Ban Bean
Active member
Beatrice walked down the hall with of the guards, the thick socks on her feet padding along the hard floor.
Bea had only been here for a few months, since her Uncle Amos had agreed to let Brightheart take her in, living in a room in the same hall as the other children. She even managed to talk to a few of them between surgeries and tests. But this morning Dr. Russo had told her she'd be moving to a new, special, area to live with another subject. She used the word "Aptitude". Beatrice had an aptitude for research, she said. It would be best if she moved in with another "long-term patient."
They came to a metal door labeled "Project Tantalus." And Beatrice hesitated stopping in her tracks, moved along by the guard's strong arm.
Every meta in Brightheart knew of Project Tantalus. The monster that would chase you down if you tried to run (not that she had ever tried), or would eat you if you misbehaved. He was a creature made of gossip and dark whispers told late at night. A monster with teeth made of rumors...No. He was apparently real.
Beatrice didn't want to go inside, but the guard opened it and nudged her inside, the door closing behind her.
It wasn't like her last room. This room was a bit larger. A small kitchenette sat in the corner, with a mini fridge, a microwave and a small counter space. Towards the back of the room, pushed against either side of the wall, was a neatly made bed and desk. On the left side, however, there were two shelves above the desk, littered with odds and ends. Weird knick-knacks you might find in a thrift store. There was no rhyme and reason to the objects other than their place of prominence. On the right side, there were her items. A few of her books, a coloring book, and a stuffed bear. Folders of her schoolwork were set on the desk on what Bea assumed was her side of the room.
Standing in the room, was a young man, with russet skin and dark hair, clipped into and undercut. He wasn't a monster, so much as a lean, healthy-looking adult. His intense blue eyes would fall upon her, a small, bald, nine-year girl with with scars on her scalp, wearing plain scrubs, that revealed the Y cut scar on her collarbones.
Bea had only been here for a few months, since her Uncle Amos had agreed to let Brightheart take her in, living in a room in the same hall as the other children. She even managed to talk to a few of them between surgeries and tests. But this morning Dr. Russo had told her she'd be moving to a new, special, area to live with another subject. She used the word "Aptitude". Beatrice had an aptitude for research, she said. It would be best if she moved in with another "long-term patient."
They came to a metal door labeled "Project Tantalus." And Beatrice hesitated stopping in her tracks, moved along by the guard's strong arm.
Every meta in Brightheart knew of Project Tantalus. The monster that would chase you down if you tried to run (not that she had ever tried), or would eat you if you misbehaved. He was a creature made of gossip and dark whispers told late at night. A monster with teeth made of rumors...No. He was apparently real.
Beatrice didn't want to go inside, but the guard opened it and nudged her inside, the door closing behind her.
It wasn't like her last room. This room was a bit larger. A small kitchenette sat in the corner, with a mini fridge, a microwave and a small counter space. Towards the back of the room, pushed against either side of the wall, was a neatly made bed and desk. On the left side, however, there were two shelves above the desk, littered with odds and ends. Weird knick-knacks you might find in a thrift store. There was no rhyme and reason to the objects other than their place of prominence. On the right side, there were her items. A few of her books, a coloring book, and a stuffed bear. Folders of her schoolwork were set on the desk on what Bea assumed was her side of the room.
Standing in the room, was a young man, with russet skin and dark hair, clipped into and undercut. He wasn't a monster, so much as a lean, healthy-looking adult. His intense blue eyes would fall upon her, a small, bald, nine-year girl with with scars on her scalp, wearing plain scrubs, that revealed the Y cut scar on her collarbones.
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