museum and historical exhibits related to the forts upon the island and their tactical relevance throughout the 18th and 19th century; additionally, exhibits dedicated to the current and past Jurors of the New York City Premiere Team are present upon ground level. The Governors Island Monument Building is free to visitors; however, civilian ferries are paid, compensating for the lack of a ticketing system for the site.

An informational exhibit regarding Juror Cyclic's abilities and technology. Cyclic is a TECHSPEC Cloak-Facing Agent (CFA) with abilities related to resonant frequencies, ultrasonic technology, and sound-energy generators. Exhibit details include the maximum decibel readings within a controlled testing chamber, types of waveforms that are emitted from Cyclic's suit, and applications of the technology into highly-advanced noise-cancelling systems under research at DARPA. Direct blueprints and compromising information, such as disclosing potential weaknesses or "counters", have not been listed.

Small informational panels disclose common-knowledge information about Cyclic's life-- where he had grown up, his favorite genres of music, and his work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Public information has been redacted to ensure the Juror's identity remains private.

An informational exhibit regarding Juror Luminary's abilities and technology. Luminary is a SHOCKSPEC CFA with abilities related to light generation and manipulation from solar-energy deposits within his body. Exhibit details include informational panels about Luminary's photosynthetic and bioluminescent properties, the lumen generation from his body, and a brightness comparison to various stars in the sky. "Let's Spot Luminary", a children's book in the style of Where's Waldo, is available at the Stone Foundation Gift Shoppe.

An informational exhibit regarding Juror Quickset's abilities and technology. Quickset is a DEFSPEC CFA with abilities related to specific tech designed by the Juror-- particularly, the invention of a rapid-set high density substance with a cure time of approximately 1.8 seconds. The cure time and structural makeup is accomplished through the addition of Quickset's blood and sebum to the recipe; given the biological nature of the abilities, the Juror is classified as a DEFSPEC, not a TECHSPEC, despite gear upon the forearms and body to expedite and accomplish the process of Quickset's factor-set role.

An examination of research into Quickset's barriers and novel "living cement" are present on various informational panels along the exhibit. Infographics bring particular attention to the self-repairing properties of the material, along with its ability to withstand small arms fire and dissipate large amounts of force without shattering.

General informational exhibits related to other Jurors, along with agents that are not present upon the Premiere Team of NYC. Rotating informative sub-exhibits are changed on a monthly basis, with some staying longer in the event that a particular attracting performs well with visitor engagement.

A gift shop containing pieces of debris and other building materials destroyed by factor-latent criminals and Jurors in the midst of an incident response. Rubble that is no longer deemed recyclable is donated to local craft boutiques and workshops to support small businesses, and creations are bought by MIRA to sell as parting gifts to museum guests. All proceeds are given to the Stone Foundation, established by MIRA Director Leonard Stone at the onset of the agency's inception. The foundation primarily deals with remediation efforts for property destroyed in metahuman incidents, with an emphasis on aid being granted to low-income communities.

Tuning forks and resonant metal instruments have been made from materials displaced and shattered by Cyclic; Quickset's living concrete has been fashioned into painted sculptures from local artists in Harlem and Brooklyn. Metals and glass scorched by Luminary's photon output have been crafted into low-cost jewelry and amulets in the style of the Juror's aesthetic and armor.

The easternmost portion of the Governors Island Building. Here, donated works line the halls with historical context given on informational plaques and pamphlets. Each work relates to metahuman culture and the timeline of MIRA's inception and growth; a 12-foot statue of Diomedes sits within this gallery, along with various other statues dedicated to fallen MIRA-affiliated Jurors.
MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-0. The second level of the Governors Island Building houses the majority of MIRA's clerical workers, profilers, and administrative professionals. Styling of the administrative levels is modeled after modern corporate offices. Badge access is required on each stairwell and elevator to the Administrative Level. Trespassing is strictly forbidden and carries a minimum fine of 4,000 USD.

Closed tours of the level are given to eligible parties and prospective interns.

MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-0. The singular basement level of the Governors Island Building houses archival warehouses for minimum-security records, archival documents, and museum pieces not yet implemented into the gallery. Public-access documentation available on metahumans may be granted to civilians through advanced reservation. Private viewing rooms are supplied at the rear of the floor. Accessible by elevator and stairwell; no direct exterior exits. Historical records also present.

In contrast to the Governors Island Monument Building's purpose as a museum, heritage site, and touriest attraction, the Bluebird Facility houses much of the practical operations for incident response and factor research. Unlike the refurbished LaVerne and Sparrow Building, the Bluebird is a largely-subterranean facility constructed fully by MIRA, lending it a modernized and polished appearance from the interior and exterior.

All of MIRA's activities within the Bluebird Facility are of strict confidence and require an IMAS Clearance Rating of BLU-9 or higher for direct access and acknowledgement. Personnel are placed under a strict 1-month scrutiny period to determine eligibility and security risk before being allowed on-site, and visitors are to be accompanied by a verified escort at all times. With over 80% of the site located underground, all subterranean floors have been reinforced with a high-strength bunker lattice commonly present within fallout shelters; in order to combat direct threats from high-stake metahumans, foundational flooring and walling has been further reinforced with energy-resistant lead lining and earthquake-resistant supports.

Additional safeguards have been placed inside the Bluebird Facility to protect against theoretical extraplanar threats or blitz attacks by destructive metahumans. Rapid-Displacement Pressure and Volume (RDPV) sensors line every floor and are linked to a comprehensive alarm system, with the ability to seal off corridors also present. Sprinkler systems hooked to irritant aerosol tanks also allow the ability to prevent or impede access to certain areas of the facility, allowing for adaptive defense should the site be beached from the inside. Standard fire protection and safety systems are also in place. Pressurized fire-foam is employed to extinguish incendiary metahumans, should they ever be present and active on-site in a manner that directly harms personnel or security.
MINIMUM CLEARANCE: BLU-1. The lobby of the Bluebird Facility was designed to perpetuate a professional and sleek aesthetic, which carries throughout the entirety of the facility. Low-security engineers are present in workshops along this floor. Of particular note is the N.E.S.T. Training Wing at the southernmost portion of the building, with soundproofing and shock-resistant reinforcements placed along the walls to afford Jurors the highest amount of confidentiality and focus possible.

Onboarding operations for Junior Profilers and Junior Analysts take place within the easternmost portion of the lobby, which houses a small administrative office area distinct from the Governors Island Monument Building. Elevators to the Color Levels are located upon this floor.

MINIMUM CLEARANCE: VARIABLE. The subterranean floors of the Sparrow Building, dubbed the Color Levels, serve as the primary analytics and informatics center for MIRA's advanced threat response systems. Workers of a Junior through Master level are housed here, with each subsequent floor growing smaller and smaller in general surface area underground.

There are five Color Levels total. Each floor corresponds to a particular threat level (see "THREAT-STAKE LEVELS" under Code 1, Act 1 of MIRA Classification Guidelines): BLU, GRN, YLW, ORG, and RED, each with escalating confidentiality and clearance requirements. The first of these levels is B1, or LVL-BLU.

