Francine "Frankie" Weiss
Frankie is 28 years old. She has pale skin, with light freckling along her face and arms. She has an athletic build, standing at 5’8 in height, and weighing 140lbs. Her hair is naturally a vibrant shade of reddish-orange, which she alternates between keeping down or back in a simple ponytail. She has green eyes, and a small ring on the left side of her nose. She often wears a single gold bracelet, and wears gold and silver rings—both of which she inherited from her family members. Having lived isolated for as long as she has, Frankie often looks unkempt and unwashed. It's not unusual for her to have dirt on her exposed skin and stains on her clothes. Though she combs it out to avoid knotting her hair is often unwashed and greasy.
She doesn't wear any kind of costume or uniform. She typically dresses in casual clothes like jeans, t-shirts, tanktops, etc. Her clothes are wellworn, often with small holes in them. She puts little attention into how she appears and seldom wears makeup or perfume.
Frankie has the ability to sense, manipulate and generate electromagnetic fields. She can use this ability to move and warp any magnetic objects, up to 1 ton. She can also use these abilities to generate fields that mimic many standard frequencies that operate on the EM spectrum, like radio frequencies. This ability can be used to jam those frequencies, to hear their content (if they aren’t encrypted), or to mimic them. Her ability to sense these fields extends to 50 yards. She can directly manipulate things through her abilities at 50 yards if she can see them, but only at 25 yards if by sense.
She also has the ability to absorb and discharge energy (electric & thermal). The strength of her magnetic abilities are determined by the amount of charge she has stored. Her body can absorb energy and then selectively discharge it. However, she can only handle so much energy without releasing it. If she absorbs too much she will overload and release all her built up energy at once in an uncontrollable electrical overload around her. This manifests with arcing currents of energy surging out ~5' around her, and electrical overloads 25' around her. These overloads can blow fuses, destroy electrical devices & start fires if something flammable is nearby. However, when she overloads like this her body is exhausted and she briefly falls unconscious.
Her powers are like a narcotic for her. When she is low on energy she feels despondent and weak. Absorbing more energy counteracts this, but comes with its own opposite trade-offs. When she has a high charge it feeds her sense of paranoia and makes her irritable. She begins to feel that she is invincible and becomes increasingly unpredictable.
As a meta, her body is unnaturally strong and compared to normal humans. Likewise, she is particularly resilient against harm; blunt, low-velocity attacks do little harm to her. She can absorb ~8mj of energy.
Frankie was born in Brooklyn, New York City, to an average middle-class family. There is little of note that happened in her early life, and PTSD has repressed most of these memories beyond her reach. The only important thing, which has gnawed at her for her entire life, is that she was happy. She had a loving supportive family. Her parents cared about her and were attentive in her life, her younger brother enjoyed getting into mischief with her. She had no idea of her latent meta abilities. This all evaporated in a single afternoon. When Frankie was ten, her family loaded into the car to drive upstate to visit her grandparents. Somewhere outside of the city her brother decided to prank her with a new toy he'd gotten, an electric shocker that you could conceal in your palm. Unbeknownst to both of them, Frankie's abilities had already queitly manifested over the previous few years. As soon as his hand made contact with hers the car turned into a improvised bomb, the gas tank immediately igniting. Frankie was unhurt by the explosion, but when she awoke her family was gone. She had to wait in the rain for a passerby to see the scene, as the remains of her family smoldered nearby. Even when someone stopped, her emotional turmoil expressed itself through her powers and scrambled cell phone signals around the crash site. When first responders finally arrived her family only existed as trace biological residue and bone fragments.
Frankie went to live with her grandparents after the accident. Shortly upon moving in with them Frankie started describing hearing voices. At first it was intermittently, but eventually it became all day long. Sometimes the voices sounded like people on the radio or TV characters, other times they were having conversations with each other. Her grandparents took her to a doctor, who was quick to diagnose her with early-onset schizophrenia. They tried half a dozen courses of treatment for her but none of them were successful; of course they weren't, the voices were real. Frankie was hearing radio waves, TV signals, and cellphone calls.
She was able to stay with her grandparents for three years until tragedy struck. Having stepped into the role of parents, her grandmother was teaching 13-year old Frankie how to cook. She came into contact with the gas stovetop and should have burned herself, but again her powers stepped in and 'protected' her. Like in the car, this wasn't enough to overload her all at once but her body had been building up energy over time. The overload fed into the gas lines leading into the stove, unleashing a fireball into the kitchen. Once again, as both her grandparents were nearby, the overload eviscerated her family. The explosion was ruled an accident, once again—a leak in the gas lines leading to the stove. This time, however, Frankie was beginning to have the feeling that she was responsible.
This time Frankie went to live in an orphanage. Her remaining family was either unable to take care of a teenager, or reluctant to seeing as family tended to die around her. Soon after moving to the orphanage she stopped taking any of the medication prescribed to her. It didn't work to treat the voices, and she was quickly beginning to understand what those voices were. Instead, she faked her condition to doctors: the voices were gone, and she felt fine. Neither statement was true. The more she discovered her abilities, the more she began to understand that she had caused all of her life's misfortunes, and the worse her mental state got. She didn't fare well at the orphanage. Frankie was now a brooding, depressed teenager, preferring to be alone in an overcrowded environmentt. She stayed there for five years without making a single friend. While her social life didn't develop at all, her powers did. Frankie quickly learned that fighting came very easily to her. No matter how much they hit her, none of the other kids could actually hurt her. She could also torment them in endless ways: jolts of electricity if they touched her, keeping doors closed and locked with her mind, destroying electronic devices without even looking at them, etc. Her uncontrolled accidents were also over now that she understood the need to regularly vent her energy. Curiously, the orphanage was destroyed days before Frankie turned 18. Again, arson investigators determined that a gas leak was responsible.
After leaving the orphanage, Frankie tried to integrate into normal life. She got a normal job, rented a poor apartment and tried to make friends. She began to learn that it was difficult for a depressed, maladjusted and sadistic person to fit into a normal life. After two years of trying, Frankie vanished from the city. She packed what few things she had one night and left. She bought a plot of land in rural Pennsylvania, half-a-state away from the only place she'd ever lived, and tried to make her own peace. She thought that if she isolated from people, who she just couldn't understand, and from technological society, which constantly tormented her mind, that she would finally be at peace. She was wrong. She lived isolated like this for nearly 8 years, and in this time her psychological state continued to diminish. She had plenty of time on her hands, which she used to master her abilities and to try and understand what was wrong with her. In doing this, Frankie learned about metas, and their growing presence.
For over a decade, Frankie had survived the crippling self-loathing, brought on by killing everyone she'd ever loved, by channeling it into an outward hatred. A hatred for the kids that bullied her, for the families that never adopted her, for the doctors that tried to sedate her and ask her endless questions. Now, though, she had a prime target: metas. They were like her—freaks that only inflicted pain and suffering on the people around them. Those who lived happy lives were either just narcissists, unaware how much suffering they had inflicted, or just lucky enough to have avoided hurting others so far. Frankie couldn't bring her own family back, and she hadn't been able to make meaningful connections in the lives around her when she'd lived in the city, but there was one thing she knew she could do: she could rid the world of metas. She could protect their families and friends. Not even the biggest kids at the orphanage had been able to hurt her, and she was more powerful now.
Now fully self-radicalized, Frankie re-entered society. She left her cabin in the woods for a small studio apartment in Pittsburgh, a perfect place to begin her righteous crusade.
- A black 1990 dodge charger.
- An assortment of metal ball bearings & batteries, usually in her pockets or a backpack.
- A studio apartment.
- A .45 caliber pistol.
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