fuck this new forum


Jizz was awful.

He despised the genre of cantina music, but this damned place had the cheapest alcohol in this part of the Galactic City's surface-- so he put up with it. It didn't help that the pretenses of this meeting were business, which meant he had to be on his toes-- only his usual level of intoxication, tonight. No indulgences.

Time would tell if he broke that rule.

Mercenary Xadok Tor-Bendu was as close to a saber as any mortal being could be-- elegant in execution, graceful in use, but could cut in any direction and kill you in a hundred different ways. A man like him required proper care to deal with, and so he had only lightly prepared himself; a few drinks ordered from the bartender had got him plenty inebriated, landing him square in his usual comfort zone. A good thing, too. His time in the Archives had left him itching for a drink, and Tukko's had a happy hour going. It helped that Republic Captain Tavos was joining him for the night, seeing as the pair were set to fly out to Rakata within the day. The sooner they got a head start on travel, the better; he'd only come here because Xadok had insisted upon it. The message was cryptic enough, as were all of his introductory messages.

Time would tell if Aorri had the patience for the usual games.

For now, though, he was content to idle in his booth, leaning against the wall with one boot upon the seat as he watched the bar for any familiar faces. Every now and again, he got a few odd looks from the average passerby-- but the saber hilt strapped to his hip, shining with an uncharacteristic amount of care when compared against the disheveled nature of the rest of him, was enough to dissuade anyone from approaching to start something they wouldn't be able to finish.

Time would tell if that happened to change.

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He did not enjoy coming here. It reminded him of her. Each passing face of a prospective Padawan; each hooded apprentice skulking late at night along the holo-desks, reading the long-forgotten lore of the Order's past. That was then, though-- before the Civil War had shattered the backbone of the Jedi and scattered their ranks to the endless stars. At the very least, he could be satisfied with the fact that not a single soul stalked the halls of the Archives, now. Not since their doors were closed from the public; the rest of the Temple was soon to follow. Aorri had arrived as soon as he had heard the news from Zatoq, and had evaded being kicked out by virtue of his ability to stay out of sight from the Jedi Guardians that yet remained within this husk of a temple.

Rakata Prime was an elusive bit of folklore within the Republic's history. There were rumors, of course, of its ancient significance-- tens of thousands of years ago, when a long-forgotten empire reigned the cosmos-- but Aorri had never heard, nor had he been told, anything concrete. It seemed both the Jedi and the Republic wanted nothing to do with the backwater exoplanet, but Knight Besh couldn't help but feel a gnawing at the back of his mind as he had glanced over the star-charts of the Chancellor's datapad. A hunch-- or some odd fixation. An idiotic obsession. Whichever the case, it allowed him to get as far away from Coruscant as possible, and avoid Nar Shaddaa in the process. Both reasons were more than enough for him to take on the task. His journey to the archives were for the explicit purpose of finding out more about these elusive Rakatans-- but such information was, unfortunately, restricted to Knights such as him.

It was surreal, walking along the dimly-lit corridors of the Archives without another soul in sight. So much knowledge, locked away indefinitely. Permanently, even, if Revan was able to tighten his chokehold upon the Jedi ranks. Rani would have hated to see that, he thought. Such a waste. Nothing but memories and ghosts, now, and the two were one and the same. Aorri approached the Planetary Archives with a silent step, not daring to wake the dead.

It was a small room beyond the aisles, sequestered beyond a single door at the end of the corridor; Aorri input his credentials and entered the databank storage chamber. The azure light which bathed the room was peaceful, almost. Tracing a finger along the wall, he stopped upon the identification he needed, gave a small breath, and input the code for access. Jedi Knights, unfortunately, were unable to access this sort of data-- hidden from view, closely guarded.

A forgotten shade, thankfully, still retained access.


He had taken Syvor's credentials after taking his life aboard his own ship; it had been a choice he'd regretted, in the moment, but paid dividends in the recent years. The only thing slower than Republic bureaucracy was the Order, after all, and even now, Ulten's identification and information had not yet been removed from the Jedi's databases. A final use for his old master, it seemed. A way to make his death mean something, in its own way. If only Ulten were here, now, to help him with this mess.

The shard withdrawn from the wall was a luminescent cyan, as if carved from light itself; a cursory scrub of the information revealed boilerplate data upon Rakata Prime's atmosphere and inhabitants. Aorri furrowed his brow, at that-- there was supposed to be more. The shard was slotted back in, and the process was repeated for the one beside it. The same-- this time, a brief historical overview of the Rakatans, and nothing else.

"Impossible." He muttered to himself. Perhaps the Archives were incomplete-- they had to be. Until, after a few minutes of poring over the databank, he found what he was looking for.

With a twist of his hand and a pull from the Force, the shard was freed from the wall, hovering above Aorri's palm as his fingers almost seemed to curl around an invisible base. His other hand rose, brushing along the air around the shard and working his fingers as if he were manipulating something deeper within the brilliant azure piece of technology; a few moments passed, and Besh's breathing picked up, neck tensing and eyes narrowing. Pain. This hurt to do, his sense of the Force atrophied and marred by the uncountable losses across the galaxy. It was as if the very fabric of reality fought against his manipulations-- a moment of agony turned to two, which turned to three as he let out a grunt--

-- and then the shard began to shift, folding from its flattened, chip-like shape and curling into a polyhedron. The outer edges of the shard's casing seemed to curl over themselves to form the outside edges of the shape-- and within the center, that brilliant blue remained. A holocron, converted to a flat chip and stored within the databank's walls. Aorri held the device a few inches above his palm, closing his eyes as he sought to check its information with the aid of the Force; a sigh soon followed, and the prism dropped into his hand fully.

A translation module for the Rakatan language, stored within the holocron. Once the Temple's, now his. For now. They certainly wouldn't be using it any time soon. Once he got this properly interfaced with M3-M8, he'd be well on his way to figuring out if there was anything worth investigating upon Rakata. A lead, however faint, was still a lead.

First, though, he would need help. Pulling the sleeve of his jacket back to reveal his wrist-bound communicator, he quickly relayed a message to one of the only men he knew to be reliable upon this Force-forsaken planet.

Captain Tavos. This is Jedi Knight Besh. Meet me at our usual haunt-- I've a job for you.

And so he left, a final ghost in hand-- the remnants of a long-dead civilization, and the first piece to realizing the location of Revan's war effort, if the Force prevailed in guiding him.

Barring that, his own instinct.

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Jaxon arrived late, as per usual, and in a good mood, which was thoroughly unusual. Usually, if he were this happy, he'd just gotten through smoking a few of his subordinates for catching them drinking-- which was ironic, of course, given the current locale and their choice of activity. Aorri, however, was not one to judge a man's hypocritical drinking habits.

So he took Jaxon Tavos' hand and gave a firm shake, a faint smile dotting the thin lips of his batlike visage. The mask was situated about his neck, hanging there like some sort of enlarged talisman; it shuffled a bit as he moved, sitting up to shake Jaxon's hand before returning to lean against his corner of the booth. "If the Force guided me to this cesspit, I'd have left the Order by now. Suppose that's what you get, though, with a connection as weak as mine." He leaned forward on the table, expression turning serious at the mention of company. A silent nod confirmed Jaxon's inquiry, and the Kaleesh lightly ran his finger around the rim of his glass. The mask returned to his face, his drinks consumed. For now.