Each level contains its own ecosystem of workers, rooms, and operations, with interaction beyond the scope of each floor deliberately kept to a bare minimum as to reduce the risk of data breaches. BLU interacts with BLU, YLW interacts with YLW, and so on. Occasionally, resources from a higher clearance level may be de-escalated to lower clearances; the reverse is strictly prohibited, as such work would be beyond the typical clearance level for that resource. There are five departments total within each floor: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. Each floor has a general manager for these departments which report to the Senior Manager at the RED level. These LVL-RED managers, in turn, report directly to Director Stone. All Jurors are to be allowed full access to the resources of the Bluebird Facility at the discretion of the Site Director, and they are also to be granted a rolling RED-6 clearance level for usage of the on-site IMAS Systems.

MIRA's ability to accurately interpret and respond to threats is largely dependent upon the analytics teams within the Bluebird Facility. While each floor retains its specific logistical team for usage at that specific threat level, the LVL-BLU offices are the largest of all sub-bureaus on-site; many Junior Analysts and Junior Profilers make their start on the B1 level and work their way upwards in clearance.

General offices contain the LOGISTICS, INVESTIGATIONS, and COMMUNICATIONS departments. The INVESTIGATIONS Unit houses multiple huddle rooms for interview purposes, while the COMMUNICATIONS Unit is primarily responsible for outgoing transmissions monitoring and securing available routes of data dissemination. LOGISTICS Units house the site's server rooms and analytical AI systems, with each level housing its own data on a closed "loop". Data may be de-classified from its respective "loop" and circulated to lower clearance levels as necessary.

The most notable idiosyncrasy that MIRA possesses is its method of record retention. While levels B1 and B2 primarily deal with digital means of communication and datakeeping, levels B3 through B5 employ increasingly anachronistic technology to the point of reverting most technological methods to their analog and mechanical counterparts. This includes, but is not limited to: a strict paper-record basis for all matters at B3 and beyond; mandated typewriters for office personnel at B3 and beyond; mechanical computational equipment for engineers and analysts, if needed; isolated and antiquated servers for necessary software and digital logs; wire telephone systems; telegraph systems in place along B3, B4, and B5 for purpose of coded communication via telegram; short-wave radio systems for wireless communication, if needed; a sealed messenger tube network for correspondence and record transportation. The usage of antiquated technological systems is primarily to safeguard against hackers, cyberspace manipulators, technopathic metahumans, and information breaches originating from beyond the territory of the Bluebird Facility.

The Bluebird Facility's multiple Incident Rooms serve as the communications hub between field agents and analysts during an active incident. Rooms are divided into the levels they represent; for logistical and low-risk on-site incidents, the BLU-Incident room is used. For incidents involving indirectly allied or GREEN designate superheroes, the GRN-Incident room is used. YELLOW designate incidents are directed to YLW, ORANGE to ORG, and the highest-risk incidents are directed to the RED-Incident room, which employs analysts and communications officers with the highest seniority. MIRA Director Leonard Stone, or an appointed Site Director, is required to be in attendance at all RED-Threat incident response meetings. Correspondence inside and out of each room during an active incident is prohibited outside of mandatory informational exchanges, and all communication is strictly monitored to guard against the security of transmissions and technology.

In the field, agents are supplied with modified technology to ease the transition and barrier from antiquated to modern systems. SecureView is the most used client of all onboard MIRA software, and is used as the primary means of digital document access, communication, and data retention while out in the field. All digital records are transferred to paper records when the agent returns on-site, with the former being completely wiped to ensure maximum confidentiality.

Members of each sub-bureau corresponding to the room's level are required at each incident response conference, which includes but is not limited to: LOGISTICS, SITE SECURITY, COMMUNICATIONS, ARCHIVES, and INVESTIGATIONS. RED designate incidents require workers from LVL-RED, YELLOW from LVL-YLW, and so on. Personnel from floors of higher clearance may attend conferences of a lower threat designate, but the reverse is strictly forbidden. All conferences (and interviews, for that matter, at any floor in the Bluebird Facility) are monitored and logged. Conferences of YELLOW designate and higher are to be logged on 35mm film and stored in fire-proofed archival storage rooms (see BXC- ARCHIVES).

As housing any confidential records off-site would run the risk of catastrophic data breaches, all of MIRA's files and available consultation data regarding metahuman targets, Threat-Stake assessments, and ongoing operations are housed within archival departments corresponding to each Color Level. Paper records are kept in sealed and encoded dockets, and strict access logs are maintained to prevent misuse and violations of data integrity. Contemporaneous measures are taken to date, enter, and retire records with efficiency and accuracy. Viewing rooms for the contents of each ARCHIVES Unit are housed directly within the floor's departmental block. Access to ORG-0 records and above require a licensed specialist to be present at all times during viewing.

With the Bluebird Facility's status as a secure government site, ensuring sufficient deterrence and protection against enemies of the state, rogue metahumans, and other unforeseen threats is an essential priority. On-site security personnel boast the finest standards of weaponry, training, armor, and tactics available, with Jurors on standby to provide ancillary support if needed. Any attack on a MIRA Site is to be considered a RED-X Incident-- immediate response needed. This includes the withdrawal and redirection of Special Agents away from any lesser priority events.

Also of note is the shared ownership of dispatch duties with COMMUNICATIONS Units across the site. Calls to available hotlines are traced, triangulated, monitored and verified with the shared resources of either department to brief Special Agents en-route to confirmed incidents.

The primary means of transport for the Jurors is via MIRA VTOL, and the Hangar subsection of LVL-YLW houses air transport for the Special Agents should the need arise. Submarine transport is also available. Each vehicle departs via mantrap at the far end of the hangar, opening up into onto a helipad and small airfield on the southern end of Governors Island. Mantrap defenses include a collapsible seal and 10-foot thickened and reinforced exterior blast doors. MIRA-verified transports are all equipped with pressurized and waterproofed cabins.

Representing the efforts of a 50,000,000 dollar project into generative threat response simulation, the N.E.S.T. (NERVE Event Simulation Training) Wing of the Bluebird Facility is a comprehensive training program for use by Jurors and Field Analysts alike.

The training wing sports multiple firing ranges for small-arms, a closed course for vehicle handling and collision testing, safety testing for MIRA-researched ballistics and armor, and multiple testing rooms for PMPD-presenting subjects to utilize their abilities and test limits, weaknesses, and strengths of their factors. Testing facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art holographic projection technology, along with recent developmental technology in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR/AR). A total of three rooms are equipped with VR/AR technology and offer one-size-fits-all haptic feedback jumpsuits to wear by trainees; this offers real-time touch-awareness of simulated events in VR/AR.

Mandatory factor-limit testing for Threat-Stake Assessments is to be conducted within the N.E.S.T. facilities.

The Bluebird Facility's server room houses a technological backup of relevant records and on-site generative data for the N.E.S.T. Wing. All relevant facility records are maintained within their respective color level's archives wing, given the potential shortcomings of server-based recordkeeping.

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Up close, the IOX-ACS-II "Ox" suit was a sight to behold. With its twin FAC cannon-arms and reactive plating, it was more a mobile tank than anything else; given it was a dagger operation, Rowan would clearly be able to see the .50 BMG chains that were contained within the semi-transparent underside of the forearms. The chains of bullets, predictably, ran throughout the suit and were probably largely contained in the back, with a feed system to the arms-- if a layman were to guess, at least.

