Kat's Corner

Sporkin Around.png
Name: ??? “Spork” Fuchs
Age: 25
Gender: Demigirl, they/she
Appearance: A person of average height with blonde hair styled in a mullet. She has heterochromatic green and gray eyes, though they’re usually hidden behind a pair of tinted sunglasses. Their clothes are bright and fun, and they enjoy accessorizing with a custom-made rainbow wolf’s tail. She is rarely seen without her cane when out in public; it is white and red, with a weighted handle and base that pack a good wallop.
Features: Spork was born blind, and their parents never let them forget it. Free from their overly-protective, overly-cautious ways, she swung hard in the opposite direction.

Kitsune& Shiba.pngAlias: Shiba
Powers: None
Alliances: Nine Tails Inc., working alongside Kitsune
  • Back, arm, and leg braces which grant enhanced strength.
  • Scanning and audio relay device which will describe positions and conditions of objects and people within a certain radius.
  • Collapsible baton, able to be electrified with the press of a button.
  • Small, round flash grenades.
  • Suit made from a slash-resistant, puncture-proof durable fabric.
  • Mask with built-in voice modifier and short-range communicator connected to Kitsune's.

Personnel File: Agent Venus Votticelli-Smith

Venus ACF.png

Name: Venus Votticelli-Smith
Anomalous Designation: N/A
Rank: R-Class-B intern
Locations: L-14
Age: 17 y/o., D.O.B. listed as 5/25/2006
Hair Color: auburn
Eye Color: brown
Height: 1.77 m
Weight: 65.8 kg
Hobbies: chemistry, painting, sewing, cooking

Foundation History

Venus was brought to the Foundation's attention following her discovery of Class Household Object ACF-384, "Puzzle Box" on 6/6/2023. Agent C. Votticelli [RANK R-CLASS-C. est. 2011] [adoptive mother of Agent V. Votticelli-Smith, Venus] had been authorized to bring ACF-384 into her personal laboratory for research purposes as ACF-384 was designated completely harmless and possibly nonfunctional within the L-14 facility.

When discovered by Venus, ACF-384 began to exhibit its anomalous properties, leading to deeper questioning. Following recommendations from Agent Isaac Cotta, Venus was escorted to Facility L-14. Agent C. Votticelli insisted upon Venus' recruitment rather than the use of amnestics. Placement and Aptitude tests were conducted [REFER TO: Addendums A & B], and Venus was officially inducted into the Foundation on 6/8/2023.

Background Check

Recovered by CPS and sent to Ms. Harlfas's Home For Girls in 2016.
Adopted by Mrs. Elizabeth Smith & Mrs. Corina Votticelli [AGENT C. VOTTICELLI] in 2021.

No criminal record.
No delinquent record.
All A's in all school records.
Chemistry club member, 2019-2022.

[ADDENDUM A: Placement Test]
[ADDENDUM B: Aptitude Test]

Anomalous Designation: ACF-384 - "Puzzle Box"
Class: Household
Description: A small (4.5 x 4.5 x 4.5in) wooden box. Puzzles on all six surfaces which, when completed, allow one to slide away that surface. No matter how many sides are removed, the box retains its dimensions. Removed panels disappear once no longer under human observation. Replacing lost panels does not effect the box's dimensions, though the puzzles on replaced sides are not the same as when they were removed. ACF-384 seems to have limitless puzzle-generating capacity, as research has yet to yield any repeats.
Addendum A:
As of 5/04/2023, all of the puzzles are the same, and do not change with removal and replacement. Agent C. Votticelli was able to remove all of the panels and completely "solve" ACF-384. There was nothing inside. ACF-384 was then reassembled. Has it lost its anomalous properties?
Addendum B:
As of 6/01/2023, ACF-384 has been approved for removal from L-14, following concerns that interference from other artifacts has overwritten its properties. Agent C. Votticelli's request to study it in her home laboratory was approved. We hope she fixes it, the puzzles were a delight.

[End of file.]
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Screenshot 2024-01-21 164558.png
Name: Adelyn Aspen
Alias: Genesis
Age: 17
Gender: Female (she/her)

Appearance: An unusually tall woman with blank white eyes and white hair with dark markings near the ends. She has a scar above her lip, faded and faint. She dresses in long, shapeless clothing, with large shoes. There is a certain gawkiness about her, as though not quite comfortable in her own skin. Her left hand is the paw of a snow leopard, with long claws.