"Yes. Bounty hunters. Be on your guard. They should play nice, but you never know with these types." A sip of his drink, and he set it back down empty, finishing off the rest of the purple liquid within. It hardly burned going down, now-- only that pleasant, familiar numbness and warmth. "This man runs his mouth more than a Toydarian hooker-- but he's reliable." If he got paid. Which he would be-- just not by Aorri. A Jedi hardly had any credits to spare, after all. "Try not to shoot him. The urge will be there. I'll act a little drunker than I am, play a bit of a fool if I need to." He knew Jaxon well enough, after all. The Republic soldier was here as an extra gun if things went south, and also to brief once the other pair left. Having a buffer meant he was less likely to get ganged up on... especially if the twi'lek halfling brought his crew.

Which he did-- just not the one Aorri was expecting. There was usually a Wookie that seemed to follow him like a kitschy cape, but there was only a Mirialan. Aorri remained silent through the introductions, only giving a nod to Xadok and a look to Yaliwen; the surname Tor was intensely familiar, though coincidences were often commonplace. While Awarani had been Mirialan, the name might've been common. Still, he regarded her with a bit of silence, the blank visage of his mask looking over her features as he remained lazily reclined in the booth. His raised leg moved to let her sit, though he did not adjust his posture for the mercenaries. Instead, he glanced slowly between the pair of them, giving a delayed chuckle and slow blink of a drunkard.

"Something t'do with that, yes." Aorri replied, head tilting. "You missed the fireworks when y'left, by the way. Sith women started bickering with the Grandmaster. Looked like they were about to Force-choke me the moment I stepped in..." True to Yaliwen's statement, he hardly paid the Mirialan any mind-- for now. More important matters to focus on than old ghosts. He had become adept at compartmentalizing-- all for the sake of harmony. For instance, stomaching the fact he was talking to Jedi-killers for the good of the Republic.

"... poor Grandmaster's already under so much stress, already, what with everything she was bickering in my ear about with this damned contract." He let that hang in the air a moment, then stiffened somewhat, straightening his posture and looking over to Xadok. "Anyways. Yes, have something to tell you. How familiar... are you and your crew with HK-50s?"



"Firstly, I'd like to thank the members of the press for coming here, along with the general public for this address."

Stick to what you'd practiced.

"It has been a... difficult time in recovery. But, firstly-- I want to restate my solidarity with the O'Shea family. My thoughts, my prayers, my actions are dedicated to those whose lives were taken by the attack on October 12th."

Carter Wynn had been in recovery in the weeks that followed, partly due to the concussion he'd allegedly sustained along with the gunshot wound to his gut; this was his first public appearance since the incident beyond his media team's Twitter updates and off-the-record interviews with trusted journalists. It was important that the public heard the truth, though, and understood that he was alright-- and that this attack had only made him more determined to set the future of Pittsburgh on the correct course.

"I've already given my statement to the Pittsburgh Police Department, who I will additionally commend for their bravery in dealing with the threat at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center," Carter continued, glancing down to his prepared notes and clearing his throat. "In particular, Jared Carlisle, Richard Martinez, Matthew Jones, and Assistant DA Ava Hunt all deserve recognition for their bravery and service to the general public, however mundane they may appear in the face of paranormal aggressors." He straightened his back, at that, and nodded, looking off to the distance in thought for a moment before nodding again. "Additionally, I'd like to commend the services of Special Agent Basilica and the Metahuman Response Taskforce as a whole; I would not be alive right now if not for the selfless heroism of these individuals."

His right hand gripped the side of the podium as his other calmly adjusted his tie, gesturing out to the audience; another flick of his gaze downwards, and he was locked back in.

"You all may understand that I did not agree with Henry O'Shea's policies. We were from opposing ends of the aisle; we didn't see eye to eye on plenty of issues. But what we value is the sanctity of human life above all else-- the need to protect our loved ones, to guarantee a future for our children, and to provide a guiding light for the younger generation so that they may carry the torch in our stead. As such, I've coordinated with Henry's family to open a scholarship fund-- the O'Shea Metahuman Student Scholarship Award, to be awarded annually to one-hundred students; fifty of which will be confirmed to have metahuman abilities by an independent board of experts, and fifty of which will be going into an industry and degree related to science, technology, engineering, or math with metahumans as a focus of study. Understanding and educating the new generation upon this diverse, emergent issue is paramount, and I believe fostering an interest will lead to greater ease in navigating these uncertain times." A small look away from the mic, to clear his throat, and he looked back to the audience.

"It is the nature of humanity to emerge stronger from hardship. There are times like these, however, where we must ask why. Why did this happen? Why were four gunmen allowed to walk into a convention center with the intent to assassinate political figures?" A pause. "Why was it O'Shea, that died, and not me? I-- I asked myself that. Every day, in the hospital, I asked myself why. An act of God? Poor preparation on the side of the gunmen that wished to kill me for voicing my beliefs? No-- it was the bravery of those involved. Metahumans and brave bystanders that were anchors in the midst of chaos-- that saved my life." Another pause. "Before the attack began, I spoke of a need for moderation upon powers. Now, more than ever, we need to take a stand. What was perpetuated at the convention center was an act of terror, because these men were terrorists. Shooters who wished to send a message."

Another pause. He looked to his left, where his PR agent was. The next part was off-script; he'd probably catch shit for it.

"Well, here's mine-- I'm still standing, and I'm not going anywhere." He gripped the side of the podium, white-knuckled. His gaze returned to the audience. "Additionally, I have a call to action for the Mayor of Pittsburgh, our State Senate, and our entire government-- we need legislative action upon the cataloguing of metahuman abilities, and we need it now. Our streets are not safe; our places of gathering, for civil discussion and debate, are not safe. And even now, those in power hide behind claims of oppression and discrimination. Well, to that, I say that the unpowered man is persecuted by these terrorist supremacists. But to say all metahumans are criminals is reductionist, divisive, and idiotic. My contemporaries are unfortunately short-sighted in that regard." A pause; a sigh, this time.

"No. To deal with a supervillain, we need superheroes. Bad metahumans are stopped by good metahumans. The sooner we are able to police and institute these good metahumans with the capacity to correctly act and the jurisdiction to do what needs to be done-- like Special Agent Basilica-- the sooner we are able to restore law and order to Pittsburgh. As such, I will be directly advocating for the petition and institution of a proposition upon the 2024 ballot to allocate more effective funding to our police force to properly deal with metahuman threats, as well as advanced monitoring upon said metahuman threats to this city's security."

A smile, at that. "Even if it means taking a bullet for you, I am here to keep you all safe."



The holiday season was in full swing, and Santa's Workshop

Name: Official records list him as Aidan Byrne.

Age: How long has it been, really? The charge was December 20th, 1998. That much he knows. He'd just turned 29, then; the math is simple from there.

Gender: A man.

Word: Warrior. Of course. He's been fighting his whole life-- what else would he think of?

Talent: Always been good at hurting things.

Virtue: Nothing virtuous about a man like him.

Sin: Unbaptized. The rest follows from birth.

