"Whoa-ho-hoh damn!" Sabine had, with some difficulty, managed to locate a stick. The difficulty wasn't in finding sticks, but in finding sticks in such a way that the cameras stayed where they needed to be and didn't end up just panning to shots of random trees. She had to keep the Nightmare in focus and have the stick be a thing that happened on the side, in the periphery. There was a lot more to making it look good than people thought there was, at least for the boring little stuff. Now, once she got around to actually poking things with it, people weren't going to care quite so much about the viewing angle - the action was more important.
She wasn't going to get there, though, because the mechs had arrived and the Circle was going down. Even Sabine wasn't going to interfere with an actual circle once it was in progress. There was the sort of idiot shit that could get you killed, and there was the sort of idiot shit that could get everyone else killed, and she knew where to draw the line. That didn't mean she could just sit back and have the air be dead, though, because that sort of thing lost viewers even if she did have a nice scope on things as they were going down.
"Who we got here, anyway? Brigid? Solid. Y'know, we still don't know what happened to the last Familiar? It's super sketchy. Hit me up with your conspiracy theories on that one, guys - I'd like to say I've seen 'em all, but it's possible there's a new one out there. One of these days we're going to find out what really happened - I'll gift a three-month premium content subscription to whoever calls it first!" With all the weird theories floating around, one of them had to get it right. Sabine hoped it was one of the really bizarre ones. That stuff made for way better content.
"Athena's out here, too. She's always been a favorite with a lot of people. They're saying the new Familiar there is shaping up really well, might be one of the better syncs we've seen with her. Athena's been around long enough that we can actually get some interesting data, so there's a lot of nerd-types watching her to see what we can figure out. I bet some of them are watching this channel, so if you want to share your spreadsheets - I know you've got spreadsheets, I love a good spreadsheet[/i] - we'll put them up for everyone to take a look. I think we're going to be seeing a lot more information available on what gives us a good sync, and that'll be something that gets looked for in more detail in the future. Can't wait until the dystopian hellscape where we start training Familiars for specific Witches in kindergarten, am I right?" Sabine had a feeling that was... well, maybe not already happening, but if someone up there didn't have spreadsheets on kindergarteners and whether or not they might be a potential match, she was going to be really surprised. Maybe the dystopian hellscape they were all waiting for was right now!
"They've got Medusa here too. With the Familiars linked, that's probably a good call, especially since Medusa is one of the newer Witches and we're really not sure how she's going to perform yet. Athena can probably sit on her if she goes bonkers or something. Really interesting design on that one, though. Doesn't look standard at all, and there's some theorization that maybe we'll start seeing more nonstandard builds as things develop. I've seen some people saying that they can add a lot of battlefield flexibility, but they're a lot harder to contend with as a Familiar than the standard bipedal variant. I'm going to be watching that one for sure to see how she moves." Sabine wasn't even sure how a person could get their brain to work that way. Obviously someone had managed it, because here she was, but what did that mean, exactly. Was it harder to become human again, once you got out? Sabine had a theory that the psychosis progression was going to be a lot faster, and she was being very careful to keep that theory to herself, because spouting that shit out loud was the sort of thing that got your channel censored hard, if someone cared to listen.
"Aphrodite too, another, ah, fan favorite. Familiar's linked with Brigid. We're seeing a lot of that lately, where deployments are being designed based on the synchronization level of the Familiars themselves and not just how the Witches work together. I think it's a departure from earlier tactics, and might represent a shift in thinking. We'll see how it goes, I suppose, and what all that ends up meaning as the situation progresses." Did having someone you cared about fighting next to you stave off psychosis, or did it make it worse? That was a great question, and Sabine was willing to bet she wasn't the only one asking it - and also, that if it had already been answered, the people who knew the answers probably weren't planning to share them. She was just going to have to keep an eye on it and see if she could extrapolate based on the decisions that were getting made.
"And that one will be Echo. Her Familiar's been with her a bit longer than most of these others. It almost looked like it was going to be all newbies for a little while, but maybe not. She's been in quite a lot already, and tends to give some pretty high synchronization numbers, so maybe she's here to show the new ones how it's done." Or maybe she was here because she was starting to go off the deep end. Sabine had looked up everything she could find on that, and a lot of times... well, the Familiars started getting comfortable in the Witch, and then after a while the Witch started getting comfortable in the Familiar. Sabine suppressed a shudder. No. Fuckin'. Way. Not her. She wasn't going to bleed that into her programming, though, so she kept her tone light, as always. "I guess we'll just have to see what she does this time!"
"And it looks like Ceridwen, probably with tactical control of the group. I've always liked watching her. She does some super wild stuff sometimes, so we'll just have to keep a camera on that one so we don't miss any of it. Circle's down, got some little salamanders in there - pretty standard. I think they're kinda cute. I wonder if you could keep one as a pet? You know, put a little collar on it and dress it up in tiny hats on the holidays? Unfortunately, no one ever lets me have any fun, so I guess we'll just have to imagine - but if anyone wants to send me their doodles of salamanders in tiny hats, you better believe I'll repost them! And the resolution is a cockatrice - remember that one time I wrote a limerick about- you know what, let's not go there. Time to sit back a little and see what they do!"