  • Partial Shapeshifting - she can shift parts of her body to be the corresponding body part of an animal. However, once a part of her is shifted she cannot turn it “human” again - only to other animals. All of the shifted parts of her change to the same animal at once.
  • Currently, her left arm from the elbow down, both of her legs and feet from the shin down, and her ears are shifted. Her eyes are irregular, but they are the eyes she was born with. Her hair color also shifts to mimic the animal, though this is solely an aesthetic change.
  • Animal Instinct - she can sense the “vibes” of the people and animals around her. If someone means her harm she can generally pick up on it right away, so she’s quick to trust or distrust.
  • Endurance & Strength - she doesn’t tire as easily as others might, and she has strength to match the animal she’s mimicking.
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Lark Pride Time - Copy.png

Name: Lark Athlai

Age: 19

Birth Date: October 1st, 2003

Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)

Personality: A trickster by trade, Lark likes to play good-natured pranks. Not anything too heinous, just enough to spice up the day. They’re generally friendly with most people, and quick on their feet despite constantly looking like they need a nap… or twenty. Quick to laugh, slow to anger, they’re squeezing every drop out of every day and living life to the fullest.

Time Manipulation
- Lark can travel forwards and backwards in time to create stable time loops (continuity is important). When traveling to a time they already exist in, they can choose to remain where they are or be pulled to where the current version of themself is. They are unable to travel to any time that’s past the time of their death, although they freely venture into the distant past. The activation of their powers doesn't require much energy, but the actuality of living out more time than any human should be able to leaves them drained if they don't return to the present to recharge.

They can also pause time for a few seconds at a time, though that takes more concentration and willpower. Time doesn't like to be stopped, and will fight to restart if they pause it for too long, leaving them with a terrible headache. One handy side-affect of their powers is that, while displaced from time, they don't age, as their body is put in a sort of stasis until they are back in the present. However, they must continue with the main timeline regardless, as much as they would rather live in the past.

They can sense when time is being manipulated, whether it be their own doing or another traveler. This most often appears in the form of faint music only they can hear, emanating from the source of the disturbance. They also have an always-accurate internal clock, but that's a less impressive power.

Lark the Fourth.png

Lark, despite being more of a vigilante than a true hero, has their own ‘hero outfit’ - it’s mostly just a reinforced shirt, gloves, sturdy boots, and a skirt. They are fooling absolutely no one, but there isn’t much difference between them in and out of costume, anyways.
Their favored weapon is the shuriken, though they know how to use several kinds of sword and are a decent marksperson. They don't tend to get into any fights they aren't sure they can win. Usually, they travel light, trusting in future versions of themself to supply them with anything they might need.

Fun Facts:
Lark knows when they're going to die and has accepted it as well as they can. Every loop comes to an end. They plan on using the remaining time they have to its fullest, often running several loops within a single day to stretch it out for as long as they can. You can often spot several Larks hanging around the time of a particularly nice moment.
Growing up as an only child, they would often be visited by future versions of themself, keeping them company and keeping them entertained. Because of this, future versions of Lark often keep that same older/younger sibling dynamic with past versions, no matter how small the difference.

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Lark Links

Expositions (Side Stories):

The Things You Know

Sleeping on the Job

Time Gone By

Rage Against the Dying of the Light

A Soft Prologue

The First and Last Time

Facing the Cliff

Mirror, Mirror


A Terrible Thing To Be

Old Sandbox Appearances:

A Gentle Druid
The first Lark introduction! Who doesn't love mystery milkshakes?

A Matter of National Impact (V1)
Yeet some phones, save the world.

Freakfest 2021
Halloween party, try to spot all the Larks!

Sandbox Appearances:
* = Recommended Reading

*Still Creek
Investigating a Mysterious Town with a few new(ish) faces.

Milk Punch
We don't shoot birds! (Lark's dayjob at the hybrid milkshake restaurant/boxing arena.)

*Hiding in the Crowd
An escaped government experiment, a necromancer, a hero, and a time traveler walk into an alleyway.

*Time For A Talk Ch. 1
Follow-up to Hiding in the Crowd.
Hero vs time traveler: who wins? (No one, the answer is no one.)