The Premiere Juror was silent, for a moment, as they walked-- the mechanical noise of the Ox suit making enough noise to give a slight echo through the forest.

... MOLT AND MIASMA, TAKE A WESTERN APPROACH. STICK TO THE ROAD, AVOID ANY PASSING CARS-- THOUGH THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY TRAFFIC. MIRA PUT A BLOCKADE ON ADJACENT ROADS. Ideally, nobody would call ahead to the group, but it would be safe to assume they'd be on high alert regardless-- and moving the bombs in preparation for tomorrow. ELIXIR, SONGBIRD-- HEAD UP THE EAST. IT'S FENCED IN-- STICK TO THE SHADOWS. SHOULD BE LESS GUARDED. MIGHT BE SOME ACTIVITY ON THE ROOF.

There was a slight whine as the cannons primed on the Ox suit. With a whir, Cannonade looked down to Rowan.


And so he stood, not risking the creation of any more noise above the mechanical, droning tone of his modulated voice-- waiting for the teams of two to get into position. Molt and Miasma, by the treeline of the western embankment; Elixir and Songbird, by the eastern fence. True to Cannonade's prediction, there were multiple silhouettes on the roof, their bodies backlit by the floodlights that pointed into the yard; additionally, a few more gunmen were scattered throughout the yard, idly conversing and otherwise on low alert. A few dummies and mannequins were set up inside the perimeter, along with a few metal targets. To pass the time, most likely. Two men were situated on the firing range-- one taking pot shots at a dummy, and the other was idly scrolling through his phone, gun resting across his lap.

The west, however, was a different story. As Molt and Miasma snuck towards the northwest vehicle bay, it would become apparent that there was a lot of hardware in the Natural Sons' possession; weapon caches filled with automatic and semi-automatic weaponry were underneath spotlights, along with a few mannequins equipped with armor and helmets. And that was what they could see.

What was most apparent, however, was the tricked-out G-Wagon that they had. Full doomsday prepper equipment peppered its chassis-- bulletproof implements on the windows, armor panels on the sides. Even what appeared to be a bulldozing ram was near the front bumper, probably to be affixed to the bulbar on the front grille. The Natural Sons' insignia was spraypainted onto the side paneling.

"-- shit you see on the television nowadays. Half of it's doctored, and MIRA doesn't have funding for a good 60% of the shit it says it does, anyways."

"Yeah. Just hope this shit wraps, soon. Got a job interview to be at."

"... after the fucking rally?"



An explosion from the south. The nighttime sky was lit up with brilliant hues of orange and yellow-- a flash of billowing smoke and fire cascading into the sky. Enough to distract-- but not enough to destroy the building's integrity and potentially set off the bombs. Heads were turned towards the destruction; the two in front of Molt and Miasma were distracted, as were the pair before Elixir and Songbird.

"What the fuck is--"


If there was ever a clear signal, it would've been the twin cannons from Cannonade's suit firing downrange with the sound of an angered A10 Warthog.

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INCIDENT ID: I-212258407-ACX-D





About seven years ago, a former official within the Department of Defense by the name of Joseph Ravison broke ground on forming a private defense contractor by the name of Cavalry Armed Solutions; much of their pitch revolved around being an anti-PMPD solution without the use of factor-present operatives in the field. DOD carved out a pretty penny to fund the company, for a while-- Ravison might've had a favor or two owed to him, at the time-- before the DOD began to distance itself from Cavalry. For obvious reasons. MIRA existed, was a hell of a lot more effective at domestic and overseas deployment, and Ravison himself was seen as a bit touched with some radical sentiments about PMPD-affected individuals.

Deputy Director Ross was present within the armored personnel carrier that was currently en-route to the deployment point; his attention, however, was focused upon the live satellite feed of their target, back turned to the assembled Dagger operatives while he spoke. More important things to focus on than a direct address, especially with the time crunch they were under.

Now, Ravison and Cavalry aren't within the scope of this op-- but they're important context for why this little biofundamentalist militia came to be. According to our intelligence experts, at least.

Biofundamentalism was a recent movement in that had arose within the late aughts and early tens; it was a loosely-organized radical belief about factor-present humans being a misstep. Baseline homo sapiens were still the apex, and it was natural to be biologically and fundamentally mundane. It was a fringe belief; anti-PMPD sentiments were more than common, but supremacists on either side of the aisle often used dogwhistles instead of the explicit declaration that biofundamentalists often went with.

The group we're dealing with is the Natural Children of Liberty. Biofund militia based in Montana that's had expansion out onto the east coast. Anti-PMPD, pro-baseline. Other far-right beliefs mixed in, which means a lot of chapters are fractured. Not too much of a unified front. This Maryland chapter has a following of... maybe 100 individuals, as an estimate; can expect about a fifth of that, tonight. Undercover source says there's maybe 20 in attendance. The reason we're handling this, instead of the police, is because they're suspected of carrying highly dangerous munitions and firearms; that, and they're planning on carrying out a bomb attack on a political rally today. At noon. Which is why I've gathered you all on short notice.

At that, he finally turned-- the jostle of the APC leaving his body to slightly waver atop the cabin floor, however miniscule. His gaze was inscrutable, like his entire face had been cast in stone; the aviators atop his face didn't help alleviate the ambiguity of his expression. Over the roar and rattle of the engine, the Deputy's headset-projected voice cut into each operative's earpiece like a knife.

Bombs are on-site at the rinky-dink shithole they've been renting out. Could be active, could be inactive-- which is why Cannonade will be your team lead as on-site EOD. He will be your pointman. He will be your lifeline. You do not execute on a plan unless you have his blessing. If he tells you to jump, you ask how fucking high. And most importantly, you do not get in front of his mounted forearm cannons unless you want to become a statistical end-note on this operation.

Cannonade was already suited up; he was locked into place at the tail-end of the APC, deployed first and foremost once they reached their destination. With the weight of his suit, it was no wonder they were travelling at a stunted pace on-board the carrier.

Operational guidelines are simple. Neutralize the bomb threat-- there are two total. Once the bombs are disarmed, neutralize the personnel threat on-site. We want one man brought out of this alive, and his name is Gerald Davis-- ringleader of the Maryland branch.

A photo of Gerald popped up-- goatee, bald, scar on the left side of the face. Displayed on the monitors within the APC's cabin, Ross motioned off-handed to the picture as infographics appeared alongside the photo-- DOB, areas of operation, and other footage of the man while with the Natural Sons of Liberty.

It is imperative that you take him alive for question. Hardware like this doesn't just appear out of thin air, and available intelligence suggests there's a link between the Natural Sons and some bad actors within Cavalry. If we can pin him down, make him squeal, we'd have done our job tonight. You are greenlight on lethal and redlight on neutralizing Davis.

Are we in alignment, operatives?