Story: On death row for 20 years. Appeals and delays had kept his head out of the wicker basket; in the decades he had been afforded on technicality, he'd done little to improve himself. It's all lies, what they write on their little letters and pleas to the courts. The guilt. The remorse. All of it.

But he plays his part, and he plays it well. Because oblivion-- what he'd sent her to-- is the second-greatest terror of all.

The first would be her waiting for him on the other side to drag him to hell.
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You know, I've heard it's rude to ask a wizard that, on account of the immortality and all. But if you really want to know, I'd say... uff. Somewhere in the ballpark of a hundred or two? Travelling keeps me young.

Beholden to my tasks as the (former) Skipper Supreme, my daily routine consists of planar travel and "seeing the sights"-- along with abolishing any incursions, cleaning up messes, the sort. Really, I just go wherever my heart takes me!

Planeswalking, of course! Though I prefer the term realmskipping, as it sort of captures the flair of it a bit better. If you need summoning, ask a conjurer; destruction, call an evoker. If portals are what you, need though... I'm your man. Or men, depending on-- well, I'll get to that.

If you're talking about Merry Rhodes in particular-- human. Plenty of other Rhodes out there that have a different flair to them, though. You've got Shorte Rhodes the Halfling, Ember Rhodes the Dragonborn, Rocky Rhodes the Earth Golem... all unique in their own ways, of course, and that's the wonderful part! All across the planes, you'll never meet someone quite like me.

A good old-fashioned set of Walking Boots-- ah, you think every wizard casts with the hand, now, don't you? I did the whole... wand, staff, tome gig for a while, but it just didn't suit me. Why rely on so many moving parts? After all, if I'm running, I'm casting. And if I'm casting, well, I'll surely need to run. A click of the heels, and a portal's there!

Oh, with the places I go, it'd fly right off. Hats get in the way, and circlets chafe the forehead-- better to have those locks flowing free as I jump about! Personal preference, I suppose.

Naturally, with how often a fellow gets around, it's hard to call a place home! Luckily, I-- and all the other mes-- planned a bit for that. Nestled in the Plane-Between-Planes is a lovely little manor of sorts: the Crossing of Rhodes. Now, I'm not quite sure how big it is, but it's not your usual cozy respite; its halls are disjointed, courtesy of a bit of rationally irrational architecture. Staircases that twist along walls, chambers that feed into themselves... if you're savvy, like me, you can get around nicely. Visitors don't quite fare as well.

The Crossing of Rhodes serves as a sort of hub for all of us. A bit of a club, really! Now, all of that panache in one place gets a bit difficult to control, so we-- or they, really-- came up with a sort of system in place to share the power of the Rhodes while electing a singular individual to keep order. Dubbed the Skipper Supreme, it was a democratically-elected title-- once which I had the honor of acquiring!

And promptly losing, but I tend to think of it as a bit of an administrative leave. See, I gave some thought to the whole... shared power concept, and I found it a bit wanting. If this was our power split up amongst ourselves, after all, imagine how powerful a single Rhodes could be! And, well-- I attempted a bit of concatenation, and they didn't quite like that. Then, I completed the concatenation, and they really didn't like that.

I'm not sure what's going to happen when I catch me, but I can't imagine it'd be anything good-- if I were them, I'd be quite angry at me, too. And a bit jealous that I didn't think of it first. Of course, that would require that I catch myself, first-- and do I know myself better than anyone else.

Though, I don't think I've ever met someone quite like me.
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Merry Rhodes, Skipper Supreme
Legendary Planeswalker - Human Wizard

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"Oh! Shit. That's--"

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NY | MA | PA

Figure 1. Ismailov in his active metahuman form; photographic image provided by Associated Press.


Figure 2. Photo of Ismailov in 2024. Taken at Highland Park, Pittsburgh.

Ismailov possesses the ability to transmute the epidermal and dermal layers of the integumentary system from organic cells to carbonado diamond (or "black diamond"), seemingly at will. This comes with no detriment to bodily function or his nervous system; while there is speculation amongst MRT metabiological analysts as to the specifics of this conversion, it seems that the diamond layer is not, in fact, a "shell" that forms upon the outer epidermis, but a literal replacement of the epidermal and dermal layers down to subcutaneous tissue. This would, hypothetically, result in a 2 millimeter-thick layer of pure diamond that surrounds the body of Ismailov once the ability is activated. Given the distribution of dermal layer thickness at certain regions along the human body (and slight variations in epidermal thickness, though this is most likely negligible), it is assumed that there are variations both above and below the 2mm metric.

The adamantine integument layer appears to be a largely defensive mutation, rather than anything directly for offensive purposes; given the material properties of carbonado diamond, Ismailov has demonstrated an immunity to most abrasive forms of damage; as such, typical cutting or abrasive equipment like grinders, knives, or other adjacent weaponry has little observed effect on the surface of the converted flesh. Additionally, Ismailov has a noted resistance to blunt-force impacts and breakage, given carbonado diamond's polycrystalline structure and, thus, increased toughness over conventional raw diamond.

The layer of carbonado diamond affords Ismailov a high measure of electrical and thermal resistance, and a marked resistance to high-pressure environments (see APPENDIX B: "BOSTON HARBOR INCIDENT"). However, Ismailov's integumentary system still displays the brittle properties of diamond, even with the higher toughness of the carbonado variant; blunt-force trauma has been observed to crack, fracture, and outright shatter layers of diamond from his body, which is theorized to lead to a direct loss of mass in organic tissue when the conversion is reverted. In this way, he is highly resistant against most forms of energy and cutting or scratching weaponry, but is far more susceptible to attacks with large amounts of force. The toughness of the carbonado diamond layer grants him a measure of resistance against small-arms fire, but the millimeter-thick layers that may shatter from his body could inevitably cause a failure of his defenses-- which, theoretically, would lead to subcutaneous tissue and further layers of the body being exposed.

Informants within Chechen mob circles (specifically within those based in New York) have also given further insight as to Ismailov's healing process. According to eyewitness reports, the integumentary layer displays a self-healing lattice property while in diamond form, suggesting some sort of "healing factor" that is slightly faster than a baseline organic human's; however, Ismailov must, allegedly, leave the tissue converted until fully healed, as reverting the tissue would leave an open wound with a depth of whatever mass had been lost while in an adamantine state. Informants have reported wound closure and a cessation of adamantine self-healing after a total of one (1) week for most wounds, with deeper wounds requiring a longer amount of time. Organic tissue does not appear to be affected by this healing process.

The shattering of adamantine layers appears to have extremely potent impact-absorption and force-dispersion properties, similar to ceramic plating seen in composite body armor; however, given the scarcity of the converted tissue directly relating to the mass and surface area of the integumentary system, the defensive properties of Ismailov's abilities insofar as impact mitigation are not infallible.


Once converted into an adamantine state, Ismailov also possesses the ability to manipulate this integumentary layer to a limited extent. While he is not able to drastically alter the profile of his body and "shapechange" in the conventional sense (see REPORT A4-C: "POWER DEFINITIONS"), eyewitness reports have detailed accounts of Ismailov's hands morphing into large, jagged points with fingers entirely melded together and wrists reinforced (see APPENDIX C: "LITTLE GROZNY FLOWERSHOP INCIDENT"). These are considered the primary weapons of choice by Ismailov and are considered to have extremely dangerous cutting and puncturing abilities, though his ability to cut through more durable materials like asphalt, concrete, and metals are severely limited by the amount of exertion required. Ismailov possesses little enhanced strength, if at all, and no oscillation methods to increase cutting and abrasive power.

