RP Chasing Dreams

Seika’s smile froze for a moment as a tall boy added himself into their conversation. He was tall and handsome, which rather wasn’t her type, though it was the casual arm he slid over Ayano’s shoulder that irked her a little even if she knew that was irrational. She had just met Ayano so of course she would have her own life already, it wasn’t like she could just have her all to herself. So, Seika put on her best smile and reached up to shake Ryu’s hand. “That’s right, it’s nice to meet you Ryuu.” She said, before rising to her feet and following the other two out of the classroom.

Seika nodded along as Ryuu talked excitedly, mostly about himself and some about his team. It seemed he thought the soccer team would do well this year, so Seika slipped in a small ‘good luckwhere she could. Before long they were out on the patio, in the pleasantly warm sun. Some students had already gathered at a table in the shade of a large old tree, and Seika raised a hand in greeting as they approached.

Hello,” she said with a smile to the other three students. As nice as Ayano was, she couldn’t help but wonder what her friends were like.
“Seika, these are Junko, Takako and Brian.” Ayano said after the three teenagers looked at the couple and the foreigner curiously. “Guys, this is Seika. She’s new here.”

Brian was, unsurprisingly, the first to nod at the girl and open a wide smile that’d make most of the girls in school giggle. He stopped smiling like that at Ayano after he and Ryuu got in a fight over it.

“Nice to meet you, Seika. You’re cute.” Ayano rolled her eyes. “What? It’s a compliment.”
Perhaps it was wrong of her, but Seika was surprised to see that Iwami of all places had a foreign student attending. It wasn’t like she had never met one before, there had been some back home, not that she really knew them other than in passing. Still, it might be nice to have someone else who knew what it was like to move away from home— oh. Seika offered a thin smile to Brian as she cast a quick questioning glance Ayano’s way at the boy’s compliment. Maybe he was just trying to be friendly? Boys were like that sometimes, awkward and overly friendly so… Seika shifted her weight between her legs before giving a small bow of her head to at least acknowledge his introduction.

Hm,” one of the two other girls said, Takako, as she eyed Seika with a piercing dark gaze. Her posture was impeccable and after a moment she smiled neatly in a way Seika was sure had been well practiced in front of a mirror. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Seika. Did you come far?”

Tokyo, so a few hours ride.” Seika said, her posture relaxing slightly. The girl nodded, with her perfectly manicured smile.

Well, welcome.” She said, before tapping the other, taller girl on the shoulder. Junko looked up from her food. Seika could tell she was taller than Takako at least, but it was hard to gauge with how scrunched her posture was. The girl offered up a smile that didn’t seem to spark in her eyes at all.

Hello, I hope we can get along” she said, her voice light and small.
Ayano hoped Seika wouldn’t fall for Brian’s pretty green eyes, she’d hate to see her new friend heartbroken. She didn’t like Brian that much, but he was Ryuu’s best friend, so she had to accept his presence within the group. Takako eyed the brunette with her judgemental eyes, that reminded Ayano the reason why she’d been apprehensive about introducing her in the first place. She was sure the moment Seika turned away her friend would have something mean to say about her behind her back.

“Seika is gonna try out for track, right?” Ayano smiled, nudging her with her elbow. The smile was mostly directed at Seika, and she didn’t mind that much when Ryuu’s arm left her shoulder as he sat by Brian’s side, leaving two empty seats for them next to Junko.

“Bo-ring! No one cares about track.” Brian laughed, and Ryuu followed suit, despite his apologetic shrug that followed. Not wanting to create a situation, Ayano chuckled along.

“Don’t mind them.” She whispered at Seika.
Yea—” was all Seika managed before Brian cut in with a laugh. She felt a quick spike of annoyance when Ryuu also laughed, which only got worse when the boy offered up an apologetic smile. What sort of person, let alone a boyfriend would laugh at someone else’s hobbies like that? Her lips parted, but Ayano's soft voice in her ear caused her to pause. Ayano clearly didn’t want a fight about it, but that felt even worse to her, like having someone leaning on her shoulders.

Seika turned her head and looked into her friend’s light brown eyes for a moment before her shoulders slumped faintly. She released a breath before sliding into the seat next to the tall girl, though she still felt sour about just leaving that comment there, even if it left a bad first impression.

Well, then what do you think is fun, Brian?” Seika asked, with a thin smile.
“How about going out for ice cream after class?” Brian ansked, winking at Seika. Ayano was feeling uncomfortable for her, so she decided to get them a way out.