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                        ██░   ██▒       ▒░   ░█░      ░██████░░                       ░▒██████▓░░ ░▒ ▓███░░░▒░████▓░                             ░▓▓▓░    ▓█   ░     █░  ░   ░██                
                       ██      █ ░█████░   ░█░      ░▓███▒██████▓░░            ░░░░▒█████▓▒▒▒░▒██▓▒▒▒░▒▒▒▓███▓░▒░░████▓░░░░                 ░░████████░     ██   █░  ██ ░░     ▓█               
                     ██▓        ▓▓░  ░ ░  █▓       ▒████▓▒▓▒░█▓████████▓▓▒▓▓▓█████████▓▒▒░▓██▓░             ░▒██▒░░▒░▓██████▓▓▒▒░░░░░░░▒▓████████▓░░▒██▓░     █▒  █░ ██     ▒   ▓█▓             
                    ██░   ░      █░░    ░█░      ▒███░░░▒█████░░░░▓▒███████████▒▓▒▓▓▓░▓██▒░                     ░▓▓███ ▒▓░▒████████░██████▓█▓█░▒░█▓██▓░███     ░█  ░░░    ░██▒   ░█             
                   ██    ███░     ▓    █▒      ░███░░▒██░   ░░████▒░▒ ░▒░░░ ░▒█▒▓▓███░                               ░▒██▓░░▒▓░▓ ▒░░▒▒▒░█▒▒▓████░  ░░██▓░███░    █▒    ░███   ░░  ░██           
                  ██░     ░░░██░     ░█     ░████▓░▒██░          ░░░█████████▓▓▒░░                                        ░▓▓███████████▓▒░░         ░▓█▓▒▒███░   ░█  ██   ▒▒░░    ░██          
                 ██░       ░░  ▒░   ▓█    ▒████ ▓░█░░          ▒▓   ░░                                                                                 ░░██▒▓░██░░  █  █░  ░         ██         
                ██░  ███████▓█░    █░ ░░████▓░ ▓█▓░        ░▒░ ░██░ ▒█░ ▒▓░                                                                               ░██▓░░███░ ▓▓░░▒░          ░██        
               ▓█░░     █░        █░  ░███  ░░█▒░           ▒██░▒██▓░▓█▒░██░                                                                                ░▒██▒▒██░ ▓█               ██       
              ██░░░░      ░██    █     ░███▓░▒█             ░▓███▒███▒▓█████▓                                                                                ░██▓███   ░█              ░██      
             ▒█▒  ░  ▓▓░   ░    █       ░██▒░██▒            ░▓████████████████▓▒░░░                                                                         ░█▓▓███     ░█  ░░          ▓█      
             █▒  ░░     ░█     █░        ░▓██░▒█░             ░▒█████████████████▓▓██▓░                                                                    ▒█▓░▓██░      ░█  ▓  ▓  ▓█░   ▓█     
            ██░░ █░      ▓░░░ █░           ▒██░▓█░              ░▒████████▓▓█████████████▓▓░░                                                             ░█▒░░█▓       ░ ▓▓  ░ ░░█░      ██    
           ▓█░  ░ ▒██▓░░▒▒   █░             ██▓▒▓█░               ░██████████▓█▓██████████░▓█▒░                                                          ░█░▒▒██           █▓░░░█▒        ░█▒   
           █▒  ░       ░    █░              ░██░▓█▒                ░█████████████████░░▒░█░░░▒█░                                                         ▓█░███░            █▒ ▒░          ░█   
          ██░ ░██░░        ▒█                ▓███░█░                 ░░████████▒█▓█▓█▒▒░░▒▒▒▒▒▒█░                                                    ░  ▒█ ░██▒              █   ░░█████▓░  ██  
         ▒█▒      █▓███▒   █                  ██▓▒██                   ░█████████████▓░░░▓░░░░░▒▒                                                      ░█▒░██░               ░█  ▓█      █  ▒█  
         ██       ░   █   █░                  ░██  █░                    ▒██████████▒▓▒▓░▓░░░░░░▒▒                                                     ▒█▒░▓█                 █▒ █       ░   ██ 
         █ ░ █████░░     ░█                    ▒█▒▓█▒                    ░▓████████▒▒▒░░▓█▒░░░░░░▓░   ░░▒▒▒▒▓▒░▒▒▒▒▒░░░░                               ██░░█▓                  █ ░▓░░█▓ ░░   ░██
        ██ ░      ░░█▒   █░                    ░██▓░▓░                    ░▒███████████▓▒▓░░▒████████████▓░░░▒█▒░▒▒  ░░▓█▒░                           ░█░░██                   ▒▓ ░░░         ██
       ▒█▒          ░   ▒▓                      ██░░█░                     ░████████▓█▓▓░██████████████████████▒▓░▒▒░▓░░░░██░                         ▓▒░░██░                   █        ░▓▓  ▒█
       ██  ░     ░░██   █░                ░     ██ ░█░                      ░███████▓▓▓█████████████████████████▓██▓▓▒░▓░░▒░█▓░                      ░█░░▓█░                    ▓▓ ████▒   ░   █▓
       █▓  ░███▓▒▒  ░  ░█                       ▓█▒░█░                       ░██████████████████▒▓███▒▓████▓▓█▒░▓████░█▒░░▓░▒░░█▓░                   ░█░░██▒                     █░▒▓  ░▒░ ░   ██
       █▒    ░█▒▓ ░    ▒░                       ▓█░░█▒                       ░▒█████▒██████████████▓▒████▓█▓░   ░▓█████▒▒░▓░▒░████▓░░                 ▓ ░██                      █  █  ░░░░░   ░█
      ██        ░█░    █                        ▓██░▓▒                         ▓███▓░███████████████▓████▓░      ░▓█████▓▒▓▒█▓▒███████░              ░▒ ░██░                     ░▓░░       ░   ██
      ██   ░       ▒   █                        ▓█▓░█░                          ▒██▓█████████████████████▓░        ░████▓██████▓█████████▒░          ░█  ██                      ░█░▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓█   ██
      ██  ▓▒          ░█                        ▓█░ █▒        ░████▒░░░          ░▓███▓███████████████████▒▓░       ░▒█████▓▒███░██████▒██████▓▓▒░   ▒▓ ░██                       █      ░██    ██
      █▒  █▒▒░░░  ▓   ▒▒                        ██▒░█▒        ░█░░▒▒▓░░▒▓▒░░       ░██████████████████████░░▒▓░░       ▒████████▓▓█████▓███▓▒▓▓▒░    ░█ ░██▒                      █    ░██      ▓█
      █▒  ▓    ░░▒█░  ▓░                        ██░▒█░        ░█▓░░▒▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▓▒▒░░▓██▓█▓█▒███████████████░░░ ░▓▒░       ░████████████▓██▓██████▒░░░ ░▓  ██▒                      █░░░██ ░░░██  ▒█
      █░  ██          █░                       ░██░▓█░       ░▒▓▒░ ░    ░░▒░ ░░░ ░▓█▒▓█▓▓█▓████████████████░    ░▓░         ▒███████████████▒░░███▓░  █░░███                      █▒            ▒█
      █░   ░          █░                       ▓██ ▒█░       ░██▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▒▒░ ▒█▒▒▓██▓░████████████████▒     ░░█░           ░██████████▒▓████▒░▒▒░ ██░███                      ▓▒   ░░▒░     ▒█
      █░  █░░▒▓░  █   █░                      ░███░▓▓         ░░█▓▒░░░░░░░ ▒▒░░░  ▒████▓▒▒▒░▒▓███████████████░  ▓█▓░              ░░░███████▒░▒██▓▒░  ░█▒▒██░                     ▓▒ ░█░ ░░▒█   ▒█
      █░  ▒  ░▓░ ░█   █░                      ░██▓ █░          ░▓█▓░░░░   ░░░░▒░  ░█▒░▒░▒░▓░▒░███████░████▓▒░██████░                  ░░▒▒▒█████▓░     █░░██                      █▒░█       █  ▒█
      █░  ▓█▓▓█████   █░                      ███▓▒█   █         ░██▓▓▓▒▓▒░░░    ░░░░▓░▓░▒▒░▒░███████▒█▒░     ▒██▒▓░                           ▓    ░  █▓░██▒                     █░ █       ▓  ▒█