Category 5: "Sadie"
Hurricane? What hurricane? Oh, that hurricane.

Perception & Intuition
Lark breaks into a therapist's home.

*Swept Away
Two displaced souls talk about existence.

**Larkageddon (Time for Mischief)

Home Sweet Home
Follow-up to Larkageddon.
What are friends for, if not kidnapping you and taking you to their house while you doze?

Am I Seeing Things?
Follow-up to Larkageddon.
Whoops, sorry about that. Please don't arrest me.

*Lifeline - Phone a Friend
Follow-up to Am I Seeing Things?
One last try. Let's see if the Antichrist knows anything about foiling Time itself.

Protect Your Heroes
Nothing better to start the day with than some light vigilantism. Until it gets to be a little too much.

Time for A Talk Ch. 2
Follow-up to Protect Your Heroes.
You're not allowed to die yet, quit getting your blood on my carpet.

"Mistakes Really Do Catch Up To You"
Neither of us are ok, but maybe we can talk about it until dawn comes.

Devil May Care (But I Don't)
Listen man, if you didn't want me to break into your apartment you shouldn't have made your secrets so appealing.

The Story Continues:

*Minute Magic
A little game of cat and mouse, but the cat doesn't want to catch the mouse and the mouse is much more threatening in its own way.

Songbirds - Ongoing
A retrospective look at Lark fresh off the heels of A Soft Prologue, meeting a shepherdess of the Lost.

Sayonara - Ongoing
Lark meets with an old friend.

*Something to Remember - Ongoing
Who doesn't like playing pirates? (They're lesbians, Harold.)

***When the Clock Runs Out

*Return to Sender - Ongoing
A peek at another side of the finale.

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Let's figure out Lark div



old soul (19 is a hell of an age to be)

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Name: Adelyn Aspen
Alias: Genesis
Age: 17
Gender: Female (she/her)

Appearance: An unusually tall young woman with blank white eyes that tend to catch and reflect faint light. She has white hair with dark markings in it, particularly near the ends. There is a faint scar through her lip, though it's clear the injury has long since healed. She dresses in long, shapeless clothing, with large shoes and thick leather gloves. There is a certain gawkiness about her, as though not quite comfortable in her own skin. Her ears, when uncovered, are similar to a cat's, though at the sides of her head rather than the top.

  • Partial Shapeshifting - she can shift parts of her body into the corresponding body part of an animal. However, once a part of her is shifted she cannot turn it “human” again - only to other animals. All of the shifted parts of her change to the same animal at once.
    • Current Shift: Snow Leopard
      • Left arm (elbow down)
      • Legs and feet (shin down)
      • Ears
      • Hair patterning (unconscious shift)
  • Animal Instinct - she can sense the “vibes” of the people and animals around her. If someone means her harm she can generally pick up on it right away, so she’s quick to trust or distrust.
  • Endurance & Strength - she doesn’t tire as easily as others might, and she has strength to match the animal she’s mimicking.
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Name: Venus Votticelli
Alias: Griffonage
Age: 16
Height: 5'8" (5'10" in costume)
Hair Color: Reddish-Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Gender: Female (she/her)

Powers: Venus is a universal constant. On a molecular level, she always exists in the same base state. This means that she is not affected by poisons, diseases, or bacteria. Her body can process all sorts of chemical blends that would be deadly to others, and, whether through a quirk of her brain chemistry or taste buds, she tends to find them delicious. Unfortunately, her jaws and teeth are no stronger than the average person's, so she mainly keeps to liquid or powdered chemicals for her experiments.

