Expo Blossoming Tiger



Twelve Years Ago

A young girl comes home from school that day. The walk was a somewhat distant one but had always been safe for her. The redhead didn't know it but her grandpa had a reputation around Osaka. So none dared to try anything on the girl for what might happen when he found out. Sakura herself didn't really pay the world any mind though. For her the world was lost to tears clouding her jade eyes. She didn't pay mind to the sound lost in looking at her red knuckles torn and scraped from her efforts. Her school uniform was dirty and her face normally soft was marked by a patch of black and blue similar marks on her arms and legs. She was angry with them those who beat her, more so though with herself.

The pain was sharp but she found she didn't mind that to much. She could push through that what swallowed her up was pride. Her grandpa could fight she knew. Her dad to. Even her mom could, her mother tried to just provide for the family her hobbies were more to cooking. Still she trained some with dad and grandpa. Right now though Aka hadn't been taught so she lost. Defeat and inability stung more than any bruise. Of course she was six, inability was a word she didn't know yet. With pained steps she reaches for the door. Her expectation was her mother...

Instead soon as the door was opened the tiny redhead was scooped up. Thick arms lifted her from the tile steps and with it lifted her spirits. Soon setting her on the table. With feet dangling over the edge fingers move to brush aside tears. Then look over bruises.

Grandpa was a tall man about six two and a body that's skin though starting to show the weathering of age had few wrinkles to it. The figure well defined in muscle definition. Not that he would say such a thing, he was frustrated by the loss. Often going on about his younger years. His hair was kept short mostly gray by now. His goatee was longer than average. A Fu Manchu that dangled slightly past the chin with a beard to go with it. He hadn't been able to get it to the length he wanted like depicted in the movies. "My Rose what did you do?"

"I lost." The answer came with a sniffle. Her hand went to wipe at her nose but was caught. A paper towel handed to her, grandpa need not say it. The redhead needed to be polite to show some decency. It came as well with a stern look conveying the answer given was not enough. "Izumi and Kenji shoved Aoi. Took her Pikachu and ripped it in half. So I pushed back."

The look remained, eyes a piercing blue. She felt like she was staring down a tiger. "Well I pushed Izumi. He didn't budge and kicked me in the leg two no three times. So I swung at him it hurt my thumb and was week. For that Kenji hit me in the eye. They're bigger I was done...they kicked me more when down."

A fist classes around her hand arranging it into a proper fist. "You tried to do right, but to soon. Come my rose it's time you learn."

"Mom and dad will be mad."

"Correct little one, still they won't tell me no. Now find no shame in your defeat but learn to be better. Lesson One you are not the strongest or the fastest. So you must be the fiercest. Pass or fail never waiver in trying to become who you seek."

The pair steps outside, it wasn't to far away from the cherry blossoms the occasional petal drifted in the wind into the yard. It's grass was lush and a pond off to the right. The sozu or shishi-odoshi could be heard rhythmic in the distance. Her grandpa starts to recite kata. For a time the ruby haired small thing just watches. She wasn't supposed to follow them she had been told. It took a few gestures to join him until Sakura actually did so.

Once she did though she immediately was hooked. Pain washed away from the flow of movements. Her grandpa didn't say much simply would repeat a move again if form was off. The redhead picked up fast but naturally it couldn't be perfect at lesson one only minutes in. What started as minutes though soon became hours. Somewhere between this lapse of time parents came home. They looked to Sakura's grandfather from the kitchen window. A tiger like stare met them shooting down any argument that dwelled on their mind. Soon enough the sun was setting and a strong hand rustled through those strands of red.

"Exhausted? Good. Then now we fight."

Sakura had shaken her head at the question. Naturally she was tired they both knew it but this painful day had become her favorite one. They knew it wasn't a lie sure the body was tired but not the spirit it was already being tempered into something more. It starts with a roar a young lady rushing in. Two wild swings, form tightens four decent punches, it sharpens into four actual quality punches. That said a hand had rested on her forehead the fists could never reach her grandpa. Then with a shove she stumbles into the pond. Arms fold and a tiger waits.

A soft thud from the sozu, one then two, then Sakura stands up and steps from the pond.

Fists come in but this time the palm of her grandfather is avoided. She weaves past his attempted holds. In one moment her forearm comes up to block a move. The older man pushes the attack. He goes softly with his strikes, more importantly however Sakura goes from dodging to including blocks. From there her grandpa moves into counters. Three or so times the child is lightly struck. On the fourth time she should have been she ducks under instead. Her fist strikes at inner thigh and the old man drops.

He acts more on instinct. A foot plants against her shin sharp and fast. The kid drops to the ground, her head even hitting a rock lightly. Ruby hair drifts in the pond, the scene almost looking grrim. Until the gruff voice of her grandpa and her own fill the yard with laughter. Her mother stares down at them. "Are you two idiots finished?? I'd rather my rose not be torn apart."

A pair of jade eyes fierce like a tiger look up at her mother. Her smile more radiant then either parent had seen.
"Ask him...Excuse me, I mean it's up to you and my sensei."