Additionally, Ismailov appears to be able to "divert" mass and thickness to certain regions of the body at the expense of thinning layers elsewhere. This was observed primarily by NYPD officers in a 12/04/23 shootout (see APPENDIX C) wherein Ismailov took over 10 rounds of 9mm small-arms ammunition; shots were localized upon the anterior trunk. However, a single baton strike to the posterior trunk approximately two minutes after the observed incident-- specifically, the lumbar spine and lower back-- completely shattered the diamond layer present and exposed subcutaneous tissue. Ismailov appeared to be grievously wounded by this injury, but not incapacitated, and has appeared to recover-- most likely due to the healing factor outlined in Section 2A.


Ismailov does not appear to carry much in the way of equipment or costume, having worn no particularly identifiable outfit during recorded appearances. Police incident reports have noted the use of a Mossberg 590S Shockwave in certain instances, but much of his criminal activities and intimidation are accomplished with the use of body alone.



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Ronald "Fat Ronnie" LeBlanc was not a particularly cautious fellow.

Khasman assumed this was owed to the fact that there was a consolidation of power in Pittsburgh, as of late, and he believed that his contacts afforded him some sort of protection. He was an associate of a gunrunning clan within the city-- a fixer of sorts that arranged deals and was the charismatic sort, despite not having any charisma to speak of; the sort of man who used money in the absence of charm. Khasman did not like this man. That often made it easier.

In the end, though, it was all the same, and relatively simple. He was given a photo, a description of where regular haunts, and a single word-- Convince, or Retire. LeBlanc was set to retire, tonight.

The club was a nice place, but he still preferred New York; there was less going on in Pittsburgh, which was as much of a blessing as it was a curse. There didn't seem to be any established capes in the city; heroes, sure, vigilantes, but not your spandex-wielding cocksuckers that'd save a train or bust a bank robbery. Things were still developing, slowly but surely, and the Pittsburgh branch of the Chechen mob found that they could not compete; not a single person in their ranks was powered, here. Ivan "Bloody Ninefingers" Dudayev had a reputation about him, sure, but it didn't quite matter to metahumans. They thought themselves above the rabble. They had disrespected the Kuyranash clan, and would understand the consequences now that he was here.

The lights were low. The dance floor was crowded. Khasman shouldered past the groups of patrons, underdressed and out of place; he found LeBlanc in a corner booth, lounging next to a woman at his side and another man across from him. He did not appear to notice Khasman, at first, but gave a skeptical glance over to the man as he approached.

"Can I help you?"

"You are Fat Ronnie, yes? Love name-- I am friend of, ah... Gregori's. You know?"

The skeptical look hardened. "Yeah? What's this about? The fuck are you coming here for--"

"I have message from him. For you." Khasman stepped closer. Ronnie's hand disappeared under the table-- likely to reach for a gun. A hand wrapped around his throat before he could pull a pistol out from the belt under his gut; Khasman drew even closer.



In an instant, LeBlanc's body spasmed; a faint choking sound fell from his jaw, blood trickling down the darkened luster of Khasman's arm and staining the purple collar of the body's suitcoat. He went limp a moment later; even in the darker ambience of Auteur's booths, overhead ambient light danced off of the spike's apex that'd cracked through the top of the man's skull. Khasman's gaze lingered on the man's shocked, vacant expression, his arm refined to a singular point that had effortlessly pierced through bone, flesh, and brain.


There was the familiar click and rattled metal of a raised gun; in an instant, Khasman's body reacted, flesh rippling with a faint glimmer into darkened, reflective mineral. Two gunshots caught him in his shoulder and upper chest before he'd fully turned, spike ripping free from LeBlanc's skull with a wet tear before the point morphed into a long cutting edge. It swept down, catching the man in both hands at the wrist-- the gun falling to the table with a clatter alongside a severde hand. The other hung from tendon and cracked bone, blood jettisoned out onto the black table as he stared in shock at his injury.


Khasman grabbed the man by the collar with his unmorphed hand and threw him onto the floor, head slamming against the railing that lined the second-floor catwalk above the dance floor; with a push and throw over the edge, the gunman's body fell a story or so onto the lit floor of the club, landing with a grisly KRAK that bent his body like a discarded marionnette. The patrons seemed to get the message; clamor ensued, and Khasman regarded the screams and fleeing innocents with a perturbed sense of calm. The diamond on his body rippled as the layer spread, covering his body fully in the event Ronnie had any friends; his work here was done, though, and it was time to leave. He made his way for the stairs, neck crackling as he rolled his shoulders.

Whoever LeBlanc worked for would get the message, he assumed.

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NY | MA | PA

Figure 1. Ismailov in his active metahuman form; photographic image provided by Associated Press.


Figure 2. Photo of Ismailov in 2024. Taken at Highland Park, Pittsburgh.

Ismailov possesses the ability to transmute the epidermal and dermal layers of the integumentary system from organic cells to carbonado diamond (or "black diamond"), seemingly at will. This comes with no detriment to bodily function or his nervous system; while there is speculation amongst MRT metabiological analysts as to the specifics of this conversion, it seems that the diamond layer is not, in fact, a "shell" that forms upon the outer epidermis, but a literal replacement of the epidermal and dermal layers down to subcutaneous tissue. This would, hypothetically, result in a 2 millimeter-thick layer of pure diamond that surrounds the body of Ismailov once the ability is activated. Given the distribution of dermal layer thickness at certain regions along the human body (and slight variations in epidermal thickness, though this is most likely negligible), it is assumed that there are variations both above and below the 2mm metric.

The adamantine integument layer appears to be a largely defensive mutation, rather than anything directly for offensive purposes; given the material properties of carbonado diamond, Ismailov has demonstrated an immunity to most abrasive forms of damage; as such, typical cutting or abrasive equipment like grinders, knives, or other adjacent weaponry has little observed effect on the surface of the converted flesh. Additionally, Ismailov has a noted resistance to blunt-force impacts and breakage, given carbonado diamond's polycrystalline structure and, thus, increased toughness over conventional raw diamond.

The layer of carbonado diamond affords Ismailov a high measure of electrical and thermal resistance, and a marked resistance to high-pressure environments (see APPENDIX B: "BOSTON HARBOR INCIDENT"). However, Ismailov's integumentary system still displays the brittle properties of diamond, even with the higher toughness of the carbonado variant; blunt-force trauma has been observed to crack, fracture, and outright shatter layers of diamond from his body, which is theorized to lead to a direct loss of mass in organic tissue when the conversion is reverted. In this way, he is highly resistant against most forms of energy and cutting or scratching weaponry, but is far more susceptible to attacks with large amounts of force. The toughness of the carbonado diamond layer grants him a measure of resistance against small-arms fire, but the millimeter-thick layers that may shatter from his body could inevitably cause a failure of his defenses-- which, theoretically, would lead to subcutaneous tissue and further layers of the body being exposed.

