Closed HEX ~final witching hour~

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~final witching hour~
Paris, 2163. The year of the first Splinter.

Humanity had been alone before they arrive, so warped by their solitude that, when that first contact was made, they could not recognise the beings from the Splinter as beings at all. A natural disaster, they called it. Then, a novel weapon. A terrorist attack. International war. An explosion, a pulse, a chemical contaminant. Perhaps, if it lasted any longer than it had, they would eventually have called it an act of god.

It was chaos, darkness, fear made manifest- a mass of corrupting unknown, spreading formless through the streets, consuming all it touched. People caught in its grasp were driven sick with madness, their last living moments spent in unfathomable terror as their bodies and minds became unrecognisable, before being killed and dragged into the Splinter. Barriers were placed, but they were swallowed by the chaos. Weapons were fired, but they couldn't make a dent. People were evacuated, but it continued to spread- and, with no way to stop it, perhaps it would spread forever.

But, as it took its twenty-thousandth life, it stopped.

Then, it spoke.

In its terrible stillness, a call went out. Garbled, strange, and alien, but recognisable to all who heard it as a familiar request: a conversation. A talk. Quickly, a small group was gathered to grant its request. Linguists and diplomats, politicians and scientists, they arrived by remote, facing the Splinter as faces on screens so as to avoid its corrupting wrath- though whether this would make much of a difference was unclear. It was never made public, what happened during that discussion.

All we know is that it ended in a declaration of war.

A declaration that almost ended the Earth.

St Albans, 2165. The arrival of the Choir. They appeared, at first, to a single woman: a scientist, and the sole survivor of the group of first contact. It was barely two years since the first Splinter, and the fate of humanity looked hopeless. It had been assumed that the war had driven her mad, she used the night sky as escapism, crying out to the heavens for help that would never arrive- until it did.

Shape-shifting aliens, appearing as bipedal sheep, with eyes of gold and wings of silver. Their voices were low and melodious- more singing than speaking, hence their name. They named themselves Angels, and they were here to help.

She brought them to her government, to her leaders, whereupon they told everything. The force from the Splinter, they were aliens as well; a vile, all-consuming hivemind, hell-bent on galactic domination. Though their true name was incomprehensible, the Choir had managed to translate it: in the Angels' own language, the force was known as the Nightmare. They knew what was attacking the Earth. They had fought the Nightmare before- countless times, each war more deadly than the last. If it had its sights set on Earth, then both were in serious danger.

So, the Choir made an offer. To fight this war, they bestowed upon humanity the technology to utilise the most powerful asset they had within them: the limitless potential of the human mind. They knew a way to distill each infinite consciousness, converting it into an energy they called Anima- the essence of the soul. This energy could be used to power weapons, vehicles, anything they could build- and it was the only thing that could damage the Nightmare.

It was with this power that humanity created Witches.
HEX: the forces of humanity united, an organisation dedicated to fighting the Nightmare using the gift bestowed upon them by the Choir. Though conventional weaponry was tried and tested, within the year they had settled on what would become their primary weapon: vast, humanoid mechs known as Witches. Owing to humanity's penchant for storytelling, and the limitless potential therein, each Witch was styled after powerful women of lore- sorceress, monster, and goddess alike. The Anima to power them was drawn from their pilots--or Familiars--who were expertly trained to wield these massive weapons in fleets known as Covens. For the first time since the war began, they were no longer losing ground.

The Stargazer, determined to use what she had been a conduit for, was chosen to pilot the First Witch: Morgana. Her Coven was built around her- six elite Familiars from around the world, working in unison to defeat the Nightmare. The first victory brought them well-deserved glory. Over time, the Witches became icons- heroes, admired by the world they were saving.

Over time, HEX expanded, creating more Witches and training more Familiars to pilot them. More Covens were formed, to fight the Nightmare on different fronts, and more progress was being made- but it was not without its problems. Ten years into her career, the First Witch was felled and the Stargazer was slain- betrayed by her own Coven-mate, Lilith. It is unknown what happened to Lilith or its Familiar after the betrayal. Some say she killed herself, others say she was taken by the Nightmare, and many more say it barely matters- all that did was that she was never seen again.

In her memory, the central AI that assisted the witches was built in her image, and similarly named MORGANA.