      █░              ▓░                     ░█████▓  █░█ ██▓       ░█▒░     ░▒░░  ░░░▒▒░▓░██▓████████▓░      ░▒█▓░                            ██░ █▒  ▓▓▓██▓                     █   ░░   ▒▒░  ▒█
      ██  ░░      ▓   ▒█                     ░██▓▓█  ████░█▓         ░░██▓▒▒▒▒░  ░▒░ ░░ ░▒▓████████████▒                                        ██░█░█ █░▒▒██                     █             ██
      ██   ████████▒   █                     ▓██░▒▓ ▓░██░▓██▓            ░░▓█▓▓▓██░░▒░░▓████████████▓░█░                                     ░███▒███░ ▒█▓▒██                    ░█      ░░░█░ ░██
      ██   ░░█▓▒  ░    █                     ███░▓░ ▒██▒█████░                 ░░▒█▒▒█▓███████▓▒████▓▓█▓                                      ░░█████▓ ░█░▒██░                   ░▓ ▓██▓███░░   ██
       █▓       ░██▒░  ▓░                   ░██░ █░  █▓█████░                 ░        ░██████▒▒████████                                       ███░███ ░█▒▒██░                   █      ▓▒░░░  ▒█
       █▒     ▓█▓ ░ ░  ░█                   ░██░▓█  █░█▓░█▓▓               ██▓▓░        ░▒████▒ ▒███████░                                      ██▓░░█░█░▓ ░██░                   █       ░▒█   ██
       ██   ██░▓██▓░░   █                   ░█▓░▒█ ░░█░██▒░                ░████           ░█▒▒░░▓▓███▓█░ ░                        ░█          ░▒███░█░░█▓░██▒                  ░▓             █▓
       ▓█░ ░░         ░ ▓▒                  ▒██▓▒▓ ░███░███                 ░█▒▓            ▓█▒▓░░░░▓██▓▓███░░            ░███▒░░░███          ░██▓▓█░█ █▓░██▒   ░              █             ▒█
        ██ ░             █                  ██▒░█░  ██░██▓█      ▓█▓░░░░▓▒▓█▓███▒░░░░▒▒░░░░░▒█▓██████▓█████████░   ░░░      ░▓████████▓░░      ▒░░▓█░█░ ▓█▓▒██░                ░█             ██
         █               ▓▒                 ███▓█░ ▒▒████▓     ████▓▓█▓▓███████████████████████████████████████▓████████████████████████▒░      █████▓▒░▓▓█░██░                █     █       ░██
         █▓        ░█░    █░                ░██▓█▓  ██░ ░▒█░     ▒█▓░░░░░   ░██▓  ░░ ░   ░░░▒█░  ░██░░▓░  ░▒▓█░             ▓███████▒          ░██▓█▒█░ ▓█▓ ██                ▓▓             ██ 
         ▓█░              ░█                ░██▒██  █░█▓██░░                 ░█▒                  ░░        ░░            ░█▓░   ░███         ░░ ████░█ ▓█░▒█▓               ░█            ░░█▒ 
          ██      ░    ░   ▓▒               ░██░█▒░ ░███░██                 ███░█                                                  █▓         ░██▒▒▒██ ░██▓██▓               █░            ░██  
          ▓█░     ░         █░            ░ ░██░░█░ ▒█▒███▓█░              ░█▓▒░▒                                                             ██░██░██ ░█░░██▓              █▓             ░█▓  
           ██░              ░█░             ░▓██░▒█   ██▓██░█░               ░░░░░       ░░░░  ░░░░░  ░░░░░░            ▓                    █▓█████░░ ░█▓▒██░             ░▓ ░░          ░██   
            ██         ▓█     █              ░███░██ ░██▒█░██░▓                 █▒█     ██▓     █░▒    ░ █ ░█░▒        █░▒                 ░█░██████   ▓█ ▒██             ░█   ▒██████▓█▒░██    
            ▓█░   ░░███░░░    ░█              ░██ ▓█░░▒░▒██░██░█                ██░█   ▓██▓     █░▒    ░ █  █ ▓       ███▒░               █▒██░█▒██▓░  █▓▓▒█▒          ░ ░█     ░▒ ░▒  ▓ ▒█░    
             ▓█░  █░           ░█              ░██▓▒█░ ░█████▓█░█░              █▓▒░█ ▒█ █▓     █░▒    ░ ██▒█░       ▓█  ▓█            ░░█▒██▓░▒▓▓█   ▒█░▓██░           ░█   ░░   ▒█    ▒█▒     
              ██░ ▓      ░█░    ▒█              ▓██ ░█░░▓█████░██▓█             █▓ ▓░█▓  ▓▓     █░▒    ░ █ ▓░█      ░█░░░░░█         ░░█▓▒█▒░▓▓▒░    ▒█████▒           ░█   ░░░     ▒▒  ██      
               ██ ▒▓░░█▓    ░    ░█              ▓██▒▓▓▒ ░▓█████▒████░▓         █▓  █▒░ ░▓▓░    █░▒    ▒ █  ░▓▓▒   ░▓░    █ █░   ░░█▓█████▓██▓▒     ██▓░██░           ░█   ▒░        ░ ██       
                ██░        ▒█░░    █░             ░███░██  ░▓█████░████░█░▒░                                                 ▒ █░████░████▓░     ░▓█▒░▓██░           ▒█   ░░      ░░  ██        
                 ██     ░█░█░ ░     █▒             ▒███▓▒██░ ░█████▒███ ██▒█░█▒▒▓ ░                                   ░ █░█░█▓██ ███░█████░    ░▒█▓░░███░           █▓    ░█░     ░░ ██         
                  █▓  █░  ░█  ░▒     ▓█             ░████░▒██░  █▓█▓▒▓████▓██▒████▓█                                 █░█▒█▓███▓███▓░▒▓▒▒      █▓ ▓▓███░           ░█   ░░   ██▒ ░▓▒ ██          
                   ██     █░ ▒▒░▓     ░█░             ▒████▓████▒░    ▒███▓▒████▓█▓██                               ███▓█████▒▓▒▒░       ░░▓█▒▒▓░███░░           ▒█    ██          ██           
                    ██░  ▓██░░  ░░█░    █▓              ░█████░░█░██▓░   ░ ░░▒███▓▒██▓░                           ░▓███▓███░         ░▒███░ ▓▓████▒             █░  ▒▒░  ███░░   ░██            
                     ██░        ██░▓░     █░              ░▒██████▒░░▓████▒░░░ ░██▓▒░ ░▒█▓░                    ░█▓   ░░▒░     ░░░▓███▒▒▒░░▒███▓░              ▓█    ░      ░██▓ ░██             
                      ▒█▓    ░██░  ░█▒     ▒█                 ░█████████▒░░▓▓▓▓███▓░░    ░▒██░               ▓█░        ░▒▓█▓▓▒▒▒░▒░░██████▒░               ░█░  ░▓▒░██      ░ ▓█               
                        ██░ █▓       ░█░░    ██                 ░░▒▓██████████▒░▒▓▓░▓██▒░░   ▒█▒           ▓█      ░░████▓░▓░▒▓▓██████▓▒                  ░█▒  ░▒██░ ░▒░░░░░ ░██                
                         ██░        ▒█▒░█░     ██                       ░░▒█████████▓░ ░░▒█▒░░ ▒█▓       ░█░    ░▓██▒▒▓▒░▓██████░░                      ░█░        ██▓      ░██                 
                           ██     ░█▒   ░ ░    ░ ██                            ░▒▓▓█████▒░░░▓█▓  ▒█░     █    ▒▓▒░▒░▓████▓▒░                         ░ █▒    █░░░░   ▒█░░  ██                   
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                               ▒██     ▓█░█░  ▓         ██░                                 ░███▒░░▓▒  ░█░░▒███▓░                              ▓█░     ░█░    ▓█  ░█ ░██                        
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                                     ███      ██    ░█░          ▒██                             ░███▓▒███░                          ░██░          █░██  ░ ░█▒  ▒██                             
                                        ██░ ▒██     ▓█░              ░██░                          ▒█████░                       ▒██      ░ █░      ▓░  ██   ░███                               
                                         ███▒ ░█▓▓██▒░░    ░░░██░        ░▒██░                      ░░▒░                   ░▒██▒ ░░  ░░░░▒░░███▒     ░▓░   ▒███                                 
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INCIDENT ID: I-212259078-ACX-D





