[div][attr="style","position:relative;left:-181px;top:11px;width:150px;text-align:center;border-radius:15px;background-color:#FDD097;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;color:#3A026F;padding:5px;font-family:high tower text;"]Tyche
[img style="width:150px;border-radius:15px;" src="[URL]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/426247770299432962/1132472663458205706/1f2d41cef9dcd41e47508456f49c6f5d.jpg[/URL]"]
The Eldritch Siren[/div][/div][div style="margin-top:11px;padding-top:90px;padding-bottom:90px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;background-image:url([URL]https://st2.depositphotos.com/3768069/5372/i/950/depositphotos_53726629-stock-photo-bone-seamless-texture-tile.jpg);background-attachment:fixed;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px;padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;[/URL]"][div style="border:5px groove #3A026F;font-family:high tower text;padding:10px;color:#030201;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.3);"][div align="center"][font color="#3A026F" size="6"]Silence, No Where[/font][/div]
[font size="3"]There was Nothing in the field, except a bone door.
She had been certain that there was Nothing, because she would not have part of Here become part of There. There was no Thing here, because there never had been, or perhaps it had once been a Here and had been rendered a Nothing upon the whim of Some Thing that was all that was here besides and beside the door.
The door must be bone for that was the nearest to which it led. It could, of course, have been flesh, but that construction would have been untidy. Doors were not meant to be made of soft meat, but rigid structure, and therefore bone was more meet. Around its frame were inscriptions that may drive some mad to read, but to which the Child’s mind was more than made to comprehend. Such same inscriptions were upon Her heart ([font color="firebrick"]his heart[/font]) and as such bound in tether the soft finity to the infinite that was about to strike out Beyond.
The door only opened inward. Such it was hinged from both Sides that could be seen if someone circled it within the Nowhere. It was of vital importance that the door do not open Outward, for that which was and had never been Here could not pass through a door that was Here and only linked to There insofar as no There became Here.
She was neither Here nor There. Or – She was not, but some echo may be. There were parts of Her Self yet undiscovered that might as yet remain to be uncovered. But the part of Her that She knew best was Curiosity, that universal center, that drew Her as gravity toward those things that should not be Known. As she prepared Her Self for the call, She filled The Silence.
[a href="[MEDIA=youtube]_7SAsNTNX9g[/MEDIA]"][font color="lightgreen"][font face="high tower text"]”If you give it a name, then it's already won. What you good for? What you good for?”[/font][/font][/a]
The Goddess hummed in a Voice that was not wholly Hers and not wholly [font color="firebrick"]his[/font] and not theirs, either, in many voices that complemented one another and complimented the Song in sincerest flattery. Her strings were strung unstrummed behind her back, and in its stead within Her hand was the Staff of the shepherdess that She too could be. It would be foolish to lead Her flock forth here, however. Other eyes watched over them now, as the guardian turned to the gate to which She was key.
She must be prepared. Within that Beyond She would merely be she, daughter of Note and Anchor, body rendered mortal although soul tethered in death to the door. The part that at Her core had always been Goddess now nervously twitched. It had been subject but never Subjected as it would be beyond the door, in the realm that housed a SHE greater than She – a First to be faced by the Last. A SELF that filled all else.
About the applewood, gentle fingers curled. Her eyes looked upon the door, and She searched Her Self for the Note that would carry Her back here, the Song that filled the Silence. And when it was Secure, She stepped forward and struck the Door with the Staff.
[font color="lightsteelblue"]Shave and-a haircut.[/font] [font color="dimgray"]Quarter rest.[/font] [font color="lightgreen"]Two-bits.[/font]
It was, of course, polite to knock. [/font][/div][/div]
[div][attr="style","position:relative;left:-181px;top:11px;width:150px;text-align:center;border-radius:15px;background-color:#FDD097;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;color:#3A026F;padding:5px;font-family:high tower text;"]Tyche
[img style="width:150px;border-radius:15px;" src="[URL]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/426247770299432962/1132472663458205706/1f2d41cef9dcd41e47508456f49c6f5d.jpg[/URL]"]
The Eldritch Siren[/div][/div][div style="margin-top:11px;padding-top:90px;padding-bottom:90px;padding-left:10px;padding-right:10px;background-image:url([URL]https://st2.depositphotos.com/3768069/5372/i/950/depositphotos_53726629-stock-photo-bone-seamless-texture-tile.jpg);background-attachment:fixed;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px;padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;[/URL]"][div style="border:5px groove #3A026F;font-family:high tower text;padding:10px;color:#030201;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.3);"][div align="center"][font color="#3A026F" size="6"]Silence, No Where[/font][/div]
[font size="3"]There was Nothing in the field, except a bone door.
She had been certain that there was Nothing, because she would not have part of Here become part of There. There was no Thing here, because there never had been, or perhaps it had once been a Here and had been rendered a Nothing upon the whim of Some Thing that was all that was here besides and beside the door.
The door must be bone for that was the nearest to which it led. It could, of course, have been flesh, but that construction would have been untidy. Doors were not meant to be made of soft meat, but rigid structure, and therefore bone was more meet. Around its frame were inscriptions that may drive some mad to read, but to which the Child’s mind was more than made to comprehend. Such same inscriptions were upon Her heart ([font color="firebrick"]his heart[/font]) and as such bound in tether the soft finity to the infinite that was about to strike out Beyond.
The door only opened inward. Such it was hinged from both Sides that could be seen if someone circled it within the Nowhere. It was of vital importance that the door do not open Outward, for that which was and had never been Here could not pass through a door that was Here and only linked to There insofar as no There became Here.
She was neither Here nor There. Or – She was not, but some echo may be. There were parts of Her Self yet undiscovered that might as yet remain to be uncovered. But the part of Her that She knew best was Curiosity, that universal center, that drew Her as gravity toward those things that should not be Known. As she prepared Her Self for the call, She filled The Silence.
[a href="[MEDIA=youtube]_7SAsNTNX9g[/MEDIA]"][font color="lightgreen"][font face="high tower text"]”If you give it a name, then it's already won. What you good for? What you good for?”[/font][/font][/a]
The Goddess hummed in a Voice that was not wholly Hers and not wholly [font color="firebrick"]his[/font] and not theirs, either, in many voices that complemented one another and complimented the Song in sincerest flattery. Her strings were strung unstrummed behind her back, and in its stead within Her hand was the Staff of the shepherdess that She too could be. It would be foolish to lead Her flock forth here, however. Other eyes watched over them now, as the guardian turned to the gate to which She was key.
She must be prepared. Within that Beyond She would merely be she, daughter of Note and Anchor, body rendered mortal although soul tethered in death to the door. The part that at Her core had always been Goddess now nervously twitched. It had been subject but never Subjected as it would be beyond the door, in the realm that housed a SHE greater than She – a First to be faced by the Last. A SELF that filled all else.
About the applewood, gentle fingers curled. Her eyes looked upon the door, and She searched Her Self for the Note that would carry Her back here, the Song that filled the Silence. And when it was Secure, She stepped forward and struck the Door with the Staff.
[font color="lightsteelblue"]Shave and-a haircut.[/font] [font color="dimgray"]Quarter rest.[/font] [font color="lightgreen"]Two-bits.[/font]
It was, of course, polite to knock. [/font][/div][/div]