Whether or not the pair told MIRA about their meeting had little consequence upon whether or not they were tracked-- the monitoring pendants upon their persons a constant reminder that every little trip would be monitored. There was, of course, nothing inherently suspicious about heading to a club in New York; it was a bit out of the way for the two Mid-Atlantic operatives, but the Amway had streamlined commuter travel along the east coast. For the most part, anyway. It took about an hour to get there by train; even less if they used the emergency response lines, but those were only for approved uses on behalf of MIRA, the National Guard, and other domestic defense entities.
They were currently in line, of course. It'd been about a thirty minute wait to get up to the door, but they were finally there. What sounded like atmospheric, electronic club music droned from within-- loud, and with enough bass to gently feel each pulse in the chest cavity.
"Gonna need to see some ID, ladies." The bouncer stated, one arm holding what appeared to be a tablet of sorts. He flashed a look towards Hannah-- one of those looks, of scrutiny and half-curious judgement-- before it flickered down back to the screen. "Names, as well."
They were currently in line, of course. It'd been about a thirty minute wait to get up to the door, but they were finally there. What sounded like atmospheric, electronic club music droned from within-- loud, and with enough bass to gently feel each pulse in the chest cavity.
"Gonna need to see some ID, ladies." The bouncer stated, one arm holding what appeared to be a tablet of sorts. He flashed a look towards Hannah-- one of those looks, of scrutiny and half-curious judgement-- before it flickered down back to the screen. "Names, as well."