Informants within Chechen mob circles (specifically within those based in New York) have also given further insight as to Ismailov's healing process. According to eyewitness reports, the integumentary layer displays a self-healing lattice property while in diamond form, suggesting some sort of "healing factor" that is slightly faster than a baseline organic human's; however, Ismailov must, allegedly, leave the tissue converted until fully healed, as reverting the tissue would leave an open wound with a depth of whatever mass had been lost while in an adamantine state. Informants have reported wound closure and a cessation of adamantine self-healing after a total of one (1) week for most wounds, with deeper wounds requiring a longer amount of time. Organic tissue does not appear to be affected by this healing process.

The shattering of adamantine layers appears to have extremely potent impact-absorption and force-dispersion properties, similar to ceramic plating seen in composite body armor; however, given the scarcity of the converted tissue directly relating to the mass and surface area of the integumentary system, the defensive properties of Ismailov's abilities insofar as impact mitigation are not infallible.


Once converted into an adamantine state, Ismailov also possesses the ability to manipulate this integumentary layer to a limited extent. While he is not able to drastically alter the profile of his body and "shapechange" in the conventional sense (see REPORT A4-C: "POWER DEFINITIONS"), eyewitness reports have detailed accounts of Ismailov's hands morphing into large, jagged points with fingers entirely melded together and wrists reinforced (see APPENDIX C: "LITTLE GROZNY FLOWERSHOP INCIDENT"). These are considered the primary weapons of choice by Ismailov and are considered to have extremely dangerous cutting and puncturing abilities, though his ability to cut through more durable materials like asphalt, concrete, and metals are severely limited by the amount of exertion required. Ismailov possesses little enhanced strength, if at all, and no oscillation methods to increase cutting and abrasive power.

Additionally, Ismailov appears to be able to "divert" mass and thickness to certain regions of the body at the expense of thinning layers elsewhere. This was observed primarily by NYPD officers in a 12/04/23 shootout (see APPENDIX C) wherein Ismailov took over 10 rounds of 9mm small-arms ammunition; shots were localized upon the anterior trunk. However, a single baton strike to the posterior trunk approximately two minutes after the observed incident-- specifically, the lumbar spine and lower back-- completely shattered the diamond layer present and exposed subcutaneous tissue. Ismailov appeared to be grievously wounded by this injury, but not incapacitated, and has appeared to recover-- most likely due to the healing factor outlined in Section 2A.


Ismailov does not appear to carry much in the way of equipment or costume, having worn no particularly identifiable outfit during recorded appearances. Police incident reports have noted the use of a Mossberg 590S Shockwave in certain instances, but much of his criminal activities and intimidation are accomplished with the use of body alone.



Tyche IRIS version 0.94a
Atis Station Distribution
IRIS kernel 20809 [build 20809 OEM 8eXD]
Running IRIS as current module . . .
Press DEL to run Setup
       _    _        _           _             _       _    _      
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Please input User PIN: █ █ █ █
PIN Accepted . . initializing Startup
Accessed Disk 0E


Directory of E:\ATIS


Please specify inquiry:

888      .d88888b.        d8888 8888888b. 8888888 888b    888  .d8888b.                             
888     d88P" "Y88b      d88888 888  "Y88b  888   8888b   888 d88P  Y88b                            
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88888888 "Y88888P" d88P     888 8888888P" 8888888 888    Y888  "Y8888P88      Y8P      Y8P      Y8P 

given name: Stanisław Kowalczyk

age: 50

gender: M

team role: Master Systems Engineer

technical background: Lead Systems Director for Clydesdale Aeronautics (now defunct). 25+ years of external station maintenance and design.

ht: approx. 5'8"

wt: approx. 86 kg.

personal effects:
- Victorinox "Master Craftsman" Swiss Army knife
- CuraPrint Desktop 3D Printer
- Sony Handycam Hi8 Tape Camcorder, 10x Hi8 tapes
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Another three pounding knocks on the door. Arlecchino heard some shuffling-- Giancarlo's voice, low-- and pressed the side of his head against the door, eyes narrowing as he tried to eavesdrop upon whatever conversation was occurring. Most likely his fat bastard cousin apologizing for nearly suffocating the cheap whore he had begun to take a liking to over his wife.

But such was not the case. Instead, he heard a yelp-- cut off-- and thundering footsteps that pounded towards the door.

"Ma che cazzo--"

In an instant, he backed up-- the door slamming off of its hinges and flying forward, directly towards Arlecchino. The reaction was instantaneous; his legs drew up, knees tucking against his chest as his boots slammed upon the front of the door. The force carried him back, momentum already providing a platform for him to kick off of; with a seamless backflip, Arlecchino landed on his feet across the spacious hall, cape fluttering down to veil one shoulder as his head shot up to look at the doorway-- eyes narrowed--


-- and the pitched whine of an unspooling reel of wire sounded through the air as Arlecchino threw out his open hand, a shimmer in the air shooting toward the man who held his cousin by the arm-- a nigh-invisible wire twining itself around the ankle with an audible THWP-THP-THP of winding coils. His hands gripped the shimmering wire, winding a bit of length down the side of his back for extra leverage before he rose a boot and stomped upon the body of the unspooled fili d'argento, cinching it taut and hopefully yanking the man's foot out from under him to stop the forward charge. If his wires could hold such strength back, that is.

If not, well-- improvisation was the heart of performance. He would manage.

"Ciau, ciau, mi chiamo ARLECCHINO. Sicilianu parri?"

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His response was immediate; instinctual. He bore no hesitation for truth, as there was no shame for truth to an honest man. "Her. And Juniper. And Alys-- and Caleb. Pris. Ciaran. The rest. Even you." The Baron's snout twitched, perhaps discreetly, perhaps not. His gaze did not stray from Lucien's, the challenge of those predatory eyes answered in kind. He knew better than to turn his back upon a lion.

"And Leo." He spoke, eventually, fists tightening. It helped, perhaps, that he could look down upon the vampire in a literal sense. Perhaps that was what helped him work up the nerve to take a step closer, eyes narrowing.

"The Nox might have slaughtered hundreds. That's true. But for better or for worse, I find myself here. On this ship. As quartermaster." He let the news fester, a moment, before continuing-- Lucien was hardly bound to care. Yet. "Responsible for her crew. Once a prisoner, now holding a station above yours." He suppressed the urge to let a sneer come across his face, at that, but held his composure. The Baron's face was ever a rock, unreadable and uncompassionate; for what compassion could he hold, now, across from...

Heart of loam. Hand of stone.

"Things are to change, here." He stated, finally. "I know you were the one who killed Leo; it seems you take pride in that fact. I do not. Your shares are docked for your outburst. One month." He seemed to enjoy a life of luxury, here-- or appeared as such. Whether the gesture would be effective... time would only tell. He wasn't sure of either of them living past this damned conversation. "Further, if I catch you feeding. And if I catch you killing--"

His hand moved, leveling a finger to jab at the vampire's chest.

"-- like that, again. If I witness you slaughter, or hear of it-- so much as a damned rumor-- so help the earth below that holds your form because I will bury you within it." His finger curled into a fist. Falling back to his side, a steady breath reeling slow from the lungs as his chest fell. He spared a glance to the shelves of shattered bottles and spilled crimson-- his mind falling back to the alleyway, with Naveen. The woman, helpless, as blood oozed from the neck. Him, in the clinic-- necklace about his neck, Emer beneath--

"Do not test me." Emryk spat. "If you harm a member of this crew without proper cause again, I will end you."