Yeah, we've got an incident on a cruiseline... no, the Los Angeles Premiere Team is out at the San Andreas Fault, right now, dealing with something that has a higher threat-stake rating... VTOLs are grounded, right now. Do we need-- alright. Alright.

Agent Singularity, you have been instructed to respond to the Incident-In-Progress off the coast of California. GPS coordinates have been updated to your communicator; you'll have backup on standby if you need it, but consider this your chance to prove yourself. I'm Jerry-- your Lead Analyst. They got me working out of an In-N-Out right now, since this incident is fresh, so if you hear background noise... that's why.

Clear day out. Was a good day for a cruise, all things considered-- but for Oceania Cruises #4309, it was anything but.

The mayday came in approximately 10 minutes ago. Coast Guard passed it off to us, but they got boats on standby should you need it; given the incident's factor-related, though, we have operational jurisdiction. Phone footage we pulled off some kid's TikTok live was showing hydrokinetic activity-- extreme rogue waves, whirlpools, whole nine yards. No reported casualties, according to the ship's command room, so we're redlight on lethal. Get down there, find out what's causing all this shit, and call it a day. Yeah? I'm gonna finish this burger while you're en-route, man. Lemme know if any shit goes down.

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"Reports from the incident site are still coming in. The storm Monsoon created is still raging. And, most pressingly, there is a forty-four year old bus driver who is now painted over the exterior wall of a surgeon's clinic."

"As I recall, Sub-Director Print, you are well aware of matters which fall under the purview of your job. I hired you to navigate our intelligence and offer it to the public-- not repeat it back to me before a press conference."

Harold Print was known within MIRA to be a very high-strung man, though this did not necessarily make him flighty. As Sub-Director of the Metahuman Public Affairs Division of the Agency-- the MPAD, or "empad" as it was colloquially known-- he could not afford to be. Any communication of weakness, anxiety, or instability were picked up on by vultures within the media, no matter how much pressure they exerted-- directly or indirectly-- upon available outlets. As such, he was cool, collected. Like many factor-absent individuals within the organization, he worked alongside folk of indeterminate mental competency that could fly off the handle at any given moment and slaughter him.

Moreover, it was his duty to make it seem like that was the last thing they would do at any given moment.

The man who'd held the position previously had given him a bit of sage advice, when he'd first started, in the form of a simple phrase-- "turn a missile into a mallet". It wasn't about convincing the populace that factor-latent individuals were harmless-- they were beyond that point ever since the July Holocaust. What their goal was, now, was showing the public a medicated version of the truth. Not a weapon, but a tool. To destroy or misshape at the individual's discretion.

Understate-- and, barring that, overcompensate.

"The reason I am calling you is because I need to know where MIRA stands, on this. Where we stand. And if there's any information that analysts are sitting on that's gone over my head."

"Any information that is available to me is available to--"

"Bullshit." Harold stated, stopping abruptly-- and checking his watch as he stepped to the side of the hallway, brow furrowing. The aide behind him kept going-- looking to him for a moment, and hurrying along once she met his gaze. "You and I both know that isn't true, so let's stop insulting my intelligence. What I'm asking for is a directive. From the top. Are we going public with Dragon's involvement, or are we going to smokescreen?"

There was a pause, on the other end. A few taps of a keypad, indistinct.

"MIRA is currently investigating any potential wrongdoing and is dedicated to establishing culpability of its involved Jurors, but no official statement can be made at this time."

Harold's gaze tensed, a moment, and his nose wrinkled a bit; after a small breath, he nodded and moved forward.

"Leave the rest to me, then."

Print's entrance to the press room through a side-door was met with the staccato chorus of cameras; setting his folder of established notes and a baseline script upon the podium, he adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.

Mics are live; green to speak.

"Good evening to the gathered members of the free press and American citizens watching at home. As it stands, New York City has endured a devastating attack on Central Park. As of two hours ago, available agents have neutralized the threat from factor-latent individuals that had perpetuated the incident, and measures have been taken by collateral teams to ensure that further disruption of our way of life has been minimized to the utmost degree."

All truth. Monsoon had left a bit of a mess to clean up, but he had been disabled mid-flight; as for the two on the ground... well.

"It is MIRA's mission, as always, to preserve the sanctity of life and to eliminate threats from rogue factor-latent individuals; this extends not only to incident response teams, but post-incident cleanup and humanitarian efforts. Mitigation of any further collateral is paramount at this time, as the incident fallout is still actively developing. However, we have confirmed that a total of three perpetrators were responsible for the Central Park wildfire, and two of these targets were neutralized in the ensuing confrontation between rapid-response Jurors and these factor-latent individuals."

And here came the spin.

"As it stands, one of these FLIs had seemingly lost control over their abilities and impacted a civilian at the border of the incident exclusion zone. The cause of this disruption and ensuing casualty is currently under investigation by site examination analysts, who have not reached a definitive conclusion at this time."

Rustles in the crowd. Questions, now-- rapid-fire, like gunshots in the ear. Harold almost flinched. Almost.

