Samantha watched as her twin Sebastian started toward the woman sitting at the bar. Her blue hair shifted back over her shoulder briefly as she threw back a shot. She shook her head and stood up. If she had known that Sebby, her brother with the sexual history of a Catholic priest, would actually listen to her when she said “if you’re just going to stare at her all night, you might as well go talk to her”, she never would have suggested it.
On one hand, she was happy that her brother was showing interest in literally anything. On the other hand, that interest was in a woman with blue and black hair, curling floral tattoos, and combat boots as heavy as her own. That was definitely not what she assumed his type would end up being. It didn’t help that sitting next to her was… someone. With the long braids and the halter top turtleneck, she wanted to say it was a girl. But with the slant of the jaw and the physicality, she wanted to say it was a boy. Either way, it was underage. Either way, the woman was talking to them, a hand on their arm as they spoke.
This was either going to go over well, or it was going to crash and burn. Sammy didn’t really want to see either happen. She had no lack of faith in her brother. She knew he could smooth talk like her, and they had both used charm and flirting as a way to get what they needed. She just didn’t want to witness him flirting intently with a woman. The mere thought of having to witness that made her gag.
She started toward the door, and as she reached the entrance of the motel’s bar, the door opened and a young girl walked in. She looked at the curly haired girl as she walked past and toward the bar. Despite the fact that the girl was at least half a foot taller than her, Sammy knew that this was an actual child. She couldn’t have been more than eighteen at most. What was with all the children in the bar tonight?
She stepped outside, shaking her head. Her long, feathery curls bounced in perfect coils beneath her kerchief. Once outside, she felt like she could breathe again. While she stood outside, breathing in the crisp and cool fall air, something on the other side of the motel caught her eye. It was too far for most normal people to see, but Sammy’s eyes were better than most. She focused her eyes in on the shape and narrowed them. It was a figure in dark clothes, scaling up the fire escape. And as it moved, her eyes caught the shine of thick liquid on his clothes.
Now that was what she was talking about. She smiled, sharp, and tilted her head to the side like a bird. She was going to need her hammer for this one. With that, she headed toward the outer staircase to go up to her room and retrieve her vigilante kit.