Emryk's gaze softened at the revelation-- the dagger of Lucien's comment cutting deep. Caleb had been present-- and he'd... sanctioned the killing?

"You..." He flustered, a moment-- trying to bite back his vitriol, but failing nonetheless. Emryk's gaze closed, and he shook his head. No more. No more of this.

"... why. WHY?!" He barked, eyes flaring open; deep-seated rage roiling along the wound that had been drawn. "WHY do you act like this? You could be so much MORE-- your strength, your age, you could learn and teach and HELP-- but you just sit here-- wasting away, PITIFUL." He stepped forward, thundering footfalls carried along the quarters and echoing out into the hall as his hand shot out to grab ahold of the vampire's collar. Tight. Trembling.

"Do you want to know what I think of your Captain, Lucien? I think you were Sinead's pet because you were kindred souls. Little broken things who couldn't fathom the agony of their loss and hid from it. You want to call ME weak? Who had her last moments drowning in a damn LAKE? Who spent her life in a cycle of violence, killing and whoring and stealing and doing NOTHING but causing harm, and for WHAT? To die to her second. What excuse do you have for that, hm?"

His hand shook the vampire once-- or, at the very least, tried to. In his fervor, he was hardly sure if he was holding onto anything, anymore.

"And you. Feeding. Murdering. Sleeping. All you do. All you're known for. You're a so-called scourge, and what do you have to show for it-- broken bottles, spilled blood, and shattered glasses half-filled. That is all you are. Your word is iron, but its shackles are loose. I don't know what Nessa could possibly see in you," Emryk spat, moving to shove the vampire back against the wall of ruined bottles. "But I know there is no greater cowardice than for the powerful to prey upon the weak. Killing. Slaughtering." His snout curled. Leo's death-- sanctioned. How many other bystanders? How many times had history repeated-- how many times had Lucien been allowed bloodlust? How many women in alleyways, how many innocents dead? How many bottles upon the wall had come and gone, consumed and forgotten?

His rage runneth over, heartbeat hammering staccato within the chest. Fear? Certainly. Determination? Undoubtedly.

Hand of stone.

"You're right. I was a coward, for not doing anything." Emryk growled. "NO MORE."

And then he charged forth, before he could regret the act-- dropping into a low tackle to send them both into, and through, the wall of the ship, a bellowing roar filling the air.

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Lucien was not wrong. Here Emryk was, besmirching the woman who had, for better or for worse, given him a second chance. What example was he setting, doing this? Indeed, he could hear the screams from the Nox proper. The others could see him now-- Emer, Nessa, Juniper, Ciaran. All folk he'd tried to set a good example for, their perception of his character undoubtedly tarnished in the wake of this fight. Some pillar of virtue he was, clawing tooth and nail to kill.

But he had no shame, now. Just like in the pits. His anger flared, drowning out his doubts in a tide of rage. He hated Lucien Kilta-- hated everything that he stood for. Most above all, he hated him for this. Making him do this. Dragging him down to the level of beasts, into habits he'd spent decades unlearning, back into the horrid oblivion of filth-laden ire. But he had no cares, now, beyond the throat he gripped and the visage he sought to pummel-- to brutalize like Leo's--

"Ghhhrr-- RRRHHH." Emryk growled out, a guttural sound leaving his maw alongside blood-laced spittle as he was forced to give up his grip upon Lucien's throat-- wrist and forearm carved deep by the flurry of clawed strikes. How long until he bled out? How long until his heart could not replace that which had been so thoroughly lost? Hate. So much hate, and it bled from him in droves, eyes open and wild in an expression of animalistic desire. Kill. No greater priority. Nothing but the man before him, small and fallible, pulling his arm back--

-- until the man leapt up and sank his teeth into his shoulder.

The response was immediate; borderline instinctual. The Baron's eyes widened, pupils dilated as he unleashed a guttural bellow of pain-- practically animal in its tone-- and drove his own jaw downwards, teeth aiming to sink deep into the vampire's own collarbone. Unlike Lucien, his bite lacked the capacity for finesse-- like an alligator, the blow was crushing and inelegant. As quickly as they he into flesh, Emryk jerked his head up, aiming to rake his teeth along flesh and muscle to rip his jaw away before both arms wrapped around the vampire, coiling in a bear hug that would've likely crushed the breath out of any lesser man. Against a monster like Lucien, he prayed it would be enough to merely keep him in place.


Needed to think. He was close-- body-to-body. Both hands gripped at Lucien's sides, trying to lift him up--

"-- GHHH-- GET-- OFFHH-- !"

-- and then back, as Emryk threw his entire form into a body slam to take them both downwards into the stone dock-- aiming to whip Lucien's upper body hard into the ground, head-first. Following up the blow was an attempt to press himself atop the vampire, straddling the hips in a grappling hold to keep him there. "COME ON! YOU SHOULD'VE LEFT ME FOR DEAD-- YOU MURDERED LEO-- FINISH THE JOB! WHAT'S ONE MORE DEATH ON THIS GODSFORSAKEN SHIP, EY?"

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M.I.R.A. TerminOS version 0.62b
Secure Distribution - Mid-Atlantic Bureau A5
TerminOS kernel 40406 [build 40406 OEM 8eXD]
Running TerminOS as current module . . .
Press DEL to run Setup
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PIN Accepted . . initializing Startup