  • Spray Paint - Specialized double-sided spray paint cans that have different effects when sprayed. She made the formulas herself! (Mostly.) Excess powder has been transferred to the handful of water balloons she keeps in the pockets of her hero costume, of which the most common are purple and yellow.
    • Red - Fire - A red spray which, upon contact with an object, heats up rapidly. Can combust if left for a long time. Be careful! Can be canceled out with the blue spray. Tastes spicy.
    • Orange - Paint - This one's just normal spray paint. Tastes sour, like all spray paint.
    • Yellow - Slows Organic Matter* - A yellow spray which, upon being absorbed by living matter, slows all biological processes to half their usual speed. More effective with a wider coverage, as it wears off pretty quickly. Tastes like honey-flavored medicine.
    • Green - Speeds Up Organic Matter* - A green spray which, upon being absorbed by living matter, speeds up all biological processes to double time. Acts fastest when ingested, has a better half-life than the yellow paint but still requires a big surface area to work its best. Tastes like green apple.
    • Blue - Ice - A blue spray which, upon contact with an object, cools down rapidly. Gets very slippery after second or two. Tastes blue. Like blue Gatorade, you know?
    • Purple - Foam - A purple spray which, upon contact with air, expands into buoyant, pliable foam, then hardens within a few minutes. Only eat VERY SMALL amounts! Tastes like airy grape candy.
    • *She is very protective of these formulas, as they contain trace amounts of her blood as a key ingredient.
  • Paint Respirator - filters both her voice and chemical fumes, detachable so that other people can also have a paint-fume-free experience. Hand-painted!
  • Hydrophobic Jumpsuit - the material of her suit repels all kinds of liquids and sticky substances. Very convenient for reducing cleanup. The base fabric is a thick linen with a cotton lining for comfort. She has hesitantly named it fire-resistant, because it didn't burn up that one time.
  • Bulletproof Jacket/Lab Coat - a heavier jacket that she can put on over her suit. The jacket should theoretically be able to protect her from small arms fire at a distance, though she isn't eager to test that. It's mainly used as extra cushioning.
  • Slingshot - useful for firing her balloons further than she can throw them. It's a simple design, but lovingly painted. It's typically hooked through her belt.
  • Her hair is coated in a toxic chemical that makes it very slippery and difficult to grasp. It causes a very painful stinging sensation if it contacts (other people's) bare skin. It tends to drip, but it's necessary for disguising her hair color.

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@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Handlee&display=swap);
//put the url of your google font here ^^

[div="background:black; border:5px red solid; padding:25px;"]
//after background:, you can say a color name or hex code, same for border, recommend keeping padding at least 10-15px

//^you get this from your google font

//^this will change text color

simple div with border + background color + text color


Looks like this:

simple div with border + background color + text color

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Something happened, once, and it was not what you wanted to happen. It was so far from what you wanted to happen that it and your wishes may as well have been on different planets. Or, perhaps, they were separated by only a few centimeters, but the line was crossed in the wrong direction.

The details matter, you’ll see. The details may be the only deciding factor between your success and your failure.

The details matter to you, but they do not matter to me. You would do well to remember that. All that matters to me is that you are here, and that means you must want to change something badly enough to risk changing everything. Everything for you, of course, though it may be nothing to many others.

You’ll want to collect everything you know before beginning this endeavor, and hold tight to it. Write it down, memorize it, then burn it and bury the ashes, cast them out to sea, or let the wind take them. Whatever method you’d prefer. Whatever feels right. Methods, too, matter much in matters like these.

Each of you will get only one chance to change your past. If you don’t have the means, look to your neighbor. Perhaps they will have the skillset you need.

And dears, do remember this: Whatever you do, things will change. Time does not care whether they are small things or very important ones, but you will.

Be sure.

Hello everyone and welcome to my wacky time-travel RP. Before we get into it, let’s go over some key details:

  • Your character should have one (1) standout event in their past that they desperately want to change. Perhaps a death or disappearance, some unsolved mystery that still haunts them. Or some tragedy they could’ve prevented by being in the right place at the right time.
    • This should be something in their personal life, something that happened to them and not to the world at large.
    • Please write out this event (in whatever manner or point of view you’d like) so that we have “what happened” to reference when things change. You can put this in spoiler text if you’d like, but please include it.
  • We will be leaning heavily into the fantasy vibes rather than sci-fi vibes. This is a world with magic in it, and magic is a living, breathing force that may act in your favor or to your detriment. That said, all characters should be human, with normal human limitations*.
    • *Read the next section for how this gets interesting.
    • This is also set in somewhat old-timey times, definitely before cell-phones and the internet.
  • I’m limiting this to a total of 5 people including myself. If you want to be considered for this group please say “aye aye, captain” in the replies to show that you read through everything. Submit your CS and I’ll get back to the four chosen people after a few days. If there’s a lot of interest I can run more threads in the same universe in the future, so don’t fret if you aren’t a part of the first run.
    • I’ll want this to be active but not to infringe on anyone’s time, so if you want to join please know I’ll want no more than a week between consecutive posts.