“I need to go to the bathroom real quick. Seika, will you join me?” She stood up, taking the girl’s hand before she could protest. “I’m sorry about Brian. He can be nice sometimes, but he acts like a jerk when there’s a pretty girl around.”She smiled apologetically when they were far enough from the group.
Ah, he wasn’t just a little awkward, he was just one of those types of boys. Seika looked away as Brian made his offer, there wasn’t much she thought could be less enticing than going on a date with him, but that again seemed like a very rude thing to say to the friend of her friend so she instead bit her tongue. Ayano however rescued her from trying to figure out the most diplomatic response, which Seika was very grateful for.

She followed along behind Ayano as she led the duo out of earshot of the group. Seika glanced back over her shoulder as Ayano spoke, half expecting to see Brain had followed them or something, but she relaxed when she saw that he hadn’t.

I’ll… have to take your word for that. He doesn’t give a very good first impression,” Seika said, with a faint chuckle. After a moment she squeezed Ayano’s hand, her lips slipping into a little frown. “I’m sorry, if this is too forward given how new I am, but are you… happy?
The sudden touch of hand surprised Ayano, and so did the question that followed. She let go of Seika's hand, crossing her arms around her chest.

"What kind of question is that?" She laughed nervously. "Of course I am. As happy as I can be in that shit hole… Sorry, that wasn't a nice thing to say."

She stopped walking when they entered the empty hallway, releasing her arms along with a sigh.

"I hate it here. This town is boring, and if you think my friends are bad, wait until you meet everyone else."
Oh, I see.” Seika took a step back when Ayano pulled her hand away, she flexed her fingers and as the warmth lingered for a moment longer. Seika’s lips dipped down for a moment as she glanced away from Ayano. She had definitely struck a nerve with a question like that, but it just didn’t sit right with her. Sure she didn’t really know the town at all and she hadn’t really been looking forward to moving here but… focusing on only the negatives like that didn’t seem healthy. Seika drew in a sharp breath and looked up.

Well, that all might be the case but, y’know,” Seika’s lips split into a grin, “that sounds like all the more reason to try to have as much fun as you move away at the end of the year.

It’ll help the days go by faster, anyway.” Seika added with a wink.
Ayano chuckled and looked up at Seika, who smiled back at her. She had a pretty smile, and her comforting words were all she needed at that moment.

“Thank you.” She said, both for what had been said and for moving into town, though she wouldn’t voice the second part out loud. With her cheeks slightly pinker than before, Ayano returned to the table by Seika’s side and luckily, the subject had changed into something that had nothing to do with them. While they ate lunch Ayano caught herself looking over at Seika and thinking how different this year was going to be because of her.

The final classes of the day dragged by, until it was finally time for club gatherings. She changed into her gym outfit and headed off to the field behind the school building.
The end of class for the day couldn’t come fast enough after lunch. At the very least passing notes to Ayano helped time to go a little quicker, but even then the excitement of club kept her eyes on the clock. She was quick to spring up once the bell rang, slipping her homework into her bag Seika followed Ayano to the locker room. She changed into her gym uniform before heading out to the sports field. The day was hot, though the sun momentarily vanished behind wispy drifting clouds providing momentary relief. Seika offered. Smile and a wave with a few of the other club members glanced in her direction. She was a stranger after all, but hopefully they could all become good friends soon enough.

Hello, I’m Yanagi Seika. I was hoping to join the track team, so I hope you’ll all look after me.[/i]” She said with a bow of her head and shoulders. She looked at Ayano, and grinned. “And I believe you said I’d need to run to show I’m fast enough, yes?“
“Let’s start with some warm ups.” Ayano said. The rest of the team introduced themselves to Seika, and after stretching and warming up got in position for the race. Ayano and Haruhi, a freshman, watched from the side. “Ready? Set, go!” She pressed the timer and watched Seika run, hoping she’d be fast enough for the competitions.
Introductions done and the warmup stretches out of the way Seika made her way out onto the track. She rolled her shirt up her midriff as she walked, tying the loose cloth into a simple knot to keep it in place. Despite everything that had happened the last few days it still felt good stepping back out onto the track, even if she only really had an audience of one or two today. Seika pulled her long hair back as she stepped onto the starting line, using a scrunchie to hold it in a simple tail. She flashed a smile to Ayano and one of the underclassmen who were keeping time before sliding into position.

Seika drew in a breath as she shifted her weight forward.


Seika released her breath as she pushed forward. For a moment the heavy air seemed to cool as it rushed past her and her mind cleared. Nothing to worry about, no missing her old friends or feeling disappointed by Iwami. Two other girls vanished from her peripheral vision she they neared the first turn, another she could feel still on her heels. Seika picked up her pace as the rounded the first turn and entered the second straightaway, when she hit the halfway point she’d give it her all, though how much of that was making sure she made it onto the team and how much was her trying to impress Ayano, Seika didn’t quite know.

And, for now, she didn’t have to worry about it.
Ayano watched Seika run with a smile on her face. She wanted to run too, but as team captain, sometimes she had to stay back and watch.