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       ██  ░     ░░██   █░                ░     ██ ░█░                      ░███████▓▓▓█████████████████████████▓██▓▓▒░▓░░▒░█▓░                      ░█░░▓█░                    ▓▓ ████▒   ░   █▓      
       █▓  ░███▓▒▒  ░  ░█                       ▓█▒░█░                       ░██████████████████▒▓███▒▓████▓▓█▒░▓████░█▒░░▓░▒░░█▓░                   ░█░░██▒                     █░▒▓  ░▒░ ░   ██      
       █▒    ░█▒▓ ░    ▒░                       ▓█░░█▒                       ░▒█████▒██████████████▓▒████▓█▓░   ░▓█████▒▒░▓░▒░████▓░░                 ▓ ░██                      █  █  ░░░░░   ░█      
      ██        ░█░    █                        ▓██░▓▒                         ▓███▓░███████████████▓████▓░      ░▓█████▓▒▓▒█▓▒███████░              ░▒ ░██░                     ░▓░░       ░   ██     
      ██   ░       ▒   █                        ▓█▓░█░                          ▒██▓█████████████████████▓░        ░████▓██████▓█████████▒░          ░█  ██                      ░█░▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓█   ██     
      ██  ▓▒          ░█                        ▓█░ █▒        ░████▒░░░          ░▓███▓███████████████████▒▓░       ░▒█████▓▒███░██████▒██████▓▓▒░   ▒▓ ░██                       █      ░██    ██     
      █▒  █▒▒░░░  ▓   ▒▒                        ██▒░█▒        ░█░░▒▒▓░░▒▓▒░░       ░██████████████████████░░▒▓░░       ▒████████▓▓█████▓███▓▒▓▓▒░    ░█ ░██▒                      █    ░██      ▓█     
      █▒  ▓    ░░▒█░  ▓░                        ██░▒█░        ░█▓░░▒▒▒▒▒░░░░▒▒▓▒▒░░▓██▓█▓█▒███████████████░░░ ░▓▒░       ░████████████▓██▓██████▒░░░ ░▓  ██▒                      █░░░██ ░░░██  ▒█     
      █░  ██          █░                       ░██░▓█░       ░▒▓▒░ ░    ░░▒░ ░░░ ░▓█▒▓█▓▓█▓████████████████░    ░▓░         ▒███████████████▒░░███▓░  █░░███                      █▒            ▒█     
      █░   ░          █░                       ▓██ ▒█░       ░██▒░░░░▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▒▒░ ▒█▒▒▓██▓░████████████████▒     ░░█░           ░██████████▒▓████▒░▒▒░ ██░███                      ▓▒   ░░▒░     ▒█     
      █░  █░░▒▓░  █   █░                      ░███░▓▓         ░░█▓▒░░░░░░░ ▒▒░░░  ▒████▓▒▒▒░▒▓███████████████░  ▓█▓░              ░░░███████▒░▒██▓▒░  ░█▒▒██░                     ▓▒ ░█░ ░░▒█   ▒█     
      █░  ▒  ░▓░ ░█   █░                      ░██▓ █░          ░▓█▓░░░░   ░░░░▒░  ░█▒░▒░▒░▓░▒░███████░████▓▒░██████░                  ░░▒▒▒█████▓░     █░░██                      █▒░█       █  ▒█     
      █░  ▓█▓▓█████   █░                      ███▓▒█   █         ░██▓▓▓▒▓▒░░░    ░░░░▓░▓░▒▒░▒░███████▒█▒░     ▒██▒▓░                           ▓    ░  █▓░██▒                     █░ █       ▓  ▒█     
      █░              ▓░                     ░█████▓  █░█ ██▓       ░█▒░     ░▒░░  ░░░▒▒░▓░██▓████████▓░      ░▒█▓░                            ██░ █▒  ▓▓▓██▓                     █   ░░   ▒▒░  ▒█     
      ██  ░░      ▓   ▒█                     ░██▓▓█  ████░█▓         ░░██▓▒▒▒▒░  ░▒░ ░░ ░▒▓████████████▒                                        ██░█░█ █░▒▒██                     █             ██     
      ██   ████████▒   █                     ▓██░▒▓ ▓░██░▓██▓            ░░▓█▓▓▓██░░▒░░▓████████████▓░█░                                     ░███▒███░ ▒█▓▒██                    ░█      ░░░█░ ░██     
      ██   ░░█▓▒  ░    █                     ███░▓░ ▒██▒█████░                 ░░▒█▒▒█▓███████▓▒████▓▓█▓                                      ░░█████▓ ░█░▒██░                   ░▓ ▓██▓███░░   ██     
       █▓       ░██▒░  ▓░                   ░██░ █░  █▓█████░                 ░        ░██████▒▒████████                                       ███░███ ░█▒▒██░                   █      ▓▒░░░  ▒█      
       █▒     ▓█▓ ░ ░  ░█                   ░██░▓█  █░█▓░█▓▓               ██▓▓░        ░▒████▒ ▒███████░                                      ██▓░░█░█░▓ ░██░                   █       ░▒█   ██      
       ██   ██░▓██▓░░   █                   ░█▓░▒█ ░░█░██▒░                ░████           ░█▒▒░░▓▓███▓█░ ░                        ░█          ░▒███░█░░█▓░██▒                  ░▓             █▓      
       ▓█░ ░░         ░ ▓▒                  ▒██▓▒▓ ░███░███                 ░█▒▓            ▓█▒▓░░░░▓██▓▓███░░            ░███▒░░░███          ░██▓▓█░█ █▓░██▒   ░              █             ▒█       
        ██ ░             █                  ██▒░█░  ██░██▓█      ▓█▓░░░░▓▒▓█▓███▒░░░░▒▒░░░░░▒█▓██████▓█████████░   ░░░      ░▓████████▓░░      ▒░░▓█░█░ ▓█▓▒██░                ░█             ██       
         █               ▓▒                 ███▓█░ ▒▒████▓     ████▓▓█▓▓███████████████████████████████████████▓████████████████████████▒░      █████▓▒░▓▓█░██░                █     █       ░██       
         █▓        ░█░    █░                ░██▓█▓  ██░ ░▒█░     ▒█▓░░░░░   ░██▓  ░░ ░   ░░░▒█░  ░██░░▓░  ░▒▓█░             ▓███████▒          ░██▓█▒█░ ▓█▓ ██                ▓▓             ██        
         ▓█░              ░█                ░██▒██  █░█▓██░░                 ░█▒                  ░░        ░░            ░█▓░   ░███         ░░ ████░█ ▓█░▒█▓               ░█            ░░█▒        
          ██      ░    ░   ▓▒               ░██░█▒░ ░███░██                 ███░█                                                  █▓         ░██▒▒▒██ ░██▓██▓               █░            ░██         
          ▓█░     ░         █░            ░ ░██░░█░ ▒█▒███▓█░              ░█▓▒░▒                                                             ██░██░██ ░█░░██▓              █▓             ░█▓         
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            ██         ▓█     █              ░███░██ ░██▒█░██░▓                 █▒█     ██▓     █░▒    ░ █ ░█░▒        █░▒                 ░█░██████   ▓█ ▒██             ░█   ▒██████▓█▒░██           
            ▓█░   ░░███░░░    ░█              ░██ ▓█░░▒░▒██░██░█                ██░█   ▓██▓     █░▒    ░ █  █ ▓       ███▒░               █▒██░█▒██▓░  █▓▓▒█▒          ░ ░█     ░▒ ░▒  ▓ ▒█░           
             ▓█░  █░           ░█              ░██▓▒█░ ░█████▓█░█░              █▓▒░█ ▒█ █▓     █░▒    ░ ██▒█░       ▓█  ▓█            ░░█▒██▓░▒▓▓█   ▒█░▓██░           ░█   ░░   ▒█    ▒█▒            
              ██░ ▓      ░█░    ▒█              ▓██ ░█░░▓█████░██▓█             █▓ ▓░█▓  ▓▓     █░▒    ░ █ ▓░█      ░█░░░░░█         ░░█▓▒█▒░▓▓▒░    ▒█████▒           ░█   ░░░     ▒▒  ██             
               ██ ▒▓░░█▓    ░    ░█              ▓██▒▓▓▒ ░▓█████▒████░▓         █▓  █▒░ ░▓▓░    █░▒    ▒ █  ░▓▓▒   ░▓░    █ █░   ░░█▓█████▓██▓▒     ██▓░██░           ░█   ▒░        ░ ██              
                ██░        ▒█░░    █░             ░███░██  ░▓█████░████░█░▒░                                                 ▒ █░████░████▓░     ░▓█▒░▓██░           ▒█   ░░      ░░  ██               
                 ██     ░█░█░ ░     █▒             ▒███▓▒██░ ░█████▒███ ██▒█░█▒▒▓ ░                                   ░ █░█░█▓██ ███░█████░    ░▒█▓░░███░           █▓    ░█░     ░░ ██                
                  █▓  █░  ░█  ░▒     ▓█             ░████░▒██░  █▓█▓▒▓████▓██▒████▓█                                 █░█▒█▓███▓███▓░▒▓▒▒      █▓ ▓▓███░           ░█   ░░   ██▒ ░▓▒ ██                 
                   ██     █░ ▒▒░▓     ░█░             ▒████▓████▒░    ▒███▓▒████▓█▓██                               ███▓█████▒▓▒▒░       ░░▓█▒▒▓░███░░           ▒█    ██          ██                  
                    ██░  ▓██░░  ░░█░    █▓              ░█████░░█░██▓░   ░ ░░▒███▓▒██▓░                           ░▓███▓███░         ░▒███░ ▓▓████▒             █░  ▒▒░  ███░░   ░██                   
                     ██░        ██░▓░     █░              ░▒██████▒░░▓████▒░░░ ░██▓▒░ ░▒█▓░                    ░█▓   ░░▒░     ░░░▓███▒▒▒░░▒███▓░              ▓█    ░      ░██▓ ░██                    
                      ▒█▓    ░██░  ░█▒     ▒█                 ░█████████▒░░▓▓▓▓███▓░░    ░▒██░               ▓█░        ░▒▓█▓▓▒▒▒░▒░░██████▒░               ░█░  ░▓▒░██      ░ ▓█                      
                        ██░ █▓       ░█░░    ██                 ░░▒▓██████████▒░▒▓▓░▓██▒░░   ▒█▒           ▓█      ░░████▓░▓░▒▓▓██████▓▒                  ░█▒  ░▒██░ ░▒░░░░░ ░██                       
                         ██░        ▒█▒░█░     ██                       ░░▒█████████▓░ ░░▒█▒░░ ▒█▓       ░█░    ░▓██▒▒▓▒░▓██████░░                      ░█░        ██▓      ░██                        
                           ██     ░█▒   ░ ░    ░ ██                            ░▒▓▓█████▒░░░▓█▓  ▒█░     █    ▒▓▒░▒░▓████▓▒░                         ░ █▒    █░░░░   ▒█░░  ██                          
                            ██░ ▒█▒      ░▒█▓      ▒█░                               ░▒████▓░░░█▓░ █       ░██▒░▓▓███▒                              ▒█░    ██   ░░    ░▒ ▒██                           
                              ██        ░██  ▒█░     ░█░                                 ░▓███▓ ░█▓░     ▒█░░░▓███▒░                              ██ ░   ░  ▒█▒▓   ░   ░██                             
                               ▒██     ▓█░█░  ▓         ██░                                 ░███▒░░▓▒  ░█░░▒███▓░                              ▓█░     ░█░    ▓█  ░█ ░██                               
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  • Good
Reactions: Ira
Paweł Kowalczyk
Days Upon Atis Station: 0
Current Mental State: Concerned
       _    _        _           _             _       _    _     
      /\ \ /\ \     /\_\       /\ \           / /\    / /\ /\ \   
      \_\ \\ \ \   / / /      /  \ \         / / /   / / //  \ \  
      /\__ \\ \ \_/ / /      / /\ \ \       / /_/   / / // /\ \ \ 
     / /_ \ \\ \___/ /      / / /\ \ \     / /\ \__/ / // / /\ \_\
    / / /\ \ \\ \ \_/      / / /  \ \_\   / /\ \___\/ // /_/_ \/_/
   / / /  \/_/ \ \ \      / / /    \/_/  / / /\/___/ // /____/\   
  / / /         \ \ \    / / /          / / /   / / // /\____\/   
 / / /           \ \ \  / / /________  / / /   / / // / /______   
/_/ /             \ \_\/ / /_________\/ / /   / / // / /_______\  
\_\/               \/_/\/____________/\/_/    \/_/ \/__________/  
Donning the Sokol suit was easy enough. He was thankful for the streamlined design of the Tyche model; as part of preparation for the assignment at Atys, he had been given equipment to familiarize himself with before the long-haul cryo. The design they had given him had pinched his crotch and was far more blurry in the visor than the sleeker, more form-fitting suit he stepped into now. Perhaps they'd improved on the prototype since he had gone into cryo; a lot had changed in 20 years, after all.

