

DATE: 03/07/21
LOCATION: L-14 “The Field”, Breakroom 7B
ASSETS: ACF-7823-A "Peppers",
EQUIPMENT: Standard team equipment
PURPOSE: Brief Briefing
Nobody said it was going to be a nice, quiet mission, but everybody was thinking it. Bailey could tell, because he knew his team. When the mission wasn’t going to be nice and quiet, there was a lot more activity and a lot more attention. Usually that started with Nova getting this intense look, then Vanya getting this bounce in her leg she couldn’t stop, then Kim, Inigo, and Donny would start to discuss equipment and check and re-check everyone’s supplies. Roz would’ve been smoking in the breakroom, which was usually fine, but she personally preferred the parking garage, unless she was overthinking something. Ferris tended to be calm about it, but then again, Ferris could keep his calm about just about anything.
But right now, none of that was happening. Each team member was dressed in their definition of “casually” – Kim in an overpriced museum T-shirt with Van Gogh’s sunflowers on the front, Nova pristine as ever in a lab coat, Roz in simple brown tank top and khaki shorts, Donny approximately overdressed in a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up and slacks, Ferris similar but with blue jeans, Vanya in daisy dukes and a crop top that read “I support women’s wrongs” in pastel font with a little purple heart, and Inigo in a faded “Empire Strikes Back” tee and cargo pants.
Nova had notes scattered around the long table Lepidopterists tended to use as a base of operations, working out her latest theory about her latest ontokinetic by talking to Roz, who interjected at points but seemed to know what she was talking about. Kim lounged in a chair with a sketchbook propped on one knee, while Inigo and Vanya discussed some soap opera Bay only recognized from exposure to their conversations. Ferris was reading a detective novel. Donny meticulously cleaned his rifle, not the nervous check-and-double-check of pre-mission nerves but the absent actions of someone performing a necessary but familiar task while his mind was elsewhere. Each member of the team had a butterfly somewhere on their person, which seemed as invested in their current activity as they were.
Bay himself was at the counter, steeping a tea bag. He had a t-shirt on that read “Plato’s Cave Search & Rescue Team”, dark blue jeans, and beat up brown Converse high tops. As he went about his work, anyone coming in would see him set the teabag in the sink –
and then it’d be gone, into the trash.
Same thing with the honey, and the book that had been on the counter that was momentarily forgotten until he was sitting on the table, where it rested by his left arm while he stirred the drink with his right. There was a butterfly there, wings twitching gently, and maybe it had always been there. As he looked at the insect, the book opened to his last marked page, and he rested his chin on his left hand to read it, tuning out the chatter from his teammates.
A good look at Bay’s face would catch the distraction in his eyes, like someone with far too much on his mind to remember something like “remembering the tea bag in the sink”, and she helped fill in those gaps when she could. Some people said it gave him a sleepy expression, like someone constantly daydreaming. Maybe he was, maybe he’d always been, maybe it was just the way his face was cast and he was always on the alert. Who knew? Certainly not the rest of the team, or if they did they’d always known. But they never really asked, instead focused on being unfocused until it was time for business.
They were still waiting on an additional team member, who’d be leading a quick experiment with ACF-707 and then join them on the day’s main collections mission. She wasn’t late, exactly, but then again the team hadn’t actually agreed on a time to meet, just told her “come around in the morning when you’re ready.” They definitely didn’t seem field-ready themselves, but if they needed to be, then they obviously would’ve always been.
Word had finally gotten to Butterfly about the potential reactions between an alternate plane of existence and the Butterfly Effect’s abilities, and yes, a little more preparation had been needed than usual, but everything for that had been checked and double-checked the night before following SV-2’s approval. If it didn’t work, or something went wrong, they’d be able to just use 707 or the van for transport. Like any STRH worth their salt, they always had a backup plan for unknown factors.
They’d all read the reports, after all, which was not something many FCRTs could boast.
Nobody was too worried about it, although Roz did express a lot of interest in attempting communication with the things-in-there and Kim had wanted to try out a memetic from the interior of their visors that might work as a perceptions-based translator, which might work to understand the screaming babble of the things inside ACF-7823-B. Right now only Roz and Bay had it, when they’d always been in their armor, which right now they hadn’t. Roz because she seemed fascinated by the concept and Bay because he was team-lead. They would’ve done Kim’s instead, but she seemed to have a resistance to her own memetics, so it was unlikely to work on her.
Besides, Bay tended to have a lot of questions that other agents might not think of. There were always ideas turning behind his distant eyes, he just tended to surprise people when he voiced them out loud.