Despite this loss, things continued to progress. Now, almost sixty years on from the creation of the First Witch, HEX's fleet has expanded to protect the entire globe, recruiting new Familiars and building new Witches as the forces of the Nightmare grow ever more deadly. The gift granted by the Choir has served humanity well, but with their first conduit gone, the question remains unanswered- is this all they asked for in return?
The Nightmare- a dark force beyond human comprehension, aiming to lay waste to the Earth as we know it. It travels through the universe through rifts known as Splinters- glass-like cracks in reality, from which its darkness spills like a terrible flood. In this natural state, the Nightmare is largely formless. It is a shadow that spreads throughout an area, corrupting all it touches, warping its surroundings into unrecognisable evil. All who touch it are consumed, and all who are consumed shall never return.

In order to cleanse an area from the Nightmare, it must first be isolated in a Circle- fields of saturated Anima, the energy of the soul. When caught in a Circle, the Nightmare within will coalesce, manifesting a shape that is comprehensible to the human eye. These manifestations take forms similar to beasts of legend. They are vast, and they are terrifying, but they are mortal. Once the beast is slain, the Splinter will close, and the Nightmare will recede from that area- but the task can only be handled by one thing.

Witches, mechs of the soul, weapons styled after women of myth, legend, and fairytale. Powered by Anima derived from the souls of their Familiars, they are the only thing able to effectively fight against the Nightmare, using a variety of built-in weapons and functions centred around the lore of their namesake. Standing at around twenty metres tall, their size alone makes them expensive and resource-intensive to produce, so only the finest can be trusted to pilot them.

A Witch is like a mascot- a character, with little public regard to the Familiar inside. The most popular Witches become celebrities in their own right, famed across human civilisation, and idolised as heroes. They can be inherited between Familiars, and it is rare for the Witch itself to be retired. Some Familiars, therefore, view themselves as disposable, but HEX assures them this is not the case- as the Anima required to power a Witch can only come from a human source. First-time integration is a difficult process, but once it is complete, a Familiar can control a Witch as if it is her own body whenever she is wired in.

But there are rumours about the Witches, whispers spread within the ranks of Familiars that all is not as perfect as it seems. The longer a Familiar spends within a Witch, the more she begins to inhabit it- her mind slowly warping to better fit the weapon. Most Familiars are retired before this gets too severe. Integration Psychosis is the unofficial name for this phenomenon, but it is nothing to worry about. Slight changes in personality, the occasional hallucination, a few delusional beliefs- it's life-altering, but it's usually not dangerous.

However, sometimes, a Familiar will just disappear at the end of her run. No defeat, no retirement- she'll just vanish, never to be heard from again.

But that's nothing to worry about either.
HEX Base "ATLANTIC", 2221. It sounded like a routine mission. A Splinter appeared in Winnipeg, and a Coven was sent to destroy it. Intel on the area was hard to glean, but nothing appeared particularly out of the ordinary. From all the Coven could tell, this would be simple- go in, manifest the Nightmare, and get it slain.

The only problem is, none of them have been heard from since.
CS TEMPLATE (add or remove whatever you want from this as long as i get a decent idea of what youre doin)


Age: (Familiars are all adults- training begins at 18, most graduates are 20+)


Brief History:


Name: (women from mythology or folklore or whatever. anything goes really)
Witch Role: (Support, Attack, Defense, Disrupt, or any other term you can think of. its class basically)
Date of Creation:
Appearance: (describe or give a general vibe if you cant find an image. description doesnt have to be exact, mechs are hard)

Primary Abilities:
Secondary Abilities:
Overdrive Ability:

Legacy: (your witch could have been inherited from a past familiar, or it could be brand new. up to you)
Original Myth: (whats the source material like is she pretty)
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Do I look

Name: Sabine Surekis

Age: 23

Nationality: Belgian. Like a waffle.

Dreams: Chasing the thrill. Skirting the edge. If you keep moving fast enough, your real dreams will never catch up with you.

Fears: That one day, someone will talk me into sticking myself in one of those metal coffins.

Virtues: I keep life interesting.

Vices: I... keep life interesting.

Brief History:
I was born. Dead parents club by two and a half, foster care by three. What can I say, I was adorable. It was fine. No sordid backstory, sorry. Did a lot of skiing and stuff growing up. Snowboarding. Parasailing. Basically anything that involved going fast or getting up high or falling down fast. My foster parents kept me busy to keep me off drugs, so I ended up an adrenaline junkie instead.

Got my first flight bike at fifteen and started skirting the war zones. Got a little camera drone so I could pretend I was doing it for the views and not just because it's fun to fly up to the Splinters. Started learning the names of the Witches in self defense because my followers kept asking about them when they appeared in the vids and "hell, I don't know" wasn't a good enough answer. I guess by this point I've seen as much as a lot of them.

