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[div][attr="style","grid-area:Main;color:#95877d;padding:9px;"][div][attr="style","grid-area:Left;"][div align="Left"][div style="font-family:'georgia';"]Todd had quickly found that Pittsburgh was a suffocating city. He was usually fine in cities, he could do bodies and people, the stink and noise that came with them, but he always forgot how bad a big city was to live in. Thankfully, like all big cities, Pittsburgh had hiking trails. He'd already made the mistake to coming here in the afternoon, when most of the trail's occupants were hipsters in obnoxious clothing drinking canned beer and pretending to enjoy the open air while also on their cell phones the whole time. He'd even started to question his decision to come to Pittsburgh at all. Maybe moving out to a suburb wouldn't be a bad idea.
His doubts faded away when he found this offshoot trail, though. A branch off the main one, it seemed to be frequented by people who actually read the signs to "take only pictures, leave only footprints". No litter, no crowded babble. Todd even took the cap off his own camera, one of his more expensive possessions, and taken a few good shots of birds and squirrels and a tree that was shaped like an X. He was an amateur at best when it came to this stuff, but it helped clear his head to focus on the animals and plants, the blank space between human beings. It helped him ignore the cold in his bones, too, even if it didn't actually do anything about it.
A pair of wings fluttered nearby, and Todd looked up to see a sparrow leave its perch on a branch. He raised his camera to follow it, focus in better where his other senses had failed, but as he stopped he felt his senses stir. There was a smell in the air, heavy and thick, not quite human. He could have sworn he heard a sigh, too. He lowered the camera and took a quick glance around, squinting in the grey afternoon light.
There was a creak, and a groan, and rustle of fabric against wood, and Todd's head snapped up at the sound of a very human [font color="d8caf5"]“Eep!”[/font]
Sure enough, a figure now dangled from the limb. Hooded, gloved, booted. He couldn't make out any real facial features, but as he took a breath he caught another whiff of that scent from earlier. Almost animal. Then again, what another person smelled like wasn't any of his business. Really her hanging there wasn't any of his business either, but it'd be weird for him to just move on with them upside-down like that.
"Hey there," he said, feeling kind of awkward as he took a step towards the stranger. "Do you uh... need help?"
The "p" caught on his lips with a faint pop, an emphasis to stay casual. His cold blue eyes wouldn't seem too worried, especially given they'd caught themself instead of breaking their spine on the ground. Just a polite check-in, really. He'd be fine to move on in a second when she said everything was okay and went back to....
"What're you doing up there, anyway?"[/div][/div][/div][/div]