Location Infinity Fitness Gym

This is an in-universe location thread.

Nat’s reeling gave Sam space to back up a few feet, retreating to a safe distance. She nodded to him as he wiped the blood away from his face, leaving it smeared beneath his nose. She hadn’t quite meant to draw blood, but it seemed to have cleared the kid’s head of whatever rage he had been experiencing. In normal circumstances, she would have called a pause to the timer and had him checked, but the determination in his eyes told her that wasn’t the call to make this time.

Instead, she squared back up, fist held high enough and close enough together to block most openings as she fell back into her boxing stance. She bounced her weight back and forth on her feet, keeping herself light so she could move if he struck before her. She took in even breaths as she got ready to weave. After a moment, she darted in, weaving to the right and feinting for his face before quickly darting left and swinging for his side, trying to bring her fist up and under his defenses, which had hopefully raised to his face.

This round was getting her best. Nat deserved nothing less, at this point. It was the only way he’d accept a defeat as well. That meant that when her fist drove forward, she gave it that extra oomph she normally reserved for much larger opponents. Regardless of whether her fist found purchase in his side, she dropped low and swept her foot out, aiming to take him down at the ankles and put him on his back. That would be a point in her favor if he fell, and she’d have won the challenge.​