"-- ambiguous language, coming from--"

"-- can you list available Jurors on-site at the time of incident? You're--"

"-- family deserves to know the root cause of a person's death, you know that, right?"

"Look, I am telling you the information that I am given, and that is the entirety of our intelligence. MIRA continues to uphold its promise of transparency and vigilance, and should our internal investigation yield any revelations-- which it has not-- we are prepared to take relevant legal action. In addition, we have contacted witnesses on-site to collect personal testimonies." He looked to the crowd, now-- and pointed to a journalist near the front. "Paul Troy. Go."

"Are you prepared to disclose the identity of present Jurors at this time? Veiling them only seems to insinuate culpability."

"I had just stated that no Jurors had been found culpable, and should that change, we will disclose relevant information," Harold replied. "Publicizing any names would just fuel a cycle of vitriol and potentially put a target on people's backs. Which is the opposite of what we want, Paul. Next question-- Nancy, CNN."

"Will there be disclosure of identity for any FLIs?"

"At this time, we cannot say. The surviving FLI is in critical condition, and publicizing any details would endanger the nature of the investigation. You-- Central Period Report."

"Was the casualty a result of Juror incompetence? Culpability is irrelevant-- this death still happened under MIRA's watch--"

"This casualty," Harold interjected, his face flickering with a twitch of a scowl-- imperceptible, and swallowed before a snarl could form. "Is an unfortunate circumstance of the times we now live in. It is my belief-- and a reflection of MIRA's, as well-- that had our Jurors not responded, there would have been further devastation and loss of life. Any death that occurs under the watch of this Agency is heartbreaking. Truly, it is. But a zero-casualty encounter is best-case-- and against overwhelming odds, only a singular life was taken by--" Terrorists? No. Too inflammatory. Too international. When people think of terrorists, they think of foreign invaders. Conspiracy. Paranoia. "-- these criminals." Barely a pause in his voice. "It is a testament to the training and dedication of MIRA's Jurors that this incident was responded to swiftly and safely, and we thank our available on-call operators for their heroic actions today."

More hands raised, pens and cameras alike. Harold raised his own palm, tilting his head.

"No further questions. As it stands, we are committed to getting to the bottom of this incident, and bringing justice to New York City as a whole. This is not just an attack on a singular citizen-- this is an attack on the city as a whole. A strike against one American is a strike against all, and will be answered with appropriate prejudice. Thank you all for your time. God bless America."

And then he was gone, turning upon his heels in the aftermath of the clamor-- adjusting his glasses and tucking a folder under his arm, jaw tight as he made his way out of the press hall.

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Wake. Watch the shadows. Sleep. Dream. Wake.
"-- leaving multiple casualties in the wake of what appeared to be a botched terrorism attempt. Witnesses along the highway reported gunshots, followed by a loud crash and explosion--"
-- FFZZST --
"-- among the dead: members of a militia group known as the Natural Sons of Liberty, a far-right organization known for their hateful rhetoric regarding PMPD and metahuman intersectionality. Current details regarding the nature of the explosion have been unreleased by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, but evidence seems to suggest an accidental detonation of high-yield explosives during transport--"
"Pretty cut and dry psyop, in my opinion. Government's made a false-flag attack and we're supposed to just eat it up like pigs in a fucking trough--"
-- FFZST --
"-- what I'm curious about is why the Fielder Administration has been silent in the wake of failed reform passes-- especially after the violence in Central Park."

Meaningless. Nothing good on TV. Man in white comes, shows me cards. Lays them out on the table.

"Arrange the pictures to tell a story."

I have no hands. I tell him this. He smiles, and says that he will do it for me; I need only say the number on the strips, and where to place them. He shows me blots upon a paper, and asks me what I see.

My answers seem to trouble him. This amuses me.

I do not eat; they do not bring me food when I ask for it.

So I watch. Wait. Sleep. Wake. Watch.

"-- so that we may confirm, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that MIRA has performed to the best of its ability as an organization, for the preservation and perpetuation of the American way of life. After internal review, we have reached--"
"-- your local PMPD Crisis Center today. Only you can prevent--"
"Talks with President Kulikov have once again ended in a stalemate with President Fielder, who has restated his determination to reach a detente between the United States and the Russian Federation; growing unrest--"

Nothing good on television. Heh. They tell me there has been some sort of accident; that my body and brain had been damaged. They say that I can't leave. That I need to get better. That a specialist will be available to explain the extent of my condition and the complications therein. I think it is... is...

... bullshit.

The people on the walls yell. Scream. They cry like a cattle stampede headed for a cliff. The man in white told me that I need to help them. How do you help someone who does not want to be helped, I say, and he seems troubled by this. It amuses me. After a moment, he answers:

"By letting them think they are helping themselves."

I ask what he means. He pauses.

"Let them think they are in control, whiel you give them what they truly need."

So I wait. Watch. Sleep. Wake.

"-- have released a statement, stating: "The blood of the martyrs within the Natural Sons will not be shed in vain. Retaliation will arrive with thundering vengeance; those responsible will be judged before the might of God. This was no accident. This was the first shot fired in a war that they will not win."
"Brock, you can't go off into enemy territory... those Krauts will see you coming from a mile away. You'll be swiss cheese over Berlin by first light. Think about Elizabeth..."

"With all due respect, General-- our boys have done enough on the front line. Hitler will be dead by dawn, and this war will end."
"This is what happens when you give a blank check to authority, people-- you have costumed freaks, running around, killing people left and right without being held accountable! You and I-- we're fodder. We're NEXT. The elite have our heads in the guillotine, pretendin' we're getting HAIR-CUTS-- while there's blood in the basket below. Unpowered folk, we're the first to go. That's why you need Plus-Ultra Vita--"

Learning. Listening. Watching.

How do you save a world that doesn't want to be saved?

You let it burn, and save what's left of the ashes.

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"Once again, I would like to thank you all for making the time to come to the PMPD Benefit Gala; now, more than ever, it is important to show the world the strength that metahumans demonstrate in their daily lives-- and, by extension, bring into the lives of others."

It was a no-brainer to have Harold Print take point for the PMPD Benefit Gala. Deputy Ross was a stone-faced wetworker who could hardly look disarming to save his life; Director Stone was equally as off-putting, at times, though for different reasons entirely. He had a habit of appearing as if he knew something others didn't, which was often the case in his line of work; he was one of the few who didn't like to play pretend, however, which made him a less optically attractive choice for occasions such as these. The only certain thing about him was the uncertainty.

Print, of course, had been managing optics for much of his life. He was the White House Press Secretary under Torres from 2025 to 2026, and served as Chief of Staff to the First Lady from 2026 to 2028 until his resignation in the wake of the Midwest Riots. He'd endured enough controversies from the Torres Administration in that time to make him bulletproof, and it'd been the obvious reason why he'd been chosen as a successor for the role of Communications Director within the MPAD. He was curt when he needed to be, but otherwise tactful-- and damn good at what he did.

