New member
DATE: 8/06/23, 9:55 AM [LOCAL TIME]
LOCATION: CU-14-1003
ASSETS: Anima, “Ira”
PURPOSE: Flight Test
It was a flawless plan.
Nimsy had the better part of the week thinking about it. Kanga’s designation was all she’d really needed to find out more – that, and a little sleight-of-hand with one of herselves. It only took one of her to rummage through the information available in Papa’s office when both were unattended; and of course, even without him here, she’d known where and how. Wasn’t she part of him? Hadn’t she always been? What was his was hers until he told her otherwise, and he wasn’t —
Well, he’d come back, and she’d be his concern then. Right now she was trying to avoid the worry of others, so of course she’d left a Self at L-9. She wouldn’t last for long without the true Nimsy there, but maybe long enough to distract Nic or Gail until she could get into step 2 of the plan.
Right now she was still stuck on step 1. It had, admittedly, taken a little courage to come this far. She’d figured out how to find the file on the thing in the Foundation called 1003, and had found out where it was and how it appeared and somewhat on how it-She behaved. It seemed to be a She, or at least a she, and while she had been here longer she was still younger than Nimsy. Eleven being less than thirteen.
Numbers were easy. Goddesses were harder, but not impossible. She had never met a Goddess, not while waking, but she had made it away the first time. And besides! This was not this one’s world. Anima had been born here; in a sense, this world was hers! Not Hers. Or at least she hoped that was how that worked.
Of course, as part of pre-step-1, she’d needed an excuse that would engage the “Ira” that lived here. Now Nimsy hadn’t been given her Name, but she hoped that she could be willing to part with it at least long enough to answer some lingering questions. She was, after all, the same Question she had always been, just with more answers.
She may have also wanted an excuse to make a stop herself, just to see what the world outside could give without overseeing eyes. Of course the remaining Nimsy would disappear soon – she’d scheduled herself for 10AM, local time here – but she’d hoped to have just enough time to find Ira and convince her to come for the day.
The ceiling opened, full of eyes, at 9:55 AM local time. That way, Ira would have time to wake up before Nimsy dropped in – admittedly in an inexperienced ungodlinglike heap – and they’d have five minutes to chat before L-9 knew anything was amiss, or at least before Nimsy would be missed. Then they’d have to head right to their destination, which she’d also chosen with care, and hope no-one noticed until she had her answers.
Where she’d fallen, Nimsy grinned. Foolproof.
Thankfully she’d worn something other than her usual feather dress. Black jeans, a white t-shirt with a mockingbird printed on the front, and a light gray jacket covered her form today; her hair was worn down, but tied back with a gray bandanna, complete with pattern, and her bare feet were covered by black sneakers. She sat up slowly and glanced around the little room. She wanted to stare at the artwork, of course, but now wasn’t the time. There wans’t a moment to lose! She’d let her eyes rest on Ira – mismatched eyes, not his eyes, but black and vibrant red.
“Hey! Sorry to drop by like this –” she snickered at her own joke “– but I find myself in need of a shopping buddy, and was wondering if you wanted to come with?”
Her tone was casual, as if she hadn’t just fallen out of the ceiling of a heavily secured facility and didn’t have hair that sometimes twitched at its black ends if you paid too much attention to it. She stole a glance at the bright red wall display, and then added, “You’ve got five minutes to decide, otherwise I’m going by myself.”
LOCATION: CU-14-1003
ASSETS: Anima, “Ira”
PURPOSE: Flight Test
It was a flawless plan.
Nimsy had the better part of the week thinking about it. Kanga’s designation was all she’d really needed to find out more – that, and a little sleight-of-hand with one of herselves. It only took one of her to rummage through the information available in Papa’s office when both were unattended; and of course, even without him here, she’d known where and how. Wasn’t she part of him? Hadn’t she always been? What was his was hers until he told her otherwise, and he wasn’t —
Well, he’d come back, and she’d be his concern then. Right now she was trying to avoid the worry of others, so of course she’d left a Self at L-9. She wouldn’t last for long without the true Nimsy there, but maybe long enough to distract Nic or Gail until she could get into step 2 of the plan.
Right now she was still stuck on step 1. It had, admittedly, taken a little courage to come this far. She’d figured out how to find the file on the thing in the Foundation called 1003, and had found out where it was and how it appeared and somewhat on how it-She behaved. It seemed to be a She, or at least a she, and while she had been here longer she was still younger than Nimsy. Eleven being less than thirteen.
Numbers were easy. Goddesses were harder, but not impossible. She had never met a Goddess, not while waking, but she had made it away the first time. And besides! This was not this one’s world. Anima had been born here; in a sense, this world was hers! Not Hers. Or at least she hoped that was how that worked.
Of course, as part of pre-step-1, she’d needed an excuse that would engage the “Ira” that lived here. Now Nimsy hadn’t been given her Name, but she hoped that she could be willing to part with it at least long enough to answer some lingering questions. She was, after all, the same Question she had always been, just with more answers.
She may have also wanted an excuse to make a stop herself, just to see what the world outside could give without overseeing eyes. Of course the remaining Nimsy would disappear soon – she’d scheduled herself for 10AM, local time here – but she’d hoped to have just enough time to find Ira and convince her to come for the day.
The ceiling opened, full of eyes, at 9:55 AM local time. That way, Ira would have time to wake up before Nimsy dropped in – admittedly in an inexperienced ungodlinglike heap – and they’d have five minutes to chat before L-9 knew anything was amiss, or at least before Nimsy would be missed. Then they’d have to head right to their destination, which she’d also chosen with care, and hope no-one noticed until she had her answers.
Where she’d fallen, Nimsy grinned. Foolproof.
Thankfully she’d worn something other than her usual feather dress. Black jeans, a white t-shirt with a mockingbird printed on the front, and a light gray jacket covered her form today; her hair was worn down, but tied back with a gray bandanna, complete with pattern, and her bare feet were covered by black sneakers. She sat up slowly and glanced around the little room. She wanted to stare at the artwork, of course, but now wasn’t the time. There wans’t a moment to lose! She’d let her eyes rest on Ira – mismatched eyes, not his eyes, but black and vibrant red.
“Hey! Sorry to drop by like this –” she snickered at her own joke “– but I find myself in need of a shopping buddy, and was wondering if you wanted to come with?”
Her tone was casual, as if she hadn’t just fallen out of the ceiling of a heavily secured facility and didn’t have hair that sometimes twitched at its black ends if you paid too much attention to it. She stole a glance at the bright red wall display, and then added, “You’ve got five minutes to decide, otherwise I’m going by myself.”
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