LOCATION: L-14 “The Field”, Breakroom 7B
ASSETS: ACF-7823-A "Peppers",
{Field Collections and Recontainment Team FCRT-14-1 "Lepidopterists" >}Team Lead: Bailey "Checkers" Richards, A-Class-E
Additional Members:
> Kim "Peacock" Gilroy, A-Class-D [Co-Lead, Armorer]
> Nova "Snow" Neves, R-Class-D [Senior Ontological Expert]
> Roz "Moth" Motya, R-Class-D [Object Identification Expert]
> Donovan "Widow" Bronoch, A-Class-D [Designated Marksman]
> Ferris "Grayling" Piers, R-Class-E[Primary Medic]
> Vanya "Aesop" Swift, A-Class-C [Reconnaissance]
> Inigo "Brimstone" Calida, A-Class-C [Demolitions]
Additional Asset: ACF-707 "The Butterfly Effect" specimens: Euphydryas editha bayensis [Bay Checkerspot], Papilio chikae [Luzon Peacock Swallowtail], Clodius parnassian [Snow Apollo], Polites sabuleti tecumseh [High Sierra Sandhill Skipper], Nymphalis antiopa [Mourning Cloak], Hipparchia semele [Rock Grayling], Aglais urticae [Small Tortoiseshell], Gonepteryx rhamni [Common Brimstone]
Additional Members:
> Kim "Peacock" Gilroy, A-Class-D [Co-Lead, Armorer]
> Nova "Snow" Neves, R-Class-D [Senior Ontological Expert]
> Roz "Moth" Motya, R-Class-D [Object Identification Expert]
> Donovan "Widow" Bronoch, A-Class-D [Designated Marksman]
> Ferris "Grayling" Piers, R-Class-E[Primary Medic]
> Vanya "Aesop" Swift, A-Class-C [Reconnaissance]
> Inigo "Brimstone" Calida, A-Class-C [Demolitions]
Additional Asset: ACF-707 "The Butterfly Effect" specimens: Euphydryas editha bayensis [Bay Checkerspot], Papilio chikae [Luzon Peacock Swallowtail], Clodius parnassian [Snow Apollo], Polites sabuleti tecumseh [High Sierra Sandhill Skipper], Nymphalis antiopa [Mourning Cloak], Hipparchia semele [Rock Grayling], Aglais urticae [Small Tortoiseshell], Gonepteryx rhamni [Common Brimstone]
PURPOSE: Brief Briefing
Nobody said it was going to be a nice, quiet mission, but everybody was thinking it. Bailey could tell, because he knew his team. When the mission wasn’t going to be nice and quiet, there was a lot more activity and a lot more attention. Usually that started with Nova getting this intense look, then Vanya getting this bounce in her leg she couldn’t stop, then Kim, Inigo, and Donny would start to discuss equipment and check and re-check everyone’s supplies. Roz would’ve been smoking in the breakroom, which was usually fine, but she personally preferred the parking garage, unless she was overthinking something. Ferris tended to be calm about it, but then again, Ferris could keep his calm about just about anything.
But right now, none of that was happening. Each team member was dressed in their definition of “casually” – Kim in an overpriced museum T-shirt with Van Gogh’s sunflowers on the front, Nova pristine as ever in a lab coat, Roz in simple brown tank top and khaki shorts, Donny approximately overdressed in a collared shirt with the sleeves rolled halfway up and slacks, Ferris similar but with blue jeans, Vanya in daisy dukes and a crop top that read “I support women’s wrongs” in pastel font with a little purple heart, and Inigo in a faded “Empire Strikes Back” tee and cargo pants.
Nova had notes scattered around the long table Lepidopterists tended to use as a base of operations, working out her latest theory about her latest ontokinetic by talking to Roz, who interjected at points but seemed to know what she was talking about. Kim lounged in a chair with a sketchbook propped on one knee, while Inigo and Vanya discussed some soap opera Bay only recognized from exposure to their conversations. Ferris was reading a detective novel. Donny meticulously cleaned his rifle, not the nervous check-and-double-check of pre-mission nerves but the absent actions of someone performing a necessary but familiar task while his mind was elsewhere. Each member of the team had a butterfly somewhere on their person, which seemed as invested in their current activity as they were.
Bay himself was at the counter, steeping a tea bag. He had a t-shirt on that read “Plato’s Cave Search & Rescue Team”, dark blue jeans, and beat up brown Converse high tops. As he went about his work, anyone coming in would see him set the teabag in the sink –
and then it’d be gone, into the trash.
Same thing with the honey, and the book that had been on the counter that was momentarily forgotten until he was sitting on the table, where it rested by his left arm while he stirred the drink with his right. There was a butterfly there, wings twitching gently, and maybe it had always been there. As he looked at the insect, the book opened to his last marked page, and he rested his chin on his left hand to read it, tuning out the chatter from his teammates.
A good look at Bay’s face would catch the distraction in his eyes, like someone with far too much on his mind to remember something like “remembering the tea bag in the sink”, and she helped fill in those gaps when she could. Some people said it gave him a sleepy expression, like someone constantly daydreaming. Maybe he was, maybe he’d always been, maybe it was just the way his face was cast and he was always on the alert. Who knew? Certainly not the rest of the team, or if they did they’d always known. But they never really asked, instead focused on being unfocused until it was time for business.
They were still waiting on an additional team member, who’d be leading a quick experiment with ACF-707 and then join them on the day’s main collections mission. She wasn’t late, exactly, but then again the team hadn’t actually agreed on a time to meet, just told her “come around in the morning when you’re ready.” They definitely didn’t seem field-ready themselves, but if they needed to be, then they obviously would’ve always been.
Word had finally gotten to Butterfly about the potential reactions between an alternate plane of existence and the Butterfly Effect’s abilities, and yes, a little more preparation had been needed than usual, but everything for that had been checked and double-checked the night before following SV-2’s approval. If it didn’t work, or something went wrong, they’d be able to just use 707 or the van for transport. Like any STRH worth their salt, they always had a backup plan for unknown factors.
They’d all read the reports, after all, which was not something many FCRTs could boast.
Nobody was too worried about it, although Roz did express a lot of interest in attempting communication with the things-in-there and Kim had wanted to try out a memetic from the interior of their visors that might work as a perceptions-based translator, which might work to understand the screaming babble of the things inside ACF-7823-B. Right now only Roz and Bay had it, when they’d always been in their armor, which right now they hadn’t. Roz because she seemed fascinated by the concept and Bay because he was team-lead. They would’ve done Kim’s instead, but she seemed to have a resistance to her own memetics, so it was unlikely to work on her.
Besides, Bay tended to have a lot of questions that other agents might not think of. There were always ideas turning behind his distant eyes, he just tended to surprise people when he voiced them out loud.
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