"Your donations tonight will aid in the healthcare of thousands of PMPD-affected individuals across the country; like Joshua Gables, 17, from Pennsylvania." A clicker in the hand changed the projection behind him to that of a fair-skinned, dark-haired boy sitting on a bench-- some sort of professional photo taken for the occasion, most likely. "He's already able to lift his mother's car onto its rear axle-- and he wants to become a volunteer firefighter. Because of you-- all of you-- we have the capacity to anticipate, detect, and help individuals like Joshua. To help them use their abilities to aid society. A new generation of heroes."

Another slide click-- showing dozens of photos, now.

"A reminder that the Stone Foundation Silent Auction will be starting later tonight, at 8:30 PM, in side-room A3. There's some lovely pieces by Quickset, and a few decorative prototypes by Cannonade and Cyclic-- non-functional, of course. All proprietary." He smiled, at that, and got a few chuckles from the crowd.

"Now. Enjoy your evening, and the entertainment, ladies and gentlemen. And, of course, a thank you to all the Jurors who couldn't make it tonight-- because they're out on the streets right now, no doubt, saving lives. Unfortunately, if we got every hero here, it'd be mighty convenient for anyone looking to cause trouble." Another small wave of chuckles, and he raised his glass. "To MIRA-- to the PMPD Crisis Organization-- and, most importantly, to all of you."

The dining hall erupted into applause as Print stepped down from the podium and immediately went to handshakes and side-conversations-- a few photographers taking pictures of the ordeal as people went back to eating, conversation, and other beneficial opportunities to network. The restaurant had been entirely rented out for the evening, with a host of individuals making their appearance: top talent from MIRA, independent vigilantes that were relevant and stable enough to invite, media personalities from organizations within Hollywood, talent agency producers and representatives that'd paid a hefty price to optain passes... it was a stacked deck, to put it lightly, and the food wasn't half-bad. Mostly. Catering was always a mixed bag.

And, to top it all off, nobody'd tried to shoot the place up. Yet. It would seem a likely place for an attack, certainly, but--

-- who, in their right mind, would want to attack a party filled with parametas?

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The last few days had been a blur.

"... have determined, after careful review of operational testimonies, eyewitness reports, and available evidence recovered by post-incident investigatory agents, that the death of Chris Hartford was wholly caused by the actions of a rogue FLI. Experts from the team we've assigned to the case have theorized, to the best of their knowledge, that..."

An accident. Really, that's what it'd been-- the wrong maneuver deployed at the wrong time, in the wrong place. Or, perhaps, it was entirely the right thing to do-- they'd saved countless lives by stopping the threat, regardless, and it was a miracle that only one person had been killed. Who knows how many more would've died, if Dragon hadn't cut off T-03; anything beyond acceptance of reality, however, was mere conjecture. Which was the point that was constantly hammered home by the professionals at MIRA. The analysts he'd debriefed with; the psychiatrists that had evaluated him post-incident.

"You did your best. And that is more than enough. These things-- they happen. They're an unfortunate byproduct of the world we live in."

That was the response, in the big leagues. These things happen. So he'd been given the care he had needed, with regards to relevant psychological analysis, and had been reassigned back to Chicago; vacancies had been filled in the patrol routes and coverage of New York, after all, and the last thing Dragon seemed to need was lingering around the city he believed he'd killed someone in. They'd quietly moved him back-- routine press updates suppressing any conspiratorial response the change might've spurned-- and left him to his own devices, with the expectation that he'd be taking it easy.

"I understand that taking it easy might be the last thing you want to do right now. But lower-pace activities are going to keep you out of the limelight, and make sure you can keep helping people. Decompression is the name of the game. Meditate. Work on yourself. Reflect, but don't let any guilt keep you from realizing you do good out there."

And Harold Print had been his usual clinical self-- reserved, cautious, ever-careful of what to say. MIRA, as a whole, extended every courtesy to help him with the transition, but it was forever under the guise of impersonal, government benefits. Filling out forms to receive pay under administrative leave, should he want the option. Contractual waivers, non-disclosure agreements. When they finally pulled back, it was a week post-incident. Leaving him to patrol. Leaving him to do as he usually did best.

Most nights were quiet. Chicago's mayor had taken a tough-on-crime approach that was targeted towards individuals with PMPD; after the business with Oracle and Mister Midwest, there was tact to approach these sorts of initiatives with. Tonight, though, was far from the placid nights that've been common in the Windy City.

It was a property that was decidedly neighboring the L; the call had come from staff, who had reported sounds of a struggle and odd noises coming from one of the upper levels. Review of security footage showed a masked figure entering the elevator maybe ten minutes prior. Police hadn't made their presence known, out of fear of making the target flee or do anything rash from police presence-- thus, the call for a Juror had been made out.

This is Sophia Hawkins with the Chicago P.D., Dragon. Glad you're with us-- suspected meta got caught on CCTV going to room 1022. Hasn't left. Put out a soft call in case it is a meta, but might not be. In any case, handing it over to you; we've secured the lobby and elevators, as well as the stairwells. Ready to move in on your call.

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Toxscreen report from the two dead FLIs that'd taken the unknown narcotic substance had traces of marijuana in their system. On a whim, we'd also examined the bud they had on them after-the-fact-- and found some odd levels of cytokinin on the intact samples we'd recovered, which we didn't think much of at first. 'Course, that was until one of our informants disclosed someone operating in New York-- a drug kingpin, of sorts. Oscar Hadley.

Hadley's got a finger on the illegal drug trade. Allegedly. Everything he does that we know of is purely above board-- you don't need to peddle weed on the streets, anymore, after all. He's got a license and a dispensary in Newark. Building looks shitty on the outside, but don't let that fool you. Guy's got security, and he's decently dangerous.

His mutation primarily allows him to control plant life-- rapidly accelerating growth through a high-density nutrient and hormone mist. Also seems like he has some sort of telekinetic influence over plantlife, or has some sort of pheromonal influence that drastically increases velocity of growth and movement due to the nutrient-dense air he can create. Which, of course... includes increased cell division markers. Like cytokinin.

It's a small lead, but given his connection to narcotics and the bud on the dead FLIs, he might have an idea of where the novel narcotics are being dealt from. Just need to work your way up the chain. He has an apartment on the fifth floor-- might be some information in there. Or, alternatively, go to his shop on the ground floor and get some answers directly. Your choice.

Just-- be discrete, whatever the choice. And don't kill him.

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Whether or not the pair told MIRA about their meeting had little consequence upon whether or not they were tracked-- the monitoring pendants upon their persons a constant reminder that every little trip would be monitored. There was, of course, nothing inherently suspicious about heading to a club in New York; it was a bit out of the way for the two Mid-Atlantic operatives, but the Amway had streamlined commuter travel along the east coast. For the most part, anyway. It took about an hour to get there by train; even less if they used the emergency response lines, but those were only for approved uses on behalf of MIRA, the National Guard, and other domestic defense entities.

They were currently in line, of course. It'd been about a thirty minute wait to get up to the door, but they were finally there. What sounded like atmospheric, electronic club music droned from within-- loud, and with enough bass to gently feel each pulse in the chest cavity.

"Gonna need to see some ID, ladies." The bouncer stated, one arm holding what appeared to be a tablet of sorts. He flashed a look towards Hannah-- one of those looks, of scrutiny and half-curious judgement-- before it flickered down back to the screen. "Names, as well."

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