DATE: 6.10.23, 0901 hours
LOCATION: Conference Room 14-C-H
ASSETS: Isaac Cotta, A-Class-D; Hope Phillips, A-Class-C; Cody Redd, R-Class-D [TARDY]; guest speaker ACF-833; ERCC; various Class-B and Class-C personnel.
EQUIPMENT: 20 desks with chairs; pencils and pens [inside desks]; review file [on each desk]; notebooks and highlighters [provided to personnel previous night; up to personnel to bring them]
PURPOSE: Educational
Dr. Cody Redd was running late.
Isaac wasn’t very comfortable with Cody being late. There’d even been a note in the email to senior personnel to set a good example for the newbie class. He knew Cody well enough to know he wasn’t going to flake out completely, but Cody was supposed to do the introductory presentation, the one that ran through the basics. That, and it was a bad look with the L-5 Executive Research and Containment Consultant on-site.
And it was a good sign Cody was up to no good. Everyone assumed Isaac was older - after all, he was the more serious security-type, the one who followed the rules and made sure everything was in order - but there were almost two years’ difference between the location heads. And Cody wasn’t the younger one.
Agent Phillips checked her watch, then gave Isaac a sidelong glance. This wasn’t her first time being the one to do the field agency presentation, although usually it was the team lead for FCRT-14-1, Agent Richards. Even if Richards wasn’t out, though, it would’ve made sense for Hope to be the one to make this presentation. After all, one of her assets was among the students here for retraining. The same asset that had breached and the reason Isaac had called for an auditor in the first place. She also knew Cody’s penchant for… surprises, though, and while he didn’t see concern mirrored in her blue eyes he did recognize the question there. He just shrugged one shoulder in reply.
The only way every desk would be filled would be if some Class-C staff decided to sit in for a review. Cody, Hope, and Isaac would just be going over the very basics of how L-14 operated, but the class was open to everyone who wanted to be here. It was a good place to ask questions that might seem too simple for most situations, and it wasn’t like the new personnel would know the difference. In fact it might even save them some time and trouble later. That, and Leviathan’s latest update to ethics protocol was going to be part of this one, so those who hadn’t attended already were just filling in a requirement.
Isaac scanned the room. As expected, lots of new faces, and a few familiar ones. Dr. Weiss had been invited, given he was here to inspect security measures and research protocol. All new Class-B personnel, including anomalies recently given Class-B privileges, were required to be here or else wait to start research and activity until after the next one, in at least a month. And he was always happy to see Class-Cs taking advantage of the chance to interact with the newbies, get their required training on the new ethics protocol out of the way, and review some stuff they might not have thought about since they were newbies themselves. Or just making an excuse to take a Saturday off, which was what some of them were doing.
The minute hand on the wall clock crawled to 9:02. He didn’t know where Cody was, but he had to get started. With another glance at Phillips, who just nodded a little, Isaac walked in front of the gathered personnel.
“Alright everyone, thank you for coming. It looks like Dr. Redd is running a little behind, but we can get started with an overview of the schedule and any opening questions.” He waited for the room to quiet down. “As you all know, this morning from now until about 10, we have a few presentations. Dr. Redd will do an introduction to classifications, then Agent Phillips will give us some highlights on the work our FCRT teams do, and then I’ll go into the ethics portion. For those of you here for just that, thanks again for coming. We ask for your patience, but we also encourage you to interact with the new personnel. Group discussion is encouraged as long as it doesn’t interrupt the lecture, and there’ll be time in between presentations for questions.
“At 10 we’ll take a quick break, at which point senior agents and researchers can go back to your work if you want. The rest of you, don’t go too far. At 10:30, Agent Laine Cantrille will discuss some of our security protocols and their importance. At 11, we’d normally have Dr. Eisenberg, our head of psychology, talk to you about the importance of your physical and mental wellbeing, but you’re all spared from that until your first sessions with him since he has some appointments he needs to catch up on. So at that point the floor will open up if any of our guest researchers from other locations were interested in filling that time.”
He didn’t directly mention Dr. Weiss, mostly because the older researchers at L-14 disliked the man on principle. They were used to looser rules, which was fine, until it got someone killed. Then Isaac had to do his job and make sure that didn’t happen again. If Dr. Weiss decided to fill the 1100 to 1130 slot, the invitation was now open.
“At 11:30 we’ll break for lunch in the cafeteria until 12:30, when we’ll reconvene for any new questions. We’ll give everyone until 1300 to meet back up with us here, and from here we’ll start the site tour. At 1400 we’ll visit one of L-14’s more significant anomalies, and its senior researcher - for security reasons, I can’t tell you any more than that right now. When that ends you’ll be sent with your location assignments to meet relevant staff, and then you’re free until dinner at 1700.”
The clock crept to 9:04. Isaac didn’t look at it.
