Edith Dépourvu
Magical Girl Alias:
Original Strand:
Edith is a reserved girl, she is quiet and holds no desire to really be in the public eye, and she tends to lock up when suddenly put in the spot in any sort of social gathering. If she doesn't know what to say, then Edith will simply not speak, if uncomfortable, she will simply wilt until the curious eyes move on to more interesting things, if called out she will do what needs to be done to be left alone again.
However, Edith is extremely dedicated to her craft. Challenge her to a fight and you will find a girl far less meek. She takes pride in her craft, finds comfort in her strength, in the nature of combat where she doesn't have to worry about the social ins and outs, only her skill and her skill alone.
Her family never did have much, her parents were poor farmers barely scraping by who owned nothing but the land that they tilled. And when the Grimm came? They lost that too. Edith grew up poor in some French provincial town so utterly unimportant that it seemed as if even the Grimm had for the most part seemed to have forgotten that it existed.
Not that a stray Grimm or two didn't find its way into their home every so often. She had always been fascinated by polearms, a feeling which only continued to grow after her powers began to manifest.
She moved to Maginot with high hopes to better her life at the academy, and signed up with the DDC as soon as she could to start sending her paycheck to them. She received an offer soon after to act as the bodyguard to some rich girl, and the price was something she just couldn't refuse.
Primary Power:
When she Transforms Edith creates a sturdy lance which she can then use for combat. When using this lance Edith is able to skip or bypass any defenses her opponent might have and strike them directly as if their armors were made of little more than tissue paper.
Secondary Power:
While transformed all of Edith’s senses, aside for her lost sense of sight, are greatly increased. Very few things can escape her notice while she is transformed.
Tertiary Skill:
Great administrative assistant
Hyper Power:
Edith thrusts her lance forward, and no matter the distance between herself and her target the lance will extend to fill the gap. Further, as the lance travels towards its destination it will branch and splinter out into a multitude of other lances which seek to impale the target. The further the distance between herself and her opponent, the more deadly the attack becomes.
Clutch Power:
From her body Edith pulls a sword with a wicked edge. When swung this weapon will slice through the waves of light in the air drastically distorting what one can see when they look into the areas that the blade of this sword had just passed through. For example, if Edith were to swing her blade through the air in a wide horizontal arc, then the light in that area would be viewed as split, often with almost a foot of space between the top of the slice and the bottom. Constant slices worsens this effect, and can leave a viewer seeing the world as if it were a kaleidoscope.
The blade also cuts through flesh and bone as if it offered no resistance at all.
Appearance after Transformation:

Edith Dépourvu
Magical Girl Alias:
Original Strand:
Edith is a reserved girl, she is quiet and holds no desire to really be in the public eye, and she tends to lock up when suddenly put in the spot in any sort of social gathering. If she doesn't know what to say, then Edith will simply not speak, if uncomfortable, she will simply wilt until the curious eyes move on to more interesting things, if called out she will do what needs to be done to be left alone again.
However, Edith is extremely dedicated to her craft. Challenge her to a fight and you will find a girl far less meek. She takes pride in her craft, finds comfort in her strength, in the nature of combat where she doesn't have to worry about the social ins and outs, only her skill and her skill alone.
Her family never did have much, her parents were poor farmers barely scraping by who owned nothing but the land that they tilled. And when the Grimm came? They lost that too. Edith grew up poor in some French provincial town so utterly unimportant that it seemed as if even the Grimm had for the most part seemed to have forgotten that it existed.
Not that a stray Grimm or two didn't find its way into their home every so often. She had always been fascinated by polearms, a feeling which only continued to grow after her powers began to manifest.
She moved to Maginot with high hopes to better her life at the academy, and signed up with the DDC as soon as she could to start sending her paycheck to them. She received an offer soon after to act as the bodyguard to some rich girl, and the price was something she just couldn't refuse.
Primary Power:
When she Transforms Edith creates a sturdy lance which she can then use for combat. When using this lance Edith is able to skip or bypass any defenses her opponent might have and strike them directly as if their armors were made of little more than tissue paper.
Secondary Power:
While transformed all of Edith’s senses, aside for her lost sense of sight, are greatly increased. Very few things can escape her notice while she is transformed.
Tertiary Skill:
Great administrative assistant
Hyper Power:
Edith thrusts her lance forward, and no matter the distance between herself and her target the lance will extend to fill the gap. Further, as the lance travels towards its destination it will branch and splinter out into a multitude of other lances which seek to impale the target. The further the distance between herself and her opponent, the more deadly the attack becomes.
Clutch Power:
From her body Edith pulls a sword with a wicked edge. When swung this weapon will slice through the waves of light in the air drastically distorting what one can see when they look into the areas that the blade of this sword had just passed through. For example, if Edith were to swing her blade through the air in a wide horizontal arc, then the light in that area would be viewed as split, often with almost a foot of space between the top of the slice and the bottom. Constant slices worsens this effect, and can leave a viewer seeing the world as if it were a kaleidoscope.
The blade also cuts through flesh and bone as if it offered no resistance at all.
Appearance after Transformation: