DATE: 7/15/2023
EQUIPMENT: ACF-7823-B sample #52, a microscope, and a flask of acid.
PURPOSE: The instruction and supervision of Intern Mortimer-Smith
Pepper finished laying out the equipment. She’d been tasked recently with overseeing the training and testing of a failing intern named Dahlia, and she was setting her up to repeat a test that she and Dr. Kallie had performed almost five years ago. It was one of the most basic tests that they had ever performed on a sample, and it was important for Dahlia to come to the same conclusions they had. Otherwise, she could be up for amnestics, and that wasn’t pleasant. Especially not with the girl’s… history with them, as it were.
No, instead Pepper was hoping to guide Dahlia through the process and safeguard her position as an intern. Who knew, maybe Pepper would be able to encourage her and inspire her enough that she broke out of whatever funk she was in that was preventing her from moving forward at the Foundation. She’d been with them for nearly a year, and instead of excelling, she was falling far behind her peers. Pepper remembered her own time as an intern, and how she had initially struggled to adapt to the culture at the Foundation. She was hoping that was all the issue with Dahlia was. It wouldn’t reflect poorly on Pepper if she failed, but Pepper would feel poorly about it.
When everything was finally laid out, Pepper looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. Dahlia was ten minutes late.
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