He did not linger too long upon that thought, and instead kept himself focused upon the mission at hand. Indeed, he was additionally thankful that his travels took him through the front atrium once more-- it seemed there was commotion over trouble with an unopened pod at the arrivals bay. Pawel wordlessly approached the frame of the interface, brow furrowing as he scanned the seal for any breaches or gaps in the hermetic seal.

"Please step away for a moment," Pawel stated. "The chances of a massive and rapid decompression event are possible. Slim, but possible." His words were for the unfortunate fellow on the other side of the door as much as they were for everyone else; the absence of any gaps, however, and an affirmative pressure equalization meant that the pod was securely attached and homogenized with the Atys station hull. It was a matter of a failed lock, now.

"A moment."

Pawel began to undo the bolts and screws upon a certain panel of the wall; then, he repeated the process for the other side. Overall, the process took about five minutes-- the panel with the stuck lock was removed and exposed, and the hydraulics were manually released with a hiss as Pawel applied a bit of grease and leverage with a wrench to fully separate the mechanism. A tap of the end of the tool with a hammer, too, provided enough concussive force to jar the metal and open the lock entirely--

"-- fingers!" He warned--


-- and the door gave a soft hiss as it quickly slammed open. Pawel came face-to-face with another crewmate. A man! Lovely. So he was not the only man upon the station, it seemed.

"Hello. I am Pawel Kowalczyk." The technician stated, simply, stepping back and re-securing the panels to the front facade of the doorway. "I apologize for the wait-- there is a quarantine on Atys that must be released." He looked around to the rest of the arrivals, nodded once, and took off towards 4 and 5.
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Storms often made for great cover.

Lavorencia had all but turned in for the night, in the wake of the sudden coastal surge; the only folk out this late in the midst of thundering madness were either the sailors at the docks, wrangling their vessels at the dock to not find their ship midway onto the boardwalk by morning... or they were the sort who used the blanket of wind and rain and thunder and lightning as a convenient distraction.

There weren't many of that second kind in Lavorencia, Bale had found, which made it all the more perfect a location for a robbery. Must've been the buildings, then; he'd stuck a poor bastard pissing outside a tavern and lifted his pocketwatch before the sod could even understand what was happening.

With that very same pocketwatch, he checked the time, sniffing idly before leaning against the archway. Lightning touched down from the firmament a good few miles away, and for a moment, his features were plainly illuminated beyond the cusp of the brick. It was obvious, then-- by his features, if nothing else-- why he clung to the shadows so naturally, and seemed to shrink away at the sudden flash, as if light were anathema.

To make matters worse, he wasn't to smoke. The glow would be easier to spot, and the stink of a cigarillo would get caught on the wind. His hand clenched and unclenched, though he did not seem nervous. Above all else, it was the tic of a disturbed urchin, habitual and practiced.

"Losing cloud-cover." He murmured. "Storm seems to be moving away."

His business partner already knew that, most likely, but he felt the need to say it aloud. As did he with his next words.

"If they fed us the wrong road, I'm gutting that courier when I see him."

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