“She’s fast.” Haruhi muttered, and the blonde nodded in agreement. By the time Seika got to the finish line there was a huge distance between her and the other girls. Ayano smiled proudly. “Ayano!” She looked down at the freshman, who had a worried look on her face as she looked down at her phone.

“What?” Ayano asked.

“She beat your record.”
Seika slowed to a stop as she passed Ayano and Haruhi, resting her hands on her hips as she caught her breath. That felt like it had been a good run, it had to have been a good time, right? Seika looked back at the two girls with a wide smile as she stepped over to them.

So, good enough for the team, Cap?” Seika said with a playful wink.
Ayano would be lying to herself if she didn’t recognize the uncomfortable feeling in her chest and the knot on her throat. Seika had beat her record by 1.5 seconds and it was only tryouts. How fast could she actually run if she put all of herself into it? She forced a smile, looking back at Haruhi, who waited expectantly for a reaction.

“It’s a good thing. Our team will do better in competitions.” She wanted to be happy about it, not only for the team, but for Seika. Her smile was genuine when she ran towards them, which added guilt to the mixed feelings that overwhelmed her. “You were great. Welcome to the team.”

She felt relief when the other girls joined them, complimenting Seika for her speed. Ayano tried not to look her in the eyes, so she wouldn’t see the jealousy in them. Seika didn’t deserve this, and Ayano didn’t want to be a bad friend.
Thanks! I’m excited to run with you and everyone else.” a Seika said brightly, with a wide smile on her lips. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t notice that Ayano seemed to be avoiding her gaze. The arrival of the other girls kept Seika from having to wonder for too long about what might have been going on as she turned to accept the compliments with a smile and a laugh.

Maybe she was just reading too much into what was a little thing, Ayano could have just been distracted by something else when she came up very. Ayano had to be busy being the team’s captain after all, so Seika decided that she must have just been reading too much into things. First day jitters and all that. And, at the very least chatting with the other girls on the team helped her feel a little less lonely, despite being so far from home.

What’s the plan for today?” An underclassman with short brown hair said, poking her head out of the group and looking to Ayano and Haruhi.
The rest of practice was business as usual, with more laps around the track. Ayano was able to push back her concerns about no longer being the fastest girl on the team, at least until later in the evening when she met Ryuu for coffee.

"... And you're gonna let her join the team?" He asked, after she'd told him what had happened. She furrowed her brows, confused by his question.

"Of course I will. She'll be a great addition to the team." Her boyfriend shrugged.

"If there was a new soccer player in town who was better than me I'd break his legs." He laughed, pulling Ayano in for another kiss.

It had been the longest conversation they'd had in a while. Ayano didn't think he was serious, but she understood where it was coming from. He, like her, wasn't one of the rich kids in town. Just like her, he depended on sports to stand a chance on the race for a scholarship - Ryuu's case was even worse, because his grades were terrible. He'd be lucky if he got a scholarship in one of the local universities, but Ayano dreamed bigger. And that's why she went out to run later that night, trying to beat her old record.

The next day, Ayano got to school late. Her legs were sore and not even make up hid the bags under her eyes.
Seika decided to take the long way home after club activities ended, everything around town was still unfamiliar and new to her so it was fun to scope out where vending machines or interesting looking stores were located. As she explored, Seika couldn’t help but think about Ayano’s bitter words when she had pulled her away during lunch, though she didn’t know if there was anything she could do about that. During club Ayano had seemed down about something too, but she hadn’t had a chance to ask her if anything was wrong. Maybe she could get Ayano’s number then she could send her a text about it right? The skin on the back of Seika’s neck prickled, and her heart fluttered high in her chest.

Thinking she might have been thirsty, Seika stopped at the next vending machine she passed and purchased a peach tea before heading back to her new home. Maybe she could ask about a new phone once they had everything settled?

The next morning Seika woke early, and went on a short run around the block. She returned home for a quick shower before she got dressed for school and had a small breakfast of toast and tea with her mother before leaving for the day. She arrived at school, perhaps a little disappointed she hadn’t crossed paths with Ayano deep down,and took her seat. She flipped through her notes from the day before as she waited for class to start, her eyes flicking up to the door every time someone entered, and finding herself disappointed each time. It wasn’t until after the first bell that the face she was hoping to see finally arrived, and Seika smiled as Ayano made her way over to her desk. Once she got close enough, however, Seika couldn’t help but notice the bags under her friend’s eyes. Seika flipped to a fresh page as Ayano took her seat, and quickly wrote a note.

You feeling ok this morning?
Just tired.

Ayano wrote, looking up at Seika with a smile. She had reacted badly at first, but so what if her friend was faster than her? She'd just have to push herself harder and be better. It'd be good for her to have some competition, she told herself.

Are you busy after school? Let me show you around.