“Does anyone have any questions about any of that?”
LOCATION: Conference Room 14-C-H
ASSETS: Isaac Cotta, A-Class-D; Hope Phillips, A-Class-C; Cody Redd, R-Class-D [TARDY]; guest speaker ACF-833; ERCC; various Class-B and Class-C personnel.
EQUIPMENT: 20 desks with chairs; pencils and pens [inside desks]; review file [on each desk]; notebooks and highlighters [provided to personnel previous night; up to personnel to bring them]
PURPOSE: Educational

Dr. Cody Redd was running late.
Isaac wasn’t very comfortable with Cody being late. There’d even been a note in the email to senior personnel to set a good example for the newbie class. He knew Cody well enough to know he wasn’t going to flake out completely, but Cody was supposed to do the introductory presentation, the one that ran through the basics. That, and it was a bad look with the L-5 Executive Research and Containment Consultant on-site.
And it was a good sign Cody was up to no good. Everyone assumed Isaac was older - after all, he was the more serious security-type, the one who followed the rules and made sure everything was in order - but there were almost two years’ difference between the location heads. And Cody wasn’t the younger one.
Agent Phillips checked her watch, then gave Isaac a sidelong glance. This wasn’t her first time being the one to do the field agency presentation, although usually it was the team lead for FCRT-14-1, Agent Richards. Even if Richards wasn’t out, though, it would’ve made sense for Hope to be the one to make this presentation. After all, one of her assets was among the students here for retraining. The same asset that had breached and the reason Isaac had called for an auditor in the first place. She also knew Cody’s penchant for… surprises, though, and while he didn’t see concern mirrored in her blue eyes he did recognize the question there. He just shrugged one shoulder in reply.
The only way every desk would be filled would be if some Class-C staff decided to sit in for a review. Cody, Hope, and Isaac would just be going over the very basics of how L-14 operated, but the class was open to everyone who wanted to be here. It was a good place to ask questions that might seem too simple for most situations, and it wasn’t like the new personnel would know the difference. In fact it might even save them some time and trouble later. That, and Leviathan’s latest update to ethics protocol was going to be part of this one, so those who hadn’t attended already were just filling in a requirement.
Isaac scanned the room. As expected, lots of new faces, and a few familiar ones. Dr. Weiss had been invited, given he was here to inspect security measures and research protocol. All new Class-B personnel, including anomalies recently given Class-B privileges, were required to be here or else wait to start research and activity until after the next one, in at least a month. And he was always happy to see Class-Cs taking advantage of the chance to interact with the newbies, get their required training on the new ethics protocol out of the way, and review some stuff they might not have thought about since they were newbies themselves. Or just making an excuse to take a Saturday off, which was what some of them were doing.
The minute hand on the wall clock crawled to 9:02. He didn’t know where Cody was, but he had to get started. With another glance at Phillips, who just nodded a little, Isaac walked in front of the gathered personnel.
“Alright everyone, thank you for coming. It looks like Dr. Redd is running a little behind, but we can get started with an overview of the schedule and any opening questions.” He waited for the room to quiet down. “As you all know, this morning from now until about 10, we have a few presentations. Dr. Redd will do an introduction to classifications, then Agent Phillips will give us some highlights on the work our FCRT teams do, and then I’ll go into the ethics portion. For those of you here for just that, thanks again for coming. We ask for your patience, but we also encourage you to interact with the new personnel. Group discussion is encouraged as long as it doesn’t interrupt the lecture, and there’ll be time in between presentations for questions.
“At 10 we’ll take a quick break, at which point senior agents and researchers can go back to your work if you want. The rest of you, don’t go too far. At 10:30, Agent Laine Cantrille will discuss some of our security protocols and their importance. At 11, we’d normally have Dr. Eisenberg, our head of psychology, talk to you about the importance of your physical and mental wellbeing, but you’re all spared from that until your first sessions with him since he has some appointments he needs to catch up on. So at that point the floor will open up if any of our guest researchers from other locations were interested in filling that time.”
He didn’t directly mention Dr. Weiss, mostly because the older researchers at L-14 disliked the man on principle. They were used to looser rules, which was fine, until it got someone killed. Then Isaac had to do his job and make sure that didn’t happen again. If Dr. Weiss decided to fill the 1100 to 1130 slot, the invitation was now open.
“At 11:30 we’ll break for lunch in the cafeteria until 12:30, when we’ll reconvene for any new questions. We’ll give everyone until 1300 to meet back up with us here, and from here we’ll start the site tour. At 1400 we’ll visit one of L-14’s more significant anomalies, and its senior researcher - for security reasons, I can’t tell you any more than that right now. When that ends you’ll be sent with your location assignments to meet relevant staff, and then you’re free until dinner at 1700.”
The clock crept to 9:04. Isaac didn’t look at it.
“Does anyone have any questions about any of that?”
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