Approved Florian Turei - The Seamstress

The Seamstress

Name: Florian “Flo” Turei
Alias: Double Double None!
Power Level: Low
Alignment: Retired Villain, now Neutral
Age: 57

Appearance: A matronly older woman with long gray hair. She wears clothes which are both comfortable and stylish, often trending towards sweaters and long, flouncy skirts. She has cat-eye bifocal glasses with attached chains that clink softly whenever she moves. She wears a wedding ring; a gold band inlaid with colorful lab-grown diamonds.

Duplication - Florian can create nearly perfect copies of herself, reflecting her current physical condition. The only consistent flaw in her creations are the eyes; they are never quite right, often appearing one-dimensional or the wrong shape. Any fine detail in their clothing tends to get lost in the process, and overall there's something undeniably off about them when compared to her original form. Her copies usually wear sunglasses when in public so that they can pass as her more easily, but they don't hold up under scrutiny.

While active, Florian can communicate telepathically with her copies and vice versa, sending mental messages and attached emotions. This helps them communicate across distances, though they are careful not to go too far. Her copies can operate independently of her original form, but at greater distances from her (beginning at about half a mile) they experience increasing discomfort, eventually becoming unable to move if they are more than a few miles apart.

She can create up to two copies at a time, and needs to rest before making more. Each copy lasts for 12 hours unless reabsorbed into the original’s body or killed. After 12 hours, the copy will begin to fade away and soon will cease to exist.

If reabsorbed, the original and the copy merge, and Florian takes the average of the physical and mental condition of the copy and herself. This includes any unique memories or injuries she or the copy may have developed. She usually makes an effort to reabsorb all of her copies, because it can be scary to feel yourself fade away.

Alliances: Dual Flame Outfitters, the clothing/weapons shop that she runs with her wife, Myrna.

Skills: Florian is an expert seamstress, as she’s had practice in both crafting and mending clothes for decades. She takes custom orders as well as stocking her own apparel shop, and it’s an open secret that she takes a special interest in designing supersuits for heroes and villains alike.

Equipment: Being retired, Florian no longer keeps a supersuit of her own. If threatened, she is quite adept with a sewing needle (as well as the three throwing darts she keeps in her purse), but she usually lets her wife take care of rowdy customers. She’s always trying to get her hands on new materials for her shop, ensuring that she keeps a good stock of various fabrics and thread.