Rosalind Harper is sure. She has never been so sure of anything in her life. When the old woman finishes her speech, she is the first to step forward.

“I am sure.” She keeps her chin held high, looking evenly (if slightly down) at the stoop-backed woman. She keeps her hands at her sides rather than reaching up to touch her own face, the pronounced jowls on the old lady making her question, again, whether she has ones of her own, whether it might be something intrinsic to those in their profession. But no, she has seen her face in mirrors and knows it to be thin-cheeked and sharp, with none of the roundness of youth or the wrinkles of age.

“How did you dispose of the ashes?” The old woman asks.

“I tossed them from my roof on a blustery day,” Harper is not ashamed to admit. It had been a trial to get onto the roof without falling off herself, but it was the only thing that seemed appropriate.

The old woman regards her for a long moment before nodding and turning to the closet behind herself. The handle turns with a small, polite sound, and the heavy clunk of a latch opening. Within - and oh, it is a treat to see within, to know that she will get to keep one of these instead of handing them out to others - is a wide array of cloaks in many different styles. Some are quite colorful, shimmering with iridescence or bright patterns. Most consist of more muted, earthy tones that range from tan to midnight black. The old woman searches for only a moment or two before turning back with a cloak, one that is long enough that she has to drape it over her arm to hold it without it brushing the floor.

It seems plain at first glance, a matte black ream of fabric with only one of its three buttons holding it shut, but when Harper takes it into her arms, it feels slightly textured, some kind of embroidery or trick of the fabric making it feel soft in one direction and reluctant to ruffle in the other.

The old woman lays her hand atop Harper’s, not tenderly but with a heavy purpose. When Harper meets her gaze, she says, “You’ve been waiting for this. Don’t let it disappoint you.”

And then the old woman goes to the next of their guests, to assess them and give them not, perhaps, what they need, but what they can no longer live without.

This is the second part of the deal: you get to travel to the past to change your event, but to do so you must take the form of an animal. You can change back into human form once you’re in the past, and switch between the two freely, but once you’ve returned to the present (upon successful or unsuccessful completion of your mission) you will be unable to access your animal form. There is only one loophole to this clause: you can join someone else's mission as many times as you'd like before attempting your own, provided that they'll let you. The first thread will be Harper's mission, so feel free to think of ideas on how reconnaissance or practice might help your character, and their motivation for joining her.

If your character chose to bury the ashes of their memories, they will be a terrestrial animal. If they gave them to the sea, they will be an aquatic animal. If they tossed them into the wind, they will be an aerial animal.

Regardless of the type, they will receive a cloak with three buttons, its fabric the color and pattern of their animal. The fabric shifts from a normal fabric to something closer to the animal’s pelt depending on how many of the buttons are fastened.

Your character must be wearing their cloak with all three buttons fastened in order to fully become their animal and gain the ability to travel into their past. If they only have one or two active, they will only partially shift, gaining some of the more distinctive traits of their animal but being unable to time travel. Having more active will also make them more sensitive to the magic around them, so it can be a boon or a detriment depending on if they've dabbled in magic before and how the wild magic reacts to them.

Include in Your Character Sheet:

  • Name
  • Pronouns
  • Number of Previous Ventures
  • Occupation/Skillset
  • Physical Description/Defining Characteristics
  • Animal Form
  • Past Event

Please pick a (readable) font for your character to use! If you're unsure how to do that, look at this snippet of code:

words words words
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Rosalind Harper ("Harper", she/her)

Rosalind Harper.png

Harper has assisted with many ventures, but has never traveled to the past herself. She doesn't want to risk Time deciding that she has done her quest until the time is right. She believes it is best to prioritize her own venture, and has spent many years working with the old woman in exchange for getting to gather intel from other travelers.

Harper is a potion-maker. She has learned through her time with the old woman how to make the elixirs that are used in the creation of Cloaks. She often sends her own experiments along on other people's quests, to test how viable and effective they are after the Traveling. After years of doing so, she has found that only the more simple brews survive the journey, and anything too complex risks getting scrambled.

She is a tall, thin woman with a sharp nose and jaw. She dresses very modestly, tending towards long skirts and long sleeves. Her animal form is a raven, and as she nears the transformation her straight hair begins to fluff with feathers and the tip of her nose, her fingers, and her toes darken in color.
