Sam sighed and fiddled with her hair some more. She had been lying when she had said she needed to do errands. She had plans, but it was nothing she couldn’t take Nahual with her to do. She had made the choice spur of the moment, but she would stick by it now. She looked at her curls, tracing their individual spirals. Her hair was almost fully back to what it had been like when she had been a teenager, before she had given up on feeling good about herself.
She took a step back from the mirror and examined her outfit as well. She had finally finished unpacking the boxes of clothing that had been in her mostly empty closet. Now, hues of green and black and browns hung off hangers that jammed the closet almost overflowing. She didn’t need any new clothes. Everything that she had taken out had fit her just fine, had even been loose on her. She was going to have to go back to eating three meals a day instead of just two if she wanted to be that healthy again. That was the only way she’d put that weight back on.
There was a moment where she twisted and turned in the mirror, examining herself. The knitted patchwork sweater fit well over her black turtleneck and bridged the color gap between that and her charcoal grey slacks. The neck of the turtleneck was just high enough to keep her body armor covered. She’d thought, for half a second, about going outside without it. But then she remembered she was going with Nahual and not Todd. So the suit had stayed on under her layers.
She grabbed a black peacoat and donned her usual fuck off combat boots before she walked out the door. She locked it behind her, checking that she had her phone, her wallet, and her keys. Upon reassuring they were there, she took a deep breath and headed toward Todd’s apartment. She felt the vibrations inside the other apartment and nodded to herself. Just Nahual. Todd must have gone to work already. That worked out great. He wouldn’t be able to see all the effort she was putting in until they got back. And hopefully, by then, she would have everything she needed.
She walked up to the front door of Todd’s apartment and tapped lightly on it. “Nahual, it’s Sam. You ready?”