When I was 18, someone came by and popped the question. You know the one - hey, since you seem interested in that stuff anyway, wouldn't you like to be part of the forces defending our world? It'd give me a reason to be out there all the time, they'd even send me where it was going to be the most interesting. I could get even closer - really get involved, be part of the circle rather than just watching from the outside and wondering what it's really like. It would be the life I dreamed of - and yeah, I dreamed of it a lot. That question. You know the answer.

Sweet baby Moses in a basket, no fuckin' way.

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Familiar Evaluation/Graduation Interview​

"Lin Faith Qin."



"I’m going to be the fuckin’ best."

"… Integration psychosis. I don’t know if it's real, but… I’m me. Not someone else, or something else."

Familiar continuously stated “Not applicable” until we moved to the next question. Has demonstrated adaptability and focus in high-pressure situations.

"I’m mean. An asshole. Don’t always plan everything out, but I don’t need to. I can figure it out when I get there, and I get. Shit. Done."

Brief History
"I’m from a split household. Third gen, my grandparents on my moms side moved here for work when they were in their thirties. My parents met in college and made some pretty poor fuckin’ decisions, leading to me and my sister. Turns out, though, that when your plans for the future get interrupted by twins, right in the middle of college, you don’t actually know if you like each other. Mom got offered a job in Cali, dad got one in Seattle, and since things were already stressful, they split. And made us choose. I ended up going with dad.

"Dad is an insurance agent, like, corporate. Pretty damn busy, especially when a Splinter opens up. Means I didn’t get to see him too much, and had to raise myself. It’s… annoying. I went with him, chose him, for a reason. Fucking- annoying. He’d come home complaining about the Witches, about how much damage they caused, how much work it meant for him, like they weren’t saving the fucking world.

"I think he was still torn up about mom. She’d send letters, sometimes, about herself and my sister. She started dating again when she got to Cali, and it made dad mad, or maybe sad. Never asked. Wasn’t any point to, he wouldn’t’ve told me anyways. Either way, I signed up to be a Familiar out of high school. I wanted to spite him, and I… wanted to help.

"I am going to be the best."

Witch Specification/Assignment Documentation​


Witch Role

Date of Creation
May 25th, 2170

Solidly built and bulky, but largely human proportions. Vents/Ports in the wrists for deployment of nanomachines infused with Anima, a core component to the Witch’s function. Colored with white, gold, and green.

Brigid the Sage
Protective and caring of those deemed under her care. Endeavors to stand in the way of harm and protect her allies, utilizing an Anima shield and sturdy build to keep people safe.

Brigid the Healer
Anima-infused nanomachines, manufactured within the Witch, can be deployed to repair damage to herself, or other Witches. Self repairs are more difficult, and nanomachines need to be remanufactured over time once used.
Brigid the Smith
The nanomachines can also be used to create powerful and devastating melee weaponry for the Witch. While usually relying on provided weaponry or fists for combat against the Nightmare, the Witch will occasionally fabricate a sword for herself, or other somesuch close range weapon, which it will then wield to devastating effect.

Inherited. The previous Familiar vanished, after years of long service. HEX is currently unsure of what happened to her, but Brigid is too important to shelve until her fate can be determined.

Brigid/Brigit/Brig, the Celtic triple deity. She embodies three aspects - Brigid the Sage, a patron of poets, a woman of wisdom, and who was famous for her protecting care Brigid the Physician, a woman of healing, and Brigid the Smith. It is likely that all goddesses in Ireland were called Brigit, with the implication that it was more a title than a name, though this eventually morphed into the singular triple goddess.

Lyn Hope Qin


Like, third generation American, our grandparents were totally from China though

Just, like, imagine someone who is really super cute or look at my sister and imagine someone wearing color. (lol, Linlin is like so cool tho)

I, like, so totally plan on retiring by thirty. I’m super good at investing, like, really good, and as long as I, like, invest a good chunk of my paycheck then I should totally have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. (lol)

Oh my gosh, when I was like six or whatever I totally had this dream that there was a skeleton sitting on my bed, and it bit me! And I woke up with this bite mark on my hand! It was like totally the scariest thing ever.

I am so totally into getting to know people, it’s like so cool learning about others and their like and stuff. Me and the girls used to have this like big movie date we’d do every Tuesday and it was absolutely bitchin’, like and we’d always pick up someone new too, it’s just so great, yeah?

