Approved Detective Matthew Jones

Matthew Jones
Pittsburgh PD Detective

Pittsburgh Police Detective
Credit Score:
in the top three of his academy class, Matthew Jones, known by his friends and coworkers as Matt, Matty, or Jonesey, has been with Pittsburgh PD since just after his twentieth birthday. During his time on patrol, Matthew earned his Bachelor's in Criminal Justice through the University of Pittsburgh, though this had him attending classes during the day and working through the night. Despite this stress, Matthew became SWAT certified, a field training officer, and even dive trained and received numerous accolades from the department.

His time on patrol, coupled with the time spent working overtime and going to school, did wonders for Matt professionally. His coworkers learned that he was dedicated to upholding the law, steadfast in his beliefs of helping the citizens of Pittsburgh, and loyal to the few lucky enough to count themselves among his friends. Though not skilled at making friends or playing the political game common among those aspiring for sergeant, detective, or other specialized roles within Pittsburgh PD, Matt's attention to detail, education, and tenacity earned him a spot as a detective and, in addition to celebrating his fourth year as a detective, Matty was recently approved to transfer to Pittsburgh PD's homicide division. Initially, Matthew viewed this as a stepping stone to law school, though he was forced to reconsider after his second rejection.

Years of overtime, schoolwork, caseload, and the various stressors of life as a police officer in Pittsburgh took their toll and, at the age of 28, Matthew went through his divorce. The advice offered to him by his coworkers included counseling, therapy, and even taking up golf, though Matthew responded by diving headfirst into his work. He took as many cases as possible to avoid being in his now empty apartment. It wasn't an uncommon sight to find him sleeping on the couch at his precinct, picking up as much overtime as feasibly possible, and attending every available training session. His divorce, combined with losing custody of his 3 year old daughter, Cecelia, led Matt to becoming a shell of his former self, at least so far as his few non-work friends could tell.

Matt became an angry, embittered man who was tired of seeing loss and who was tired of dealing with the fact that most criminals walked away scot free due to issues in the PD, corruption in the DA's office, and a slew of other factors that he sees as unsolvable by those with the power to change them. Matt first attempted to fix this by working to improve his detective abilities in the form of taking classes, traveling for conferences, and meeting with the few people he still trusted on the department and in the DA's office. Unfortunately, these solutions failed to provide the desired change and Matt has begun toying with the idea of vigilantism, an idea he would have abhorred when he first joined the department. While he once swore to uphold every law, Matt's sole focus is leaving Pittsburgh a better place for his daughter.

Matthew 'celebrated' his divorce by downsizing to a much smaller, 1br 1ba apartment on the outskirts of the city and purchasing a 2022 Dodge Charger Hellcat. He also purchased his own body armor, a set of level 4 ceramic plates and a relatively comfortable plate carrier setup. In addition to his duty weapon, Matt has the following equipment:

  • 12ga M870 shotgun
  • 5.56 AR-style rifle with red dot and magnifier, rifle flashlight with strobe feature, and suppressor
  • .308 AR-style rifle with 1-8x LVPO optic, rifle flashlight with strobe feature, and suppressor
  • 9mm Sig Sauer P365 with red dot sight and pistol flashlight with strobe and laser feature
  • 9mm Sig Sauer P226 with red dot sight, pistol flashlight with strobe and laser feature, and suppressor
  • .308 Remington M700 bolt-action rifle with 8-12x optic
  • IFAK with TQ, QuikClot, NCD needles, hemostats, and similar first aid equipment
  • Smoke grenades of varying smoke colors, mostly white smoke
  • Flashbang-style grenades
Code by Reyn
Art source: WACCA Reverse