Oh my god there is this, like, cafe that has the most divine cheesecake, it’s got like so much sugar in it but it’s just so, like, delish that you just can’t not have it, you know?

Brief History:
I’m the younger twin by like forty minutes, which makes me the little sister which is so funny. Back when I was actually little, and when my family was still together my, like, dad was so way into making sure all my grades were perfect and stuff, and it was so totally stifling you know? So, I guess, like, it was sort of lucky for me when our parents split, not that, like, it felt that at the time or anything. When you’re a kid, it just totally sort of feels like it’s all your fault or whatevs, but my therapist helped me through that.

Anyway, so when our parents split I went with my mom to Cali and Linlin, she’s my sister, went with our dad to Washington. (It’s like so totally rainy there, like what the hell is up with that?) My mom was soooo less strict than my dad, like, I kept my grades up but she wasn’t constantly over my shoulder. Oh, also, she like met a man who is now like my second dad? He’s totally chill and stuff, really likes wearing those like “I’m the dad who stepped up” shirts, and I half think he sorta wanted to always just tell dad jokes because he was hella fast with them? I swear he has to have a notepad somewhere.

Anyway, I, like, reunited with my sister when I signed up to be a familiar. It’s like, just the best to be with her again, you know?



Witch Role:
Disruption Tank.

Date of Creation:
April 7th, 2219

Tall and a lot of smooth curves with a golden orb in its chest.

Primary Abilities:
Glamour or Madness
The Nightmares get, like, so totally smitten with me (I am so cute it is just not fair) that they just can’t help but totally fall for me or like get so confused to heck that they just, like, seem lost. It is so super duper useful to distract them for the other witches who are, like, more fragile or whatever.

Secondary Abilities:
The Sweetest Kiss or Poisoned Delusion
Once I have them under my spell I can, like, pull them into my mech and make them like my totally adorable little guys! This, like, pulls anima from the core system or whatevs so I can’t have too many of the lil dudes, because it makes Aphrodite slower and weaker and junk, but they are just so cute that it is just totally worth.

Also, if, like, I don’t like them, I can deny them and they’re like dissolve away into this gore-y mess. Complete ick.

Overdrive Ability:
Apple of Discord
Yeah, so, like, I pull the “Apple of Discord” out of my chest, it’s not, like, actually my chest but you know we are totally talking about the mech right now, and it lets out all of my cutie little nightmare dudes out to do hella damage to the baddie.

If I don’t, like, have any little guys (like as if, right?) then the Apple is, like, so totally pretty that Nightmares can’t look away and they’ll, like, fight each other and me to try to get their hands on it. They are, like, sooo stupid, y’know?

Aphrodite is so totally my mech.

Original Myth:
Okay, like, Aphrodite is the goddess of, like, beauty and love and some other stuff that’s sorta also important but whatevs. Anyway, Aphrodite was also like hella jealous which, like, come on girl, you already have it all you know, leave something for everyone else. You are, like, so less pretty when you’re so jealous all the time.

Name: Constance Grace
Irrelevant. It's perpetuity that matters, right? Brand recognition. That's the whole deal here. Nobody cares about the name, they care about the Name.

Age: 22
On the record, at least. 38's the real number, but makeup fixes that, and nobody's looking my way anyway. Younger fit better with the rest of the group, played better with the demo.

Nationality: UK
Everyone loves those sweet RP soundbytes from behind the handle. Jokes on them, took ages to train the Brummie out.

Appearance: On the taller end, dark skin, well-groomed and prim. Usually seen - when actually seen - in a tailored suit and sunglasses. Long, frizzy hair kept under control with ties and a little too much product.
During operations, though, has been known to court with sweatshirts. Keep the sunglasses.

Dreams: To keep positive feedback to a maximum and public outrage to a minimum. Establish their brands as modern myths in and of themselves.
To see an end to all this.

Fears: The curtain falling down, people seeing the truth behind the pretty pictures.
One of her girls getting hurt.

Virtues: Swift-talker, sharp eye for detail, quick wit and a tireless workhorse spirit.
Compassionate against the odds and not taken in by the glamour of it all.

Vices: Bleeding heart and a bit of a skeptic.
Hides behind pretty lies, obsesses over minutiae, and doesn't know how to rest.

Brief History: Self-made business major with a history in the industry.

Ah, well. I'm not interesting, am I? MBA, community manager, media manager, brand ambassador, the works. Been around a bit before this. Still not sure how I landed this, though - this is something bigger. Something more.

Something terrifying.
